This Is Becoming Exhausting



  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    This is why my messaging is off. Yeah, nice messages can be great, but usually not worth the risk.

  • 1bella_donna_
    1bella_donna_ Member Posts: 3

    Was actually coming here to say this, there are some very toxic players/people out there, I've blocked all messages as well for this same reason. I'm sorry they said these things, please don't listen to them. I don't think many people nowadays care for others feelings, that's so very sad to me. Take care and Happy Gaming...

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    The guy was telling him to kill himself and you're here saying and i quote "If you tunnel I have no sympathy for you" along with "You put them in a bad place mentally so why should they not do the same to you. Honestly only killers who are not very good at the game do I see camping and tunneling. But if you are doing that then you deserve everything you dished out here". You are basically telling OP he deserves everything the guy said to him because he chooses the play a video game the way he chooses.

    "No one told him to do that" - So what exactly do you think unalive yourself means exactly?

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    camping and tunneling are nothing to get upset about. Neither excuse people for being toxic to others in end game chat. Its a bad excuse for being a sore loser.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Whenever i get some salty or hate message i just send this.

    And if it goes further than that like death threats and stuff, i just report them for it.

    And i know for certain that playstation will actually ban these people, so it's never a waste of time to report those people

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    Tunneling is actually against the rules and both are considered toxic. Both are considered underhanded so why is ok for the killer to be toxic and underhanded but not ok for survivors to be toxic? I would never encourage someone to send a nasty message to someone after loosing a match. If some killer or survivors were toxic I would simply block them or report them if they say inappropriate, vulgar or dangerous things to me. But on many occasions as a killer I have been accused of things I didn't do and I don't say anything back because there is no point in arguing with them. I simply block them and move on. I'm not saying everyone should do that or has to but that's just how I handled these things. The fact is that when killers tunnel its frustrating and that is mentally taxing itself. When information is missing on one side it can make it seem like they did wrong. No one likes killers who are toxic or underhanded (not saying he was) and when your constantly getting tunneled it can be frustrating. They have every right to be a little upset. However I don't think its right to take your anger on others. I don't think they should of said anything to him they should just blocked him and moved on. Also I don't want to hear that tunneling isn't against the rules its true its not bannable unless you tunnel the same person multiple times in multiple matches. But it is something they can ban you over if alot of people turn you in for it. That is the same for camping if they think you are abusing the camping and doing it to the same person in every match in multiple matches you can get banned. Camping and tunneling actually hurts the game. When you have a bad experience in the game like those underhanded things it can cause players to quit or not speak well of the game it can bringing the player base down. If you loose player base the game will die and if you enjoy the game you don't want that. It's just smarter for the game itself to not camp and tunnel. Though it's a game and you should just play the way you want. Anyway that's stuff I hope you have a fun one!

  • Sustina
    Sustina Member Posts: 46
    edited October 2021

    What kind of ass comparision is that. Being tunneled in a game because you play the survivor role vs direct targeted harrassment and death threats to an user outside of the game.

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    How is being toxic in the game any different than being toxic out of the game? I know what the difference ! One you can block and walk away from and the other you get a 5min time out for! Being toxic is being toxic! No matter in a game or in a direct message!

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    Ok I can roll with that, it was awhile ago but I reported someone for sending inappropriate messages and the one that responded told me that this was the only way it could be considered bannable. I was unaware it was called targeting. Thank you for clearing that up!

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Neither tunnelling or camping are against the rules or reportable.

    There is no reason to be abusive to someone else over a video game.

    If legit in game mechanics upset people then that is a problem they need to deal with themselves and stop having meltdowns and getting abusive like some angry child over a game.

    Anything else is just trollish children making excuses for other trollish children.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    I mean just report messages, block the person and move on...

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    It's not called tunneling what I was speaking of its called targeting I guess. I didn't know the name of it. Someone else informed me.

  • Citrusfruit
    Citrusfruit Member Posts: 73

    I'm on PS4, and recently, when I've been playing killer or survivor, all I get are survivors in my messages. When I play survivor, they're whining about how I didn't play the game like my actual life was on the line and wasn't running four meta perks saying

    "You ruin the game for other people", "Why were you crouching up to the hook, are you stupid??" (this was against a hag that in fact DID trap the hook).

    I usually just send gg, and try to toss positivity at them, which seems to only make them more upset, which in turn is kind of funny.

    When I play killer all I get are survivors being sore winners or losers in my messages. I don't run ruin undying, and I try to play as fair as a game will allow me depending on the state of the match, but I never go out of my way to make it unfun for people or bm on either side.

