Make a Map Offerings Shop

Jaxton2000 Member Posts: 162
edited November 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think there should be a separate shop for map offerings, maybe 20-25k bloodpoints per offering, but it would either be in the bloodweb or as a separate branch or something.

I would say to still have the offerings available in the blood web, but have a separate shop that has only the map offerings. You could even do it like the shrine of secrets shop and make it a weekly rotation of certain map offerings, but you can buy multiple times over maybe 5x or more. If a rotation of maps is to be done like the shrine of secrets for this shop i'd say it would be for the normal price of an offering in the bloodweb.

However if this was just a shop/bloodweb of all map offerings I think to be able to grab a guaranteed version of it whenever (not being gated by it being a weekly shop reset) would be 20-25k bloodpoints, or you could offer a discount of bloodpoints for certain maps every week but still have all maps available at the same time. (Basically like having 2 or 3 maps discounted in bloodpoints in the shop, but still have the option to choose any of the other maps just not at a discount)

The only issue I could think of with this is having people choose a certain map ALL the time, because obviously people have favorites, and the community collectively probably has an ultimate favorite they'd always choose. But if more than one person were to pick a certain other map it would just be a pool of those chosen maps. I think it would be a greater benefit than downfall, but maybe that's just me. To avoid this issue it would probably be best just to limit the amount of map offerings you could pick of the same kind, and to have a weekly reset on it.

I think this could be a great addition to the game speaking that there are a good amount of maps now, and more to come.

I would love this feature but knowing how unnecessarily competitive the people in this game are I feel like most people would like this feature, but know it would be possibly abused specifically by groups of survivors.
