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Infinite Loading Screens



  • Member Posts: 7

    P.S.: - crossplay was "on"

    ...and, yes, not only incenses are burned, but also as Killer all roundwise add-ons are lost.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2021
    • Platform: PlayStation 5
    • Occurrence: Loading into match
    • Cross-Platform: Enabled
    • Playing as Trickster
    • Started around 2:20 PM Eastern Time, timed out around 2:31 PM. Resulted in us going to match result screen, identifying that two of the survivors disconnected.

    Another note, while playing SWF a couple nights ago, right after a teammate got tired of waiting and shutoff their PS5, the loading screen nearly immediately went to the match result screen.

    Post edited by GingaN1nja on
  • Member Posts: 1

    Happened to me twice so far on PS5, crossplay on. I queued up solo as a survivor in a lobby and both games I've tried to play so far gave me the bug. Didn't get any info on the first instance but here's a screenshot of the results screen from the second

  • Member Posts: 867

    New player here (11.5 hrs play time). Playing on PC/Steam with crossplay enabled. As a survivor, joining solo.

    I started getting Infinite Loading screen joining matches after buying Silent Hill DLC and playing as Cheryl. Today alone I've been stuck on this screen so many times it's so frustrating. Like I get that it can take a few minutes before the red save icon appears and the match starts, but it just sticks here. I'd never had them before with Laurie, the other DLC I bought.

  • Member Posts: 25

    This has happened in about 40% of my games today. It happens both as killer and survivor. How can BHVR not fix this by now? This is the only game that I play where I experience this. Do they just not know how to program for a lobby and matchmaking? Someone at BHVR has to think...gee....maybe we should fix this once and for all.

  • Member Posts: 1

    In addition to this eternal screen, I don't close the game but wait till someone does, and what is happening is that we are losing pips! #########? It is so hard to earn one to lose them like this and with random dc´s!

  • Member Posts: 3

    Just had one happen.

    PC with another PC player in SWF. I am playing Jake, they are playing David King. I brought a plain yellow medkit, they brought a plain yellow toolbox. Party streamers, black ward, and a cursed seed were the offerings (might've been another I can't remember.) Interesting to note that in the screenshot, DBD appears to be busy halted on a thread, indicating that maybe that has something to do with it? Memory usage is stable, GPU usage is normal, and disk usage is only minor at around 0.1 MB/s.

    Oh it finally ended because of two dc's (one of which was my friend.) Sending screenshot of the lobby as well.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Just had it again, second time in a row. With same friend, brought same stuff. I normally play David, and I never have it happen with David, so maybe it has something to do with Jake? Possibly the cursed seed offering.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    Still happens a lot like 20-30% of the games. And some games you spawn in and play for 20 seconds and then it ends and says someone has DC..more likely they never spawned in but is stuck in loading screen while others started the game.

  • Member Posts: 311

    Just had 4 lobbies back to back that would Infinite. Bubba every time playing as killer. Mikaela in 2 of the lobbies. Crossplay on, some matches had different platforms the latest one had all Xbox players. Playing on Xbox one s

  • Member Posts: 1

    It's been happening to me ever since Mikaela was added into the game. I play maybe 6 hours on/off a day and it happens maybe twice a day. It does not seem to be related to anything because I tend to switch between survivors. I mainly play Jill though and I only play survivor. The bug occurs when trying to load into the match and the infinite loading screen ends when someone just disconnects. Crossplatform is enabled and I play on pc. I mostly queue solo.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I have been having infinite loading screens ever since this arise, background:

    Platform: PC - Microsoft Store

    Crossplay: Always on

    When: Whenever I Que up with cross-platform friends (Steam only)

    ---SOMETIMES, if we use a map offering it will finally load but it seems the maps are never consistent when it will load.

    Solo play WORKS! I can only play DbD while playing as a killer Solo

    My friends on Steam can Q up as killer or survivor solo and have no problems.

    The problem is when can no longer Que up together, if we do, to infinite and beyond

  • Member Posts: 2


    Infinite loading more often than not when loading in to a match. Happens both with crossplay on and off.

    Only when playing killer so far though.

