Please do something about this whole slugged/4k.

We all know the Killer has won - we do, but I am fed up of having to bleed out on the floor while Killer goes to search for who ever is left in the game and I can't do nothing about it, even Unbreakable is no counter to this. I don't wish to DC due to loosing what points I have esp if I played party streamers etc Why should I have to wait around, bleeding and unable to do anything while Killer seeks out others and even if I manage to get up, downed again. I am not saying all Killers do this but I am getting fed up, waiting until the Killer decides then to down us all, and hook us all when all I wish to do is move on. I get it you won.
Look at your phone or alt tab out, you'll be out of the game in ~4 mins just accept it for what it is.
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No. Just no. Sorry but this needs to be a thing, I don't want to go wash the dishes! I completed Google! I don' want a cup of tea no!
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I mean, if there's someone left in the game, then you should be recovering in the chance they can come back around and scoop you.
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Sorry but the killer is entitled to a 4k just as the last standing survivor is to a chance at escaping.
If you can come up with a fair solution, feel free to share, but I don’t see this getting changed.
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You could always run no mither and never be slugged again
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The best I would suggest is making it so Survivors can voluntarily insta-die on the ground if they've been slugged for 2+ minutes total (i.e. the same amount of time it takes for a Survivor to be sacrificed in a single hook).
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So you are saying a killer deserves after camp/tunel a 4k slug kill? okay
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Well, yes. They applied outplayed each survivor at least twice and successfully prevented the remaining ones from picking up the slugs. It's not easy on a killer with little snowball.
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No lol I have had a killer slug and bleeding out with 4 gens did they outplay or just was one of those?
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A killer cannot out play survs when there is so many gens left and just downs (bubba) all survs and it happens, there needs to be a no bleed option like [BAD WORD] this i am out
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
Yes. They did. They still had to get the appropriate hits on survivors and maintain pressure. I don't see how the number of gens remaining is relevant to the slug mechanic.
Is is sweaty? Yes. Do I do it? No. But it is a thing in the game and it lasts at most four minutes. Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
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Does not matter these killers who let you bleed out while they go find other survs to gain their 4 k well, nah
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Do Bones.
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Killer Mains coming in :)
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Yeah, sure, if all Survivors are downed for 60 seconds, they can give up and count as a Sacrifice.
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As much as I like bleeding out players who were toxic to me in the match, I agree should probably have a suicide option when bleeding out.
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You do realize that's literally a dc with no penalty right?
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Did you not realise you can D/C by suiciding on the hook?
You could only make it trigger after 1 minute of being on the floor or something. Then it is about as slow as someone who DC's through hook suicide.
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Yes but at least when hooking they killer spends time doing it not someones down bleed out immediately then move on.
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Well I just added there could be a 1 minute requirement to be on the floor first, so it would not be faster than hook suicides.
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I wish I can kill myself on ground the way I can kill myself on hook. There's too much wasted time on ground while the b killer is looking for the last one. My time is precious.
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Soul Guard + Unbreakable.
You're welcome.
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Well you see some challenges force the 4k so sadly until they remove them which I got a bunch of hate for suggesting we cant really blame killers, it sucks but like if they need the challenges....
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I had a suggestion a while ago that the bleed out timer should speed up once two survivors escape or are eliminated. Normally it takes 4 minutes to bleed out. Once two survivors are eliminated, make that timer goes 3 times faster than normal, so it takes 80 seconds to bleed out instead. 80 seconds is long enough that the other survivor has time to try for a possible rescue, and is also long enough for the killer to look for the still standing survivor. But the shortened time limit encourages both the killer and the other survivor to make a move more quickly if they want to do something before the slugged survivor dies. It also brings about the end more quickly should neither the killer nor the standing survivor actually want to try and do anything.
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Allow the survivor to have a button to bleed out faster BUT a certain amount of time needs to pass before the hatch opens so it still matches the time the 2nd to last survivor had before bleeding out normally.
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a faster bleed out timer or a way to bleed out faster? depends on how it would work.
a way to instantly bleed out? probably not.
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There is nothing to be done. If you don't like it, run no mither and tenacity so you can just pick yourself as many times as you need.
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I'm assuming you mean someone could "abuse" this by not being picked up, and then "DC'ing" so you'd lose out on the hook? I mean how often does this bug even happen. I'm proposing something that would legitimately fix the issue raised by OP, it's not my problem if DBD is ridden with bugs which all interfere with other features.
I'm guessing what you mean though
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You do realize your original message came off as condescending. "Sure we can act like this bug doesn't exist". Without any explanation you are basically assuming that everyone else has the context already in your brain without you having to elaborate.
I was condescending but at least I am trying to encourage actual dialogue.
You still didn't explain your point!
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And I wish survivors would just leave the game when they've escaped instead of standing in the doorway until the killer arrives so they can teabag and dead hard their way out.
Sadly, neither of us will ever get our wish.
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Sounds like you are a big part of the problem. If you are admitting that the game is over and you lost, then you and your teammates need to take your hook and move on to the next game. You and your teammates are the ones hiding for no purpose other than wasting time and dragging the game out.
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Just like you want to escape the killer want those kill. Its the only solution the game provide for them to get a 4k.
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You said the killer would be disadvantaged by this, but I'm still missing your point as to how.
My proposal was, after 1 minute, a slug can commit suicide and end their game. The silent bug will make them hidden yes... so they can... kill themselves before getting hooked? So you are saying, the survivors having the option to have one of their players remove themselves from the game, gives the Killer an advantage? As soon as it is 3v1, the Killer has a very easy game to win.
"No, it's not your problem, but you definitely are ignoring it just to push your view."
LMFAO I am not ignoring it, I haven't even argued with your point because I still don't even understand it. I tried to get you to explain your point for two posts, and now I still don't get it. But yeah I'm totally ignoring your arguments just to push my view...
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You are admitting that the endgame is so killer sided, you literally need to walk up to the killer and asked to be killed?
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we're talking about the endgame when 2 or more survivors are already dead. So yes, obviously that is Killer-sided, in a situation where the Killer already killed half of the team
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That sounds very survivor ended but ok
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I believe there should always be hope.
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Hex: Devour Hope
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don't ever play Killer then
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It is a game of 4v1, if you seriously think survivors should still be able to win in a 2v1, then you have finally given us proof you are fully biased towards survivors, or don't understand how game balancing works.
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Or the Bug where survivors on hooks or in random spots on the ground still moan after they are dead
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Since apparently valuing your own time is "unsportsmanlike", press Esc. and then navigate to the option that gives you less immediate obligations.
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You think the killer enjoys all your chase extending perks? Accept you got beat it doesn't last infinitely
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You could run no mither! You will never have to stay in the game doing nothing!
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Sorry, I'm new here - what do you mean that "Even Unbreakable is no counter to this". Surely Unbreakable would allow you to get up from being slugged and save friends/open a gate/use the hatch/whatever?
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Remove Perks from the equation.
Be that hardcore utlra-immersed Survivor Player that uses no Perks whatsoever.
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Just a consequence of failing in chase before your teammate does.
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As a killer main, I stopped slugging for 4k with the new hatch nerf. With new MMR, last person getting hatch doesn't matter, it doesn't affect our MMR.
I'm actually surprised more killers haven't stopped doing it. It doesn't really make sense anymore.
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That’s why I don’t slug unless I know the survivor is nearby.
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I woke up to 42 messages ^^