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Infinite Loading Screens



  • nixtunes
    nixtunes Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2021

    Happens when loading into match, both on games from invites and solo queue, all survivor.

    It ate my BPS 😕

    Platform: PS4

    Crossplay: On

  • loloavec
    loloavec Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2021

    It was running fine all day today until 10:00pm PST. Sent in a crash log.

    Platform- Steam

    Crossplay- On

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Steam. 2/3 times

    As meg with dwight buddy I always play with. 1 crossplay survivor. Also as Quentin with same dwight a mickey(witch lady) and a bill all steam.

    The time it worked was as meg with dwight and fairly certain 2 crossplay

    Worked probably a dozen times before hotfix?

    I am without a clue. If it happens as killer I'll update this or make new entry if requested

    I like the pumpkin though

  • Cucti
    Cucti Member Posts: 3

    I have already commented on my problems with infinite loading screens here but i want to add something that might be EXTREMLY important for you finding at least some of the problem. I have noticed this infinite loading screen (after burning offering) only occurs on The pig who I play a lot . Now that I think about it, This has never occured to me on any other killer or on survivor and i have played plenty of other killers and many survivor matches. I have crossplay enabled and am on a origional xbox one.

    Thanks for looking into this

  • cynichism
    cynichism Member Posts: 52

    Playing on Xbox One with crossplay turned off.

    Infinite loading (more like 6+ minutes) has happened twice. Both times I was playing survivor as Nancy and using one of the pumpkin offerings. Both times it showed disconnecting players when I finally made it past the loading screen.

    The first time was several hours ago and two survivors had disconnected. This second time was just now and the killer disconnected. I messaged him and he said he got the long loading screen and quit because of that.

    He had a Mori.. I was guessing it was survivors quitting again.. maybe not.

  • renee09173
    renee09173 Member Posts: 9

    I SWF, I know that's lame in some opinions, but we play nearly every night and ever since Mikaela's stuff came out the infinite loading screens were a MASSIVE problem. For two days we would spend 3ish hours trying and would only make it into 3-4 matches. Most of the time we were stuck on the loading screen to enter the match.. Typically killer would DC and we would be able to retry. We gave up after a bit for both nights...

    As of today and the patch, for the most part, it has helped us. We had six matches tonight and were able to play five out of the six. I will include information as to time I loaded into match and when we could play, characters, killers, map. Not sure if it's characters, maps, items... But nobody seemed to have anything special other than our attempted 5th match.

    • Match #1

    10:11 PM loading into match || Able to play match at 10:13 PM

    Mikaela(crossplay), David(PC), Nea(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer Ghost Face -- Map MacMillian

    • Match #2

    10:32 PM loading into match || Able to play match at 10:33 PM

    Mikaela(crossplay), David(PC), Nea(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer Nemesis -- Map Coldwind Farms

    • Match #3

    10:52 PM loading into match || Able to play match at 10:54 PM 

    Mikaela(crossplay, Jill(PC), Feng(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer Trickster -- Map Autohaven Wreckers

    • Match #4

    11:12 PM loading into match || Able to play match at 11:13 PM

    Mikaela(crossplay, Jill(PC), Feng(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer Legion -- Map Coldwind Farms

    • Match #5 11:31 PM loading into match || Was NOT able to play map -- took 10 minutes in a map before the killer left and it took us to the ending screen

    Mikaela(crossplay, Jill(PC), Kate(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer would have been The Pig -- Map <Ormond Offering>

    --------- P.S The pig had the ultra rare add on called Video Tape, not sure if that had anything to do with the map not working.

    •Match #6 12:00: AM loading into match || Able to play match at 12:02 AM

    Mikaela(crossplay, Jill(PC), Kate(PC), Nancy(PC) -- Killer Doctor -- Map Ormond

  • zad86
    zad86 Member Posts: 1

    Playing on Steam I have crossplatform enabled. i only get this while loading into a match the game hangs for about 5 to 10 minutes then someone dc's and takes us to the end game screen. it happens about once every 3 or 4 matches.

  • Xarina24
    Xarina24 Member Posts: 3

    Just happened again.

    The map/match was loading. It ended in a player disconnected error (error code 500) after several minutes.

