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Medkit not giving a full heal
I had the same issue with a Brown med-kit. I was able to heal myself but only to 99%. I needed someone else to finish the heal.
I love the "fifth perk" with the little cute pig.
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how long it will take to mark this bug as "acknowledged" ?
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Probably because the Great Skillcheck bug, where the increased progress go back instantally... more noticiable when working in a Generator with a teammate, where you are able to know everytime the other Survivor did a Great Skillcheck and instantally disappeared the extra progression xd
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Haitis problem too. PS4, multiple characters
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What’s wrong with you, it’s not a matter of having a bug marked as acknowledged or not. It is marked as Need more info because devs need log to help them fix, as it is not a reliably reproductible bug
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They received several logs... also videos. How many logs should we send? I think we showed enough proofs to assign DEV TESTERS to replicate this problem. they have a lot of instructions: which medkit, which addons...
dont tell me, that TESTERS are not able to start game and try it.
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In the background they are probably adding code for future killer powers, future perks, so the code is being modified in various ways, not just the patch notes. Still incompetence though.
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Happened me some times. It seems like 1mm is left when it should have completely healed. annoying.
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16 charges of medic kit dont full heal
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Why is this still going on? I just lost a game because of it.
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Same issue happening with me on PS5 - but toolboxes. Already commented this on another thread:
I used a toolbox with 24 charges. A hook sabo takes 6. Yet I only got 3 and a bit sabos out of my toolbox 🤔 The las sabo was ~99% complete when the toolbox ran out.
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Multiple medkits have done this to me the past 2 weeks.
Also happening to toolboxes. Tried to get 4 sabos with Alex's Toolbox (6 charges for each hook) with 24 charges - and it emptied 1 charge short of my 4th sabotage.
This has been going on for weeks - if you can't reproduce and fix this yourselves - not sure what that says about your in-house testing/procedures.
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Been experiencing this issue for a couple weeks; glad I found this thread.
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3 weeks now and it still happens 100% of the time with brown medkits. (It's the only type i use)
Both medkits brought into the trial and medkit found in chest suffer from this. You always get 99% heal and never a full one. How the F can this issue not have been adressed yet?
Has to suck working at Behaviour since 90% of the playerbase constantly ridicules them and they prove those 90% right with each patch released....
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Still happening. Actually, now it appears to be happening with every single medkit. They all have something like half a charge less than they're supposed to.
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@MandyTalk Hello, this bug still persist. Last time yesterday with green medkit and speed add-ons. There is also duplicate ticket in forum. Can you repair it please?
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Just happened, last game in the file.
I haven't had the problem with brown nor green nor purple medkits without addons.
Brown medkit + bandages + tape =/= 2 heals
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Here's another one, last game in the log as well
This time it was an anniversary medkit with bandages only, no second addon and nothing on the killer to affect healing speed, it was hard to notice this one as the second heal was done on someone else, but the scoring events gave the regular for a medkit heal +2 for late heal
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If you hit great skill checks, you obviously get the full heal since the great skill check adds some % to the heal progress (So you don't use up as much of the medkit). You also get a full heal if you don't get any skill checks at all during the heal.
It's when you only hit good skill checks is when you are left with an empty medkit regardless of color and a 99% heal.
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Just died thanks to this, would love to see something done about it soon!
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Yeah, it happened to me as well. Many times.
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Also having the same issue, had multiple games where this happens, just finished my last game and was on 99.9% heal but just not enough, went to a survivor to get healed but they refused to finish my heal and it got us all killed.
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Why is this still going on? It's been over a month and there has been a patch during that time.....
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And to clarify - this is not just brown medkits - i've had the same issue with a 16 charge green med kit.
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32 charges in medkit were not enough for 2 full healings