EAC on Steam Deck / Proton / Linux

As of Version: 6.7.1
Our long wait is over. Thank you to everyone, especially Mandy for putting up with us for almost 2 years. XD
Get out there and play some DbD!
----------Original Post----------------
EAC has prevented DbD from working on Linux through Proton. With the Steam Deck coming, Epic has updated the SDK to allow support for this.
I ask the devs to please enable this feature so I can play DbD on Linux and Steam Deck! Thank you!
Logged on here to support this. DBD is my most played game, and is also one of the few things holding me back from switching my desktop OS from Windows to Linux (I also have a Steam Deck coming in December).
EAC Proton support would be *huge*.
42 -
Completely support this.
Please Behaviour, make DBD on linux a reality!
Just one click away.
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+1, this would let me stop dual-booting for good!
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thats a really good thing to do
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Made a forum account to second this. Being one step closer to wiping my Windows partition would definitely be cause to celebrate.
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I have been craving to play some DBD (and buy skins/new DLCs!), since I made the switch to Linux. I would love for (unofficial at least) linux support to be implemented by the devs.
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+1 from me as well
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Can a mod or community manager acknowledge to have seen this post and redirected it to devs? Thanks.
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I have officially submitted my feedback supporting this request under support ticket 849388. Dead By Daylight's current hostility towards Proton and Linux is one of the major factors that keeps my separate Windows gaming rig alive.
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I have also submitted a support ticket asking if they could enable eac support for proton since it is required for the steam deck and Linux in general. Let’s all hope for the best, I’d switch in an instant if this goes through!
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Just came here to support this, I played a lot of Dead by Daylight when I was on windows. When I switched to linux I was forced to stop due to EAC. Having linux support would 100% bring back a player
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Supporting this too. They need to allow Proton through EAC settings, it's apparently only a few clicks away.
Please, do it Behaviour !
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Bhvr do it
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This is the last step to bring linux in my home desktop! pls do it
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Just logged in to support this!
Might be a little bit more than some clicks, if they have to update the EAC SDK. But still sounds like relatively low effort to give support for a new platform.
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If its as easy as they say i really want this to be implemented as right now its a shame i cant play it on ubuntu and it would definitely bring me back
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I don't play on any Linux-based systems, but +1 to this.
I have friends that have told me about how anticheats might just not work on your systems, or they really don't like Proton, Wine and that sorta stuff. Cool of Epic to improve the situation for EAC, hopefully DBD pounces on this 👍️
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I wanted this to work on Linux ever since DBD was in beta. This is truely the only game which keeps me using Windows, and I hate it.
Please, do it quickly, at least on Steam it is only a few mouseclicks for devs.
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Just created an account to comment on here. BHVR please!!!!.
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Created an account just to say please make this happen! I've reserved Steam Deck and I would love to play Dead by Daylight on the go!
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^ Same! Let's go behaviour press that button! Only takes a few clicks if you have EAC updated from 1.14!
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The same, please give support to Wine and Proton, I left the game for this reason but I love playing the game with my friends.
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I made a account to support this only game that is keeping me from fully wiping windows.
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This is literally the only thing preventing me from running linux full time.
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Bump for Linux
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Please make it happen
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Go for it BHVR! Let us finally wipe that windows partition
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Made a forum account just to +1 this.
Literally the only reason that keeps me from completely switching away from Windows.
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+1 Please devs enable this ASAP! This is a historic moment!
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It's only a matter of time before BHVR acts on this. Even if they don't care about Linux desktop users (and they should; the huge outpouring of support in this thread shows that plenty of us play the game), they have every reason in the world to want the game to work on Steam Deck. (This is true for most games/companies now. The era of gaming on Linux has finally arrived! I think it'll be a few years before adoption is 90%, but the day when we won't need a Windows partition anymore is within sight.)
That said, they're probably going to want to test the game and make sure everything runs smoothly. Some games run like native apps without needing any modification on Linux at all, some require small or significant end-user tweaks to run, and some just don't yet. If the game is flat-out not runnable, they may have to play around with it to get it working and may not enable EAC support until they have their ducks in a row... But they have significant incentive to look at this in order to support the Steam Deck. (Valve just opened Pandora's box for Linux gaming, and I'm ecstatic.)
Friday the 13th runs like a native app on Proton until you try to play online; EAC just kicks you off. There's a good chance that DBD will work flawlessly out of the box with EAC support enabled.