    Playing with a friend (PC Jeff) and I was PC Nancy. There were two PC players (David & Meg - both show disconneced) as our teammates and a console trickster as killer.

    The map was Coldwind Farm. The offerings were escape cake/fresh william by players and yellow mori from killer.

    Working on current tome Survivor challenges.

  • VertexLeyton
    VertexLeyton Member Posts: 1

    This has happening to me a lot for information im on xsx 1 in 4 matches are ones I get to play the rest are infinite loading screens

  • Xarina24
    Xarina24 Member Posts: 3

    Just happened again.

    The map/match was loading. It ended in a player disconnected error (error code 500) after several minutes.

    Playing with a friend (PC Jeff) and I was PC Yun. There was also a PC player Nea & console player Feng. Feng showed disconnected. Console Oni as killer.

    The map was suff pit. The offerings were escape cake/faint reagent by players and seed from killer.

    Working on current tome Survivor challenges

  • DoctorWatson
    DoctorWatson Member Posts: 5

    Loading into a match as killer. Crossplay on. Initiation by usual matchmaking.

    On Xbox One

  • YMG_Hurricane
    YMG_Hurricane Member Posts: 1

    This is a mess I can't play, infinite loading screen in 4/5 games, I can't finish halloween challenges, I normally start a random queue with the new character and after the offering screen there's an infinite loading and of course i have to close the application from task manager.

  • Ladameblanche_88
    Ladameblanche_88 Member Posts: 1

    Happens to me every second match as survivor and killer on ps4 . I have cross-platform turned off . Loading screen loads normally but the game just never starts .

    Also have a frequent disconnected from host issue .

    Lastly I get stuck in random spots and suddenly get downed and hooked out of nowhere, survivors remain in a hooked status on my screen even after already being unhooked or remain mid air and can't move

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    It's still happening after the update/patch. The most recent game from the log was affected and a few games before that.

  • funkymonkey
    funkymonkey Member Posts: 32

    After the mini update yesterday I was able to get into games with no problems on ps4 while playing with friends on pc.

    Today however we keep getting the infinite load screen, followed by not able to even get into a team together. When we did finally get into a team and got into a lobby a error occurred each time and are not able to get into a match.

    Third time of restarting the game and getting a successful lobby we got a match

  • BoostedKateMain
    BoostedKateMain Member Posts: 51

    I'm on PS4 and I get an infinite loading screen every 2nd game as killer but as survivor it just happens randomly.

  • WitchKingCain
    WitchKingCain Member Posts: 2

    PC. Steam.

    Playing survivor with friends on Xbox. Got into match lobby, but stuck on loading screen into the actual match.

  • kiedregon
    kiedregon Member Posts: 1

    Happened several times in a row last night with our 4man in the same room. Major bummer, lol. All playing on steam with crossplay ON. Mikaela and no Mikaela. We were able to restart our games and get into a match once, but all attempts after that (even after fresh restarts) got stuck on loading screen going into match.

    Happened to me again this morning while I was playing Trickster with crossplay on. Got into one match just fine and second match was infinite loading. I wasn't motivated to try again after wait time to get into the match had already been like 15+ minutes.

  • heyitsbort
    heyitsbort Member Posts: 2

    Had it happen just now in a 3 man party.

    Crossplay is ON.

    5 games - 4 crashed to infinite loading screen.

    All games had a console player / GamePass player as the 4th.

    The one game that loaded was ALSO a GP player so I'm not sure what the issue is.

  • Zelyais
    Zelyais Member Posts: 19

    60%+ Infinite Loading Screen, when going into the Match, Lobbies work fine.

    Playing on a PS4, Crossplay on as well as off creates this Problem, Full-Swf feels a bit more stable but Solo/Mixed'Q as well as Killer are a mess.

  • Reaper236
    Reaper236 Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2021

    This happens to me every other game. I get into a game, the next I have to close the game and reboot it before I can get into another one. I really hope you guys add on more days for this event because I am losing out on a lot of games because of this issue. Secondly I would like to add that I have to keep selecting the tome challenge that I want every time I load into the game even if i had it selected before. I am on Xbox when this is occurring.

