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Infinite Loading Screens



  • Member Posts: 1

    Ok so basically I'm on console ps4 btw and for some reason the game infinitely loads when a plyer dc's in the pre-lobby most of the time or in the loading screen after the offerings have been shown usually it happens more often when killer sided so if u could fix this that would help also plz bring back pinheads voice lines many thanks Spliceingamer.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    On PC with cross platform on, I got 4 infinite loading screens in a row. I played solo survivor. It happens right after the ready up countdown is completed. Im willing to have a meeting/share my screen to show the problem so that yall are able to analyze what's happening.

    Here's how it's happening on my end:

    [User presses Ready button. The countdown happens and the loading screen appears. The loading bar fills up all the way, various tips show on the screen. The screen keeps reacting (not frozen) The loading screen only goes away after the killer disconnects. ]

    For me It, It has happened with:

    •Mikaela Reid

    •Jake Park

    •Meg Thomas

    •Nea Karlsson

    I haven't got the hang of most of the characters. I stick to Meg or Mikaela on PC.

    However, I also play on Switch and haven't encountered a single infinite loading screen yet. I play as Feng Min/Jake Park on this platform

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    Has happened twice in the last 3 games to me. Both times I was playing as survivor. I'm on PC with cross play on. After sitting for about 10ish minutes, it cancels with an Error code: 500

    Edit: Also lost add-ons and offering even though a match was never played.

    Edit 2: Now happened the last 2 matches in a row. Same issue.

  • Member Posts: 1

    It has only happened to me when playing as survivor, and it commonly happens when I play as bill. It is also very hard to notice an infinitle loading screen because I sometimes get unusually long loading screens that do end up putting me into the game. It definitely has nothing to do with my internet connection, because I have pretty good WiFi.

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2021

    Dbd devs: I will do unit testing tonight and record all that I can. I'll play 5 rounds with every survivor I have [PC] and record what perks I and the others are using, platforms of the other players, whether it's an infinite loading screen or not, and loading screen wait time. I'll send it to y'alls email when it's complete.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2021

    Sad to say that its still happening after the patch.

    • When the issue occurred: Loading into a match
    • How the loading was initiated: Solo queuing as Mikaela Reid
    • Cross Platform: On
    Post edited by KaleDaze on
  • Member Posts: 142

    Platform : Switch

    Role: Killer - Cenobite

    Happened once the infinite loading screen.

    4 playable games and 1 infinite loading screen. not bad, Better than no games. Appreciate the patch it might have work for switch? I don't know but then again you didn't mention Switch in your patch notes. Will try again tonight and i will report back.

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