Another camping thread - Its getting worse



  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Exactly. A ā€œfixā€ to facecamping will still screw over camping in valid situations such as when you HAVE to camp during endgame, or if people are simply hovering around the hook.

    I think (face)camping should be one of the last major issues that BHVR addresses, if ever. Besides, only Bubba can truly prevent an unhook. Others like Billy and Myers have to commit to downing one person so that leaves the opportunity for a second person to come in. And facecamping doesnā€™t even guarantee a kill anyway for most of the killer roster.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    "I don't have the skill or I've had bad RNG which is a staple of this game's formula that I've agreed to enduring by playing it at least a few times, so I'm just going to stand still and make sure little interaction is made by anyone on the team because it's definitely their fault for being at least decent at an imbalanced game that's supposed to be play for fun alone. If I'm having a bad time, everyone else should too, that's why I play video games."

    Please play another game. I can get behind this stuff when all gens have popped, but until then? You should probably just stay away from this game if that's your kneejerk reaction to people probably playing the game normally. God, people really have the pettiest reactions in this game. It's absolutely refreshing that many streamers don't have this attitude and either go for as many chases as possible or just win despite the odds.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Go search camping on the Steam forums and tell me its worse now.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    They also talked about an early game warm up so survivors cant rush gens but no word on that.

    They also stated the killer needs to be able to defend the hook. But its not the first time they said one thing and did the opposite. They used to say they would never have a clown killer :p

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I never had problems with camping/tunneling when Undying was nerfed. It got pretty bad after the DS nerf. I seen the survival rate. That doesnā€™t really mean much. I think DS should work twice. Itā€™s an anti tunnel perk and it should do its job better than it currently does.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    This is exactly what it needs. This would stop a lot of the tunneling thatā€™s happening. :)

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    There has been word. The last QA stated it was abandon. You can stop holding your breath now.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    I stopped holding my breath long ago along with the hope they would fix nurses bugs but ty for the update.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    I wouldn't mind DS working after each hook state, IF the game was properly balanced.

    But not with the current state of the game.

    People asked for a additional objectives for survivors, in order to reduce the pressure on killers. What we got instead was a additional objective for killers which have already to little time and end up doing the most basic thing to "secure" a kill: camp.

  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607
    edited November 2021

    I'd say I get face camped all of once per 100 games on average. Quite the epidemic. I get tbagged virtually every game as killer though.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
    edited November 2021

    Iā€™m actually not a survivor main. Camping/tunneling is a big problem. Killers can literally keep survivors from playing and ruin their games. This is something that happens in almost every game. DS is a anti tunnel perk and it needs to do itā€™s job better.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    The game could be more balanced for both sides, I agree. This is definitely something that could be tested, though.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694
  • SunsetSherbet
    SunsetSherbet Member Posts: 1,607

    You'd also see a hell of a lot more slugging and if it got bad enough.

  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410
    edited November 2021

    Tbh i dont think the devs will do anything about it. They said they find camping a legit strat and i think they are too lazy to try change it and lets be honest they would probably ######### that up like everything else. I can see why killers do it but it does suck for survivors and ruins the mood, i dont get why they kept nerfing killer and nerfed DS so hard it doesnt do its job, yes DS needed a nerf but not this severe. I do find camping or tunneling happens 3 games out of 5 and yeah its not fun its depressing.

    In terms of killer i dont get why tbags are so bad, i play a bit of killer and just dont look at the exit gate if they are all there, no chance to change tbagging without doing a ridiculous cooldown on crouching which i find stupid.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Need to freeze the time of death on the hook if the killer set up camp

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    It's the inevitable consequence of it. Ruins the survivors' fun but also your own, because I know no human being that actually has fun standing in one area. Trolls might think it's funny, but it isn't stimulating or 'fun'. Perhaps the intent isn't malicious, but this is the consequence. And even then the intent isn't all that brilliant if that's your strategic choice before all gens have popped. Game's never lost until they're out of the gate. But then again current metas have conditioned many to obsess over generators.

    Although I'll agree that my first post was a bit 'too much', I suppose I was frustrated to see this when I don't resort to this sort of mindset when I'm playing killer, but those I face do far too often. It's tiring and I honestly think longer queues are worth the gain in fun games.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I don't really care what you think. I don't tunnel or camp and I usually do pretty well. Maybe you need to get better? Idk.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    I've read a lot of these post and seem to have an understanding of people's different opinions. I see that people see things different depending on the side of the fence.

