This is how MMR and the Community feel for a Noob now (long post)

Hi guys,
i have just started Dbd recently (30 hours now) and want to share with you what kind of an experience that was for me.
A good friend of mine wanted to play this game with his sister, so i bought it to play with them. Because they did not get theyr ######### together, i started alone. As i got the game very cheap, i bought some aditional killers with it, thinking i just could try out some of them for fun... boy was i wrong.
I started as a survivor, had some very scary matches. If you do not know ######### about what is going on, it is really scary and intimedating beeing hunted by a supernatural horror. Played some more matches, leveld up Meg, died most of the time. When i survived a match, it felt like a real win. I got some more Perks, could finaly see what is going on and started to be a more helpfull teammate and not only a scared chicken. But still, mostly i was the first to die. Made sense to me, i seemed to be the weakest part of the chain, so the killer often concentrated his efforts on getting me out of the game first. Not fun to play as a noob, but i could understand why the killers where acting like that (not all, there even was a very nice killer who saw, that i was playing way above my league, he killed everyone else and even carried me to the hatch to let me escape). So i played on, thinking that when i get better, it will be different. Clearly, as an absolut noob i cant play with the big boys and girls.
So i leveld Meg forther, thinking that with more and better Perks and more experience i will have better chances. Until i started to look closer on the scoreboard at the end of the game. There i realised that i was allways in teams of survivors with Grades way above mine. And so where the Killers. It seemed, that the balancing of the game was about the full team versus the killer and with (compared to myself) absolut pros in my team, naturally i had to play against Killers way above my skillevel. No wonder, that they allways smacked me like a little kiddo.
Okay i thougth, play more, learn, level up and it will change. So i googled about what are good perks and learned, that you have to unlock them by level up different characters... oh damn! Not only that you have to unlock them on different characters, no... you also have to learn them with each different character in a totally random way via the bloodweb. What an uncool Grindfest i had there in front of me! Totally not beginnerfriendly, you do not only start with no experience, have to level up one chara to play with.. no no no, if I whant to have an slightly even playingfield with the people i was forced to play with/against as a soloplayer, i had to grind my ass of... that seemed like not so much fun.
Do not get me wrong, i understand why the Devs whant something like progress in theyr game (they have to kep the players wantig to play more), but as a beginner it is a big obstacle in the start. It would be okay, if i could play with people on my level of progress, but allways playing against people with 4 lvl3 Perks from different characters, when you only have some lvl 1-2 Perks from your first char is... not a great feeling.
But then i noticed something: there where more and more games, where the Killer was AFK for the whole match. The first times i was happy (yay, i can survive and make a few BPs), then it happend more and more. I began to question why that may be. One, two times could may be by chance, but this often? Why should that much people start games just to not play them? That doesnt seem to be any fun for anyone.
Ah, whatever i thougt and played on. Realising how much BPs i had to grind if i whanted to have a good perkloadout, i googled how to make more BPs. And then it hits me: there is exactly ONE Perk for every side of the game, that potentially doubles the BPs you can make in a game! That means, yes, in theory i can play whatever character i whant, jsut try them out and have some fun, even when you have quite a disatvantage because you have fever and worse perks. But... if you decide to do so, the game will punish you with only making half the BPs you could make, if you would play a chara that allready has one of those Perks. What a.... brilliant idea! A gamemechanic that activly discourages me to try out different things, because it punishes me if i chose so by doubeling the allready BIG grind... great way to make a game interessting for beginners!
F... it i thougt, I am not in the mood to level up a second survivor i do not like to play only to get that one Perk with that i can grind BPs at the double, lets try out playing as a killer. At least there i can start with the right one, meaning with the one who can double the BPs, even when it is absolutly not my first choice in any other way. Maybe i would level up so fast, that i could switch to another killer quickly. And because i will playing allone and not with a team of superpros, i will be matched with players on my skillevel and have games that are more fair and fun. Boy was i wrong....
Knowing that there is an MMR, and that it is now only depending on my skillevel, i hoped for fair matches. So i played the first game and got wrecked. No problemo, first game, what could i get out of it else? But knowing a little bit more than at my bloody first matches as a survivor, i looked at the scoreboard at the end. And i was... a bit suprised. I have played against 4 survivors with redranks. Two of them commented with "GG,EZ". Okay...
