NOED more problematic than ever with new MMR


Hey gang, so it's become pretty apparent to me that the monthly reset resets mmr as well as rank, as the survivors I've been getting as a killer have been brand new/not good however I ran into something interesting tonight.

4+ games in a row I have had now with a killer who wasn't very good (like SERIOUSLY bad) and at the end, they ALWAYS have NOED. I'm guessing since the ranked reset the easiest way to secure kills/climb mmr is to use NOED. BHVR as much as the old mmr system wasn't perfect it was MUCH better than going off kills alone, these guys are probably de-pipping and getting like 2k bloodpoints but they all are running NOED. As a result, my games have been super easy and boring as survivor and they're probably frustrated as hell when they go the entire match getting 1-2 hooks at most only cheesing out 1-2 kills at the end.

PLEASE look into reworking/removing NOED next patch, I'm super glad you addressed keys but NOED is super unhealthy for the game, ESPECIALLY given the current MMR system rewards only kills.
