Hag's "effective Phantasm Trap range" add-ons need to go

danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,258
edited September 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been wondering why even when I instantly teleport to survivors when they trip my traps, they've already got good distance on me. It's because of the add-on I was using, the Bog Water. Why is this an add-on, and why is there one for multiple rarities? You also have Bloodied Water and Bloodied Mud which do the same thing but they're even worse, because their effect is "better". Hag's default activation range is good, okay? All these add-ons do is significantly reduce the chance that you're actually going to hit the survivor when you tp to them. They don't have to go in nearly as close to trip it as they should, which makes this like a survivor add-on rather than a killer add-on. I have lots to say about Hag's other failed add-ons, but these definitely need to go.

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