Just a little note to selfish tryharding people



  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Bruh its survivors vs KILLER NOT, survivors vs the nice killer.

  • Sabraiz
    Sabraiz Member Posts: 566

    Here is the thing, I actually agree with you that killers should take it easy if someone rage quits. I know I did not communicate this in my post.

    But I do heavily disagree with the way you are acting here, you are insulting every killer that does not do what you want as selfish, tryhard and toxic. When it is actually you that is being selfish and toxic.

    Are you being nice, empathetic and good when you are complaining and projecting all the responsibility of your fun to the killer?

    Have you considered that maybe the killer in question has circumstances where they want to get into the next game quicker?

    Where is your empathy that the killer might only have time for one or two games this week and wants to get done with a challenge that requires them to hook four different survivors in one game and when one survivor rage quit that was completely ruined?

    Context matters.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    How about if somebody DC's then the remaining survivors let the killer win, after all the killer has lost bloodpoint for the hooks

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047

    I agree with the bloodpoint issue, I think its dumb that one party gets more BP than another. The grind is ridiculous enough as a killer and I have nightmares thinking how the surv grind must go.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974
    edited October 2021

    we just have to face that the idea of fun for some people is causing others misery.

    let us block people from more than chat

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    I want people to play at their max potential against me. I won't learn to improve otherwise.

  • Karma_Susui
    Karma_Susui Member Posts: 17

    As a survivor main myself I can understand where you're coming from, but just because a teammate dc's doesn't mean a killer has to play by your rules. Sure you brought bp offerings but who cares. Bp is pretty easy to get and there are plenty of other ways to get it.

  • MrOogieboogie
    MrOogieboogie Member Posts: 70
  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    Killer - Kills

    Survivor - Escapes

    DCs or Perk or Offerings don't change any of that. Coming to the forum to ask people to be "nice" is just crazy.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I'm very chill as a killer. Unless someone is very toxic, and not in a I'm trying to aggro you way, I don't face camp, tunnel, and I've lost games because I wouldn't three hook survivors with bad luck. If I see bp offerings, I don't three hook. I try not to kill any survivors until I have six to eight hooks as well.

    While many survivors are good, there are still survivors who t-bag and mock me at the exit gates or in post game chat. I don't pay attention because they're either toxic people irl or have very little going on in their real lives to do that. Hopefully, they become better people later on in life.

    However, that is my personal playstyle and my choice. If you're calling out killers for playing the way they want, I have a question. Have you called out survivors in post-game chat for mocking and bullying killers? If not, why not? In the end, we're all just playing a video game and trying to have fun.

    By the way, I have done exactly what you suggested. On the flip side, I've also had an SWF coordinate bloody party streamers (3) and I had one as well, pump out gens, and bolt in a few minutes. I don't begrudge them that since it's their playtime and their coordination and skills outmatched my skills as a killer. Do you also feel they were toxic?

    Call out toxicity if you would like to but, in the end, let people play as they want. In the end, it's just a video game.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    Funny how people complain more about the person who is following the rules and playing the game than the one who broke them (the DCer).

    I'd rather just move on to the next game. I'm at a point in DBD where I don't need BP anymore, so I don't really care about hooking everyone 3 times. Sure I'll not stand at the hook staring you, but if I see you and you just got unhooked don't expect me to ignore you.

  • slendermansmoom
    slendermansmoom Member Posts: 544

    I see i see

    time to ignore everything you said and use my tombstone myers with ruin, devour, monitor and abuse, deerstalker and putrid oak and camp, tunnel, slug, nod, and jumpscare the survivors


  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Most people that have stopped replying have most likely already chalked op's tirade up to self-projection and a deficiency on their part.

    Your analysis is certainly poignant and will hopefully cause them to pause for self-reflection.

    Anecdotally, I've been destroyed on stage at various fighting games during my career - I've been teabagged/taunted in between hits during infinites in MvC2/3, popped off on when I can't burst during Overdrive in BlazBlue, etc.

    After the match/tournament, I was usually buddy buddy with everyone, having a laugh and slamming drinks with these very people, while also being invited to side tourneys/cash games, movie hangs, etc.

