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You can't argue dbd isnt survivor sided☺ I love it 😂



  • Member Posts: 9,417

    I would hold that thought until we see the addon changes.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    While I am nervous about the coming changes, Myers definitely needed an addon pass. Tombstone Piece is broken as hell. Add to the all the useless addons he has and changes are absolutely needed.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    It's going to be the Billy treatment🤣 out data shows the new average should be 0 to 1 kills and 4 hooks max🤣

  • Member Posts: 35

    Sure Trapper did get a buff too, well now he can actually compete against survivors instead of being bullied xD

  • Member Posts: 143

    You're right,but the most survs cant see it include developer.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    Tell you what I want to see video of you consistently getting 2ks with trapper using those perks at high level sbmm...I will donate 50 dollars to a charity of your choice

    Trapper blood favor third seal and retribution vs high sbmm 2k streak of let's say 20 "wins"

    Now are you confident you can do that and take the bet?🙂

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    It's always been, and probably always will be survivor sided. Just due to the fact it being 4 brains (supposedly) vs. one brain. I don't know about you, but I don't know to many games were the team with less players has the advantage. In most cases the team with more players has the upper hand.

  • Member Posts: 2,119
    edited September 2021

    I cared when sbmm didnt screw over killers now even these changes are way to late to make me care🤑

    It's like getting a new air freshener when your car is dead😏

  • Member Posts: 15

    how about we take the killrate across specfic mmr instead of aggregating all of the data yeah? Oh but wait that would be taking an honest approach to the data. Sigh.

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    The thing is we said that at least give us the chance to carry 2 traps but indeed we want a rework.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    I want to see videos of this🤣 the worst ones I saw were truetalent with wraiths sbmm level at some dumb level...literally a 5 minute game and he juggled those survivors and it was simply unwinnable

    But dbd is balanced🤣

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Blood favor as normal perk with cooldown would be good I would definetely use it but devs seems need 2 years test to make a change.

  • Member Posts: 503

    That streamer isn't a good example. He does killer/survivor rotations and has viewers choose his builds. No way his MMR is max level because he doesn't devote enough time to any one killer. Someone at the max MMR would also bring all the meta perks and play like an absolute lunatic, throwing in all the dirty strategies they can in order to win. That streamer doesn't play like that, he prioritizes hooks over kills and actually plays rather chill.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    Yeah killer shack or cowshed loops or jungle gym dead hard past your trap you are following behind and snap...a wild trapper has been caught🤣

  • Member Posts: 531
    edited September 2021

    That doesn't surprise me at low, mid or even mid-high ranks.

  • Member Posts: 640
  • Member Posts: 568

    well. if they keep shitting on killers and messing with things making them weaker than they are .... they will see killer que times increase and kill their game. now i know how successful dbd is. but people have limits on what they will tolerate even the most dedicated gamers or hardcore players will just hang it up and the proverbial f you and bye now.

  • Member Posts: 2,119

    How they handle the killer addons on the next updates will determine this games future🤑

  • Member Posts: 207

    We ALL know this game since the beta is survivor side game, is no new for nobody, but it hurt cause i'm getting loooong ''q'' times, so in game are less and less killer in the game, cause the devs never know how to balance this game

  • Member Posts: 638

    Have to make it easy enough so the new players will buy DLCs and cosmetics. These changes are all about money.

  • Member Posts: 1,620

    Trapper was never meant to traverse the whole map and chase survivors. He is a territorial killer, like hag.

  • Member Posts: 747

    Trapper got a small buff wont have to look for alot of traps but still not enough to make him stronger imo. Spirit got nerfed. The audio que would have been enough but of course they went overboard with the foot step dust nerf. Now its gonna be the survivors who will take less skill to play against spirit becuase they will know her location at all times. Which is always a bad idea having too much counters imo. I'm sure they're not only doing add ons passes but nerfing most of the killers powers to an extent. We will see.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    The game has never been easier for killers. End Game Collapse. Hatch. Toolboxes and add ons, destroyed. DS, destroyed. Object, destroyed. Medkits and add ons, nerfed. Balanced Landing, nerfed. Small Game, nerfed. Losing add ons for no reason to punish survivors? Check!

    I have died way more because of keys than I've ever been saved, but it would hurt a killer's ego to admit they only got a kill because survivors leave or let people die on purpose so they can get hatch. It goes both ways.