    If you mainly play killer, you don't like DS, gen speed, boon totems and the like, and these seem to be the reason why some people camp. Of course there will always be the ones that do it, purely for their own enjoyment to spoil the game for others, some that do it because the survivor is doing what they are supposed to do, such as use pallets and flashlight. Neither of these reason do I personally agree with. I don't play to spoil other peoples fun, and if I spend a game being hit by pallets or flashlights, that's down to me. I need to respect pallets and avoid the lights, or bring lightborn, but the majority seem to feel they need to do it for fear of losing.

    Survivor mains seem to hate it, and gen rush for fear of being hooked and camped. Or they load up on perks to try to ensure they don't get hooked, using all the things that killers don't like.

    Here is the problem and it is not just a game problem, it's more of a people problem. The game can never be totally balanced for everyone. Somebody who plays for hours as a killer or survivor, knows more then somebody who plays casual. You can't nerf things like gen speeds and perks for survivors and not expect it to hinder the casual and new players. Same as if you take out the perks that killers need, it will hinder people on lower levels.

    As gamers, we are all competitive if we play these sorts of games, we hate to lose and will win at any cost. It's why there is so much endgame arguing. I have seen streamers blame people of cheating when they get beat, or just search for toxic DBD on Youtube. This is what needs to be changed, is the acceptance that some games you lose, some games win. In every game there are winners and losers, somebody who plays better then you. This mentality that you must get a kill or escape every game, you must pip up, level up, get high BP every game is why the game is suffering. If you win over 50% of your games then you are doing well, if not then look how you can change the way you play.

    I have felt so much better about the game since I changed my outlook on it, stopped playing for wins and just had fun. So what if I lose a chase because they had some perk, so what if they unhook and escape or heal because of a boon totem. It's ggs and onto the next game.

    Are there problems in the game, yes, but they won't change, you have to live with it. It was annoying being face camped, but it did not actually harm me, its a game. I feel that there are many players that will leave the game because of it and many that will never play it.

    It is the biggest problem I can see in the game at the moment. Tea bagging at the gate I hate but it is just an action and does not spoil the game, it can be ignored.

    Players have to learn that you win some, you lose some. Incidentally, I just played a game against a Ghost face, I was tunnelled and out first, my friend survived. End chat came and noticed the killer had one perk, so we all said gg's, one said nice chasing, expecting the killer just to move on or say ggs back. What we got was a torrent of abuse about playing female characters.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    The game is like this now because of the Devs. They continuously try to make survivor fun to play while trying to make killer a challenge (their own words), and because of that they make playing Killer a stressful experience. Until the devs get their ######### together and balance the maps, fix hit validation, balance perks and balance killers to actually make the game fair, the game is going to continue to be like this. The devs just need to stop balancing the game around new/lower skilled players.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    They nerf tunneling/camping you won't have any killers left. I know people say this, but it's all that's left. They nerf those two things, they nerf the remaining strategies and they break their game.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    I'm not the one complaining about getting hooks and kills. How do we know how high our MMR is?

  • Taingaran
    Taingaran Member Posts: 288

    Facecamping is normal. But you can try using the solution with the Executioner's cage. When a survivor is on a hook, he will teleport to the farthest hook except the basement. But if the survivor is on the hook in the basement, then he will not teleport anywhere.

  • WolfyLegend123
    WolfyLegend123 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2021

    I will say only 1 thing about camping:

    Stop complaining about it and get good. It is a bad strategy if your team does gens. And lastly there is no fix. The fact people complain about face camping is nothing new, you see complaints in other games about camping, but in dbd people are very VERY upset about it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    How can you get good if you're being camped, lol. I can run the killer for 5 gens, then get camped on first hook, but I somehow need to get better? The devs said recently that they are gonna try to deal with facecamping. It doesn't matter if your team escapes... the survivor that died had their game ruined. That's not fair.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    Look how many times they tried to deal with facecamping and got abused by survivors??? I wouldn't get your hope about this one. I'm just saying.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932
  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,694

    A possible solution could be survivors won't lose a pip. something like that idk.