    Being unable to disassociate someone's in-game actions/persona/rp(in some cases) is absolutely a deficiency in mindset and understanding of reality vs fiction that only serves to limit your interactions in any community.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
  • TheDuhJ
    TheDuhJ Member Posts: 475

    this is a game about callous murder, what do you expect from these people?

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047
    edited October 2021

    Here, DS change to annoy everyone :)

    Decisive Strike:

    Stab at your agressor in an attempt to escape

    This perks activates after being un-hooked or unhooking yourself, and lasts 20/22/25 Seconds

    During this time, if the killer picks you up, you will be faced with a Tremendously difficult skill check

    If you hit this skill check, you will stun the killer, freeing yourself, Decisive strike deactivates

    If you miss, Decisive Strike deactivates

    The Following will make the timer go 5/4/3 times faster:

    (Insert the wall of text of things that deactivate DS)

    If you are in a Chase, or in the Dying state, the timer pauses.

    Raises your chances of being the obsession

    Can activate 2 times per trial.

    "People need to stop talking about this perk" - Laurie Strode

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    I don't care about rando's judgment. My own fun is all that matters :)

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Or I could just mute in game chat and ignore them, because I play however I dam well please

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I can only speak for myself but I know I prefer my opponents to play their best regardless. I don't like getting pity points, I'd rather lose and know I did my best and opponents played well then get a consolation point.

    That's just me, but I treat people the way I want to be treated. 🤷‍♂️

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    So the huntress is terrible for doing her job as killer? Bro go outside

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    This was about how certain people KNOW that the'll get messages, because they know exactly HOW they're playing. XD I mean I thought this was obvious. If the survivors do a missplay in the beginning you can take advantage of it or take it easy. You can assume they might have gotten into your lobby accidently because of mmr working wrong. You can know 3 people brought bp offerings and let them take a breath and take it easy a 5 gens remaining. Or you, like that one did, be selfish af and just hook 1 and slug the other 2 and camp all of them.

    If you or anyone behaves like that, yes you'll have some people, including me, assume that you are not an empathic (emotionally and cognitive), respectful and good person. Moreover I assume that most people that behave like that have messaging disabled, because they know that they get messages and comments. I guess they know that they are behaving selfish and that they expect messages like that.

    Tbh every single time someone here complaints about getting so many ""unfair", insulting and rude messages" and even messages that aren't approopriate, I am pretty sure that the messages they get are most probably fair unless they aren't appropriate (like life threats and comparable).

    Haha I just saw what you posted b4. So yeah I guess this applies for you as well... . Like I said I am not afraid of getting a message, but some people are. They are because they know that their behaviour is looked down at and that they are getting judged so they decide to ignore it or better make sure they don't even get them. It is easier to tell yourself that you are not doing anything wrong and that they way that you behave is okay if you don't even have to face any consequences to your actions. But somehow they do konw what they are doing is wrong, cause if they didn't they wouldn't have a problem with getting an unjustified message in the first place.

    Post edited by tennmio on
  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    So let's assume you get in that situation as killer. How do you proceed, if 1 person dc's at 5 gens?

    What exactly do you mean by "finish as quickly as possible"?

    And is finishing as quickly as possible your main goal in that situation? Do you do everything possible in order to not "prolong the game"?

    I am indeed very curious about your answer. Cause I am pretty sure that it isn't just about not prolonging the game and finishing as quickly as possible, but insteadt about feeling powerful and domination.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    Cause listening to someone complain will totally impede you being able to "play however" you "dam well please".

    XD Haha sure makes a lot of sense your line of reasoning.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Do they really ONLY want to get to the next game? I am pretty sure (from experience) that the mayority just wants the survivors to jump on a hook and kill themselves. If they try to get some points most killers get angry. They start to hit the survivors on hook, if they dared to loop them for 3 gens with 2 survivors remaining that are working on them.

    If they really only wanted to get onto the next game, why would they tunnel, camp and then slug for the 3K when the survivors turned the game around? I play since the game was first time free on ps4 and never have I ever witnessed that. I've had multiple games that we nearly or even won with 3 people and every time the killers were trying so damn hard. Using whatever advantage they could get.

    Whenever it got to the point that there were only 2 survivors left they slugged. Every single time. So tell me: Is that a killer behaviour that you would call "just want to get to next game"?

