Medkit not giving a full heal

conrudy24 Member Posts: 18

I’ve had this happen on so many occasions since the new update. I’ll bring in a medkit with 16 or 32 charges and as it runs out, I’m left with a full progress bar of healing but still injured. I didn’t miss any skill checks, killer didn’t have the doctor perk to make it last less. It’s just not giving me a full heal.

75 votes

Need more info · Last Updated

Please put your log files in the comment section if you have had this bug - they need to be the log files of the last match you played where you had the issue.



  • Equus
    Equus Member Posts: 324

    Noticed this as well, I had a yellow medkit with bandages + medical scissors but only got 1 heal out of it and didn't get the full second heal...

  • Bunzmaster
    Bunzmaster Member Posts: 35

    I am noticing this aswell. 16 charges is always just short of a full heal.

    I am playing on Xbox Series X and since the update 16 charges isn't enough to get a full heal. Bar is full, medkit is depleted, but I'm still injured.

    Another survivor will come along and literally just touch me for a split second and I'm healed.

  • himheart
    himheart Member Posts: 95

    Same. I played for the first time after the chapter release today, I was using yellow medkit with Bandages (8 extra charges) and Butterfly Tape (slightly increases healing speed). Fully depleted the medkit and it was not enough for the second heal, like it was 1 charge missing. It happened at least 5 times in different matches.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    Noticed. The bug 16+16 medkid = 31 heal is BACK.

    Just for sure... I healed myself without any great skillcheck or missed skillcheck. pure classic heal only.

    same situation for:

    brown medkid + 2 addons with 8 charges (=16+16=32=>2 heals)

    yellow medkid + 1 addon 8 charges (= 24+8=32)

    both situatios - 1 full heal and 98% heal

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    Same. green medkit with no addons.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,915

    If anyone experiences this, can you please upload your game logs here? Thank you

    1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run". 

    2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs 

    3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file. Please attach it in your reply.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    Here is mine. Not sure, which game. But it happened twice for sure

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2021

    Same on ps4. Toolboxes sometimes do the same thing.

    Post edited by BenSanderson55 on
    EXPERIMENTONGOD Member Posts: 36
    edited October 2021

    Also happened to me. Used a yellow medkit with an 8 extra charges addon (24+8 = 32) and I could only heal once, it's like it had 31 charges instead of 32. If you don't get any great skillchecks you won't get healed fully.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
    edited October 2021

    This happened to me with an Alex's Toolbox, which has 24 charges, enough to break 4 hooks, however, the fourth hook I went to break didn't finish. The bar appeared to fill completely but then the toolbox was depleted, despite having 6 charges left, and the hook did not break.

  • pushkina
    pushkina Member Posts: 130

    Happened for me too on ps 4

  • realflashboss
    realflashboss Member Posts: 328

    Yup same on ps5. Brown medkits sometimes dont fullly heal by 1% or something

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,915

    We really need logs on this please, whilst I appreciate the comments showing how many people are affected by it - logs would be incredibly helpful.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    I already sent it. Do you need more? Should I ask friends or today try simulate situation?

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    Is there a way to give logs from ps4? I'm not aware of a way.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,915

    yes please, it needs to be the last match played as well - so when you didn't get the heal correctly, the logs from that match.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    ok, today we will try simulate situation. We should be 3 so we can use different medkits. I will upload logs ASAP

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    I also want to mention Green Medkits aren’t giving the increased healing speed bonuses for yourself or others. I didn’t see a fix in the patch notes so I’m assuming this was not fixed today.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139


    Brown medkit founded in chest - 99% health state - Log attached

    (instead of this I tryed green with green addon and double heal was correct)

  • dontpanic503
    dontpanic503 Member Posts: 58

    Can't provide logs as I'm on Switch, but same thing here. Happened with a Yellow medkit + bandages and a Green medkit. Both times was left injured but with a full heal bar. Not every time, only started with mid-chapter patch.

  • Pony_Baloney
    Pony_Baloney Member Posts: 12

    Yup, this has happened to me multiple times with any items that have charges. Medkits and also toolboxes too. (Not getting the 4th sabotage with Alex’s toolbox).

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    Is it enough?

  • Sheffield
    Sheffield Member Posts: 86

    Here the sme problem. 3x now 99% heal and Medkit is empty.

