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General Discussions

Alright, I'm On-Board With A NOED Change.



  • Member Posts: 115

    Neither of these things are mutually exclusive, so discussing one without regarding the other is completely pointless. You will get no were. This is the first time I will ad-hom, but if you can't properly handle NOED even as a solo if it's something your worried about. Then there are many things you've yet to learn about this game my friend.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Is NOED that common? i see it 1-2 times per 10 games

  • Member Posts: 334

    Well given you don't know me and don't know my hours in the game it's not surprising you wouldn't elaborate on how a soloQ game can end in completely tragedy, relative to a coordinated SWF group.

    You must be a totem clearer.

  • Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2021

    Let me be clear. You do NOT play at high MMR if your soloQ games "end in complete tragedy". You just don't. I rarely EVER have serious problems in my surv games unless the killer is obviously outplaying the crap out of us. Then he deserved every kill he/she got with or without NOED.

    If you feel like your scrambling almost every game, that's a you problem. I have yet to this day after dying to a NOED thought "wow this is OP or unhealthy".

    Let me remind you, you know if your in high MMR if survivors are in control all game. There is no denying this game is survivor sided at high MMR. No one does at this point.

    So I guess I will be your cute totem clearer. I'm not im not here complaining that a mediocre perk is OP, or "unhealthy". I'm done posting in this thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,195

    I'd be fine if Noed was a regular hex that just keeps respawning on Dulls until it eats them all

  • Member Posts: 452

    Only if dead hard also gets changed.

  • Applicant Posts: 1,285

    As a killer main I wish NOED got a rework to something else. It's just a perk that gives pity kills to killer players at this point. How many games all gens get done while the killer is still at his 3rd-5th hook and he still gets a 2k or even more because of NOED. Imo it gives devs a wrong view about the game's balance. Imagine how much that 53% kill rate on the latest stats would drop without NOED, considering it's the 3rd most popular killer perk?

  • Member Posts: 767

    This is false and you can see from the wiki that NoeD has been in the game since the start, actually receiving a change in patch 1.0.2 to make it activate when the last gen was done and not when the exit was opened as it had been originally.

    Please check your information before presenting things as fact, like it being ‘made for a band aid fix’.

    Fact is back then killers were supposed to be scary and get you; they also had perks like Insidious to support a playstyle that over the years became frowned upon, but it’s clear that this was meant to be a completely different experience to how it is now.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I agree with this 100%, not only would it give another objective for survivors, but also make killers still have threat when often once the doors are open you are powerless.

    Im also a massive supporter of reducing the gap between solo and SWF and I think making perks like Kindred, Empathy and Bond baseline is the way to start, at least every survivor would have information on what every other survivor is doing.

    A few people mention later in the comments that they wonder how many totems are cleansed each game on average.

    That probably low number is because they have no need to as is; how many would that number be if NoeD was baseline? 5 I bet and perks like Small Game/Detective Hunch/Counterforce would actually have enough value to compete for a survivor perk slot instead of perks that just delay the killer by a few seconds because that’s all that’s needed as is.

    I guarantee you would see less people popping the last gen in your face because they know even going down is worth it as the game is practically over at that point unless they throw.

    How about as an idea, wether you have Small Game or not, at the end when NoeD would activate; let everyone know right away rather than waiting for the hit, and give everyone the totem counter for that end part specifically?

    So Small Game would let you work through totems in game more effectively but not be required at the end of the match while NoeD is active.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Ya know I'm seeing a trend on these forums.....and this is seeing both sides saying this phrase......."X Perk is too strong/unfair this needs to be Nerfed". Why don't they just get rid of all the perks and everyone will have to go onto their own skills and not be aided by perks. Or better yet.....make all the perks base base kit for EVERYONE.

  • Member Posts: 623
    edited October 2021

    Make it so you can only insta down people you hooked at least once. This way, if a survivor managed to avoid/escape the entire game you can't get a cheesy kill with noed at the end of the game.

