Name one thing you’ll miss about Hawkins Lab

It's one of my favourite maps to do scratched mirror Mikey on.
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The metal chutes. So many fun times.
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That map helped me get a lot of adepts even when the killer wasn't suited for it.
I will also miss getting into the room with 2 pallets that has lockers in there to use head on.
Also, that map was the reason why I saw stranger things in the first place.
One of the best maps to do wall hack oni, wall hack wraith and scratch mirror myers.
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That I won’t be able to blame my losses on it :)
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I will miss it very much. Always love the indoor maps. It also had an interesting layout and design which was fun.
And the rat cage routinely scared me as killer.
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I'm going to miss playing Nemesis on Hawkins. So many great memories of pinning people in between me and a zombie and watching them go down.
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As killer there would be times survivors drop down right in front of you in the drop hahaha
Overall I love the map, really sad to see it go.
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I'll miss the rat-infested hooks and the screaming rat in the cage in the upper floor, that thing scared me so many times when the map just came out.
It was a very well made map in terms of design, with easter eggs and such, I'm going to miss it.
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I agree with Rizzo, the rat hooks were pretty cool.
Other than that, so happy to see it gone, especially those exit gates.
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awe yess that screaming rat used to jump scare me at times when id forgot it was there
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I will miss the generator on the glass floor. I got so many 99s out of that position as Ghostface and also had a blast there as Myers. Could I down those people? Sure as hell no but they are all free later when that generator was finished.
A special mention to that broken platform in that room as well. Damn I hate and love that totem spawn also it was so much fun watching a Killer looking for you when you were hiding there.
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As a hag main, it was, for me, by far her best map with rusty shackles and some one shot perks. This is the only time where I felt strong as a killer !
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The drop from first floor. So much fun to trap that drop. The rubble in general were good trapping spots
The color change in certain area's
The rat infested hooks
The secret room
I liked the map, it was fun
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Well it was quite an unique map, I will miss basically everything. But probably the most the hole with the big fall from the second floor. It was always funny to place a trap there or waiting for someone to fall into your arms while stealthy.
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The game giving me Hawkins when on my grind for adepts as its way of saying "You're genuinely terrible at using this power, here's a map where you can't so you can actually do something."
I got my adept Billy, Oni, and Blight on that map.
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I'm gonna miss the hooks and the atmosphere and it was pretty one of the prettiest maps in the game. I still remember how awed I was when I loaded onto the map for the first time. Everything from the looks to the sounds were just spot on. I'm probably gonna miss the dropdown from upstairs the most. I have great memories of having survivors drop down on me from there.
Though, the map lacks windows, is full of pallets that can easily be bloodlusted and the upstair section is just a consistent deadzone and for killers, the upstair generator and portal room generators were both a pain to defend, so I spent most of my time as killer, playing like they didn't exist. Portal room gen was so safe and upstairs was just a waste of time to traverse to, especially if nobody was on it.
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the unique loop tiles where you go up the little stairs in some rooms and vault down.
Also loved the portal room :C
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I will miss everything about it, except its sometimes stupid lack of Fog.
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As an undetectable killer, camp the big drop from 2nd to 1rst floor than scare the crap out of people.
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I will miss getting annoyed at how much the rats made noise on the top floor
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I will miss the hooks.
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I'll miss the demongrogon portal in the back of the lab.
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I hated this map when it came out, but I learned to tolerate it or maybe even like it. I will miss it.
I love the first little room at the top of the second floor. You could run in time a volt through the window and be down the stairs before the killer knew what happened.
Could they just reskin the map?
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Ill miss it being one of the few maps that was brightly lit almost every other map is medium to dim comparatively
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It was my go-to Map for those "Kick X Pallets/Gens/Walls"-Challenges. Kicking Gens sucks hard, so I always burned Hawkins-Offerings for those challenges. There are lots of Pallets and most of them dont need to be kicked right away, giving good progress for challenges like this.
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I really had fun in Hawkins map.
I liked everything there except the top floor. i will miss this map.
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Everything… I loved this map man it’s not fair… I think I’ll play one last private game on it with the people who want to join me, and just never leave… you know ?
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Ill miss the Cinematic Morris
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the lab part of the map.
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I'll forever be thankful to Hawkins because that map helped me with Adept Myers. It literally took me 2 weeks to get it because I had no good map offerings and I didn't want to spend more BP's on Myers because I really dislike him. But then, I got Hawkins...
If Hawkins wasn't in DBD, I would've never gotten his Adept xd
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The angry rat and rat hooks.
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Easy pallets for the drop/destroy pallet challenges.
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The end of the trial...
Ok, but seriously, some of those loops were strong and not totally obvious until you played the map a bunch
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Well i got most of my Killer adepts on Hawkins. I had a good time on Hawkins, not always, but most of the time. However i think it is sad that it will be gone now. I hope they will rework/reskin and bring it back at some point. We'll see.
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The fact that the killer couldn't just stand on a hill between the two gates and simultaneously watch both to prevent you from escaping when you are the last one alive.
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The hooks were neat, and I'll miss the overall aesthetic.
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I like the aesthetic. Very cool look. Also while it has a lot of pallets many of them are gameable, which is really how it should be for the most part.
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I'll miss the loops and the pallets. Pallets on that map are not safe but there is plentiful and you can kind of go from one to another - they're fun to mindgame.
The loops with the railings are very unique which you don't find on any other map so it'll be sad to see the map go. It is by far my favourite in door map, even though I generally don't enjoy indoor maps.
Also who can forget about that secret room... teasing EGC (I believe)... F
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It was one of 4 maps that was mostly favorable to killer, compared to perhaps 16 maps that are survivor favored or have 1 very easily exploitable loop.
I'm also going to miss the fun mindgames involving the catwalks and drops, and of course playing a stealth killer.
Nothing will ever jumpscare me quite like that bloody 'horse' on the map with the little carnival in the back. I've had games where someone makes me teleport right in front of it on Pinhead and I have to take a minute to attempt to clean coffee out of my keyboard.
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The map's atmosphere is amazing (the spores! the hooks!), but I'm going to miss the drop down from the second floor the most. The stealth killer plays were hilarious, both on the giving and receiving end. Nothing like getting off the isolation room gen and dropping straight into a Myers.
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Trapping the bottom of that fall from the big hole in the second floor.
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Nothing hate all indoor maps.
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"screaming rat in the cage in the upper floor" *THIS*
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The main thing i'll miss about it is the fact that it was Trapper and Twins best map XD
The amount of Trapper Master Tome Challenges I got completed because of that map was insane lol
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Upstairs pallet, I know that it wasn't the strongest but in a pinch I always went into that room anyways, 9/10 times the killer would just look at me and look at the pallet a few times confused as if asking did you really just come into this room was always a nice moment and sometimes it even worked
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The rats
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The sounds. This map had the most unique atmospheric sounds.
Please devs, don't delete it. Put it in a box somewhere because you never know there might be an opportunity in the future to bring it back.
I bet he devs will still be able to play it in the office even if we can't. Along with old Freddy, old Billy and probably Jason Vorhees, Chucky and Jaws which I wouldn't be surprised if they made but hadn't released due to licensing.
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The exit gates.
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The super-mega god pallet at the top floor with that one window and 2x2 square table.
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Oh, there's no way they're deleting the code for it. Even if there was no chance it might ever return to the game someday, why would you delete those assets? Some of them may come in handy again. And the map could always be reskinned, or portions recycled and given a fresh coat of paint.