So i played on with the killer, loosing some matches, hooked some survivors and.... KILLED ONE! YAY! After all of this, i got my first kill!!!! This short outburst of joy was rapidly destroyed, when in the endgamelobby i was insulted and harassed for this. I felt lucky, that i (with one lvl 1 Perk and killergrade 19) was able to kill one of them. But the survivorplayers (3 redranks, all 4 with 4 lvl3 perks from different chars) saw that different. They made it very clear, what a #########, cheating noob i was, tunneling one of them and even hookcamping him. Damn, that was a lot of salt, i did not even knew what they ment with tunneling. After googleing it, i was confused. Did i tunnel one of them? I have no idea, i was simply running after anyone i saw. And hookcamping? As i remembered, they unhooked allways when i was only a few meter away... so naturally i turned and hunted the allready wounded survivor. A nnob move, for sure, but i was a total noob. And they could clearly see that on the scoreboard! Whatever i thought, just play on, not all survivorplayers can be that salty. Boy was i wrong.
Nearly everytime players that absolutly mopped the floor with me waited in the escapezone, teabagging, circle me one more time to put insult to the injury. Everytime when the last player escaped through the hatch, he waited the few minutes it costs me to find it just to teabag there. And allways "GG", "GG, EZ", "GG, what a noobkiller". Sireously??? What kind of people are these? I mean, they can see the scoreboard to. Are these the kind of people, who watch a pro MMA-fighter kick a toddlers ass and say "what a great fight!"?
Despite this saltyness, i put some more hours in. Played more games, got humiliated and... even won a few matches. Getting 2, sometimes even 3 or in very rare cases 4 hooks! Damn, that felt good, especially when i compared theyr ranks with mine. How i did it? No idea, assuming the playtime they must have to get those perks and ranks, they where dead drunk, let theyr little sibling play a round or something like that. And of course... like with the killers, a bunch of survivors where simply AFK for the whole match, lowering the chances for theyr teammates. As good as it felt the first time getting 4 hooks, it felt like... cheating to me. So, when there was one or two survivors AFK in a game, i allways just downed the last survivor and carried him to the escape, trying to be fair and friendly for this unfairnes of his teammate(s).
But those wins did not play in my favor. Sure, in the short term i got some of those sweet BPs, but (i asume), my MMR-rating went up to. So i was matched with even better players. The last hours i was stomped in the ground again and again, making no BPs, beeing teabagged and insulted. GGs, all GGs. And, yay, then, from time to time, there was one game where i totally dominated, mostly because survivors where AFK. Or, that happend from time to time to, survivors who where getting downed for the first time simply disconnected. But that where the exceptions. Mostly i was simply destroyed. I was not only genrushed, often there was only one survivor doing gens, the other three where running arround me. I not even made a single hook in those games, beeing constantly blinded when i got one downed or every hook in reach was sabotaged. GGs guys, GGs.
Why was this the case? Am i a very bad player and a little crybaby? Maybe. But i had a close look on the scoreboard for the whole 15 hours i played as a killer... Here is what i saw: Not ONCE there was a survivor with a lower rank than mine. There where allways 2-3 redranked survivors and one in the middle of the ranks. All with 4 lvl 3 Perks. And yes, i understand that ranks do not show skill allone. But... maybe... there is a indicator, that someone with rank 1 and perks from 4 different charas has a LITTLE bit more playtime and experience than someone with rank 20-17 and nearly no perks.
So, i am wondering: is the MMR system so broken, that it is not able to match a total noob with people even near to his level? For 30 hours straight? That even way more experienced players often chose to AFK whole games, just to decreasing theyr MMR-rating and not getting stomped by bigger fishes (and ruining the game for all other players involved) without beeing punished by the game for it?
Is it really the intention of the devs to make it SUCh a big grind for beginners to get a funktional loadout, constantly matching them with players with WAY more playtime, just to make the skillgap even broader?
Is a really big percentage of the community of this game really just a bunch of manbaybys, wanting to outlive theyr powerfantasys by totally destroying noobs? Are there really so many players who like to play such onesided matches?
Maybe.. just maybe.. the MMR-system is not broken and those gamemechanics that make it so beginnerunfriendly are intentional. Maybe the devs just whant it this way? I mean... the noobs allready bought the game (for a very low price at this time)... so... maybe concentrate on the players with A LOT of gametime, keeping them happy by beeing way more powerfull, not only by skill and experience, but with a huge adventage because of perks... so that they can keep going on destroying noobs, beeing matched with them and feeling like a demigood of gaming? And buying more DlCs? I mean, with the perks it is a little bit like that.. sure, you can play with the basics... but if you whant a good loadout... buy this, this and that DLC. Its really suprising, that there is no ingameshop to buy BPs, just to shorten the grind.
