Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Bubba’s blackface cosmetic needs to be removed



  • Member Posts: 2,811

    Show us the actual post. Just saying it happened without a source, no one is going to believe you. Also, if you're telling the truth, then why are you still fighting? Sounds like it's going to happen. It just sounds like a lie.

  • Member Posts: 544

    Thats because it's harder to find the other original survivors at all it fits perfectly with the previous point

    Also its incredibly easiest to ask for the the removal of just one of those masks it's like saying it's okay for these but not this one

  • Member Posts: 563

    I think they should just get it out of the way and remove Jake's as well. Extend the options to only white original survivors that way they have more options instead of just Dwight and Meg.

  • Member Posts: 63

    Jfc, so back when this was a thing that people cared about and wasn't being used years later to troll on forums, there was FAR less survivors and Claudette was a favorite, she was the easiest to play and learn with. Soooo, wouldn't it make logical sense that the Claudette skin mask would be easier to obtain?

    It honestly sounds more ignorant to say, "because Claudette is black, she shouldn't be given a mask" than it does to let her have her moment with the other OG survivors. Wouldn't that single her out to remove her anyway?

    I tried to get one back then, I gave up. I can say without a single doubt I knew that when I got one it would be Claudette because she was so popular and you know what, I would've rocked it. NOT because I am racist but because Claudette was my beginner survivor and she holds a special place for me because I learned how to play with her and wearing her mask would be cute imo. Not some gloom and doom bs reason that the OP cooked up in their head to start bs on the forum and feel like their SJW bs would be applauded.

  • Member Posts: 1,855
  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I run builds related to the faces I wear as bubba too. If I wear Claudette I run an anti healing build that let me keep tabs on those who are healing. As Dwight I run perks relating to working together.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I mean, i'd rather if they removed all faces instead of just removing claudette's

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    I never knew Bubba was wearing the faces of the OG survivors…

  • Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2021

    But they're right though. White face doesn't have any historical meaning unlike blackface/yellowface.

  • Member Posts: 123

    Black face is still a thing and can still be done by people. I hope you know that.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    I use the claudette head cuz it matches the P2 Bubba outfit :)

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    Unless they announce that they're being racist in chat this is something at most you can only speculate on out of spite. No one with common sense is going to assume someone using this item is racist or trying to be racist.

    In which case if someone announces they hate a certain race punish the player - The cosmetic has nothing to do with them being a halfwit.

  • Member Posts: 974

    I've never once seen a Bubba player use any of the 4 survivor face masks.

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Same. Every Bubba I've seen is either base Bubba or Old Lady. I can't recall ever seeing any of the 4 faces.

  • Member Posts: 5,047

    So either they remove it and are rascist or keep it and are rascist. Relax.

    They just tryna do a blenda

  • Member Posts: 1,554

    Who are these Survivors that have time to 1: see Bubba's face, and 2: worry about a chainsaw wielding killer's ethics?

  • Member Posts: 391

    it's true that his skintone under the mask is dark, but simply fix that not just remove her face entirely lol.

    This has NEVER been a problem in almost 4 years and now it suddenly is??

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    This thread has been occasionally brought up.

    and now there was an official stream apparently where it was mentioned. (There is a link somewhere in this thread)

  • Member Posts: 391

    isnt the point of the thread to remove it cuz racist people are using it...?

  • Member Posts: 1,364

    It's not blackface

  • Member Posts: 21

    I'm fine if they change it but just removing it is what I disagree with. Not everyone who uses it is racist maybe if BHVR would ban the racist who uses the mask in a 100% racist way then they should be banned.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    they arent the first person ive seen claiming this, so i just wanted to set some things straight.

    trust me, i dont really have any intention to start an argument here - i know thats a futile effort.

    im just gonna throw in my 2 cents and then take my leave.

  • Member Posts: 709

    Using a cosmetic is not racist. In many games I play black characters, usually because I like their design more... but I am a while person; am I now being racist? Get your priorities straight. Excluding the black original survivor from the options for Bubba is not working towards equality. It is not black face as it is literally the skin of the victims of Bubba that he wears as a mask and guess what... Claudette is black. Do you want to white wash her?

    Including Claudette as one of the options for Bubba is inclusive, not exclusive and racist.

  • Member Posts: 5,781
    edited October 2021

    Cmon man, it is just a cosmetic.

  • Member Posts: 767

    I almost exclusively play Feng as survivor so I've always kind of wanted a 'GamerFace' so I could use it when playing the killer.

    I think whichever my main survivor was I feel having something on the killer side related to them would be pretty cool.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Notice how you got zero upvotes? You ever consider that maybe the person playing is black and wants to use the black face? Maybe the person likes Claudette so they want to wear her face like a trophy and show appreciation for her or something. Also who cares there is also white face from Meg and Dwight and there is asian face from Jake. Get over yourself

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    History lesson Claudette is one of the most commonly used survivors. This was mainly due to her self care ability which in early dbd was much stronger. As a result a lot of player flocked to claudette. She also had a larger number of memes that often went beyond the hue hue impossible to see survivor. People found the hypocrisy of self care claudette looking out for herself funny with her character being an altruistic lore wise. Eventually she became the face character of a particularly awful steamer one who shall not be named (no its not JRM hes a funny dude). As a result many early claudette main's were trying to emulate the particular streamer and inspired some hatred towards the character. For context look at Elodie she carries none of the history Claudette carries and for the most part is a liked or amiable character.

  • Member Posts: 571

    who cares?

  • Member Posts: 2,334

    It's not just them. Several users on Twitter are upset about it as well. Including POCs. And if you're not a POC, you're (according to them) not allowed to have an opinion on the subject. Or at the very least your opinion shouldn't be taken into consideration.

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