Remember PTB Spirit? Well now it will be even worse
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Please go ahead and cite me with the hypocrisy. Or is it just a strawman?
Either way we know this nerfs will make her bad because when Spirit was on PTB had a bug that let survivors know her location by sound and she was very bad. Now this bug will be a feature plus 2 other nerfs.
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I didn't play when she was originally released but wasn't she also faster and had collision with survivors while phasing?
So this is like 4 or 5 nerfs from her PTB.
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Is this not her 2nd nerf? There was one at the same time or close to Nurse's nerf, and then this one, after being buffed (ptb to live), buffed (first hotfix), then superbuffed (second)? Did I forget an update?
Only including direct spirit nerfs- bugs and perk changes are not being counted.
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Wow, one of the only 3 killers that were viable in high mmr now in garbage tier. Clap
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It barely affected her. I watched everyone playing her and played her myself and people still won. She's not "in control of survivors" because she still moves at mach 3 speed on your direction.
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I didn't play back then so I don't know every change, but the nerfs I'm aware of are:
- Vaulting animation instead of phasing through windows
- No collision with survivors while phasing
- Directional audio queues during phase
- Dust clouds during phase
This is before we see how many of her add ons are now nerfed into the ground.
The fun of playing Spirit for me was switching targets within terror radius and going for gen grabs, being unpredictable (not the stand still tech). Now that's a completely dead playstyle with these changes.
Like someone said earlier, might as well just play Blight or Wraith if you want to be a fast chasing killer. The mindgaming part of her power is dead.
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I'm sorry but if you think having 0 knowledge against her was one of the most fair things in DBD that is just comical. Again, she still plays the same, you can get easy hits, and you still have insane map pressure. I'm sorry you think just giving her directional audio is breaking the character, but she will still be an insane killer. The survivor still doesn't control the chase, and if you think that then you were just someone that liked her because she was extremely easy and powerful.
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I went through the patch notes. I don't have exactly how she was on PTB but I know that she was changed from PTB to live- her TR shrunk to 24m from 32m, for example (2.2.0).
2.2.1 reduced recharge time from 20 seconds to 15.
2.3.0 gave us the superbuff- audio is no longer directional, cannot be heard within the terror radius, while phasing her breathing cannot be heard, and her footsteps were quietened.
2.3.3 gave us the stand still mindgame- the transition animation (animation reset) become much smoother.
3.4.0 gave us the first of the nerfs- she got a vaulting animation, removed collision, and her add-ons were tweaked. But it also made her speed curve like Wraith's, which was nice.
And... That was it, up until now. It's literally her 2nd ever nerf after a buff from PTB to live, a buff in the hotfix, and a third buff in 2.3.0 as well as a fourth in 2.3.3.
My source:
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Fair enough, most of these changes happened before I started playing.
Doesn't change how they completely killed the playstyle I most enjoyed using and playing against. Now she's just another 1v1 chasing killer that can be countered by any strong window or downed pallet.
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Wait for what? We had that during her release PTB already.
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I mean most of the time yeah cause of how easy he is to dodge and pre-plan exactly how you’ll counter his rush.
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Literally one of the best killers in the game-
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He’s only been regarded as such because of Otzdarva lol. Before Otz said he was a good killer most people said he was trash tier. Overall there’s so many tiles that counter him.
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People said he was good the second he left the PTB and actually functioned? Some people were even saying that Blight on the PTB was good??
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Bro every time I discuss something with you you’ve never actually tried to change your mind or even listen to what others have to say honestly I do not wanna hear it from you rn. Last thing to add is hardly anyone at all said he was amazing and when he was in his prime it was because of a bug that allowed him to flick more than he should’ve been allowed to. 75% of times and maps counter him completely where he either bumps into everything or has no where to bump at all.
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"Bro every time I discuss something with you you’ve never actually tried to change your mind or even listen to what others have to say honestly I do not wanna hear it from you rn"
Oh I change my mind a lot, as can be seen from my post history, and I accept when I'm wrong. That just needs me to be wrong about this.
"Last thing to add is hardly anyone at all said he was amazing and when he was in his prime it was because of a bug that allowed him to flick more than he should’ve been allowed to"
A lot of people said this, he was and still is regarded as one of the best killers in the game. J-flicking was an exploit but that isn't what allowed him to be so great, it just exacerbated it further. He is still an amazing killer.
"75% of times and maps counter him completely where he either bumps into everything or has no where to bump at all."
We have Ormond, some Autohaven, RPD, Lerys, and Hawkins. Even then, Hawkins is debatebly not garbage for him. That's... That's it...
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rotten fields, rancid abattoir, midwich (sometimes since the halls benefit him but the classrooms are pretty great at actually countering him), badham preschool maps, and family residence. All mediocre or bad maps for blight with midwich being the most balanced of them but still countering him if someone knows how to play the classroom tiles right. And this is discluding the fact most maps have tiles that blight just kinda sucks at.
