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Why is Legacy not finally given free for all BHVR ?

PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415


very often there were these discussions.... always there were these arguments.... Legacy will not come back, or: it was harder to prestige a character with the old blood network... no thanks, we don't want and so on and so on....

What about all the exclusives that were made free by the developers, like the Huntress Mask, or the Jacket of David, which you could only buy if you played the respective event ? The same now with Charms (Dwightcrow), which you could only get if you had some luck and watched the respective streams. What about things like the trapper mask or the outfit of Claudette or Meg which you could only get if you were at the respective events like the Pax ?

Do you remember the bug where all outfits were free like the dev shirt for the Nea ? Strangely, no one complained about that. The majority was even happy about it was patched away again with the reason: It would be unfair to the others. I mean with special developer items that only devs are allowed to wear that would be understandable... but like this?

What about all the people who had Legacy and lost it because of a game bug and did not get it back ? All these people look into the void and are very angry about it.

But the fact is: Everything you could earn cost time. Whether it was a Charm....or an Eventitem or Legacy Skins. It's just time invested, that's all it is. My personal opinion? Exclusive items are bad for the game and that includes legacy items. Whether you've spent hours grinding, hours watching a stream, or hours at an's the same because it's all about time invested.

Whether there will ever be hope ? I don't know.....




  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    I know that and the majority of the community Mandy also knows that by now. Where is the difference between the Legacy Items and Eventitems or even Charms like the now with the Dwightcrow ? I get very annoyed with this because I too have spent hours watching streams to get a bit of luck ( now it just gets given out). I spent hours in events playing everything free....( items were also given out ) I was on pax.... (Items were also given out). Just help me please just understand this too whole.... is it just because this was all a 1x thing ? or do you not have the legacy code anymore ? ( might explain why BHVR didn't manage to find out who acquired Legacy back then and lost it due to the bug ). All I want is to understand it nothing more.

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    The current bloodpoint system is hard to level a character with how many characters, perks, addons, items, and offerings there are. Easily this merits that players get the prestige rewards for it.

    Also if they allowed us to get the prestige rewards again it would make less of a incentive for players to seek out ways to cheat the cosmetics in, which leads to less incentive to abusing other kinds of cheats as well.

    So saying no to a very simple, easy solution that will lessen the burden of the current growing cheater problem in dead by daylight.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    its sucks, but image the out cry if they give it to every one its just simple damage contorl if i can call it like that

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Don't mistake me for being a legacy holding onto my trophies. I started playing after the deadline.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,957

    I'd imagine the backlash would be intense

    I remember when they made all the ultra rare ones and previous event cosmetics free and that pissed people off

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    well, it's not that. it's just the mindset.

    I don't think anyone should be the only one to get a thing just because they came earlier, or happened to be able to go to an event (at least when it comes to digital stuff).

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    The mindset is, I don't deserve something I didn't earn.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267
    edited October 2021

    No people worked to unlock those legacies, I don't have any since I did not play at that time. But I believe if someone earns an exclusive item than it stay should exclusive forever. Those veterans deserve them as a reward for their dedication, like it was not a free item they got they actually had to put in work.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285
    edited October 2021

    I think Legacies being exclusive is fine imo. Those were the people supporting the game when it was still a baby indie game, I think it's fair that they have something different from the rest of the playerbase. Event items/cosmetics are a different story because DBD was already quite well established when those happened. The Dwightcrow charm is not even a comparison, there's a huge gap between someone who played the game in the old days and grinded through it to someone who just kept watching a bunch of streams last year.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    and I earn them by being born earlier or with money. and sometimes I earn them by being born in another country.

    such a great mindset...

  • PapiKingley
    PapiKingley Member Posts: 46

    The real question is why do you even still care about legacy in 2021 when you have all these unique cosmetics , why care about a default reskin with some yellow on it?

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304
    edited October 2021

    They don't give back the legacy cosmetics to their own Fog Whisperers, Puppers for example.

    He said on stream that he asked for his legacies back and the devs denied.

    I know, it sucks hard.

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608
    edited October 2021

    Funnily enough people whined about the ones that came from going to real life events but still defend legacy lmao. If anything it should be the other way around if at all.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Console never got the chance to receive them, and they grinded their butts off as well with all the killers and survivors that are in the game.

    Why not make it a new, special, maybe a bit expensive charity pack. Fill it up with charms of the past rifts and you have everyone happy and you also support a good cause as company. Maybe something for ALS, for the fog whisperer Puppers (the community of streamers did an event for the ALS for Puppers).