    The game is way easier for new killers than survivors, and if you think catering only to new players is something unique to DBD, try playing any other game that exists. There is no such thing as gen rushing. It's the killer's job to stop survivors from winning.

    This update gives killers a Trapper buff and a Spirit nerf, along with add on improvements for NINE KILLERS. And it looks like three total perks for survivors got some improvements. But yup. The devs hate killer. Poor babies.

  • Member Posts: 6,493

    There's no hope. Some of the killer mains in this forum are so beyond biased it's insane. Any change that benefits survivors is blown out of proportion, and any change that benefits a killer or all killers gets downplayed.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    Conveniently forgets survivors have been hard nerfed for 5 non-stop years while killers have gotten buffed and perks that stop the objective.

    It's very killer sided. As alluded, every mechanic is for killers: endgame collapse.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Don't forget teammates can buffer disarm traps so you can run over them safely.

  • Member Posts: 974

    I'm really enjoying the crying from the spirit nerf. Now they've actually got to think while they play. Any survivor will say i'm balls but even I wrecked with her. Please air your frustrations more we're loving it.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Call me when hits are handled server-side or fairer, not just favoring The Killer. And I am not referring to the Hit Validation eligible killers at 500ms+ ping. I mean the constant slew of high latency (but not high enough to get validated) killers that dbd tolerates and allows to play. They are at a significant advantage. SSHV is a great step but still doesn't go far enough IMO. I don't think they favor any side tbh. I believe they try to strike a balance, but it's not perfect.

  • Member Posts: 165

    An interesting take on it to say the least.

    I don't get how EGC influences one side or the other as at the point either one side or the other is losing at that moment.

    Hatch is now more favorable for survivors due to the addition of hatch offerings and no being able to grab them out of it.

    Toolboxes needed to be hit as their previous strength led to unfair gen times considering it only takes about 80 seconds solo to do one and a litter over half of that with 2 people.

    Old DS was pretty much unfair as it allowed at

    a 60 second invincibility in which the killer couldn't interact with the survivor and would allow them to make plays that without it they would either not make or be punished for it, and can still give invincibility by just jumping into a locker or just run with UB.

    OOO before rework was basically unfair regarding survivors able to communicate where the killer was at all times without drawback and could basically be done from across the map. Scary to think about with open-handed and no cooldown. Also new OOO allows for you to know if the killer is running aura reading perks.

    Can't say I have any information regarding Medkits being hit in anyway but please list examples, if possible.

    Balanced Landing was buffed from letting you move at 150% after activation from 2 to 3 seconds and shortened cooldown at max tier to 40 seconds from the original 60. The only "nerf" was where it was updated to not allow the stagger resistance when exhausted, which makes sense as it would be too powerful otherwise and thus cooldown would be for nothing.

    Explain how Small Game is in anyway a nerf considering it's recent updates to keep track of totems and tracking ability. Along with other related perks like Detective's Hunch or Counterforce.

    Also explain what add-ons are being lost for no reason to punish survivors.

    Last but not least regarding keys they tend to either swing games massively in .favor by shortening the game or get the key bearer tunneled, camped or Franklined.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Look all these survivors players who never played killer. I was a 80% killer player, now I am 80% survivor player.

    You know why most killers need to camp and tunneling? If they don't do it, they are gonna lost 5 gens in 5 mins. So why do people play nurse/spirit/blight? They are the only killers can play happily without tunneling. Keep nerf top tier killers, one day you would stand still all day long while match making.

  • Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2021

    I love this logic. Doesn't this imply survivors have had numerous tools deemed too strong so nerf after nerf was needed to balance them? Meaning it has been a survivor sided game for a long time.

    Post edited by GgamerG on
  • Member Posts: 775

    Somehow feel like it is bit exaggerated but I can get and understand most of your points.

    I think Devs should have balanced their map design not adding breakable walls (or less could have been nice) and adjusted some of maps' sizes during map graphic updates.

    I sincerely concern about maps now. Without changing map, I don't think they can keep their promise about not changing generator repair time.

  • Member Posts: 974

    i wished it was.

    EVERY GAME tunnel the first person you see.

    if it was survivor sided borrowed time would be basekit

  • Member Posts: 974

    tunneling the first person you see EVERY GAME at 5 gens isn't because the game is survivor sided it's limp dick gaming.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    The game has been balanced in all kinds of ways. It's just easier to fall into confirmation bias when you only focus on the changes that personally affect you.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    There was a way to avoid the Tombstone piece by entering a locker. That way he can only grab you and not kill you.

