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Infinite Loading Screens



  • Member Posts: 1,138

    When loading into any match, about half my games will have infinite loading screens. On Xbox one.

  • Member Posts: 396
    edited October 2021

    Same here and sometimes i lose rank and bps for being stuck in the Loading screen ! My Crossplay is Off !

  • Member Posts: 1

    I am SICK of trying to play and EVERYTIME it gives me an infinite loading screen. Ande the worst part of it is that I lose the Items I choose to play!!! i?m playing on PC throw Game Pass I wasn't having issues till almost 2 weeks ago. Im tired to trying and losing stuff... its boring, useless and hopeless. I played everytime survivor (dwight). Please fix this. Its unplayable. The worst thing could happend to a game...

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Is it just me, or starting today infinite loading screen now happens EVERY SINGLE GAME? Earlier it was once in about ten games, but now it's not ceasing even once. Steam, solo survivor.

    Also it's worth to mention that for some reason the game eats 50 MB/s of disk usage while stuck at loading screen.

  • Member Posts: 336

    It has gotten worse today. I play on Xbox One and after I kept getting the infinite loading screen every 2nd game I turned off crossplay. When I did, it seemed most of the issues just vanished...including infinite loading screens. This worked till today. Now, with crossplay on or off I just get the infinite loading screen every time I try to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    LOL yes same for me I said around 20% of my games had infinite loading screen, and later yesterday I thought I would play killer instead..yeah right. Five games I tried it but all ended up with this. So I guess the game right now don't like console killers..

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    I’m currently stuck in an infinite loading screen with crossplay off. Can’t take this (BAD WORD) anymore.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Can play as survivor or killer as many games as I want until I complete a challenge, when I open the tome to claim rewards and select a new challenge the next game will 100% of the time be an infinite load screen which requires me to restart the game. after doing so if I try to play as either role I'll get a failed to connect to host error then reload the game again and it'll work fine till the next challenge. This started when I got to the end of page 1 of the halloween tome

  • Member Posts: 1

    This only happens for me when my friend hosts a private game, he is on the xbox one and i am on the xbox series x. Only when he is the killer is creates an infinite loading screen. When i am the killer its fine!

  • Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2021

    Playing with cross-platform on. I'm on PS5. It only happens when loading into a match (ie. matchmaking was complete and offerings were burned). It's happened when I was SWFing and solo queueing. I wonder if it's related to the situation in which I will be SWFing with a friend/friends, and only some of us will be matchmade in the next screen. We would normally leave that lobby, and suddenly the missing friend would be in our lobby readied up...

  • Member Posts: 47

    Someone told me a hotfix was scheduled for tomorrow. Is this true? Cause I'm sick and tired of trying to play. Every 8 out of 10 matches (average) puts me in the infinite loading screens. I'm playing with different survivors, with crossplay on, at different times of the day, with or without friends, and it's all the same. Seriously... I was so eager to play Dbd during the Halloween season... but now...

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    there might be a hotfix tomorrow but we don't know if the infinite loading screens will be part of it.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Tomorrow? Maybe? I suppose that's fair, having lost literally like half of the event by now. /s

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    I'm sorry that happened to you. I know it's been frustrating..

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    survivor solo queue as dwight, loading into match, on PC/steam with cross platform on

  • Member Posts: 183

    Frustrating? Constantly being paired with people who are at twice my frame rate is frustrating. Losing almost every hit validation in the same scenarios is frustrating. Having been waiting for, and eventually given up on promised console optimization after an amount of time too long to count or remember. Also frustrating. Seeing ads on the little twitter sidebar on the reg but literally nothing about whatever bug is causing this fubar or the status of it's being fixed... Super frustrating.

    What's been going on the past week? Well now, that's INFURIATING. Highly debating uninstalling, something I've never seriously considered before throughout many 'frustrations'. My patience only lasts so long. I can't be alone in this.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Same problem here on PC. Happening very often lately. Very long loading screen and then cancels game.

  • Member Posts: 47

    "Might be"? So... nothing's confirmed? :-( Oh, man...

  • Member Posts: 867
    edited October 2021


    Update: Played several matches today without encountering it on Jill Valentine. First match I decide to play as Cheryl I get infinite loading screen. Really seems like this DLC is part of the cause.

    Also another annoyance is losing my offerings when it happens. Steam/PC and crossplay enabled.

  • Member Posts: 13
    • My Platform: PS5
    • Occurrence: Loading into match (I have never seen this when loading into a lobby, but I have experienced this probably around 10 times while loading into a match)
    • Playing as Survivor (Mikaela) with one SWF teammate (Who was a Yui)
    • Time Long Loading Screen Started: 7:13 PM Eastern Time
    • Time Long Loading Screen Ended: 7:18 PM Eastern Time
    • Cross Platform: Enabled
    • Characters in match: Blight, Mikaela, Meg, Yui, Kate
    • Showed that the killer DC'd once we had it timeout and take up to the result screen. Perhaps them DC'ing is what made the loading screen end and take us to the result screen?

