The hatch shouldn't be nerfed as hard as it was, games are just depressing

thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I totally get not wanting to have the majority of the game leave because of having a key. No one enjoys a good game suddenly turning into 3 of 4 survivors escaping out the hatch. That being said though why is it just 1 survivor now and the hatch doesn't even spawn in unless its only the 1 survivor. For example, my last game we got destroyed, just hook after hook, killer was really good and downed us all pretty fast. So fast that between constant gen pressure, fast chases, and ruin we only got 1 gen done. As one of us is dead and the other 3 of us are death hook I just realized this new change sucks. Our options are either do 4 gens or just have 2 of us die and hope that maybe the last one will magically find the hatch faster than a blight can. Whats the point in doing gens after a certain point if its literally all or nothing. Doing no gens is the same as doing 4 gens now. 2 people at least should still be able to escape, finding or bringing a key was an equalizer most of the time, not overpowered like so many killer mains try to say. This alternative means if you cant get the gens far enough you're either hiding until everyone else dies or giving yourself up to gamble they'll find hatch.



  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    Better? Clearly a killer main then because how in the world did you read that and think "ah yes thats better." Hatch needed a nerf but this wasn't it.

  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    So its just "we have 1 gen let me just give up for the others" yeah thats really fun

  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    So you must really enjoy getting bad games where the killers just kind of stomp you and all you can do cuz theres now no countermeasure is say "alright let me just give up" or "let me hide while I wait for my team to die." Sounds really fun

  • Nayru
    Nayru Member Posts: 567

    what makes it interesting now as opposed to before? given keys are a complete non-factor except in hands of last alive, it'll always be a case of remembering that little detail (but probably not) and getting followed in stealth via third person until you close hatch and then are denied 4k

    you can approach 100% escape rate as last alive if your key has blood amber since aura read will tell you where killer is and ultimately the hatch

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The devs would rather nerf something to the ground, rather than changing the mechanic in a way that is more fun and interactive.

    I would have started with the frequency in which we get keys on the bloodweb. So they are pretty much rare where someone would feel like “hey finally found a key!” Rather than “I’ve got 50 keys already I dunno what to do with them”…

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I don't have bad games recetly as Survivor at all tho. Even if I have bad game, it is never because "oh I didn't see the hatch somewhere damn now I will die because of that change". No.

  • R2k
    R2k Member Posts: 1,069

    Keys now work as they need to. It's a plan B for survivor in case your teammates mess it up. And not guaranteed escape for everyone as it was before.

    U can give up without hatch.

  • Karma_Susui
    Karma_Susui Member Posts: 17

    I'm guessing you don't pay much attention when running around. There's a glitch where you can tell where the hatch will spawn. You'll be lifted in the air when you run over the hatch and when that happens you'll know that's where hatch will spawn.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778
    edited October 2021

    Two people do not deserve an RNG element of the game to just suddenly give them a consolation prize and allow them to escape for no reason.

    Not even 1 survivor deserves to have the game just allow them to escape for no reason.

    4% chance to escape from hooks, the Hatch, and exit gates being too far apart are all just second chances there so that survivors can win even though their team lost and the killer won.

    The problem is that DBD is a fatalistic game where there are certain points where it's almost pointless to continue playing. The game has massive design flaws at it's core that disincentivize people from engaging with the game. The solution however, is not to rob a side of a victory because the other deserves a consolation prize. That just addresses a problem with another problem that just generates more frustration.

    The hatch change is one of the healthiest things they've done in this game so the killer side doesn't get robbed as egregiously. They still have a mountain of issues to resolve, but this was a very good change.

  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    No im just not sweating so hard that im looking for when my body shifts up the tiny bit the hatch makes it do, allow me to go have fun by sweating to notice an invisible hatch. Not to mention the fact that they supposedly (emphasis on supposedly since i never used it because youre trying too hard at that point) changed it so that didnt happen anymore. I dont know when dbd became a game where everyones supposed to be constantly trying as hard as they can.

  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    Okay mr esports god, must not be playing the same game then because everyone has bad games frequently, at the lowest its like 40%. You only don't have bad games if youre only playing with a 4 man swf where youre all good at running and gen rushing every game. Being blatantly negligent at this point dude.

  • thelemonwolf
    thelemonwolf Member Posts: 12

    Wow thats the most close minded way to view it I've seen while trying so hard to view it from both sides. "escaping for no reason" as if working on gens, running the killer as a team, spending an item i brought in or found due to previous work or perks i brought in for luck, and generally trying to out run and hide from the killer successfully and long enough to find the hatch. Its not robbing anyone, its allowing it to be a more balanced game for both sides. A 2k 2escape is pretty much par for killers anyway and the chance for killers to catch survivors before they take the hatch anyway makes it so thats not even going to be half of games or a third for that matter. Keys dont even need to function as they did before but there needs to be a way for 2 people to escape besides all or nothing with gens. This wasnt a healthy change, this was a killer focused change. Even then as someone who plays both sides, its pretty lame to know "if i really want to i can tunnel one survivor because i have no punishment virtually guaranteeing me to get a 3k if i apply proper gen pressure". Another way to escape is what balances out the copious amount of tunnelers, campers, and sluggers which is the only thing that made the game tolerable.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I think I should stop replying to you at this point since you are so out of touch with your thoughts about me. I play solo btw, 99.99% of the time and your imagination of "only 4 man SWF" thing is just so wrong. Just because you had bad games doesn't mean all people have them. I (suprise, I know right?) like any other player can have bad games too but I don't feel to blame some hatch change for it. Just because I like the change it doesn't mean I am some pro master SWF running man who wins every game lol.