    That's literally the only change it needs. If you did well, hooked all survivors 1 or 2 times but you simply need more time NOED will help as it reduces the chase time in half. But if you didn't even see a particular survivor the entire game or were unable to catch him then NOED won't hand you that player on a silver platter.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    Ok I play in solo Q matches and 7 out of 10 of those matches we did all the bones and escaped 3 out of 4 so your point saying that solo Q cant do bones and escape is moot. Totems are in set spots and now with Boons the likelyhood that noed will proc is way lower

    I don't have the new survivor so I'll be breaking every totem I find..

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    I'd like to see a weekend with no perks at all, but that's definitely not gonna happen.

  • Member Posts: 2,885

    I know that would be a real game based on skills....let's see how good some of these survivors and killers are without their crutches.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    My friend and I did a challenge one time where we had to play killer with no perks or add ons. It turned out to be fun.

  • Member Posts: 648

    Survivors are feeling NOED a lot more because they are reluctant to cleanse totems because they want boon totems :P

  • Member Posts: 236

    So why exactly should a Hex that hasn't affected anyone yet be made aware to everyone as soon as the match ends? That's not how hexes work.

    There's maps, there's perks, there's straight up awful totem spawns, along with 5 whole gens to compete before it becomes active. More than enough tools to counter it. Gens are not the only objective. Literally what the devs are telling you by putting something like Boons in the game.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Where did i say you want it to be nerfed? I just think NOED is fine. Don't nerf / rework it. Leave it as it is please.

  • Member Posts: 4,692
    edited October 2021

    Yeah, if you're in a swiffer. And even then, if the killer catches the desginated totem hunter, what then? Small Game doesn't do jack when you're on the hook!

    EDIT: And you have to remember the perk tax: 12/16 are likely to be BT, DS, UB to make the game playable. So really, it's 1/4 of the actually open Survivor perk slots.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    Interesting, didn't know that before. Could have sworn that someone somewhere said it was a perk introduced in late 2017 or something.

    But I would still consider it a cheap perk against solo teams.

  • Member Posts: 475

    I honestly kind of like your idea of a reverse corrupt, when the final gen is done tbh. But I think it should last as long as corrupt and it should still give instadown. But it should not be a hex obviously.

  • Member Posts: 767

    Thing is you never know who you are up against next game.

    The killer can’t tell if a team is solo or SWF to know wether they feel NoeD is necessary; and we can see the issue in game currently when they balance around solo survivors - it makes things unbalanced in SWF.

    Same for survivor; I’ll have multiple games where the killer is camping/tunnelling so I’ll bring DS/DH/BT/UB etc and get matched against someone either playing a weak killer or just being outmatched and the perks are unused or complete overkill.

    The only way forward I can see is to make perks like Bond/Empathy/Kindred base kit so even solo survivors have a closer level of information to SWF.

    You can’t balance otherwise when there’s such a big difference between them as whoever you balance for, it’s going to make things difficult for the other.

    Balance for the highest level play and bring the lowest level as close to it as you can.

    Seems madness to nerf killer things, then buff solo survivor and have to rebuff the killer things; just buff solo information, add a Small Game counter without the perk for everyone once NoeD is in play etc, baseline map wide Bond and change aura colour when they are injured etc.

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    The small game/map/detectives counter as usual counter comment, But now there is the complaints on boon totems for doing totems and why they should not exist . Ah yes when will it ever stop the endless unsatisfied life stream maybe hopefully in the next 10 years it may.

  • Member Posts: 7,779
    edited October 2021

    NOED is fine, particularly with the existence of maps/anti-totem perks and Boons (that synchronize with the former).

    Someone that is good at the game will do good with NOED....or any other perk, really.

    Using this as the basis for an argument advocating for a change is not strong ground at all.

  • Member Posts: 767

    The difference is clear though, survivors have perks and items to counter Hex’s, killers don’t.

    At best they can use Retribution/Undying/Thrill to slow the Blessing down, but it is not a counter - and as these are all Hex perks that cannot be relit, they are countered by the Boon perks they are supposed to be countering.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah, NOED definitely needs a change.

