Infinite Loading Screens



  • Mystix
    Mystix Member Posts: 77

    It happens everytime I try and load into a game 😢

  • PNgamer
    PNgamer Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    Platform: Steam PC

    Crossplay: On

    This happened to me when I was trying to join a match

    Allways Solo Q, with Killer and Survivor. This time it happend when i was playing killer. 50% PC players, 50% other Platform players


  • UglyBunt
    UglyBunt Member Posts: 4

    I've been having issues with the infinite loading bug all day since 10am (UK time) it's the loading screen that comes up when a match has started. I have been playing killer on Xbox one and I have crossplay on. Hopefully you'll be able to fix this soon as I am trying to grind the Halloween event.

  • subaruwu
    subaruwu Member Posts: 2

    It’s happening to me every time i play as wraith but not with other killer no matter the outfit

    cross play enabled

  • Fyronyk
    Fyronyk Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2021

    It's only happened to me while I was playing killer. I would load into a lobby, everything would go smoothly, and then the match would sit on the loading screen for 10+ minutes. It didn't matter what killer I was playing or if Mikaela was in the match.

    Edit 1: I have cross platform on.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Just had an infinite loading screen with crossplay disabled. I play on Steam and was in a swf with a friend. We both had crossplay disabled.

  • unclefood87
    unclefood87 Member Posts: 50

    Also have the issues of after infinite loading screen and resetting the game I get a “disconnected from host” error anytime trying to ready up from the pre-match lobby.

  • GiveThemHell
    GiveThemHell Member Posts: 1

    It's been happening to me lately. It doesn't seem to matter who i'm playing as or anything. I only ever solo queue so I don't know what it's like in a party. It happens randomly, sometimes I can find a match but most of the time I can't.

    For me the part where it tells you that it's looking for a match turns transparent of sorts when it happens & refuses to let me back out. I'll usually leave the game entirely & when I come back (If I switch my character before or during looking for a match) my character will be reset to whatever character I had on before changing it. And my challenge will disappear so I have to go to the Archives to set it again.

  • X36
    X36 Member Posts: 14

    Yesterday, I've accepted an invitation for a swf, everyone was ready. We realised it was an extremely long loading screen (loading into a match), none of us were mikaela, cross platform (I'm on steam if that matters) and then after like literally 10 minutes, we actually loaded into the match. If I remember correctly, it was McMillan's map if that matters as well. Our assumption was that your map rng list queued up the maps that were killswitched.

    Hope for the luck, that this provides any useful info!

  • NemesisDarking
    NemesisDarking Member Posts: 28

    Platform: Steam

    Infinite loading screen playing the new character and I was solo.

    Crossplay was on but the lobby was full of PC players.

  • ThatWeebyGamer
    ThatWeebyGamer Member Posts: 2

    Happens to me every now and then, I play as Yui with a common medkit equipped, it only happens when loading into the match after finding a group, have experienced when queuing by myself and with friends, Crossplay is enabled

  • Cirocband
    Cirocband Member Posts: 17

    This has happened to me today at 9:30 am on PS4. I had the new character as well and I was loading into a match.

  • VenomCorp
    VenomCorp Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2021

    It's happened to me since tuesday's release, and there were no real consistencies to this, but :

    • Happened multiplpe times loading in as a swf. 2, 3, 4 people, didn't matter. Didn't matter either if I was the one inviting people or joining an already existing party.
    • Happened once as killer too. Only on Trapper tho, played every other killer without an issue but trying to play Trapper gave me an infinite loading screen.

    I'm playing with Crossplay On too

  • Introvertedvet
    Introvertedvet Member Posts: 47

    Platform: PC (Steam)

    Cross-Platform: ON (always)

    In the last (approx.) 20 games it has happened 4 times. Typically while I am player killer (3 out of the 4).

    Always happens when the game goes to load into the match. Sometimes all players accepts sometimes the timer is allowed to run out. Player groups are always mixed. SInce I only see that they are not on a PC I cant tell you which console they are playing on.

    I do remember in to of the matches where we hit that 500 error several of the players were all dressed the same. Doubt that is the issue, just something that I found funny.

  • Akuuseru
    Akuuseru Member Posts: 35

    I'm on ps4 and the crossplay is active. It happened to me but only when i tried to launch as a killer. I tried to restart the game but it didn't work. Then I reinstalled the game and it worked. But it started again when the halloween event started so i'm stuck at playing survivor....