  • DeliciousFood
    DeliciousFood Member Posts: 464

    Well I have had survivors be not dick heads and even pity me when I wasn't as good as I am now. So maybe I'm just luckier or more pleasant. Doesn't truly matter. But even then, why should they show consideration for your fun? The only fun to be had is being chased and it's entirely up to you to provide that. Otherwise, what are they going to do? Sandbag their teammates? No, they'll do gens. And they'll go fast if you're not doing a good job or the map is #########. Survivor playstyle only has one form of variance: Do Gens and get chased. Now I'll agree that sweaty teams that are way too efficient are the worst, but at least they tend to be skilful and make for fun chases.

    You make a fair point that fun is subjective. But I make a fair point that the game would be far better without resorting to these strategies pre-maturely. You might be happy you made the right strategic choice, but was it fun to execute? I refuse to believe camping or purposely tunnelling a guy three times in a row is actually fun to a normal human being. I once again thank the many streamers that forego this optimal play for fun (and still often win), they do inspire more people these days.

    I will agree that context is important. From what I was reacting to, it seemed like people just camp when their ruin pops or gens pop rather quickly at the start. What you've described is survivors desperately trying to do gens quickly over doing the fun part of the game. A good strategy at endgame, dumb if there are still other gens, so now they get punished. Your strategy was the right one if you really wanted to win. And one I'd use if I was sent to the map or if survivors were clearly trying to sweat super hard that hits unfun levels. But, the thing is, if they're just pulling a soloQ and I have two downs in a similar manner, I'll rarely camp them, because it's ######### boring and dull, even if optimal. Because optimal strategy and play in DBD is a scourge. And surprisingly, I cannot say I NEVER get consideration from survivors, because I do, albeit more rarely, but that's because the power of mercy is mostly in my hands as killer. Perhaps my more chase-oriented and lack of care for securing stages/kills is what makes some people (survivors are people like killers) want to be nicer. Probably. Or I'm just lucky.

    Unsurprisingly, my killer games have been me devoid of stress, beyond crappy map design and collision. Survivor games are sucking even more unless I'm in a team.

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    You can summarize it even more: if the devs didn't hate killers so much the game would be better

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    I have to agree with your reply. I do see that there has to context and from what was described, I would not call that face-camping, more proxy camping. If you can stop the unhook then all the better, although I rather think that the second survivor was not trying to greed the gen, rather then trying to stop it regressing while the killer hooked the first survivor, maybe he had bad timing.

    I played three killer games tonight. One was on an indoor map, I hated the map, so I just had fun, did a bit of chasing, kicked some gens, did some of my pallet breaking challenge. At the end of the game, they escaped, I got some hooks, and loads of BP. Second game was very easy, in Hawkins map with Pig. Second time playing pig but got a 4K, no camping or tunnelling. Third game I met a 4 man swf, all with Borrowed Time, one with Circle of Healing, all protecting each other. I must admit I think I have played against them a couple of times before. They have a couple of players that are not great and I was on Pig so I was still learning. I knew I had no chance so I left the weak ones and had fun chasing the best one. I had real fun, it was a shame that I got the clicky clicky and the tea-bagging at the end as usual with them. I'm on PC, they are on console, so I am assuming they are just kids that think it's big.

    Today I played a few games as survivor. Every one, if we can we say gg's. We have an agreement that unless it's a face-camper, we never act in anyway that we would not want to be treated. We had a game against a very bad ghostface, he got one kill and then tried to face-camp the next. End of game chat and we all said ggs, then all we got was toxic abuse from the killer, calling us every name he could think of.

    We played another game where you could see the killer was having trouble. five gens and an exit gate for all four of us and not a tunnel or face-camp all game, we stood at the exit gate allowing us to hit us, and kept healing so he got extra BP, we even went to be hooked and killed so he would get a win, but he was having none of it. He was over the moon at the end because he got BP, finished a challenge and asked for advice, which we tried to help.

    You don't always have to win to have fun.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Survivors deserve every last second of face camping they get. Played a game earlier as legion against a VERY CLEAR 4 man sweat squad. The only way I could keep pressure up was by literally camping the hook and forcing all 3 of the others to come over and get slapped and trade. They still 4 man outted with a thousand tbags and clicks. Clearly they don't give a flying ######### about killer fun, so why should I give one second thought about that survivor that only got 800 points because they got caught, farmed, and died immediately?