    Prior to this, we had a situation where the person I was SWF'ing with and I didn't both get into a lobby (from her perspective, we were looking for a pre-game lobby. From my perspective, she wasn't in my pre-game lobby), so I had to back out. We then both got into a lobby, then the long loading screen happened. Probably unrelated, but figured I would mention it.

  • Member Posts: 336

    I managed to actually get a few games as killer and survivor by having no items and/or add-ons. I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but every time I tried to play killer with add-ons it would just be the same problem. Started working more consistently after I went with no add-ons. Again, might just be a coincidence...but it worked.

  • Member Posts: 6,827

    I just wanna know exactly what’s causing it. We’re all speculating that it’s a certain perk, add on, character, item etc.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Why am i paying for the rift if i cant even play the game?? One day alright but its now been Several days of joining match queues, and getting stuck on the loading screen that leads to the match. I’ve reset my PS4 and everything. My friends on PC were having the same issue. Very frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 7


    • When the issue occurred (loading into a lobby, loading into a match, etc.)

    Loading into a match

    • How the loading was initiated (e.g. accepting an invite, matchmaking, etc.)

    Just normal loading into the game. I am playing solo with crossplay on.

  • Member Posts: 5



    happens each 1-3 games. infinite loading scream, needs to shut down the game completly, losing pips.

    Annoying asf

  • Member Posts: 9

    After the test patch, I have been able to get into MOST games. Before the patch 8 out of 10 matches were unable to get past the loading screen and usually resulted in a DC to get us back to the main menu...

    The past few days after the patch were doing pretty good. I got into at least 6 out of 10 matches (giving a rough estimate).

    HOWEVER, today... I play with my normal people and we have attempted 4 matches. NONE of them have we been able to get into. Killer has DCed after about 5 minutes on the loading screen and it sends us to the main menu. I am not sure why it is so bad today all of a sudden, but this is obviously my sign to take a break from the game since it's not working.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    has happened 3 times back to back as killer on PS4 with cross-play on. dont have the option to turn it off though...

    Edit: found crossplay option, turned it off,worked

    Edit 2: next game after that, back to the same problem..

    Post edited by Withakay07 on
  • Member Posts: 219
    edited October 2021

    I've noticed a pattern with the loading screens. A lot of the time when it happens it's with a Huntress using either of her iri add-ons or an ebony mori. I tried myself and the loading screens tended to happen more often. It's most likely a coincidence but it's something I've noticed. It's really random but it feels more apparent with huntress.

    Im playing on Xbox one with Cross-Play on and I'm just going into normal matches.

  • Member Posts: 10

    What's weird about this bug is that it only occurred on certain Killers. For example, one day I was grinding out some Doctor challenges, and then I decided to play Nemesis...I could not load into a single game with Nemesis. I tried 3 times before I just gave up. Another day I tried playing Doctor again, and then I couldn't get into a game with him. The same thing happened with Trapper. Funny thing is, I switched to Clown (a killer I commonly play), and then boom, straight into a game.......I'm not saying it's certain killers, but that's just my experience (from the killer's perspective, I haven't played much survivor).

  • Member Posts: 3

    Playing on base ps4

    Multiple solo queue matches as survivor or killer

    Loading into the match after seeing offerings being burned

    Cross play is on

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    Well, I'm trying to enter two days in a row at night to play. PC player, survivor.

    1st night: 5 infinite screens

    2nd night: as far as it goes... 3 infinite screens.

    It's really upsetting because I can play during the nights because of my workshifts, and I want to complete the premium rift and the event.

    Maybe you should extend the event.

  • Member Posts: 1

    It’s has to be a full lobby of grouped people with a multiplier, or a lobby of grouped people with a killer that has a multiplier. If that doesn’t work then add, a killer on xbox that has a multiplier with a lobby of grouped players.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I had an interesting game with the infinite loading screen which finally after the 5 or so minute loading screen the match actually loaded but I didn't have my item I had equipped in the pre game lobby and sure enough at the end game recap screen It said I had lost that item even though I never had it in the game to begin with. I'm really not sure why it happened but it didn't effect two of the four playing with me although another of my friends had the same thing happen. me and him were on PC and the others were PC and PS4.

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited October 2021

    Step 1 : Boot the game (Playing on Xbox 1, crossplay on)

    Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match

    Step 3 : Waiting in lobby, all survivor slots filled. none are with new mikaela survivor

    Step 4 : Game stuck on infinite loading screen

    Step 5: quit game, rebooted, able to load game.

    step 6: repeat from step 3

    TL;DR - i cant play more than 1 game at a time without having to close the game and restart

    this has been happening more and more frequently ever since BHVR has claimed to fixed the original problem

  • Member Posts: 3

    I am playing with cross-platform on, on PS4.