    I just want to play the game, have some fun, and meme around every once in a blue moon. They say you need to be the change you want to see in a community, and I try to be. I'll send killers gg, and compliment their builds, playstyle, or even just their killer choice if I don't see that killer often. When I play killer, and I think the survivors were kind or one person played exceptionally well, I'll give the last person hatch 9/10 times.

    Being killer is the most exhausting of the two roles, I just wish people weren't so confident behind the screen as they are. The person in the first became less then human the way they were talking imo.

  • luv2splge1488
    luv2splge1488 Applicant Posts: 11

    Survivors have every single advantage in this game and still wanna act like this 😂😂😂🤡 theyre so used to the game being on ez mode they can't stand when they actually lose

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Hmm it kind of sounds like you tunneled and camped one special person and that this person is very upset because it wasn't a one time thing. I had 2 "stalkers" or whatever you wanna call it. They kept tunneling and camping me whenever I got them as killer, letting everony else get out. They did write gg :) after each game, which was just a disgusting sadistic provocation. I recorded the incidents and submitted a ticket for each time it happened. Haven't seen those two around, so I hope they did something about them.

    Gotta be honest, if you did to this person what my "stalkers" did to me I can 100% understand why you got those messages.

    It's true words can hurt, but behaviour can hurt, too. Not saying it is ok to write something like that (as I wrote I recorded everything and (hopefully) suceeded in them getting banned, but my thoughts might have been comparable). Some kind of behaviour isn't ok neighter and one cannot expect to not get a comment on that.

    I guess what I am trying to say is, that you should reflect on your actions and take responsibility for your part in that story. People tend to believe that any behaviour is ok, as long as it isn't against the rules. Well guess what: Some kinds of behaviour will make people write you a text (and some might even do so just beacuse they're frustrated or still kids). But one should know if there is some truth in it and if they should adapt their behaviour if they're getting a lot of rude messages. (I myself got about five rude messages since I started playing this game, not as rude as yours though, but that must be due to me playing fair unless I'm provoked a lot)

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Toxicity on the survivor side is glorified while toxicity on the killer side is shunned and looked down on.

  • wxnickxw
    wxnickxw Member Posts: 740

    I'm curious on average do you find yourself getting 0 1 2 3 or 4ks a match?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited October 2021

    This was the 2nd time I've ever played them.

    They didn't do great the first time but they had a really bad game the 2nd time.

    Nobody got targeted, I can give you a play-by-play if you want.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    No need for that. You know how you behaved. If what they write it is totally unfair and unreasonable, then you know that you didn't do anything morally wrong. Sometimes it still bothers, but as long as you know that you behaved in a correct, fair and respectful way you should just block them and move on. (At least in this case I guess you cannot do anything else)

    What helps sometimes, if you feel like you have might been unfair to someone, is being honest and understanding.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, I feel like being told to "open my arms with sharp objects" is pretty unreasonable.

    But maybe that's just me.

  • MrSlippery
    MrSlippery Member Posts: 98

    People just can't accept when they get outplayed. Yeah sometimes you get salty, but going as far as messaging a person, rude stuff about it, only makes you the #########. Just report them to whatever system you play on, is what I'd do.

  • Archangel2O
    Archangel2O Member Posts: 29
    edited October 2021

    I know I'm late to commenting on this post, but I need to say something. I read some of the comments and saw several people saying "just ignore them," and even someone who said "If you tunnel I have no sympathy for you". Excuse me for how I'm about to put this but WHAT THE [BAD WORD] IS WRONG WITH YOU?? This is not so much to the people who say to just ignore them, but much more to anyone who thinks this kind of behavior is "deserved."

    I don't give a flying fish whether the OP actually tunneled or not, but yes, getting tunneled or camped in a game is frustrating...for all of like 10 minutes. And this person was told to kill themselves because of that temporary frustration. There have been plenty of times I have encountered a Killer who tunnels hard or face-camps and want to say so many things to them, and sometimes I can't hold back a "Why tf did you tunnel me?? What did I do???" or something similar. But I have never told someone to kill themselves over a game, that is way over the top and inexcusable.

    And to those that said to "just ignore them":

    1. If he was getting spammed, that makes it much harder to ignore
    2. What would someone who wasn't in a good spot mentally do/feel? Do you think that they would be able to ignore these comments? Because I sure as hell don't.

    In general, I don't like that there are some people in this thread that seem to care so little about someone being subject to this level of toxicity, and I hate that there are a few people actually trying to turn this against the OP.

    If you got this far, thank you for reading and sorry for the rant, I hope you all have a good day and don't have to deal with these kinds of people on DbD (or anywhere really) like the OP did.