I will say that if it runs at all and only needs minor tweaks to be playable on Linux (or they're just worried they won't be able to test every new patch before it's released), they should enable the support for it ASAP and label it experimental. Linux users can handle it. We don't need to be hand-held nearly as much as the average Windows user. We'd rather have it than not have it.
It looks like there are a lot of us (myself included) who only use Windows for DBD and/or other games at this point or who have switched to Linux entirely and can't play DBD at all anymore. BHVR should really take note of this. Hopefully, it won't be long.
I don't think DBD itself is hostile towards Proton or Linux - the option just wasn't available until just recently. They just (like most AAA games and MMOs, unfortunately) didn't see the point of maintaining a native Linux binary since the myth persists that no one uses Linux for gaming, and it'd be a lot of work for perceived minimal gain. But now, they won't have to worry about a native binary! They just have to update EAC (now free, from what I understand) and do a few clicks to gain a lot of new players and make a lot of existing ones very happy.
No reason not to do this, BHVR. What are you waiting for?
Post edited by hailxsatanxeveryxday on26 -
As everyone else said "made an account to support this" that should show you how much we want this, please let us game on Linux we'd be so happy And grateful
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Please make use of the proton support when possible. Would be really appretiated by everyone
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I have two games that keep me from formatting my Windows 7 SSD for now, it is Vermintide 2 and Dead by Daylight, because of EAC (and Insurgency Sandstorm but I don't really play it anymore). and I have to admit, I don't really play them because when I feel like rebooting on Window,s there is always a huge patch and I simply go back to Linux..
The silence from BHVR is worrying though, acknowledging this request doesn't cost much, and adding the Linux support in EAC wouldn't cost anything. It's a win-win situation, players can finally play from Linux, and it is good PR, everyone wins.
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I wouldn't worry too much. It's only been like four days since Proton support for EAC was released (though it was announced a while ago), and they might not have even had a chance to give it a test run yet. If we're unlucky, they might drag their feet, but the Steam Deck is no small thing, and they'll want to support it. DBD will come to Linux.
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Agreed with others that DBD is the only game holding me back on using Linux 100% of the time. Would be great if I could play this on Linux cause I'm sure the game would run fine under Proton
14 -
Adding another +1 to this.
I only kept using Windows because of Dead By Daylight and the .NET Framework. I no longer need to work with the .NET Framework...so it's just DBD keeping me from switching entirely.
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I also would wipe my windows partition if we get linux support. This few clicks couldn't be that hard 🥳
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Boon: Few Clicks
A dev update from Easy Anti Cheat changing a lot in the Linux Gaming scene.
- It will activate permanently from now on.
- While active Dead by Daylight dev team click their mouse few times to make their game playable on Linux Distributions.
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- While active, game sales will be buffed
- All features implemented within range of Few Clicks' aura will receive discounted development cost
- Perk applies a multiplier to the player base stat
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I just wanted to through my support behind this. Havent been able to play dbd in a while and would love to play it on the steamdeck at launch.
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I just wanted to add that Fatshark announced a Linux based anti cheat development effort today for their Vermintide 2 game. Vermintide 2 also runs on Easy Anti Cheat. You can find more information about the effort on the Vermintide 2 Support Site under the FAQ articles category.
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Wow, I didn't even know about proton, but I support this message! I would actually be able to play DBD on a PC!
edit: Holy shart! There are a lot more linux users than I would have thought. Personally, I had given up on linux gaming a long time ago.. but it took me years to delete my windows partition. Only did so for security reasons.
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I would love to erase that windows partition
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Signed up for the forum to show my support! DBD is one of my favorite games but I've hardly played in the last 2 years because dual booting is a pain. The only reason I still have Windows is because of DBD. If the devs would finally implement the support over Proton then I'd be playing it almost every day!
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I don't really know about most of what's being said here but this is the only time I've seen across-the-board support for something in this godforsaken game so I'm on board
Also nice name
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Since BHVR is answering some Questions from the Community, asking about EAC support might help as well!
There is already a post up for this, it would be great if all of you could vote this up: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/283963/linux-steam-desk-support
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We don't even need any kind of support, we just need EAC for Linux enabled
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Precisely. Just don't block us from trying or ban us for making workarounds, most of us will happily work with proton, wine, and crossover devs to make the game work - we just need a chance.