Hag's "effective Phantasm Trap range" add-ons need to go

I've been wondering why even when I instantly teleport to survivors when they trip my traps, they've already got good distance on me. It's because of the add-on I was using, the Bog Water. Why is this an add-on, and why is there one for multiple rarities? You also have Bloodied Water and Bloodied Mud which do the same thing but they're even worse, because their effect is "better". Hag's default activation range is good, okay? All these add-ons do is significantly reduce the chance that you're actually going to hit the survivor when you tp to them. They don't have to go in nearly as close to trip it as they should, which makes this like a survivor add-on rather than a killer add-on. I have lots to say about Hag's other failed add-ons, but these definitely need to go.
You can just get rid of a bit of the title and make it “Hag needs to go”
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Change the word hag into silent bell wraith and id agree with you
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Yeah, that red head girl used them in the into the fog tournament last night and it honestly just looked embarrasing. Every single teleport to a trap either caused her to whiff or made her stop and chase the survivors rather than swing. It's overall just a nerf to her power to run them.
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She needs to go where? I don't get it...
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Anywhere but DBD. To hell with Hag!
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yes please
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Hag needs to go as much as Spirit needs to go.
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I may love Claudette like you do but these Spirit hate comments just ain’t it. Seeing my baby and that [bad word] [bad word] in the same sentence is not ethical.
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I agree, those addons are worse than running nothing, they just make you miss hits. But hag has a lot of good addons so I prefer they leave her like it is before they butcher her. The bt change did enough damage to hag :(
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Hey I got a suggestion for ya, why not just change your survivor perks instead of just complaining about Hags using their Phantasm Traps :D
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I think they are talking about the add-ons that increase the range that survivors trigger her traps, not teleport range
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It’s not a hate comment.
The purpose of my comment was to state that she doesn’t need to go anywhere just as you don’t think Spirit doesn’t need to go.
Hag has counter play. Flashlights, tripping her traps when she carries someone, and crouching over them are all easy to do. The problem with Hag is the same with Spirit, survivors don’t want to adapt and only want to run around the same loop three times and rinse and repeat at the next tile.
My only gripe with Hag isn’t her power per se, it’s more with the perk Make Your Choice. It hate it because it just promotes the killer to drop chase, rush the hook, down the exposed with an easy M1 since the pallets are usually gone where the hooked person was, and gets an easy slug with tThe unhooked person.
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Welp I think they should think what mindplay hags have and making them prepared for lives Hag mains have in store.
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I’m mainly joking when I say remove Hag, because I have a burning hatred for her. It’s not because of her counterplay, she’s just annoying and boring.
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So when you play 4 good survivors that understand how to play against Hag (Yes I know that's rare) they know exactly when to crouch/flashlight the traps. The range of the trap add-on can through this off a bit and make them set off the trap with the increased distance of setting off the trap....Geez that sounded confusing to me. I am assuming these are what your talking about and not the ones that allow her to teleport from farther away.
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I personally think they are only good for those scenarios and of course good for the hook trapping Hags as they can teleport earlier than usual and prevent the unhook.
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remember Guys we have a ptb to change addons those could change
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You misspelled nurse
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Yeah she can go too. We can both agree now that Hag and Nurse are way more problematic than Spirit when mid chapter patch goes live?
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100%. This update is actually fixing the only real issue spirit has (besides some of her add ons but we’ll wait and see).
Nurse and hag both have bigger issue that need addressing. Nurse needs a full rework and hag needs major changes to traps around hooks and disabling traps
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Delete hag
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Oh yeah I’m hoping Mother Daughter Ring and her duration add ons get touched. MDR needs a better downside to warrant it’s effect and the duration add ons need to affect only duration and not duration and recovery.
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Yeah, Hag has quite a few add ons that either work against her (effective range) or end up being problematic like Rusty Shackles or Mint Rag.
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While we're at it, activation parameters need to be changed for her traps and they need to not change the survivor's camera.
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Nah,the camera flick is a pretty important part to Hags kit.It rewards her for good trap placement and has counterplay as long as you know where the trap is
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No, even if you know where it is, it completely changes your orientation. It's not important at all seeing as she can insta-tp and hit in most cases.
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Yeah lets me the game SURVIVOR'L VS SURVIVOR ISLAND WOOOO. Idiocies like these need not be indulged by the company or they will water there game down to that of fortnite and sadly they can do better.
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Ummmmmmm. I’m so confused.
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Killers have the hardest end of this, hexes are becoming obsolete so killers in higher tier don't even usually bother because they can be removed entirely at the start. Hardly any perk Synergy, Killers constantly being nerfed perks being nerfed, this is becoming like a second job to me and what do I get at the end? Teabagged? Fine all in well but give me a perk that causes you instant death if your inside the exit zone and teabag all become dead. It's no wonder that most killers don't get too high it becomes a second job with no just rewards and quit. Thus it shall be survivor vs survivor fastest gen rush wins! GO! LOL... kinda..
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Base Hag is garbage against good survivors so she do need good addons. Like most killers.
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They're definitely hot garbage but I'm worried about Hag getting an addon pass, because frankly that almost certainly means saying bye bye to her useful ones like aura reading and invisible trigger
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I’d love for her to get an add-on that inflicted exhaustion on a successful phantasm attack.
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How is that gonna be different from what I've explained? If survivors don't get the camera jerk, they can get big distance on her even when she teleports instantly.
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Ah, you got me.
Seriously, what makes this seem bait to you? What radical opinion did I display? That killers should have decent add-ons that don't actively hinder them?