    Edit: Happened twice in a row, I also do not have crossplay on

  • jordxnlxndis
    jordxnlxndis Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2021


    2 Successful killer matches that loaded in properly. Then my friend joined and we tried to load in as swf. Did not load (infinite load screen). There was not a Mikaela in the lobby. I closed the app to avoid waiting too long. I played as Ace with a brown toolbox equipped.

    My friend’s crossplay was off. Mine was on.

  • YuisPinkBob
    YuisPinkBob Member Posts: 353

    Just had it twice in a row. I was playing SWF with a console player (cross play was on). This happened after the Steam update.

  • SerperiorPyroar
    SerperiorPyroar Member Posts: 9

    Playing Killer on Xbox with crossplay on

    Infinite Loading when loading into a match.

  • InTheWoods86
    InTheWoods86 Member Posts: 5

    I play on ps4, crossplay activated. First time with this issue yesterday evening with trapper. Tried again today afternoon, two matches always with trapper went well, then i switched to demogorgon and the problem represented it. Steal my offering. Please fix.

  • IPlayGamesOnPC
    IPlayGamesOnPC Member Posts: 28

    No longer stuck logging in, but getting infinite loading screens every other match.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,284

    Happened again. First match as survivor with 1 friend. Loading screen before match is now stuck to infinite loop and im too stubborn to close the game forcefully so here i sit waiting.

    Noticed this didnt happen when i played as killer only as a survivor.

    PC / Steam crossplay on

  • Jayden192
    Jayden192 Member Posts: 1

    Whenever I go to play the trickster with my new skin I just bought, it gives me a super long loading screen and isn't the current event loading screen either, just shows the one before the event, always 1 or more other player disconnecting, also takes at least 5-10 minutes to find a game in the first place, playing survivor I have no problems and I have gotten to play with the trickster with the skin twice, but have at least attempted 15 times by now, thank you for your time and hopefully this helps.

  • quirky
    quirky Member Posts: 56

    Mine happened loading into a match. My friend joined my lobby and it happened.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,703

    2 infinite loading screens today with crossplay off. Please tell me you guys have a fix coming for this.

  • HuskyTech
    HuskyTech Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    When the issue occurred: Loading into a match.

    How the loading was initiated: It has happened both as a solo queue player and after accepting an invite into a group of 3 others.

    Cross platform: On.

    PC: Windows Store.


    I also experience occasional game crashes that seem more frequent since the latest game update.

    Feel free to contact me if logs would help investigate. Thanks!

  • reeves7
    reeves7 Member Posts: 306


  • Jermudaa
    Jermudaa Member Posts: 1

    Me and my 2 friends play on Steam and noticed that with crossplay on, the infinite load screens happens quite often and while playing with crossplay off, we didn't have a single instance of infinite load screen. Seems to me that it's something to do with crossplay/ console players.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The infinite loading screen happens a lot when I try to play killer. It's rather uncommon when I'm playing survivor, though.

    But given that I need to get this killer stuff done for the Halloween event, it's a problem.

  • NotAKoreanNacho
    NotAKoreanNacho Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2021

    This has happened to me several times

    10/20 I joined a friend by clicking 'join game'. Killer- Oni Survivors- Felix, David, Feng, Nea (I had a green tool box and the bound envelope)

    10/22- Two games in a row, I was playing Huntress with the purple belt loop and the purple concoction (offerings were the survivor pudding and the shell). Game 1 Survivors- Mikaela, 2 Fengs, Jake, Game 2 Survivors- Mikaela, Dwight, David, Feng

    System- PS4

    Cross Platform- Active

    (Also due to the fact that it happened after the burning of offerings, I lost some good offerings RIP)

  • DariusB92
    DariusB92 Member Posts: 122

    Playing solo with cross-platform on. I play on ps4. Happens almost every single match. Won't be playing until it's fixed because it's just a huge waste of time. A huge disappointment when you load forever only to have to close out the game and restart it each time.

  • IAmSian
    IAmSian Member Posts: 4

    It's happened to me loading into the match three times over two evenings. Playing on PS4, Cross play on, solo q, twice playing Zarina and once playing Jake.