    I wouldn't. I don't, even trying with all I got, see any sign or indicator in that of "just" wanting to get to the next game. IF they just wanted to get to the next game, they could go afk and it would be over much faster when it comes to the point that the survivors are trying get play the game in order to make an escape possible.

    So you better check "your damn entilted attitude" and maybe you want to have a look at your line of reasoning.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    Someone wants to feel superior, powerful and threatening, instead of using arguments in a discussion? At least that is what I understood from your message. Kind of interesting... . But I doubt you really wanted to show that much of yourself. I guess you just didn't realize how much that says about you.

    I am sorry. You know, we all know that life can be hard sometimes, but you do have some power to decide for yourself in your own life. You don't need to try and scare or dominate others, I bet you do have a talent or something in real life that you can be proud of. Something that is enough to let you know that you don't need to try to dominate or hurt others.

    Just accept yourself, with your flaws and mistakes and know that you (even with all that) will always be a worthy and lovable person <3. Hope you get better soon :)

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Any human interaction (yes MULTIPLAYER ONLINE games count as that) is based on morals and norms. You simply cannot have and interaction without that. Maybe you don't like it, but you'll still have to endure comments on your behaviour, discussions (like this one) and you don't get to be offended by people judging your behaviour.

    You should inform yourself as empathy (emotionally) and sorrow aren't things you will get in a psychiatrists or psychologists office. But you should be able to get that from any empathic, decent and good human being.

    Btw just for your information: I am not a survivor main, nor am I "demanding someone to obey like a pet". I simply am a person that tries the best to be a good and decent person every day. I try to not look away and I refuse to be quiet about wrong-doing and selfishness. As I consider lack of empathy (emotionally and cognitive), selfishness and unjustified immoral behaviour in any form, at any place and at any time as the root cause of everything bad about humanity.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Cause there are many reasons that someone dc's. You don't even know if it was on purpose most of the time. I've been disconnected or had my game crash in obvious and less obvious situations (obvious= in the exit gate or when working on a gen or whilst hooking a survivor or closing the hatch; and in less obvious= shortly after loading in, when my hex got broken, when all gens got done or when I got downed as survivor).

    Moreove in my opinion the biggest problem isn't the few ones that do something wrong or are deliquent on purpose, but those that enable, ignore or reward the behaviour of the few that really have malicious intentions. Like their behaviour only can have an influence on the game (or in any situation for that matter) if people enable it or take advantage of it.

    For example: If a child decides to bully another child it wouldn't work one bit if the bystanders and enablers would behave correctly. If they show the bully that his/her behaviour isn't accepted the bullying does not work.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Your opinion. I don't think that is crazy at all. I believe it is crazy to break down a human interaction into what you said. As if any interaction has ever been that simple. If it was we wouldn't be here having a discussion and if it was there wouldn't be wars. Would be a good thing but unfortunately that is far from reality.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    I am not a survivor main. And I have played this game for long enough to not care about escapes, kills or bloodpoints. All I care about is decent behaviour, fairplay, respect, etc.

    I am simply a trying to be a good, empathic and decent person that tries to bring awareness. Toxic behaviour isn't good for anyone, no even for those exhibiting it. It multiplies and starts in small things. If I see behaviour that isn't ok I, as a person trying to be a good person, have to say something.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    A swf group that makes new accounts and bullies those that just got the game, denying any hooks. I guess that is something a lot of beginners have experience. It was even easier to derank with the old system. Survivors can treat a killer badly too and make sure that the killer won't get many bloodpoints.

    I don't know how often that happens nowadays but it is possible. Though I don't think it will be possible if the killer player is more experienced. That is something I have called people out for in game a lot.

    If I realize that the killer isn't very experienced I assume that being in a lobby together is the games fault and I try to loop like a "baby" survivor in order to give them a good feeling about themselves and a chance to learn something, too. I try not to let them know that I could've easily escaped cause if I was in their position I wouldn't feel good. But believe me it isn't as easy as it sounds. And the nature of this is that they (hopefully) don't know that I gave them a short chase and hooks and most likely a kill for free.

    I am not saying the survivors have to give the killer a 4K, and it wouldn't be good with the current system as they'd face survivors even stronger. But giving the killer a hook or two should be possible. Unfortunately the killers can camp and tunnel and get an easy kill like that even if they aren't good. Therefore it is a little bit tricky to get survivors give the killer some points.