  • Archangel2O
    Archangel2O Member Posts: 29

    I hate that some people are saying things like "If you tunnel I have no sympathy for you" and somehow making the Original Poster into the bad guy when he's being told to kill himself. Even if he really was tunneling or camping or whatever, that doesn't make telling him to kill himself justifiable. Sure, I don't like tunnelers and campers, I play Survivor more than Killer after all and it takes the fun out of the game for me and makes me frustrated, but not even close to the point that I would want the Killer to kill himself and especially decide to tell him that, even going so far as to spam him.

    And to the people who have been saying to "just ignore it," the original reason why the OP posted this in the first place was because he was afraid of how people in a worse spot mentally would take this extreme toxicity. If someone had been having suicidal thoughts, and was spammed by a toxic player and told to kill himself, do you really think he would ignore that? Or be able to ignore it in the first place? This isn't the OP just complaining about toxic players, he's sharing his experience, his fear for other people who might end up in his situation, and his own mood being affected by these messages.

    Sorry for the rant, hope you all have a good day

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    wow, okay, did you have to say everything I said but better :p

    The only thing that I would add is that I'm (likely illogically) worried that by not engaging I'll be damning someone else. I didn't play very "mean" that match. They got put on their backfoot early and never recovered. I didn't camp and I didn't tunnel anyone.

    If I played that clean of a game and got that result, what about people who did actually camp or tunnel?

  • Rancid_Discharge
    Rancid_Discharge Applicant Posts: 193

    Instead of holding toxic scumbags accountable you blame the victim of the toxicity? Not a good mindset my guy.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    Calling someone a "scumbag" is toxic also, is it not?

    Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and that includes you, whether you perceive yourself as a "victim" or not.

    Toxicity is subjective. What is toxic to you is not toxic to another, and vice versa.

  • Luciferr_2nd
    Luciferr_2nd Member Posts: 911

    I was about to make a post like this but i didnt have the confidence.

    I personally am in a good spot mentally, but as for mental health im very sensitive and can get upset easily.

    But to be honest, i haven't gotten messages as bad as those, now i feel silly for getting upset over the messages ive been getting haha 😅

    The point stands that im sick of getting rude messages though, it can kill my motivation to play killer when i actually really want to play it.

  • Rhoska
    Rhoska Member Posts: 273

    If you are in such a tenuous mental balance were messages online may put you into an even worse psychiatric condition, I think its good advise to seek professional help, disable messaging in games, and possibly discontinue some forms of online multiplayer gaming until your mental balance has improved.

  • Sustina
    Sustina Member Posts: 46

    The difference is that its probably nothing personal against you. You're playing a survivor role against a person who's playing the killer role. It's quite logical he's going to want you dead.

    They could not be good at it or simply have little time in their disposal. (Or maybe the survivor did something toxic to get the killer's attention hmmmm???)

    Basically you're tunneled and camped because uhhh...killer kills survivor? it could be anyone else in your place. Going into someones messages and being an ass is not only "toxic" because its not just a cheap ingame strategy but targeted harrassment on an individual who has more stressful gameplay going for them and they just chose easier/cheapier solutions to win.

    You sound like another person who thinks the killer is your entertainer and they need to go die in a ditch if they try anything to win.

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    Hi, I am diagnosed with GAD and Major Depression. These are exactly the tools my therapist would suggest for dealing with this behavior. It is not at all disrespectful, these are basic tools of self-care. When a person with mental illness is in crisis mode, which can be triggered by the interactions mentioned in this thread, you kinda have to triage yourself before you can get back to trying to help solve a problem (dealing with in-game harassment). It doesn't mean the person thinks that this should be the permanent solution to what's going on, but rather putting one's self first.

    Sadly, Rhoska's recommendation did become my permanent solution because both Behaviour and gaming platforms have failed to hold players accountable for their actions in meaningful ways.

  • alex511
    alex511 Applicant Posts: 56
    edited October 2021

    Why do you even allow unknown people to comment on your profile?

  • Floppy
    Floppy Member Posts: 50

    Actually I main killer and I don't think survivors need a buff or killers need a nerf. I think its fine to play the way you want to but don't complain when a survivor out smarts you and loops you when a killer can camp and tunnel. Camping and tunneling are not against the rules technically but targeting is and when you do those things they are considered underhanded. But like I said play how you want to play but don't be mad if someone doesn't like you for playing in an underhanded way. It's just childish to get mad when a survivor out smarts you or loops you or throws a pallet. Just do what you wanna do and have fun. But I give a warning only because it rings true with EVERY game, don't make the game un-enjoyable. If you do that less people play and that is bad for EVERYONE. I hope you understand!