    Also it is more fair now. Before Killer or Survivors could find hatch during a match and then use to their adventage. Now? No one knows. That's fair. It's 50/50.

    That's it. I am out.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited October 2021

    Oh right, I am so sad that it would be rare to get ditched by teammate hiding in locker next to the hatch, while I am looping the killer, or that killer will no longer be waiting on top of hatch and close it instantly, so sad...

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I find the change refreshing, now when 2 survivors remain you don't have to fear they will play hide-and-seek waiting for the other to die or escape both thanks to a key, they usually try to do the gens.

    I agree though that it heavily shifts the balance towards killers, I think if the hatch is closed by the killers it should be easier to open a gate, like maybe they gradually open over the duration of the EGC

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    You lost the game because your team failed to complete their objective. You are part of a team of survivors working together to escape. If you fail at doing your objective, then there is no good reason to give a consolation prize and it will always feel like you're robbing the other side of a full victory because, once again, there's a mechanic in the game that safeguards you from being allowed to lose.

    Your item gives you a chance to open the hatch once the killer has closed it. The hatch itself is a bad mechanic, but the item has it's use. You get to make your second chance even more second chance-y after the killer has found it first.

    You act like hiding from the killer is hard. Survivors can literally disappear behind a worn shoe on the ground since they're so tiny when crouched and sounds being what they are, you'd be lucky if maybe you can hear one survivor breathing every 100 games. Either way the hatch is an RNG given escape. You didn't do you objective, the game gifted you a way out.

    There is no good reason to allow a single item to give a tie (2k - 2escape) to a killer. In a game where the killer holds their actual objective only for survivors to just poof out of existence without having to outplay or interact with the killer at all, it's unfair and it is, in fact, robbing the killer side of a victory they actually had to try and outplay the other side for.

    You haven't gone against survivors that know how to deal with tunneling then, because they have the tools to deal with it. Some survivor teams can crumble if you tunnel one and then pick off the other three. But there are survivors, even solo survivors that know how to deal with that and stall you enough so they can guarantee at least a 2 man escape if not more. So don't give me that "i can guarantee 3k if i just tunnel". That's BS and the only reason it works it's cuz, luckily, most survivors have no clue what the hell they're doing (though I'd argue that most survivors being so clueless is also a massive failure of this game).

    However! Tunneling is an unhealthy thing for the game, it's bad. Camping is also bad, and so is the fact that if you lose 2 teammates at 4 gens you're hopeless, and so are second chance perks, and so are a trillion other things in this directionless mess of a game that can't decide what the hell it wants to be gameplay-wise. My response is only about how hatch is an undeserved consolation price for a team that lost so they have a chance to get out without even having to outplay the other team.

    Tunneling and camping are an unfortunate result of ######### game design. It's a useful strategy, sometimes your only option, it can be effective despite how unskilled it is, and it's a direct response to killers being unable to deal with how stupidly designed the gen doing core of the game is. We can agree it is a problem, but again, the solution is not to introduce more bullshit (like allowing half the team a chance to escape without doing their objective or outplaying the killer). All you'll do with this is create more animosity and patch up the mess that is the core gameplay without addressing it.

    Luckily you seem to be in the same minority about this as the people who complained whenever they nerfed moris, which was an objectively healthy change, yet some people still thought it was survivor sided BS.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    The Killer destroyed you and your team, so why do you want your pity escape? You clearly don't deserve the extra BP for escaping because you got demolished. Keys and Hatch were bs because they were undeserved escapes similar to Mori's being undeserved Kills

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    The thing that I love about hatch spawning at one survivor left, is that you won't have selfish teammates camping hatch anymore while waiting for you to die.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I mean they had to nerf keys to the ground because they allowed too many cheap escapes after things were going in the killers favor. And Peanits mentioned there will be more key changes coming down the road.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Hatch is a pity win. Stop complaining about a pity win being nerfed, you did NOT "earn" Hatch. You get lucky when you get Hatch, nothing more.

    You don't even deserve it at all, so be grateful it is still in the game as is.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    most of my matches where I kick the hatch shut, survivors get the gates cause they spawned far away. You can 1% the gate, wait for the killer to come and leave and then open it and you're good.

