Small, QoL buff to Repressed Alliance

On several occasions, I was repairing a generator with another survivor and wanted to use Repressed Alliance when the killer came to patrol, yet the other survivor (who probably thought "oh, since this person's commiting to the repairs; I will too") stayed on the gen, forcing one of us to take a hit or forcing me to risk being grabbed if I stay the extra second to use Repressed Alliance.
Can Repressed Allinace be activated on a generator while other survivors are repairing it, but the Entity doesn't actively block the gen until no survivors are repairing it?
If the gen is finished before then, Repressed Alliance is refunded.
If the perk user begins repairing another generator then it is removed from the previous gen and refunded.
If multiple survivors use Repressed Alliance, the first survivor to use theirs will block the gen and the others will have theirs refunded.
That'd be kinda weird not gonna lie. I mean I can the QoL in that though.
Otherwise, add a small icon that indicates when a surv has it while repairing a gen with you.
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Already suggested that. Devs weren't interested.
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I would want another QoL change so that if another survivors would try to repair the gen while it's repressed the gen would become unblocked so that you don't have to wait until the gen is unblocked
I think the second change is not good due to you being able to wait until the timer is at 29 seconds and get repressed instantly refunded (not that it would be op or anything) and generally because if you put the repressed on a gen, then go work on another gen the killer might get pop in time because of that which is not what you want with this perk, just imo
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What second change? I only suggested one change: let survivors activate Repressed Alliance while the gen is being repaired by another survivor, but only block the gen once all survivors have stopped repairing.