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So.... Spirit "sucks" now? Cool. Time for me to finally start learning how to play her. 😂
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He's one of the few killer that reliable gets kills on comp scenarios. He's far from easy to dodge, unless you're bad. This will probably be the case for Spirit, bad players won't be getting kills anymore :).
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And good players since spirit is gutted. They literally just gave every single chase to the survivor. Good spirits rarely used the stand still mind game because 9/10 it isn’t good against experienced survivors just like most things abt Spirit. Blight is very easy to dodge considering most tiles you can bring him in he either can’t leave or wastes huge amounts of time trying to leave.
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She doesn’t play the same. The survivors can see her track marks on the ground and know which side of the pallet to slam from. Her power now offers nothing other than a little more speed. She is a worse wraith.
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I don't remember Spirit PTB because I'm a console player and we don't matter
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We Will see. I'm a killer main and I main her for a while. But I admit that when I play against her, have not a reliable counterplay piss me off. Also because she has not only chase with only guess, but also map control, and requires little skill compare to other S killer like nurse or blight. Hope they fix but not kill her.
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- For Blight, It's on you to miss if a survivor is out in the open.
- Blight is significantly faster.
- Blight isn't blind.
- Blight has a shorter cooldown.
- Blight can be played as an M1 killer.
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Spirit has, in a way the same problem as Trickster:
They are BOTH killers in sub-categories that already have killers that exhausted what the category has to offer, at least for the current game mechanics.
Spirit (Invisible/Ghost Killer) came after Wraith and Nurse, thus a lot of the working killer mechanics had already been done. So something new was needed for her, but to balance her out we'd need either new mechanics in the game, or overhaul how her powers work (e.g. give her a longer phasing, and a 'stalking' ability that allows her to get glimpses of nearby survivors if she's looking that direction, either at the cost of her phasing meter or a weaker attack)
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Don't forget:
- Several broken add ons (Alchemist's Ring, speed add ons, Compound 33)
- Ability to break pallets faster basekit
- A stupidly oversized hitbox with his power while Spirit has the normal lunge hitbox
- 115% base speed
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Yep. Imagine camping decent pallet and drop it after checking dust.
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Daaamn that hurts. Good shot.
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In exchange spirit can maneuver perfectly as variable on every map
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I'm fine with that. I rather have that than what we have now.
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This!!!! Wraith still sneaks up on many survivors.
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It's sad.
She's getting the chopping block by another sloppy butcher.
Both of those are unnecessary, should be either directional phasing or footsteps. NOT BOTH
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Visually? Sure. But he is loud. He snarls like an angry puppy.
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Hey, if she's going to be given a directional phase sound within her TR, can we please get back her original phasing-through-the-wall vault animation instead of this stupid one where she hops through the window?
I miss that animation. It was awesome. Pinhead phases through the vaults and it's not a mind game, I don't see why Spirit's vault animation got [BAD WORD]ed so hard.
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Yep, that's true. But most of the time it's to late already. If you hear him he is on your ass. Without direct access to pallet/window (which good wraith plan to block) you are taking damage.
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"You can hear them"
You don't remember the Iron Will buff, do you? everyone and their mother uses Iron will religiously now.
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I hate playing wraith cause of that...
Hate the feeling like he got something in the nose and he dont wanna clean it, take à tissue man
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The fact is, without the footsteps, i think it wouldnt change much as you would srill habe to guess at à pallet if shes standing still or coming depending the loop, so still having kind of à 50/50
I wait to see if the footsteps are small or big tbh
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I predict bhvr will ######### it up and it won't work at medium/low settings.
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In exchange she cant see any survivors while they can almost pinpoint her now and all that only for a minimal speed buff
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it wouldn be a problem to actually add some counterplay to the spirit, the real problem is that she's one of the few viable killers in the game...wouldn't mind a spirit nerf( and actually, don't really care since i don't like her gameplays as and against her) but the real problem is that most of........almost every killer in the roster are weak and non viable... yeah. maybe the non meta killers are ""fun"" to play..........until 4 gens pop in the first 2-3 minutes..
.....and people(survivors) are wondering why they always face the same 2-3 meta killers(nurse/spirit/blight)witht he same perks over and over again....pardon, now blight and nurse... i can already see future topic "WhY do i FiNd OnlY BliGhT AnD NurSe KiLleRs!1!!, I'ts UnFun !!1!!!"
next on dead by daylight, nurse nerf, after a blink, she has a cooldwon for her M1 of 1.5 seconds, so, survivors can have a chance to escape her and don't get hit
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You can hear the footsteps
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Holy ######### y’all complain way too much, spirit could be fully visible and still be top 2 killer istg
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She can see scratchmarks, blood with addons, and hear footsteps.
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Calling it now - Spirit is going to go from god tier to trash tier and will eventually require a complete rework.