  • Karma_Susui
    Karma_Susui Member Posts: 17

    It's honestly very noticeable. It's not that hard to miss

  • masterellik2
    masterellik2 Member Posts: 1

    I just tell you that and developpers you will see I am right :

    The amount of survivors will decrease dramaticly because the game has no taste anymore to play as survivors when you know that as a survivors with 4 gen remaining and only one or two teammate the game is pretty impossible to win. So most of survivors will let themselves die and will have a suicide like attitude in the end. There isn't any amusement in hard situations and end games. Don't also forget that for playing we only need one killer but four survivors. If playing survivors becomes that annoying the game's matches will be rare. My brother and me enjoyed playing together and take a key if the other survivors die too easily but now every game we play, we can't win cause the survivors die too soon or let themself die or disconnect and the game do not worth it anymore. We are already searching another game which can be more fair and won't play Dead by Daylight anymore cause it really lost its interest to play as a survivor.

    We won't be the last one to do so I promess. Other friends have already stopped to play because of that too.

  • Sypherpathic
    Sypherpathic Member Posts: 488

    yep, being the last person with a reasonably good killer usually ends up killing me. It's easy for them to patrol both gates and figure out where I am. THis was usually after they closed the hatch, so the hatch change means nothing to me really.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    It's better than survivors having free and easy escapes after they've lost or got a certain point to end the game early.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    I’m so sorry that you now have to escape the way you’re supposed too.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I think the more important thing is that Keys hurry up and get reworked or removed from the Survivor blood-web. That's 11 completely useless items that don't need to be in the survivor blood-web unless they do something.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702
  • ignaeon
    ignaeon Member Posts: 106

    I'd be fine with reverting hatch nerf if moris could be used sooner based on how many gens had been completed.

    Either both sides should have a comeback mechanic, or neither should.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited October 2021

    Ok? And I don't think anyone is arguing that those escapes didn't require much skill.

    The point I am trying to make is that the keys were and are still VERY common in the bloodweb. That is a problem in and of itself. We shouldn't feel like they are easily obtainable, and they would have felt that they were more of a 'luck' thing. That's why as killer I didn't mind if anyone happen to find a key in a chest (as an example).

    The other issue I am pointing out has to do with the way BHVR often deals with nerfs. They would rather nerf something to the ground rather than use their creative powers to make something feel unique, all in the name of "balance". Just look at Deathslinger's nerf and other things they have nerfed that are a more crippled version of what there was before but without much substance.

    Escaping through hatch wasn't the issue, the issue is how survivors got to escape through hatch and how easy it was that was the problem. I am fairly certain that if there was more of a challenge involved in the process of escaping through hatch. People wouldn't have a problem with it.

  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    Maybe run the perk left behind

  • Hyuu
    Hyuu Member Posts: 33

    Ok sure buddy. Literally look up any post saying "current hatch has made keys useless" and tell me how the "Majority" says its balanced. Killer mains literally flood these forums

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    When I saw the hatch change it felt like putting a tiny campfire out with a lake's worth of water. Completely unnecessary change with such a big approach to it. I just felt like... why? My keys feel worthless now and I spent millions of points getting them. I hardly used them much before the change anyway and believe me I could have because I have hundreds. Now they just collect dust.

  • Torsti56
    Torsti56 Member Posts: 259

    Imo the healthiest solution is to make the hatch spawn only if there is one survivor left or atleast one gate opened (egc started). Let's be honest, does any killer give a ######### does survivors open one gate and risk their escape by looking the hatch after egc has started (also killer can simply just bodyblock the hatch) or does the just leave from the gate they opened.

    In last tome there was that challenge where you need to use Alert and escape through the hatch, 5 games what I played (2 games woth a key) we managed to open exit gate or two but guess what, my solo q mates didn't leave until there was 10 seconds or less time, and ######### me up. Lucky for me, Alert is in my base build and I managed to get that challenge done in my 6 hour stream when I had all the other challenges completed.

    So that being said making that hatch spawn only for last survivor or when atleast one gate is already opened is best solution.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    Damn this ######### is old...

    Well, it was really good change for both sides. You have less SWF that DC so their friend gets hatch and you have less killers standing on top of hatch to close it asap.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 467

    I use keys with the add-on to see the killer's obsession when playing solo and I don't have firecrackers left

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910

    Unironically skill issue, get good. If you got stomped, you are supposed to have a tiny chance of escape. That is literally the point. Hatch and keys are no longer busted.

    In the words of a BDSM-loving sex demon, “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Wild take : hatches shouldn't be a thing from the beginning, 3 man dead should be instadeath for last one.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Exactly this, a firecracker is worth more to a survivor than a key. There's even a perk that allows you to make firecrackers in lockers.

    Please Devs, remove the keys and their add-ons. You can always add them back when you rework them.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Hatch was fine the way it was, the issue was keys. They should have left hatch and simply change how keys work. Maybe only 1 survivor can escape through the hatch with a key instead of multiple, maybe only skeleton keys can allow a player to escape? There were lots of things they could have tried, but they rushed a rework because of course they did, now keys are useless, they are a gimmick item, which would be fine except they are still treated like they are rare. Would honestly rather a brown tool box then a pink key, and nobody sees an issue with this.