  • Member Posts: 3

    It's been happening to me every couple of games, I'm on ps4. I've lost half if my offerings. When can this be fixed???

  • Member Posts: 1

    I've stayed in multiple loading queues after offerings have been burned. 100% of the time the loading will cease if the killer dcd. But NOT if a survivor dcd. Maybe look into the peer connections as to way connecting to killers is so problematic.

  • Member Posts: 1

    This is happening to me and all the people I know who play the game-- it's when we are trying to load into the actual match (as survivors). about 50% of the time it will just be an infinite loading screen and we have to ctrl+alt+del to get out of the game and restart. The most frustrating part is actually that it burns our offering every time this happens, so if we keep playing through it anyway, we end up with zero offerings by the end of the night. This is making the event difficult to play and enjoy and I'm very sad about it.

    We all have crossplay enabled, it happens with a full or partial group, and it seems like it's any time of day as well.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Only happens to me when loading into a match

    (Crossplay on)

  • Member Posts: 1


    Loading into a match as either survivor or killer, cross platform on, both with or without offerings

    Not sure if I have seen it happen without the new survivor being in the match BUT they're new so they are in most matches making it hard to remember.

    I've found that it seems less common the more PC players are in my lobby but I can only know at max 4 people are PC when we start so I haven't tested this theory. When I solo it happens roughly 1/2 or 2/3s of my matches, duo with console friend had it happen to 3 out of the 4 games we tried. I have noticed more console players than usual in my matches that I do play though so it may be more of a PC based issue, most of my matches seem to have 3+ console players currently but whether thats the matchmaking pool size or an actual issue I'm not entirely sure of.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I just had a game that took 10 minutes to load into, and 3 gens in the game just crashed. Playing Xbox One matchmaking with crossplay disabled.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Happens every time I play as killer trying to complete the Halloween Hook challenge. Tried multiple killers and get infinite loading screen. Cross platform from PS4

  • Member Posts: 273

    Any updates on this? Got three infinite loading screens in a row

  • Member Posts: 10

    I thought it was fixed…it happened again…

    no clue why but i presume it might be the platform with low specs such as ps4 xbox one or ######### pc

    ps5 crossplay on

    i wonder how the heck they’d get my offerings back and whensoever it would be fixed

  • Member Posts: 12


    OK now, besides of the infinite 20min loading screen, I get "can't connect to host". My end is clean, open ports and everything. This is the only game that's causing issues. FIX IT PLZ!!!!

  • Member Posts: 1

    Killer on PS4, always use matchmaking (no invite).

    Been experiencing either infinite or 20+ min load times loading into match for several days and haven't finished a match successfully since the event began.

    I keep cross platform on but shutting off appears to have no impact.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Playing in custom games the issue also occurs. Cross-platform play enabled, Steam & PS4 users in lobby. We had 2 consecutive matches when a specific PS4 user was trying to be killer where we got infinite load, but it was not isolated to this user. It happened at least 2 times prior in a span of approximately 15 games where conditions e.g. survivor and killer selections were varied.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I’ve been playing as a solo survivor with cross play enabled on Xbox series X. This has happened to me about 8 or 9 times in the last 3 days.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Cross platform loading into match

  • Member Posts: 12

    Happened for 75% of matches in a 4-player, cross-platform SWF group. The new survivor and cursed seeds were common threads through each instance.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I play on PS4, system software is up to date. I don't play via wifi but via cable, so I have a stable internet connection. 

    The problems mainly occur when I want to play Killer. There are 2 variants:

    1. I try to get into a lobby, this attempt aborts and then it says that I was disconnected from the host. Sometimes only a complete restart of the PS4 helps. 

    2. I am in a lobby as a killer and then comes the infinite loading screen. Again, only close the game helps (then usually comes the problem that I was disconnected from the host) but mostly I have to restart the console again. 

    I play with crossplay. My wife on the PC has not yet had these problems. 

    I have completely reinstalled the game once, then it became less, but it is still not completely gone. As a solo survivor, I have only had it twice when trying to load into the match. 