  • HighwayCatalyst
    HighwayCatalyst Member Posts: 377

    Y'all really comparing a charm to legacy outfits.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    simply because BHVR started with the release of all event items, which I have also worked hard and I initially called it unfair. I'm sorry but this 1x thing or, people who have played it at the beginning argument no longer pulls with me. I have also torn me the butt and what happened ? Also, you have to see the benefits of it. No more tickets because of Legacy Cheater....and the few who would possibly complain about it... oh god BHVR would just get so much more positive feedback. Everyone would be equal, whether it's us veterans or newbies or consoleplayers but unfortunately that's not seen.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    While I do see your point, having legacy re-released would take away the exclusivity of it- basically what you just complained about. I do think it's ridiculous that stuff like Dwightcrow has been re-released and outfits from certain events, but that same idea applies with legacy. Really I don't think legacy looks good, it's literally the default outfit with a few gold speckles on them. The only reason we put value to legacy is because it's from the early days, so if they were re-released and we saw someone with a legacy outfit it would just be like...ok.

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    I wish I could get legacy Nurse, but I'm console. :c

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yea and getting it was a mess. During and after the event. And you gave statements about other exclusive cosmetics which where pretty accurate to the legacy skins. Means it would make a lot of sense giving them to the community.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Legacy skins aren't even exclusive to old school players, I have seen plenty of hackers with them! So much for being unique and special little dumplings.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I don’t care if Legacy stays exclusive or if it’s released to the public, but I do have an opinion about the entitled mentality some have around here.

    Just because you play a video game during a certain timeframe does not mean you “deserve” anything special. You didn’t “work” for it, you just sat on your butt (or stood) playing a video game. You didn’t “earn” anything that no one else should be denied. Heck, if the devs wanted to they could throw a kill switch on Legacy cosmetics (or any cosmetics for that matter) and you’d never see them again - and you can’t fight it because you signed their EULA.

    The only exceptions I tolerate are of the kickstarter/pre-order variety. You support a game before it comes out = you get certain stuff. I will admit that if something was given to kickstarter supporters (like a cosmetic) but then released shortly thereafter to the public then that would be a jerk move by the devs. However at this point for DBD, the game has been out for years and non-legacy survivors have probably put in more hours than those who do have legacy.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Hackers can use any cosmetic in the store without paying for it.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,444

    I agree with everything you said except the last part:

    However at this point for DBD, the game has been out for years and non-legacy survivors have probably put in more hours than those who do have legacy.

    This sort of implied argument, that having a certain amount of hours put into the game means you should have legacy (sorry if I am interpreting your post wrong - please point out if that is not what you meant!).

    The hours you had to put into the game to get legacy when it was available were very, very different from now. Actual infinites were a thing. A bug where infinite Survivors loaded into the game until it crashed existed. Disconnect penalty did not exist. Moris could be used after one hook. Bloodwebs were huge. The animations in the bloodweb, actually buying something, took forever. It was absolutely awful. It was a very different experience compared to how it is nice and you shouldn't go by hours spent in the modern game as a justification or argument for giving out legacy.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    Excuse me, but why should Legacy have any meaning now ? There are enough hackers running around with this stuff. It's not something special anymore. And as for the event cosmetics: Of course it's the same, because you had to invest time to grind back then, too. I have often written that the time factor plays an important role. Whether you sit on your butt and grind, go to events or play events's the same.... and as for the devs: of course you could have relaunched the event items every year, but instead the devs just released them to everyone. For doing nothing, you know what I mean ? And that's exactly how it is with Legacy too.... And while we're at it. This has quite little to do with envy. This is about equality and nothing else.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    That's true!

    but people justify Legacy with the fact that everything was harder in the past and you had to invest a lot of time? What about those who had to spend a lot of time in events ?, what about those who were on the road for days on events ? with those who watched streams for hours ? With those who played Legacy because of a bug and lost ?

    Sry but this is ridiculous...

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Invest a lot of time in a short amount of time.

    Events aren't the same. As I've said before, the community assumed those were exclusive. The Devs actually stated Legacy would never happen again and set a firm deadline to receive them.

    As for those that lost earned legacy. I've always supported them getting it back. I don't see the justification to give it to everyone with that point.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Skimmed over this and didn't see one of the big factors for making all of the other "exclusive" cosmetics free for all.

    People sold them for real money and at insane prices. Some of those things was selling for HUNDREDS of dollars! And you bet there was also people being scammed over them as well. That's reason enough to just make them all free for everyone.

    Legacy on the other hand never had to deal with that. It was impossible to get Legacy without first earning it legit through grinding out prestige when it took 3-5 times as many blood points per level and with BP gains per game being much less than compared to now. Legacy wasn't "given out", it was earned.