    1x Yellow Medkit with 24 charges + 8 with Add on

    2x Brown Medkit with 16 charges + no Add on

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,915

    @jacindazs thank you so much for doing that, I really do appreciate it - I will get those to the team <3

  • charlie313
    charlie313 Member Posts: 1

    Same on PS5 had so many games lost because i couldn't fully heal the first or second time

  • boosm
    boosm Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2021


    Alex’s toolbox using the two sabotage speed addons, 99%’ed the 4th hook sabo

  • ExcessumCamena
    ExcessumCamena Member Posts: 11
    edited October 2021

    Same thing has happened to me a bunch of times with a bunch of different medkits. Happened last game as well; here's my log file.

  • boosm
    boosm Member Posts: 9
  • TwiztedMannix
    TwiztedMannix Member Posts: 34

    I'm on PS4 and it happens with the green medkits, I run with no addons. It seems that medkits are broken if it's 16 charges only even though that's considered full heal, I have to have someone tap me for full heal. this issue seems to have happened after the 28th to me. easily reproduceable bug, just use a green medkit.

  • Quink
    Quink Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2021

    Wow the imcompetence is astounding.... Nothing in the patch adressing med kits yet Behaviour manages to ######### things up. Can't say i'm surprised... Thank god i stopped spending money on this game.

    Why do you need logs? Medkit with 16 charges simply just have 15...

  • Haka1978
    Haka1978 Member Posts: 8

    Same for me the medkid is consomed just a little diffore the full healing. I noticed the before a recent update, de medkit is not totaly consumed after a full healing, a realy tiny portion stay aviable.

    A got two log files then I send the both.

    Have a nice day ;)

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    Why is here "need more information" I thought it is enough and you will admit it as bug

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,171

    No logs as I'm on the Series X but joining the chorus of "Medkits be broke yo".

    I don't know if it's a coincidence or not but both times it happened to me, I got a skill check as the medkit finished.

  • Megmain80
    Megmain80 Member Posts: 138

    I play Xbox one x and I’ve had this happen with multiple brown medkits as well as once with a green one. I’ve now had this affect many games . How do we report those games?

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,745

    How can consolers help with this when we encounter this bug?

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 684

    Also had this happen on PS4 and if its any use I did record the gameplay. Happy to share or check it back to look for anything that you think might help.

  • JessiCat32
    JessiCat32 Member Posts: 1

    It's happened to me several times and I'll attempt to pull the log file every time it happens while I play today. Here's one.

  • Dem34888
    Dem34888 Member Posts: 56
    edited October 2021

    It doesn't heal you even with additional 5% boost

  • Fluffysh4rk
    Fluffysh4rk Member Posts: 6

    Running from Steam account on PC. This has been happening non-stop all day today.

  • mileto_br
    mileto_br Member Posts: 34

    Same, with brown medkit. Just happened to me. Playing on PS5

  • JVictory
    JVictory Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2021

    I literally just experienced in my most recent game. Hope you can find this in the logs easier. PC / Steam

  • MouseOnAPlatter
    MouseOnAPlatter Member Posts: 6

    Here's mine. Happens everytime I do not hit a great skill check, just normal heals. Brown medkit the last time.

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    Here is another one and proof that I hit all skillchecks

    Also the Meg had adrenaline which did not activate, I don't know if it's something you can see on my end of the log.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Brown medkits have this bug on Xbox One X. I mean devs only have to try it for themselves and see it won't give a full heal? I can buy them a console if they can't afford one 😀

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    I cannot 100% confirm it, but it seems that

    • hitting a great skill check will obviously heal you fully since it advances the heal by some percent
    • the times I didn't get any skill check promts at all, I got a full heal
    • as soon as you hit a good skill check (and no great ones) you're left with an empty medkit and a 99% heal that leaves you injured

    So it seems like the good skill checks might not count as continous progress and give some tiny penalty.

    It's the same issue with brown, green yellow and event with charge addons

  • Malechai
    Malechai Member Posts: 71

    Here is my log. Please note that it is NOT ONLY medkits. Every item is coming into the game losing a charge.

  • solo_suffering
    solo_suffering Member Posts: 2

    Brown medkit (16 charges), no heal.