  • SpaghettiYOLO
    SpaghettiYOLO Member Posts: 234

    It's always loading into a match. Whether it's SWF or a killer match, I get this every few matches. And if I dashboard at the loading screen, it takes everything I had equipped at the time, items, addons, offerings. Doesn't seem to take pips, but not 100% as it seems like it did on two occasions. If I wait it out until it puts me on a postmatch screen, it doesn't take anything that was equipped or offered.

    As a streamer that pretty much streams only DBD for the majority of streams, this is a highly frustrating bug, as is the rising 'hacker' aka script kid problem. There should be 2 main things focused on right now.

    1. Fix loading bug (already know you guys are on it)

    2. Get a better anticheat system and reporting system, especially for consoles.

    The script kids are going to kill this game in the long run. It should be addressed or at least acknowledged.

  • ator_cktm
    ator_cktm Member Posts: 1

    Ps4, crossplay on

    When I get in the game, after pressing x to start, it doesn’t load. I’ve tired to get in several times, and I can’t.

  • Jonsmith31415
    Jonsmith31415 Member Posts: 12

    hello for me playing as killer, I starting while loading into a map and cross play is enabled for me,

  • suboficial87
    suboficial87 Member Posts: 5

    Buenas, soy jugador de PS4. Llevo 2 días con cargas infinitas perdiendo mis ofrendas cada vez que me doy por vencido de esperar y reseteo. Hay veces que me da partid una vez de cada 5 o 6 intentos. Se hace muy pesado encontrar una partida. Gracias y espero lo solucionen pronto

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,855

    Nintendo swtich, cross play enabled, happens when loading into a trial as killer. Loading bar fills like normal, but once it's full, it just keeps going for 10+ minutes. Then it brings me straight to the result screen, claiming someone dc'd while loading into the trial. I tried getting into a match for the last two hours and it's always the same

  • Silvine
    Silvine Member Posts: 21

    Its always because there a console killer ifater turning crossplay off it started to not happen.

    Platform: Steam

    Crossplay: On

    Solo Queue.

  • suboficial87
    suboficial87 Member Posts: 5

    Jugador PS4. Además de tener cargas infinitas hay veces que me desconecta del servidor directamente y ni siquiera accede a pantalla de carga. Voy con juego cruzado. Se hace muy pesado e injugable

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    Happened to me on my second game as killer. I am on PS4. Crossplay ON. I remember all survivors in lobby were from different platform[s] than me.

    Closed game after 5min of waiting at loading screen. Logged back in. No DC penalty.

  • Sammeh
    Sammeh Member Posts: 11

    PC - Infinite loading screens still happen after the patch.

  • Sammeh
    Sammeh Member Posts: 11

    I've noticed a pattern of there always being Escape cakes or bloody party streamers offerings when the infinite loading screens happen for me.

  • Poindextered
    Poindextered Member Posts: 1

    I saw the hotfix has come out, but the infinite loading bug is still there. It has happened to me twice since the fix. It only happens when loading into games (even custom games) and seems to be completely random. It's happened with and without a Mikaela in the game for me. Could possibly be related to the new perks but I have no clue.

  • darkraigefire
    darkraigefire Member Posts: 1

    It's happened to me every match since yesterday afternoon at around 3pm PST. Some I joined on my friend, some they joined on me, crossplay was on (we couldn't even find a match with crossplay off), once we found a match, we would get past the offerings and start loading in and it wouldn't load until someone DC'd. I'm on PS5, most matches playing as Mikaela, a few attempted as Jill w/ the same results, all with at least one friend in my lobby.

  • FancyMrB
    FancyMrB Member Posts: 1,250


    Loading into match as a solo survivor.

    Cross play on

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    I’m no genius, and I realize we console players are always the lowest of priority, but: Isn’t it pointless to apply a ‘fix’ to just steam if people on other platforms in their lobby still get the bug? Are we just testing steam only lobbies to see if it works, because if not you may as well just use sage and smudge the servers to achieve the same effect…

  • Siberman
    Siberman Member Posts: 2

    I had this problem after the update. The loading screen took a good 15 minutes and when it finally finished I entered the game without my med kit. Luckily the med kit was not expended I reunited with it in the lobby.

  • bookerds
    bookerds Member Posts: 1

    Happens to me constantly.

    ps4, you playing as cenobite, crossplay on

    First game loaded normally and instantly, I’ve used bloodyparty. Then every game for 6 straight tries always infinite and when loads, it crashes. Once was swamp, once midwich, once mcmillan and once springwood as I recall.

    I recon that there was always new survivor, but the first very game that loaded instantaneous, she was there as well. And constantly I’m being kicked out a challenge, and I have to select it again. Haven’t tried without selecting.. Pumping kicking one.