    Probably not the best idea, but I had an idea for a NOED rework: Make it a regular perk and have it gain tokens every time you hook a survivor. During the end of the game, if you down a survivor it takes up one token.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    It's a cool idea but I don't think noed needs any changes and I disagree that it's healthy for the game in its current state. If DH we're changed and weaker killers were buffed, etc etc, then noed could be looked into I suppose, but as it stands? Not any issues imho.

  • Member Posts: 455
    edited October 2021

    But so much topics are of complaints about boon totems though lol. its never a win, I think everyone wants us to run small game/detective over boons. But am sorry if am getting a way to heal myself for free and counter bbq and chili why should I run small game/detective over boons+maps?

    I am sure that everyone is going to go for what is strong and not a joke of a perk, its like telling me to use no mither, and my god dont even get me started on people who run that perk, fun with swf but random queue. Yeah umm I rather not with that match.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Most perks are better in the hands of a better player, some up to the point of overkill as others have mentioned.

    Boons + Map are a solid combo that can help deal with NOED if necessary. Bonus points if that's what you like running as it has double utility :D

    Either way, don't let anyone else tell you what to use or how to play - they're not living your life or experiencing the game through your eyes.

  • Member Posts: 455

    Yep boons+maps with flashbang and DH is a deadly combination. XD

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    Old Old Old Old ds was a free 5 second stun for being picked up

    Old Old Old ds was a free 4 second stun for being picked up

    Old Old ds was a free stun unless you dribbled the survivor like a baseket ball

    Old ds was a free invincibility bubble with a 5 second stun for being picked up while it was active

    Which version of ds specifically

  • Member Posts: 239

    I'm not understanding why everyone is saying that the survivors " don't have time to do dull totems". There is no time limit to how long a match can last (though I think there SHOULD be a hard limit, but that is a discussion for another thread).

    I agree that it feels cheap to have NOED activate even after face camping your first hook, so I would agree that a minimum number of hooks should be required for the perk to activate. Other than that, I don't see NOED as a problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I've because most survivors just didn't do them, so it feels like they take so much time. In reality if each survivor did must one totem, casually between gets, they’d all be done before NOED even has a chance. It's extremely easy to achieve but even with totem tracking perks, it scarcely happens.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    And I'm over here in solo queue using Inner Healing and being the only person in my games tracking down Hexes let alone cleansing dulls after finishing gens or healing.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    NOED isn't really a problem. Just make it so there's no surprise after the final gen pops by having the "Exposed" status effect pop up after the final gen is done.

  • Member Posts: 6,825

    A lot of people seem to be on board with this. I just can’t see it getting changed any other way.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I literally say repeatedly that I don't think that it's OP and that it doesn't need to be nerfed.

    Seriously, read the post.

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    I literally say repeatedly that I don't think that it's OP and that it doesn't need to be nerfed.

    Seriously, read the post.

  • Member Posts: 989

    NOED is needed. Leave it alone.

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited October 2021

    Why is it needed?

    Why not change it and make it better?

    Post edited by Pulsar on
  • Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    No, noed is good like that. Stop finally screaming for changes for such a balanced totemperk like noed. (just because ppl are too lazy). Just make totems. Survivors have enough perks and the maps to track by now. Noed as well as DS are correctly balanced. There is no reason at all to do something about it.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    I'm surprised you could make sense of that with all the autocorrects lol.

    But aye same here. I'm usually able to get rid of most totems myself with little impact on gen speeds.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Needed because of how survivor sided the game is. Make it better by having it as Base Kit. Agreed

  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited October 2021

    It isn't balanced.

    I don't understand how you could think NOED is balanced. Maybe against SWF, but not Solo's

  • Member Posts: 1,415
    edited October 2021

    Man, it's a simple totemperk. Whether SWF or solo doesn't matter at all. There are now enough perks and items to find totems. You can't balance a perk any better. Just make totems and that's it ( is that so hard ?....if you now say yes, then you can no longer be helped ) Noed used to be much worse when I started DBD 2016. Trust me ....

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