What about hit validation for window/pallet vaults?

Since hit validation is enabled for pallet stuns and DH, I hope vaults will get the same treatment. I am sick of getting hit through windows/pallets when I
a) got a fast vault
b) already did 1 or 2 steps after vaulting
Sure, but first add Killer bots since it seems we are going to need them with all those changes.
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sure. let's make some appropriate changes to even out this suggestion. Fast vaults now take 1.5 seconds to compensate and even out vaulting speed with killers. Pallet breaks now take .5 seconds on killer end. Oh and since we want balance, it takes survivors 2 seconds on a generator building up a bar to start repairing.
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This wasn't meant as a "Survivor Main" joke or troll. It is very infuriating. And I play a lot killer too. The only problem with their hit validation is, that the game gives the wrong feedback. You hear the scream, but the survivor is not injured/downed. If they fix that, you will never know when the server rejects a hit.
And If I can be sure, I don't get hit 5km from the window on my end, because the killer has a bad connection, there can be some adjustments. (And nerfs to the 2nd chance perks are totally needend!)
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Can we also add validation to a Doctor?
So you will not be able to vault, or drop pallets in that last second...
Clown would be nice too, so you can't fast vault.
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Yep, I can't wait to see the feedback once survivors start getting vault refunds vs Doctor.
Just remember "it's just a bug fix", and "you're just used to getting vaults that you were never meant to make".
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You mean I've been playing Doctor all this time and the survivors where never supposed to be doing vaults. Somebody told me about that and I thought they was joking, because survivors was still vaulting windows.
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Survivors will still complete the vault/pallet drop if they press the button before their character is actually zapped. So if you run under a pallet and are in the middle of it, if you press spacebar right before the zap occurs it will still complete the queued action.
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So for killer we care about actual hit, but for survivors we care only about press the button?
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If the Survivor starts the animation of vaulting (from the time you press the vault key and your character slides into position to vault), then nothing can take them out of that except for grabbing them while they're vaulting. Same with pallets. The Survivor is in an animation the entire time, even when they're not obviously handling the window or pallet. Zapping won't stop that animation from playing out.
But anyway, the Killer's swing animation only affects the Survivor when they are near-finished (or sometimes completely finished) with it. So if you start the swing animation and the Survivor uses Dead Hard, if you didn't finish the swing animation by the time they pressed their DH key, their Dead Hard will go through. And it's actually been fixed now to work as it should... to avoid a hit.
No more of this garbage, that's for sure:
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Trust me its frustrating on both sides. When you play excess killer over survivor you'll start noticing grabs that didn't go through that force you to autoattack, gen kick animations being interrupted by hitches forcing you to start over, boon totems being either unsnuffable or forcing you to get at just the right angle to actually get the command to snuff it, when you swing at an unhooking survivor only for your weapon to complete ignore them and smack the BT, when you try to pick up a slug trying to crawl in hatch and it continuously switches between the two until they get an uncontested escape, try to glide swing a loop only for "assisted aiming" to smack you into a wall.
Im just saying if survivors need to have vaults validated before ANYTHING validation wise is done for killers, then BHVR needs to cripple their gameplay to a screeching halt.
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Yeah, there are a LOT of killer power hitboxes that are broken (affecting both sides).
Needs to be fixed in the Survivors' favor: Huntress, Deathslinger, Nemesis, Oni, GF (revealing)
Needs to be fixed in the Killer's favor: Doc, Clown, GF (stalking, hiding)
It would be mega weird, but with that I would know that's fair.
Didn't know that, but it explains some ######### with the hitboxes....
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You just can't use it on every action till they manage to fix feedback. The more killers get validated, the more frustrating experience it will be.
I play with 23 ms and I get validated quite often against survivors with 60-80 ms, I basically get punished for their ping. It's not my fault we see something different.
Until they fix feedback, it would be stupid to make it even more regular.
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That is true. I got used to the crappy feedback by now, but it needs to be fixed. After that these changes should be implemented
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Sure, if it actually works, then I don't have issue with all of those.
I just had fun game with Nemi. When survivor dead hard from pallet and you get validated, you will get automatic miss instead of pallet destroy...
yay, that's what should happen for sure
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When I play killer, I pretty much never feel like I get an undeserved hit through vaults. If anything, it happens very rarely. If a change like this would mean that I would get noticeably less amount of hits against survivors vaulting, that would be pretty frustrating.
I am happy about the hit validation on pallets, but when it comes to vaulting, especially when considering that maps in this game can have some really good vaults for survivors, I don't think I would want hit validation.
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Hit boxes in general are terrible and really always have been. no changes they have made ever really fixed them completely. They focus on masking the problem instead of fixing it.
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I don't play Nemesis (he's too loud for my taste), but I think he should always have to break the pallet first since imo there is not a lot you can do if he respects pallets and uses this hitbox tech which looks really weird from survivor POV.
But at least the auto pallet break should be implemented with this.
As a killer I don't have a problem either, because I walk around with 30ms ping. But as a Survivor you can still get 5km hits on windows when you go against someone with higher ping. The worst are really those where you are falling down and you get slapped by a Spaghetti hand while in the air.
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I understand that such hits are frustrating. I just wanted to point out that if it affected me playing as killer, it would probably make me play killer far less. It's not uncommon to get a hit just before a survivor gets out of reach when vaulting, and if some of those hits wouldn't count as hits anymore when playing killer, that would be really frustrating.
The hits when survivors fall down sometimes do look really weird though, but I'm not even 100% sure if that's only because of latency, or if there is some bug causing those hits as well. Because those weird hits I do occasionally get as killer as well.
Also, regarding your post towards Nemesis, if Nemesis couldn't hit survivors over pallets, that would probably kill him. His big advantage is that he has such good anti-loop, and he needs it, especially when considering that he needs 3 hits instead of 2 to down a survivor, up to 8 times at least.
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With Nemesis, I think I would be satisfied if they would fix the hitbox. Same goes for huntress as well.
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We have been waiting for this fix for 5 years, but alas, they'd better make clothes
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I think I found a correct topic for this clip. I had couple of these kind of hits in my match and today when I played against Nemesis I got weird hits as well. Cool, they did this all just to fix Dead Hard. *slow clap*
I don't really know what to think at this point.
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Oh enough already. Almost everything desync-related has already been changed to favour survivors. I can't go one killer game without having at least one hit rejected despite it being just fine on my end, and my ping is 40ms. The devs have already made all the server take survivor input as priority instead of actually fixing their servers, we can let killers have their damn pallet hits
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what are you talking about !!! getting hit in windows still exists as well as Anna's axes from which you get hit around the corner!
There is still an open question about camping by the killers.
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These are the standard hits I get when playing vs Nemesis. This is something related to how the hitboxes and hit detection work.