    Some years ago it was pretty easy but it isn't anymore. Being nice to the killer most probably gets you killed, so I do understand if others don't want to take the risk for whatever reason. As I don't care for escaping or bloodpoints anymore I tend to do it.

    But as I stated you are right. If the killer has some experience it isn't possible to deny them bloodpoints. At that point they can only deny them themselves by facecamping.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited October 2021

    I am not "insulting every killer that does not do what I want" as selfish or tryhard. I label behaving in certain ways as people that show selfish or tryhard behaviour. If you show tryhard and selfish behaviour, you behaved tryhard and selfish- that just how it is.

    "When it is actually you that is being selfish and toxic" -> Am I? Why do you believe that? What kind of thing I said got you that impression?

    I am not sure where that "toxic" comes from, care to explain?

    "Are you being nice, empathic and good when you are complaining" -> Does that mean that you believe that someone nice, empathic and good isn't allowed to point out wrong behaviour and complain about it, because that makes them not nice, empathic or good?

    "and projecting all the responsibitly of your fun to the killer?" -> How am I doing that? The killer player is responsible for his/her actions just as much as the survivor player is for his/her actions. Not once have I said that only the killer is responsibile. Nor am I projecting responsibility to anyone. I am reminding everyone that we indeed are responsible for our actions and that it is our responsibility to act on the neccesities of each situation and that we have to take into account other peoples needs at least a bit IF we see ourselves as good, nice or decent. On cannot claim trying to be a good person if they're just behaving in a selfish manner, ignoring other peoples needs etc.

    Overall this whole post wasn't even about me or my fun. It was about the behaviour that I whitnessed in a game (that went pretty ok for me, just that I felt pretty bad for the others).

    "Have you considered that maybe the killer in question has circumstances where they want to get into the next game quicker?" What -if not something selfish- would that kind of circumstance be? It's not like the killer knew beforehand that someone was going to dc/loose connection. So that person must have assumed that the game would be about 10-20 Minutes.

    -> And in that situation. From experience I know that the "need" to get into the next game quick, isn't as important as getting all 3 remaining survivors. Never have I ever experienced a unfair and selfish playing killer, that claimed that he only played that way because he wanted to get out of the game and onto the next one as quick as possible, not slug for the remaining survivor, they all did that. None of the killer players contacted (that claimed they played like this to get it over with asap) was able to explain as to WHY they slugged the prelast for nearly the whole 4 minutes bleedout in order to find the last survivor.

    It's not like the killer is gonna get out of that game faster, if he/she plays like that, in order to get their challenge done. At that point letting survivors gen rush would be faster.

    Might be a coincidence. !So if there is someone out here that had a tryharding killer in a 3 vs 1 (from the start) with 5 gens remaining and did experience that the killer if the survivors started to tryhard as well, not slug if needed, please speak up!

    I do have experienced killers that obviously just wanted to get to the next game. But they didn't slug nor did they care for the last survivor at all. But the weren't camping and tunneling hardcore nor slugging in the end.

    "Where is your empathy....." I've had that happen to me and I know it is very frustrating if you really want to get a challenge (or throphy) done in time and you don't have much time left. But I am not a fan of behaving selfishly. I might not have much time to get it done, but how would they know? I would be selfish to just put my needs over the 3 other people. Apart from that I don't like camp and tunnel and slug as it isn't fair and a good person (that as I said I am trying to be) wouldn't behave that way. When I was in that situation, I just went to do something I had to get done anyway, as soon as I realized that I couldn't finish my challenge that game due to the dc. But not before asking the survivor player that dc'ed (luckly from my platform) why they did it.

    Btw I do believe the context matters. But how'd you know if the survivors were doing a challenge too?

    Being empathic as survivor is more stressful and requires more cognitive load than as killer. Because as killer I only have to be empathic to one role, the survivors I am chasing. So the best I can do is play fair, give everyone a chance to breathe, do a gen, save and heal and have some fun. But always taking into account how they behave towards me and their fellow survivors throught the game. For example If I realize that 1 survivor always loops nearby gens that are worked on or by hooks, that survivor is acting selfishly and will probably die. If I see a survivor taking a hit for another survivor that they unhooked, that was something a good person would do, so I'll monitor if they do that for wglf stacks or if they are truely trying to do the right thing. I monitor survivors that sandbag others, trying to find out who is the one that started it/ who is the one that doesn't deserve to escape.