    At first I suspected certain addon combinations - for example with Piggy I wanted to test the video tape and Amanda's letter together to see if only one survivor would have an RBT on. 

    I also have the feeling that there are more problems when I use Totemperks - but so far I could not see any connections. 

    By the way, if you have selected an archive task, it is not selected anymore after the restart. It doesn't matter if it's the Halloween tome or the normal one. 

    What I also notice is that when I play Mikaela and she is saved by the hook, she stands for a while and I can't move her. I have also seen this with other Mikaela players, when I had Aura view. They sometimes suddenly make huge distance away. 

    In general, the PS4 has some strange lags at the moment and also dubious hitboxes again. 

  • Member Posts: 2

    I have no problems of the loading screen when I'm a survivor but when I go to be the killer and we are loading into a match loading screen was 10 minutes and then somebody left the match like please fix this

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    First match of the day.

    10 minutes+ in a killer queue.

    Infinite loading.

    Had to restart game.

  • Member Posts: 886
    edited October 2021

    Happened to me just now. Was loading into a match as a Survivor, offerings appeared as usually and then I got hit with an infinite loading screen. SoloQ, Cross Platform was On and I play through Steam.

    It might be worth noting that this is the first time this has happened and I played a decent amount of games in the last two days without any issue at all.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Solo queue survivor. 3 matches out of 5 didn't load. Playing as Det. Tapp. Only Mikaela in one match. Both matches that went through correctly were against Spirit.

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited October 2021


    Yesterday I tried 1 killer game and get an infinite loading screen, but then I switched to survivor and played like 7 matches and everything ok. 1 of those matches was in RPD and I didnt get an infinite loading screen, so I dont think is a map related issue but a killer role issue... Crossplay on.

    I also get desync issues sometimes when getting unhooked, but I think that's a more general issue

  • Member Posts: 183
    edited October 2021

    Took a 2 day break. Just logged on to do some dailies and see if BHVR managed to fix a glaring issue before the next monday. (Wednesday if we're being honest) They didn't. Go figure right? This is my shocked face :| Do you see it? <--

    Every other match, playing killer, same bug. We should all know the problem is predominately caused by console killers by now. BHVR doubly so but here we are.

    Here's to hoping they'll extend the Halloween event tome by a few days, at least. Since, you know, the per usual game breaking bugs preventing people from completing it. Many of whom rely on the weekend to do so. Sometimes I wonder why I bother playing this game. I love it, but this is ridiculous, and not without precedent.

    EDIT: Xbox. Crossplay on. Killer: literally doesn't matter. Yadda Yadda on and on we go.

    EDIT: EDIT: 4..matches..in...a...row. Nothing in common except all were me trying to play killer on Xbox, and the fact that the only thing that exceeds my stubbornness in trying to play your game is my poor luck. At this point, (the table flipping point), I applaud your upcoming competitors to the unique brand that is your game's genre. Not because I intend to jump ship, but instead because I assume you'll have no choice but to take things seriously and prevent absurd bs like what's occurring at the moment and has occurred, in similar magnitude, several times before. I have years of effort, and money, invested in the product that is this game. The LEAST that its developers can achieve is making sure it functions at the bare minimum I've grown accustomed to. You know, when it isn't utterly broken by updates that are, ironically, meant to be QoL changes.

    Post edited by Seiji212 on
  • Member Posts: 2

    Can you please disable the penalty of leaving while loading a match until this bug is patched, I'm losing so much grade progress when I have to force close the game during one of these

  • Member Posts: 3

    Happened twice in a row to my girlfriend and I. Playing together as survivors on Xbox. Her on the Series X, me on the One X. Not in an Xbox party together but in the same game “party” or lobby together or whatever. Both with crossplay enabled. I’m using the new survivor Mikaela and she had Claudette selected. We get paired with others and ready up for the match and then it starts loading and after many minutes, it kicks us back to the menu. Been happening randomly since the mid chapter update. Less frequently it seems lately but still a huge problem.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2021

    It happens when the killer is playing on Switch IME.

    I had 5 attempts trying to play killer on Switch and it always stuck on loading screen.

    I had no problem playing as survivor on Switch or playing any role on other platforms (PC, PS4).

