Instead of increasing Deathslinger's TR, alter M&A

It should be perfectly possible to alter M&A to never reduce any TR to below 22.
The aiming delay change is alright, but the rest, not so much, as there's a lot of situation where you need to strike quickly after cancelling the aiming.
It's nice that you try to make him less hated, but the better solution would really be altering M&A instead of increasing his TR. Cause, after all, the mid-chapter doesn't bring a 32 TR for T2 myers either.
I have a better idea
Leave his TR as 24m, give him a lullaby like the other ranged killers
By making this TR 32M they have made monitor and abuse REQUIRED and monitor will make slingers TR 24M, which is what it is rn
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At least with the... admittedly dumb change to his Terror Radius, you can still get some stealth killer gameplay out of him. You just need to run Undetectable perks instead of M&A and his TR addons... which is doable. Giving him a Lullaby would delete the only ranged stealth killer we've got.
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A lullaby would have a similar issue, unless they massively increase the chain length.
If you want people to aim more, you have to either give them the chance to (meaning TR and music stay as it is) or you increase the chain and it's charges.
The main issue IS that people abused M&A (hah!) the same way they abuse it with Myers (eradicating his TR on T2, as stated) to lower the TR below that of the chain length.
Likewise a lot of people complained about ADS and 'faking' which they changed now... But it isn't actually a problem, it's more that people strife too far and quick-dodge, losing ground, instead of breaking the LoS.
By experience the change to ADS might not matter much, but the M1 delay after cancelling paired with to bigger TR might bring him to release-trickster levels of bad
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whats a lullaby?
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You know the humming you hear when playing against Huntress? That's not her TR, that's a lullaby not affected by any TR addons. Huntress' lullaby is there to give people a heads up they are up against her, as a decent huntress can throw a hatchet from far outside her TR and hit.
Deathslinger however has a maximum range of 18 meters AND has to reel in survivors. With a bigger TR (or a lullaby) plus the delay in aiming now successfully aiming and shooting will become very hard if not impossible on some maps.
Also, taking away the insta shots rewards the BMs of some survivors.
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Ok, thats what that is, thanks!
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Ok, thats what that is, thanks!
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Supporting this idea, there's no reason to give a slow killer a base 35m terror radius.
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I agree, it was not a good design to make him as efficient as a classique killer, paired with a free stealth "passive".
Maybe we'll see some interesting builds after the update ?
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so much fretting over schrodinger's terror radius when a god perk like spine chill exists and works beyond a standard tr
deathslinger needs to get way closer than the two true ranged killers and the two pseudo-ranged he's competing with are 115%ers, and has a missed shot penalty closer to iri head huntress moreso than any of the others
it's a bit surreal how protracted the whole one shot --> assume we hit --> rrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll hit + speed boost but if they get away deep wound i guess --> reeeeeeloaaaad slooooowwwwdooooownnnn --> 110% with 18m attack (but good luck hitting it beyond 14m or so) takes ages to catch up, especially with your new 32m tr and your first shot usually announcing map-wide that you're completely dunked by pre-emptive W holds
if this is really how it's going to go the chain needs the harpoon needs to travel like an actual gunpowder-projected metal stick and not like some of the early extremely slow ATGMs that barely even propelled themselves, and max range as well, having an attack that's (if super good) the range of half your terror radius and that's it with all the current drawbacks is just untenable on top of 110% speed
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"The other ranged killers" ...
How exactly is everyone thinking that Trickster has a lullaby?
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Here, this video should show you
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Spine chill is awfull, just approach every gen while walking diagonally. Keep the gen out of the middle 3/4 of your screen and you're fine.
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because there's an active file called Lullaby_Comet.ogg for a reason
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good luck landing a shot on anyone doing that even if you have a 16m terror radius, particularly with the forced ads time
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To be honest, this pretty much looks like a bug, because a lullaby wouldn't be removed within 16m by Trail of Torment. I have seen an oblivious (not the status effect) huntress camping me at a hook with Insidious, and I could hear her humming from close range. This "ring lullaby" somehow doesn't seem intended
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It must be intentional because the developers have intentionally left it in, they are aware of it and it wasn't fixed/removed when Trickster got his buffs
The developers also referenced it directly in their post:
"The Deathslinger is the only ranged Killer that does not have a "lullaby", which meant terror radius reducing perks like Monitor & Abuse could allow you to get close enough to surprise and hit a Survivor without them getting any warning whatsoever. "
Altho this statement is a bit weird because there are other ranged killers like Plague or Pyramid Head but yea
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"Last, but not least, we’ve increased The Deathslinger’s terror radius to 32m. The Deathslinger is the only ranged Killer that does not have a "lullaby", which meant terror radius reducing perks like Monitor & Abuse could allow you to get close enough to surprise and hit a Survivor without them getting any warning whatsoever. "
is what Dev Update told us. yeah, I know
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lullaby is impossible to suppress if i recall which is why you basically never see things like tinkerer on huntress/trickster
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Yeah this, give him some rattlesnakes to warn survivors. it would be thematic af.
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Devs, I have a better and incredible idea. Dont change the 24m TR, and don't put a lullaby on it.
This advice is free.
You are welcome.