    And it's my opinion that it should remain exclusive. It's so rare now that it might as well not exist anyway and gets you reported for hacking more than anything.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Once the blood webs get reworked to cost less BP im hoping that they'll add new prestige levels maybe 4 5 and 6. And those can be legacy skins for newer non licensed survivors and killers. But thats only a dream.

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415

    After what you have heard and read, I honestly do not believe but I like to dream with you :)

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I don’t agree that playing during a time when the game was in a crappy (crappier?) state should merit an exclusive reward.

    I mean, you could argue that modern DBD still has ridiculous things. Hatch is barely getting fixed… moris and hatch updated to an acceptable state, the syringe and styptic are more tolerable (but not perfect). Bloodwebs are still ridiculous if you want all perks on all characters, even worse if you’re P3’ing.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I prefaced my statement saying I don’t care about Legacy being kept exclusive or released to the public, so you can drop the argument that I’m saying what I’m saying because of envy - thanks!

    To your other point, I think you missed what I’m trying to focus on here. Even if the devs said Legacy would be exclusive, if they decided to release it to everyone after a few years that’s perfectly fine. They own everything (non-licensed) within their game so they can do what they want with it. The problem people have here is thinking “oh I played DBD during <X> and they devs said <Y> so no one else should get <Z> but me!”. Uh, no - you have no say over what gets done with cosmetics you don’t own. It’s not a “slap in the face” either, all you did was play a video game so quit acting like you’re entitled to something special because you’re not.

    Please know I’m not directing the above paragraph to you, I’m simply saying “You” directed at those who my statement applies to.

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 367

    This would be fine for a statement if the developers took their product seriously and did anything toward those that can hack in the items you so desperately state are unavailable. Even now, cheating and applying these Legacy outfits are possible because of the disinterest of the developer to tackle cheating.

    Whenever I see a player using these outfits, I don't assume they've gotten it legitimately whatsoever.

  • Apexgnifrums
    Apexgnifrums Member Posts: 335

    What about the sad veterans who lost it due to BHVRs fault and never got it back?

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Legacy is exclusive to cheaters and og players. Since most old players have left in disgust, you are left with cheaters lol..

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662
    edited October 2021

    I don't really understand the point of your arguments. Yes, we technically don't "own" anything in this game. But we're not talking about legal mumbo-jumbo, we're talking in simpler terms. The fact is that the devs promised to keep legacy exclusive to those that earned it before the 2016 deadline and they are morally obligated to keep that promise. I feel like you're making this topic way more complicated than it needs to be. The developers said they'd keep it exclusive, that's that. End of story. It doesn't matter that we technically don't "own" the skins.

    If legacy skins were re-released to everyone, the reason it'd be a "slap in the face" is because BHVR would be breaking their promise of their exclusivity. Arguing that it wouldn't be a slap in the face because we don't actually technically own the skins is farcical. They must've repeated that legacy is exclusive/not returning probably THOUSANDS of times because of threads like this (see example from MandyTalks).

    It doesn't matter what your opinion is on the matter. The fact is the devs promised legacy would stay exclusive. The problems you mention with the game now are absolutely nothing compared to the problems there was in 2016. They're not comparable and even if they were, it doesn't matter.

    In response to your last paragraph: How can you possibly write all the stuff you have including downplaying legacy and its exclusivity status but then still tolerate exclusives for "kickstarter/pre-order"ing games? Do you mean to tell me you'd retract all of your arguments above if we had gotten legacy from pre-ordering DBD instead of earning it 5 months after release? How does that make any sense? We were still early adopters of an extremely unbalanced, buggy and grindy game (albeit fun and unique) that didn't even have SWF on release, or dedicated servers or any core mechanics you are accustomed to today like Bloodlust, Window Blocking, Exhaustion, EGC. I could go on about things like, old vacuums, old pallet numbers, killers lag switching everyone out the game, old infinites, old BNP, old Mori's, a common loss of progress bug, the fact you had to ready up every 5 seconds in a SWF because of a bug and spend ages queuing only to be dodged by a killer and sent back to the lobby, re-invite your friends and repeat.

    People who played in 2016 were essentially supporting a game that should have had the name "Dead By Daylight [ALPHA/BETA]" so, again, your argument doesn't hold up. It would only hold up if you actually supported legacy staying exclusive.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Because you dont know how hard and grindy the old blood web was.

    You dont deserve a legacy.And you should respect us veterans who have been playing this game since the very start.

    You dont know what we have went through to get our legacys.