    Not surprisingly if you play killer on Switch and Crossplay, everyone got the loading screen treatment as the killer can never materialize into the game.

    Platform: Switch

    Role: Killer


  • Member Posts: 1

    Agreed! Same thing happens with me anytime I play killer on console I get the infinite load screen before the match. However the game loads in fine when I'm survivor... maybe it has something to do with hosting the lobby as a killer?

  • Member Posts: 526

    I've been able to play survivor just fine, but as killer I have the infinite loading screen everytime.

    And sometimes the game won't even let me get into a lobby.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Yeah I'm certain now that the problem is linked console killers. Because I'm on console (Xbox One) and have no loading problems as a survivor and when the killer is PC. The infinite load bug only turns up when I'm killer or when I match with another console killer.

  • Member Posts: 34

    Happened to me several times in the last 2 days.

    I was always playing solo survivor, with Mikaela (with default and purchased skin), on PS5, crossplay ON, with offerings and item on hand.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    Me and my SWF teammate had an infinite loading screen last night with crossplay off.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Its happening when I'm doing a Custom Game, 2 attempts so far all the information I can give is this

    Survivors: Tapp, Nea, Steve, Feng Min

    My perks: Saboteur, Blood Pact, Breakout, Hope

    Items: Ranger Medkit with Refined Serum and Gel Dressings

    Killer in match 1 was Executioner (no add-ons, the player forgot to equip them

    Killer in match 2 was The Pig (add-ons unknown)

    Platforms Steam, Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, Xbox One

    Hope this information helps.

  • Member Posts: 1

    ps4 cross play on i got the infinite loading screen every time i tried playing the trickster, however i was able to play the doctor but it was pretty laggy/glitchy. as survivor i was able to load into games but laggy. reinstalled and got the infinite again with trickster so i disabled cross-play and now i cant even load a lobby without being disconnected from host. i was playing around with cosmetics at the time. it all started when i tried to grab a survivor off a gen and it glitched me into permanent carry mode while the actual survivor was free to act but was invisible to me.

  • Member Posts: 168
    edited October 2021

    Tried to start a game as killer the doctor had the infinite load glitch on normal ps4 with crossplay on. Got past the matchmaking lobby and was waiting for the match to start I gave it 5 minutes turning it off

  • Member Posts: 32

    I get some games back to back with no problems and then the infinite load screen stuff kicks in. Spent an hour loading the game, getting a lobby and the infinite load screen. Rinse and repeat.

    Cross play on, ps4 and pc team.

    Most times it takes off the challenge I'm doing also.

    Many seeds lost, had double figures and had no games but now have 4 left.... But add ons were kept.

  • Member Posts: 687

    Maybe this bug is occurring when someone switches roles for the first time or it has to do with the killer role. Was playing survivor all morning with no infinite loading screen, even on my first game of the morning as survivor and no infinite loading screen. Decided to switch to killer and tried to play 2 games one of which is one attempt as we speak and back to back infinite loading screens for my first games as killer.

    Interestingly enough, it also happens when I boot up the game and decide my first game of the day will be killer and of course, it has the infinite loading bug.

    So does this bug have to do with the killer role that is the question. I don't really have issues with it as survivor. Just killer. Only killer.

    ROLE: Killer.
    Platform: PS4.
    Crossplay: Enabled.

    As of this moment I'm about to attempt my THIRD attempt at being able to actually play killer, wish me luck.

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited October 2021

    My experince.

    Platform : Switch

    Role : Killer Doctor & Cenobite with add-ons - Using offering seed.

    Crossplay : On

    On Saturday Morning Am and then again in the PM , then Sunday AM and then Sunday PM

    ALL I GOT WAS INFINITE LOADING SCREENS when i selected killer. I did this at least 10 times through-out these two days. When i got fed up i was able to play survivor with NO PROBLEMS. I didn't get INFINITE LOADINGS - loaded the game just fine played just fine.

    Sunday Night PM - i was FINALLY able to play 2 games of killer - i stopped at 2 because i have work in the AM and well i want me sleep!.

    So yeah there's my experience.

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