Sooo.... why this wall of text? To show you how this game feels for a total beginner.
My conclusion: its an interesting game, with good ideas and it should be a casual, fun game to play. On the other hand i cant remember when i saw such a rough game for beginners, such a needed grind, such gamemechanics that widens the skillgap between noobs and pros, such a toxic community and such an unfair MMR. It feels like the game shows you how much fun it could be, just to slap you in the face afterwards, saying "not for you, only for people with hundreds of hours of gametime more". Maybe it is fun if you play with friends in closed lobbys. But as a sinlge player in open lobbys, this is one of the games with the worst startingtime for beginners i have ever played.
P.S.: Please excuse my spelling, this is not only my second language, but i have (because of stupid reasons) at this time an english keyboard, but with german keybindings, what makes it a nightmare to find some special signs.
Welcome to the toxic community that BHVR enables by making it "ez" for the survivor's, obviously not easy for newbies, but this is the wonderful thing they breed is toxic survivor's whom believe they are good because the killer is "garbage" but the garbage is BHVR and their coordination and ability to balance a game which is not going well. To make the blood points faster you have to play killer as a survivor won't ever make the amount that killer's can per-match, aside from the toxic survivor's and the long term killer players. I hope you do continue to play and try to find some enjoyment.
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Thanks you for your nice words.
But after 50 hours of playing, I have enough.
I would like to play more, but beeing constantly matched against survivors with WAY more gametime than me it is not that much fun.
And the absolut unpolite behavior of a lot of them makes it even more unenjoyable.
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Welcome to the game.
Grades are not indicative of skill. They're not ranks and not the MMR. The MMR value is hidden.
They are just a measure of how much you've played this month.
At sub 100 hours you're very new still. Things start to come together in the 200-400 hr range. There's really a lot to learn here.
Sorry if it's not to your taste and sorry about rude community. It tends to happen in versus games.
I hope you'll stick around, but do what's fun for you.
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I'm sorry you first experience in this game was filled with toxicity. The community has become more and more toxic as the years go on.
The toxicity isn't survivors only as many people say, but also killers as well. Survivors tbag because they get swelled heads in dominating someone who is obviously new to being killer or doesn't play it often. I've been in your position multiple times and both sides will complain about anything.
You'll encounter may survivors who consider themselves entitled and have that holier than thou attitude because they outplayed a rookie. This matchmaking system is something out of nightmares because it's been changed numerous times. Originally, the matchmaking looked to be based on the average rank among survivors being loaded into a match then it became based on rank and now skill based.
Ignore these salty people and move forward. They aren't worth your time and words, people look for any excuse to blame the other side for anything. I will say that many things in this game are broken: killer hit boxes, lag spikes, glitches and if course the hit validation only confirming the hit or miss based on who has the better connection. There are also hackers lurking around, but BHVR does little to stop it. The games reputation has taken a plummet and many people who remain are either arrogant and entitled survivors, newbies, or people who Team kill and hackers.
My advice is to ignore these people and play the way you wish to. No one can tell you how to play or whom. Many of the people who say gg ez are those who pick on rookie killers and rookie survivors, but immediately get salty when they get bested. Be the bigger person and ignore them, you're better than them because you don't go out of your way to insult someone because of how they played.
Be strong, my friend. This game is great and terrible, great because of the fun you can have and the jumpsacres that occur but terrible because of the kind of community people created over ridiculous things.
If you still want to play the game, I recommend watching you tubers playing the game to learn some tips and tricks and it can give you ideas as to what perks you can use. Customs with friends are also perfect ways to polish your skills, test new perks and learn the mechanics of playing both sides.
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Very nice to read so kind words of encouragement, shows that not only immature aholes play this game.
But after 50h of trying, watching a lot of yt vids to understand and get better, after some games full of fun, the negativ things weight more.
I played it after work for some hours to have some casual fun with it and most of the time i ended the evening totally annoyed. Just to bad (and unfair) matchmaking, to much harassment, to much tbagging, to much afking (most "funny" in lockers) etc.
Hope for the non toxic part of the community, that things will change for a better or that you continue to find your piece of fun with it annyway.
For me, i decided to play this game the way i want: not anny more.
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Hopefully some of the BHVR developers will see this.
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Unfortunately, there are still killers of campground tunnels waiting for you and (B.H.V, R.) They don't do anything