    But I guess looking at his hand was to subtle.

    Billy treatment it is

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    It’s not survivor sided-it’s SWF sided. The reason why some things get nerfed on the killer side is because ######### is so busted for solo que. Half the stuff helps to compete on a sweaty SWF level, but absolutely destroys us solo ques. That’s why the game will never have true balance. SWF needs to be private only- as in Kill your friends’ private mode. Look at Wraith speed buff. That helps him against SWF yet players say it’s a good start but he needs more. Us solo ques? We hate that #########. It’s ######### busted as hell! We can’t call out who he’s with or where he went or who’s going for the save and who stays on gens. All the time he’s zooming all over the ######### map knocking us down 1 by 1 in succession. I would have preferred him getting nerfed over spirit, cause at least she required skill and didn’t have some half ass lazy fix.

    Definintely not solo que sided:

    • maps were nerfed smaller than launch (survivors are now constantly unintentionally sandbaggIng each other, yet killers want even smaller maps)
    • barrels were nerfed
    • breakaway walls with the killer’s decision to end loops or let be and keep dead ends
    • fog severely nerfed (how is fog whisperers or “people of the fog” still even a thing now?)
    • Indoor maps have a higher probability in the map algorithm now
    • Blowing up gens when you abruptly leave them- especially if within killer terror radius (such ######### horse #########. It’s not random. It’s intentional. You don’t even see the skill check. DBD official Twitter even joked about it last year. Smh.) This was NOT in the game for the first 2-3 years.
    • less Windows
    • less lockers
    • more dead zones
    • More bad pallets
    • more mind gameable 50/50 pallets
    • swamp and Lery’s have a bad RNG where 4-5 gens can create a 3 gen within a ridiculous small radius. So ridiculous that both killer and survivor can look at all 3 gens at the same time, and would be able to do the same on Lery’s if It weren’t for the walls. Run Dejavu and/or Visionary to witness the fuckeries.
  • Member Posts: 335

    Because they played 10k hours against babys most of the time. They don't have the experience to verse 10k hours survivors because they rarely matched with them

  • Member Posts: 1,180

    "We see that Spirit is still over performing against new survivors, for that reason we are bringing some changes to her. Each 2 minutes the magic that keeps her body together will cease and the Spirit will fall into the ground motionless. We hope that this change will make her more fun to play against."

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Its kind of like.... they get more loops out of the dead hard over the trap when that shouldnt happen? The time took to setup the trap in the right place just lose more time because that person just gets a get out of jail free card.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Hmm yes this game isn't survivor sided.... Lets ignore the amount of survivor sided maps vs killer sided maps, perks that have no earning requirement on the survivors side, items, gen speeds.... People only call this game not survivor sided because they removed infinites and pallet vacuums when those made playing killer unplayable unless you were nurse.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Ah yes i see that you ignore the fact that most survivor perks have no earning requirement to use them, way more survivor sided maps than killer sided ones, toolboxes and medkits, fast gen speeds, a perk with literal I frames allowing you to walk over a trapper trap, etc. Funny how they reworked a lot of maps but they're still so ######### for killer instead of them being balanced out.

  • Member Posts: 4,183

    Only that one has all her traps always available and even reloading without any effort while the other now has 2 but still needs to traverse the whole map to pick up the rest OR uses his new purple addon to set their web ONCE and when that part of the map is done so is the killer and can go afk.

  • Member Posts: 858

    All I'm good at is finding what's wrong with things, which makes me really cynical, but at the same time I can't help but find a sprig of hope from this developer update only being part one of TWO. I am probably deluding myself here, but I'm really hoping that their next announcement will be that they're making changes to the base game that will make killers stronger. Because if it's not, I'm pretty sure I'm done. I'm downloading the elder scrolls online as we speak.

  • Member Posts: 858

    I main killer, and I play solo queue survivor and don't feel like wraith is too strong. Sure, he can be obnoxious, and is actually scary to go against now. But it's really a matter of not panicking. Well, for the most part. I do think that they could make him more visible when he's within 12m or so.

    Don't forget fast vaulting pallets while standing next to them! When you consider that almost every loop once the pallet is dropped is basically an infinite, it's hard to understand why standing fast vaults at pallets are still a thing.

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