  • ugDUST
    ugDUST Member Posts: 51

    This happens to me EVERY game, whether I play killer or survivor. I’m on Xbox one S. I always wait it out and more than half the time after like 5 minutes, it loads into the match. As I play many different killers and many different survivors, I don’t think it’s related to any survivor or killer. Although it does seem to take longer for the bigger maps

  • SpaceyStacey_
    SpaceyStacey_ Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021


    Mostly been playing Adam

    Solo Survivor

    Crossplay enabled

    Happens every 2-4 games

    No offerings from myself.

    Brought Common med kit.

    I haven't yet noticed a pattern of if it matters when a new player joins or cross platform etc. I just switched to disabling Crossplay to see if this helps.

    This has been happening since right before the Midnight Grove went live.

  • LouGaroo
    LouGaroo Member Posts: 7

    23 October 2021

    - for 2 days already experiencing infinite loading screens after starting the match from regular lobby

    - no matches possible

    - happening whether playing as Survivor or Killer

    - playing regular matches on PS4

    - location Germany

  • UglyBunt
    UglyBunt Member Posts: 4

    Just tested it out with crossplay OFF on Xbox One and still got an infinite loading screen and there was no new survivor in the lobby so I believe it's a console problem.

  • anitablake182
    anitablake182 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    i get into my survivor loby just fine we go threw the offering page then the infinite loading screen

    I’m playing solo que

    with Claudette non of the new perks

    match after match it’s just the same thing

    im on console cross play on

  • UltraBurg
    UltraBurg Member Posts: 5

    Loading into a regular match, in a group of 3. 5 games in a row now.

  • Solo survivor, Cheryl, matchmaking queue, lobby loads fine, as it attempts to load into the match one of the following occurs:

    Either A:

    • Loading is infinite and only ends when someone else disconnects during the loading process.
    • You are kicked to the endgame lobby.
    • Items and offerings are consumed.

    Or B:

    • The loading screen is several minutes long, and after a very long time, it does actually load into the game.
    • Items and offerings are removed — the trial starts and you do not have them — and consumed from your survivor's loadout inventory, as if you died in a match.
    • In the postgame screen you do still see the items addons and offerings that you chose when you queued or were in lobby.

    Maybe a PSA would be in order?

    You're risking just burning your items/offerings for nothing while this issue is ongoing.

  • GlitchyCanada
    GlitchyCanada Member Posts: 2

    I’m seeing it maybe 1/5 games still after the patch. It’s always when loading into the game. Sometimes pc only sometimes mixed with console. Different killers, different offerings, different perks.

    Only thing I noticed is when someone disconnects and someone else joins in their place (60 second timer restarts), that is often when the endless screen happens. I don’t know if this is related or just been a coincidence the last few times I noticed it. (3x a survivor reset 2x killer did).

    Its especially annoying that the ones that DC to time it out always lose their offerings/item. Ones that didn’t DC sometimes keep it and sometimes lose it. I’ve seen as many as 3 DC’s need it to end the match.

  • Floki_Doki
    Floki_Doki Member Posts: 18
    edited October 2021

    Ps4 - Killer - Cross Play On: I have been getting a lot Infinite Load Screens since the 20th. I just had 4 in a row today after playing about 5 matches successfully. The error code is 500. Ive also experienced several "Failed to connect to host" messages before even loading into the lobby. Through this whole experience I've lost an uncountable amout of Offerings (greens and iridescents) in which we support your game in earning along with us all losing much time on the once a year event. Hopefully there will be some gesture of compensation for this inconvenience as we all wish to continue supporting your game.

    Thank you

    Post edited by Floki_Doki on
  • gavdilli
    gavdilli Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    It happens to me only when I play as the killer. I can get in the lobby but when the game itself starts to load it goes infinite.

  • Kittypsylocke
    Kittypsylocke Member Posts: 3

    we get infinite when loading into a game after the items are burned (which we lose by the way)

    Xbox player, cross played enabled.

    Advised a friend about this who was streaming last night 10/22/2021 (he's PS4), he turned off cross play and still got the infinite when he loaded into a game after burned offerings.

  • ElmatchDBD
    ElmatchDBD Member Posts: 87

    Mikaela makes infinite loading in ps4

  • BowlOfSoup
    BowlOfSoup Member Posts: 22

    Played 5 games today, 2/5 infinite load.



    Character:Mikaela Reid

    Hope that helps.

This discussion has been closed.