  • pejii
    pejii Member Posts: 79

    I had my 1st infinite loding (into the game after the offerings were consumed and the loading bar fully finished) today (after the fix patch that did not resolve the infinite)

    crossplay on, new character in the lobby, I was killer (huntress), platform PC/

  • elbe
    elbe Member Posts: 1

    I get 5 Minute loading Screen when loading Into a Game on regular Basis.

    PC , Crossplay on, in Lobby or solo doesnt Matter , mostly survivor

    IT Always ends with someone disconnecting...

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,179

    Infinite Loading Screen still exists after Hotfix 5.3.0a on Steam.

  • Respawn
    Respawn Member Posts: 60

    Happened again this morning - Xbox S, the survivors were all console players. I have cross platform turned on. Loaded into Lobby fine started loading then it fills the load bar and does nothing.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    After the update it still keeps happening. SWF group infinite loading screen while loading into the match. PC steam crossplay on.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    had an infinite loading screen with crossplay off this time.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203
    edited October 2021

    PC, Steam. Playing Survivor, solo player. I had an infinite loading screen right after I updated my game on Steam. I waited five minutes, then I forced the game to quit.

    Edit: crossplay on.

  • purgamentoram
    purgamentoram Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    PC, crossplay on, playing survivor, I get infinite loading screen half the time when loading into the match. When the match does load my controller doesn't work, even though it works in all the menu screens. Had the same controller issue last night when I had crossplay turned off.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467
    edited October 2021

    For myself I'm playing on PS5.

    I do have cross play on and the matches I've been in are all mixes is both PC and console players

    I was also playing in a party with 1 to 2 other people.

    The infinite loading screen is always while loading into a match itself

    I know the last PSS talked about cross progression. it would be nice to have so I could use all the stuff I got on PS5 on any platform I have the game on.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    It's getting worse: restarted game...first attempt...infinite load.

    But you have to consider, what if others have the problem and how does that effect you.

  • Knotty1985
    Knotty1985 Member Posts: 66

    Just to verify what cookiebear said, I'm on Steam with crossplay still enabled and getting another long loading screen when entering the match.

    I'm not disabling crossplay so I'll try to determine how often it occurs but its taking much longer to time out than it really should

  • MidnightMoon1990
    MidnightMoon1990 Member Posts: 8

    I have been having infinite loading screens as well. Mainly as killer, It seems like it happens more with cross play turned off but it happens on both as well.

  • JayStarfall
    JayStarfall Member Posts: 1

    Happens every other or every couple of games it seems. I was in a group with one other person but other than that I didn't notice many patterns. It was always when loading into a match and IF the loading screen ever ended it was to a disconnect screen. A few times I had to close the game with task manager because it wouldn't close. I was playing on Steam with cross-play enabled

  • K1LLA4247
    K1LLA4247 Member Posts: 2

    It happens 9/10 times as killer on the midnight Grove loading screen crossplay on, as survivor its like half and half.

  • fixyourdamngame
    fixyourdamngame Member Posts: 3

    Just happened for the THIRD time. Playing Legion, ps4, crossplay on. Lost my offering but not my add ons. Had to reboot the game, over 9 minutes it was stuck. I have a suggestion…stop being money hungry, pushing a bunch of dlc, and FIX THE GAME!

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    it kept happening when loading into a match as killer

    first 2 times i was playing Freddy (p3) (they were back to back).

    last time i was playing Legion, using the halloween skin.

    it also sometimes happens when im playing Mikaela in a duo.

    my platform is ps4

  • thepartyboy376
    thepartyboy376 Member Posts: 4

    Playing on Xbox one

    I have been experiencing long loading screens to the point where it kicks me out of every game I try to play as KILLER.

    This has been happening for 2 days now and I am missing the HALLOWEEN event because of it!!!!!

    The screens are about 3minutes all the way to 10 minutes long until it either kicks me out or crashes my game all together and I lose all the add-ons and offerings I used in that match.

    The loading screen was initiated via matchmaking I get into a lobby then we all ready up and the loading screen appears and does what I explained.

    This happens mostly for killer and sometimes survivor but i CANNOT play any killer rounds AT ALL!!!

    Cross play is enabled.

    PLEASE FIX! I hope the event can be extended since lots of people are not able to play due to this issue!!!


  • Knotty1985
    Knotty1985 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2021


    Defo seems crossplay related, happened again in a match with all 4 survivors on PC, the killer was crossplay and was the one which timed out

    All survivors were in chat at the end discussing it.

    P.S. fix it fast, your messing up my twitch stream :D

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