    This happens to me when loading into a match after the matchmaking process, e.g. on the midnight grove screen. Sometimes the loading screen stays there for between 4-8 minutes.

    In situations where error 500 occurs after a player apparently disconnects during the match loading process, the loading screen can stay for anywhere up to 10 minutes before it lets me know that the match has been terminated due to a player disconnecting. This situation is especially frustrating because we wait so long for the match just to be told there won’t be a match AND we then lose our offerings and item add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I will be playing with a friend and when our game gets stuck he will leave and usually the killer we were suppose to go against was a ghost face.

    and when I play killer tinge game doesn’t start whenever the Mikaela Character is in the lobby.

  • Member Posts: 2,005

    Infinite loading scream, that would be a perfect name for this nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 7

    For the last 24+ hours i haven't been able to load into a single killer match because of the infinite loading screen. I've had it happen while loading into a survivor game (with friends) a few times but not nearly as much as killer.

    The infinite loading screen always happens after the offerings are burned. (I'm pretty certain the offerings are lost too) I have stayed on the screen multiple times for about 5-10 minutes before it sends me to the post match screen. I have also force quit the app (on ps4) during the infinite loading screen and reopened the game to try and join a killer game and i get a message saying "connection with host could not be established".

    This error has mainly happened to me trying to start a killer game, but again this has happened to me as a survivor too.

  • Member Posts: 47

    Playing on PS4, cross on, matchmaking, infinite loading occurred while trying to load into match, always with killer (Freddy and Ghostface)

    Happened five times since Monday (in about 20 matches)

    Restarted the game

  • Member Posts: 399


    Loading into a match whenever an old event offering or a map offering was used. Matchmaking, no invites.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    I play on PS4 as a survivor. The loading screens getting into a match use to be a long wait. Then Mikala and the Halloween Event hit and the loading screens (into a game) got even longer to the point of ending the match before it begun. I’ll be loading then it just shows us running saying we escaped. No bloodpoints are awarded (obviously cause we didn’t get to play a game) but i loose my offering because it’s already been burnt before the load screen, I loose all of my add ons, and I even loose a tick on my progress for Survivor Grade. Thousands of blood points have been lost due to loosing these items without evening having the chance to play. Also this sometimes happens with games back to back. I even had it happen in a customs match. At least 10 to 12 times a day I deal with this. I love your game a lot and have a blast playing it! Just sucks to have these load screens erroring out the game and all my hard work on getting these blood points is being wasted on unused add ons/offferings. Also like I already said it’s effecting my Sirvivor Grade so the grade I’m at isn’t even what I could be at. I do not know if there is any relation to having people join me or not because it happens with or without friends joining. I hope this information helps let me know if you have questions! <3

  • Member Posts: 2

    I have the problem regardless of whether I want to play Surv or Killer. I haven't been in a single round for 3 days. Switching crossplay on or off makes no difference either.

    Platform: PS4

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    I have been having the infinite loading screen almost every time I try to play. I’ve probably successfully played 4 matches within the last couple days, and when I play the game is very laggy. I have not had any lag issues until this whole thing popped up. I am on PS4 playing solo queue. It’s just frustrating that when I go to play it’s hit or miss if I’m going to successfully get into a match or not. I really hope a fix comes soon.

  • Member Posts: 9

    This just keeps happening despite the "fix". The game is literally unplayable. With the waiting times 10-20 minutes no one wants to play and people are disconnecting Or if the game eventually starts people are afk. Which makes sense because what a waste of time sitting and staring at the loading screen in case something might happen... Why use resources to bring new features (Mikaela, halloween stuff) to a game that has so many problems with so basic functions to begin with, not to mention the time limited features, that are completely going to waste with not being able to enter a match...

  • I am on ps4 with cross platform turned off, and this bug happens to me most of the time, no matter if it's killer, survivor or custom game

  • Member Posts: 90
    edited October 2021

    I've seen the long loading screens many times, as both killer and survivor, and they had no specific survivors, killers, offerings, items, addons or maps in common every time, this def happens irregardless of any of that. I do have crossplay on, as I play through Game Pass, so most games are with people on other platforms. If this is related to cross-play, and any fix includes turning cross-play of "temporarily", the queues would be stupid long, so please don't do that.. I've tried it before, when mmr wasn't a thing, and it took 30-60mins to find a game. With mmr now, I suspect it might take even longer, so actually unplayable.

    Not that waiting for 10-15 mins in loading screens, only to be thrown straight to post-game chat, and having that happen 5 games is a row is exactly playable either (yes, that has happend for me)...

  • Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 23,592

    As of today, these issues (or at least a vast majority of them) should be resolved.

    Please only post further information on this thread if you're having the issues after updating to 5.3.1 - thank you.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    It has happened to me several times when loading into a match. The other night I had to restart my game 4 times before I could even load into a match playing survivor. When I play killer, it doesn’t happen as often, but it still happens. I always have cross play on and I am on PlayStation 4.

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