RIP Slinger
I said the same thing in another thread. They’re making it increasingly difficult with each update to actually enjoy playing killer. I don’t see the point of them allowing us to play that role. I really hope that the upcoming game VHS is good as I need to be able to leave this ######### show behind.
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Is VHS coming to console?
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It is, but at a later date.
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Let's face it:
The changes to Slinger are there to satisfy the people who keep crying bloody murder because there was one (1) killer out of now 25 who cut chases short. And we can't have that, as chases are THE ONLY FUN THING in the game.
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Nothing but facts.
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I am very excited about VHS and I genuinely hope it succeeds.
It's a game where survivors actually have to outplay the killer for a change. In DBD outplaying the killer is optional so long as you have enough bullshit stacked in your favor.
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Sure, Jan.
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I hope it succeeds too. I love the visual design of it as well as the gameplay. I’ll have to wait longer to play as I’m on PS5, but I don’t mind waiting for something if it turns out to be great. I’m also excited for the Evil Dead game.
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Hate to say, but any 4v1 game were the 4 can kill the 1 is going to be exploitable.
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Get rid of the dumb mechanic where Deathslinger Reeling and Walking Backwards makes it so the Survivor on the Spear can't move. Deathslinger has plenty of counter play if the player using him doesn't know about that trick because then you can bait Slinger into firing when you're near something you can get yourself caught on and avoid getting stabbed.
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Lol. Sure, except unlike Huntress he has a limited range, can lose his injure/down even with a successful shot and needs to take the time to Reel a survivor in…
Yeah, just like Huntress sure <_<
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for multiplayers I'm genuinely just looking forward to VHS. I love the concept of DBD but I cannot deal with its bullshit anylonger, which is why i haven't played since SBMM dropped.
Hopefully Elden Ring consumes my life whenever it comes out and it and VHS can make me forget DBD for good.
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That may be true, but from what I've seen it seems like both teams have a constant back and forth of trying to outplay each other. Ultimately we'll have to wait and see what happens whenever it comes out and people start getting good with it. But the devs wanna balance for high level and anything is better than a game like DBD where you sweat your balls off to try and outplay for players who are just chilling holding M1 on a thing instead of actually outplaying you.
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Good bye Mr Quickscope, lets hope its not a see you later.
Whos next? Lets hope The Twins.
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Well I don’t know what survivors you’re playing against, but a Slinger playing against semi-decent survivors will easily lose and lose hard if he just keeps aiming down his sights. I’ve gone against plenty of Slingers that play this way and they landed 10% of their shots. 🥴
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As an alternative to the current terrible nerfs he's getting. I would 100% take it over the Devs proposed changes.
At least the Deathslinger player can play around that by being aware of the surrounding crap the Survivor could hook themselves on. There's precious little Deathslinger can do to offset 8m more TR, a firing delay, and a punishment for lowering your gun.
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You asked a question. I replied. Lose the ‘tude. 😘
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Most people (myself included) are complaining about everything. Not just the fact he can no longer quickscope. He’s been gutted.
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I'd say the same way like huntress does
Want to make a huntress miss? wiggle wiggle wiggle? Most huntresses counter that by charging her hatchets to maximum flight speed, which is the default speed for the gun. And pls think about how many times it happens in your matches that a survivor is able to break free from the chains
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You still have to lead your shot when you quick scope because it's not hitscan.
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I said he had to aim to hit shots like huntress does. I didn't say he was just like her.
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Well then don't go through with the tr change and that problem will fixed
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The reason they nerfed his insane chase power is because its an insane chase power. Why are people upset about that? Isnt it good for the game to get rid of such extrem advantages?
On top of that, he still will be able to connect his shots, but his annoying fakes will be history.
I guess there are for always people who dislike a change if it is something they could rely on. Cant wait for the Key/Hatch change complains. So many tears... :(
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No you were implying that quickscoping Deathslingers need to learn how to lead their shots when they were already doing so.
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beacause this is the only thing he has, he cant sprint across the map, he cant defend generators he cant do anything besides chasing really good