    As survivor I have to be empathic to three other survivors and a killer. I am constantly balancing the assumed needs of 4 individuals, always taking into account how that have behaved throughout the game and if their behaviour was ok and what kind of action is required to make it fair, respectful and fun for everyone. As survivor I monitor how the other survivors treat everybody else and I assess how much I'll help them escape. If they tbag or try to annoy the killer, I won't help them at all. But I'll try to help the killer instead. If the killer is tunneling I'll try to make sure he/she has a hard time getting the target. If the killer camps I'll happily make the nearst gen right next to the hook. If the survivor camped tbag or annoy the killer I leave them on the hook. If they get unhooked by someone else I won't heal them no matter how long they follow me, I'll just shake my head and point away from me.

    Not saying this is a perfect system, but it is the one I've come up with to use the influence I have in order to make the games as fair and respectful as possible for each individual. During the challenges I'll try to assume what challenge everyone has to do at the moment and I'll try to figure out how to make sure everyone gets what they need plus trying to get my own challenge done (but I try to not put getting my own challenge done above the others).

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    I think in general the game would be a lot more fun if most killers wouldn't try hard that bad. Even in a 4 man match if the killer camps, tunnels or slugs it is often just really annoying and I think that's one of the biggest reasons why people are toxic.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704


    Chill down, it's only a video game there are far worst things out there.

    If you don't like how someone plays then just suck it up and move on to the next match, there are always people who dislike a certain playstyle.

    Or if you get this worked up over a video game then maybe just take a little break and just play something else.

    It's way better for your physical and mental health if you get this worked up about it.

    It's just a little advice and not trying to be mean, toxic or whatever you wanna call it. ✌️

  • copperysinger5
    copperysinger5 Member Posts: 19

    What you don't understand is the killer has to play against 4 selfish tryhards! Because if they all make it to the gates they all start teabagging at the killer, even if you let them win.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Both sides are just as guilty.

    It has become a war, of which noone knows who started it but both sides keep the wheel of toxicity turning.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    I absolutely do not view DBD as something I would call "Human Interaction". There is no voice chat, no chat at all (PS5), and only the occasional msg via PS5 party. Survivors and killers are just bots with differing difficulty levels.

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    I don't care if they complain tho, it's not my problem lol

  • AkiTheKitten
    AkiTheKitten Member Posts: 670

    Sending harassment because someone played in a way you don't approve on in a game is petty af. Just move on lol

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I took OPs advice and I got taunted and BMd as if they thought they legitimately escaped on their own.

    No mercy, kill em all so everybody can move on to a real match.

  • Spittoon_
    Spittoon_ Member Posts: 22

    Thats a surv problem. They want bp, earn it

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    They can play how they want. They paid for the game and want to play it their way and have fun

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    I don't know what NCP is, but I guess I don't need to. I view every killer player and every survivor player as what they are: people that are responsibile for their decisions and actions at all times.

    If you feel like not expecting some kind of other people that is fine. But I do have expectations on how humans are supposed to treat each other. Giving up on those expectations and the related actions that I take would mean to enable and accept behaviour that I feel is unacceptable and that is obviously not only behaviours that I don't like individually. Accepting and enabling of bad, selfish and harmful behaviour isn't really something I am willing to do.

    You are right: We shouldn't expect someone else to make up for the bad behaviour of someone else. BUT we shouldn't accept someone taking advantage of someone elses bad behaviour neighter!

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Mate it is, unfortunately what it is.

    Had a game where the first survivor dc'ed immediately. Legion then tunnelled me for 4 minutes and face camped me. Only got 4 gens done in that time.

    The only reason 4 gens were done was because 1 survivor did 3 of them, while the other followed me around with a flashlight and missed the easy save.

    Some people just aren't good enough even in a 4 vs 1.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Exactly what I mean. Some are entilted and behave selfish.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Do I understand you correctly? If someone paied for something they can behave in any way they want to? I don't think that is true. No matter how much money a person throws around them they are going to get judged harshly if they behave in a manner that is unacceptable. No matter how much they paied for whatever. I don't really care how much money someone decides to spend or can spend. I only care for behaviour that's it.