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Good man shake your hand about the last game

    But the issue with the kempeng and the tunnel has not yet been resolved and this is annoying

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    See now this I don't understand. And I appreciate that everybody has a different idea of enjoyment and fun, but to me I would have had a fun game with them. You lost in the end anyway, so camping did not work. Then they clicked and tbagged at gate to show they was unhappy. How is that fun for anyone. You may have caught one unaware later and got a 2k or 3k, and at the end of the day, they are there to win aswell. You do not have to get a kill every game, and even if you camp and get the one kill, it's not classed as a win on the game.

    Like I said, everybody can play as they want, but there will come a time when survivors decided enough is enough. They will either leave or form more swf teams, with more perks to make it harder. This will make it harder for all killers, then more will resort to camping and the game will be dead.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,317

    Survivors keep demanding every good thing killers have get nerfed and then wonder why killers tunnel and camp.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    We tested passive timer slowing/stopping and survivors abused it. We already have a perk, Camaraderie, that pauses the timer but absolutely zero survivors use it because there are better perks with more game utility. The reality of the situation is this, people who face camp as their main mode of playstyle will not stop unless something changes at a core level that makes face camping impossible. There is a limit to what punitive actions can be taken with the current core gameplay in place before you start having negative impacts on the vast majority of players who don't camp like that.

    It would be great to say there is a solution that would work well without having potential for abuse by the opposing side, being damaging to the majority of people who don't play like that, and able to keep the gameplay intact as is ( though it needs a revamp anyway). Unfortunately, there is just isn't.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    If I didn't camp and tunnel them they would have gotten out without getting hooked at all. They were already clicking and tbagging at me long before I started to play like an #########. Genuinely, I blame BHVR for this since this sort of behavior comes from knowing they won't ever get punished either by the company or the killer they are facing. There I was trying to play fair and get my legion daily done, but the survivors forced me to play like ######### just to get -anything- out of them. Just showed me why I hardly bother to play killer anymore, the last 2 months I made it to iri 1 but I haven't even bothered to reach gold this time around. Iri 1 as survivor 3 months in a row though, ezpz.

  • Voodoo101
    Voodoo101 Member Posts: 237

    I feel you pain. Have seen teams like this before. When I see teams like this I just think how lonely they must be, sat at home with no real friends but thinking they are amazing, because they have friends to carry them in the game. Probably spend all the hours they have trying to get every good perk they have, then sitting making a team loadout, including boons,

    I just walk around making sure they know that I am not interested in getting the kills, so if they win it takes the shine away. Then I run around, getting pumkins, breaking gens, then letting them carry on and breaking doors, they get no chase BP or save BP, I don't have to camp, tunnel or chase. I may not get many BP, but it hurts them just as much and I don't get stressed.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968

    Honestly if it weren't for the fact that I just wanted my legion daily to be over I probably would have just sat on the gate and afk'd.

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    Because this perk needs to be converted into an aura that affects teammates who are on hooks

    It will be useless against normal assassins but will work very well against camping animals.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I don't think the woe-is-me I'm a killer and there's so few of us left is going to fly. Judging by these forums alone, there's plenty of killers out there. Also, judging by how I can play as survivor and insta-queue into a game, also shows there's plenty of killer players. In fact, its when I play Killer that I have to wait for a game.

    The problem is Killers are entitled. They want 4ks all the time, they don't want survivors to have anything and call for nerfs instantly to any new survivor perks ignoring the fact those perks already suck "Lucky Break anyone", they totally ignore all the nerfs that survivors have gotten and say woe-is-me at any nerf they get, then they threaten the developers with quitting the game if they don't get what they want, they threaten survivors with "toxic" game play if they don't get what they want (killers are face-camping because of this or that).

  • Hunter_Main_322
    Hunter_Main_322 Member Posts: 530

    I suggest that when the killer hangs the survivor on the hook, he gets a buff in the form of a kick on the generator with a 10% loss of progress for 20 seconds, but if the timer expires, then these 10% will turn into progress on all generators, ignoring regression

    This motivates you not to stand near the hook, but to go and do something.