Killer needs huge improvements.

Killer is the most underwhelming babysitter sim it's ever been.
I just need to say, killer needs some major improvements. It's all the over powered second chance perks that are making the game feel like a chore. Dead Hard at the moment is completely uncounterable, you cant afford to swing through pallets anymore. it just feels like survivors have every tool to get a second chance and rob you.
Boons have really just sealed the coffin, because now as any killer without map pressure you apply pressure, injure 3 people hook the last. then, they all group up at the boon and heal in 4 seconds each or so. then your back at square one injuring and playing around dead hard again.
It feels like ######### ######### and killers need some serious improvements.
You could start by giving all killers an increased vault and gen kicking speed. maybe brutal 2 kick speed and bamboozle vault speed base, obviously not the window blocking.
I never thought... as killer I would have to cleanse totems or that they where so good everyone ran them and they are infinitely renewable. jesus christ....
Killer is a miserable baby sitting chore that isnt even satisfying to play anymore. great job on boons and the huge buff to dead hard. nice job guys. fun.
There's no fun anymore playing with killer
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Both sides have issues, not just killers.
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Inb4 people come in and say "Just wait out the dh"
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Both side have issue but killer issue are worst. The majority of survivor issue can be fix with a swf. The killer issue are another story most of them are connected to the map or survivor perk just like right now with boons. Exept the only way to fix this is by camping and tunneling or playing nurse if you dont get rekt by her million bug still pending to be fix.
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I agree feels like your forced to camp, and it isn't fun (also what I alluded to by babysitting). I don't run slowdowns, don't care about the "4k". I just want fun chases, it just ain't happening.
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My opinion? Killer is way more balanced than people think. You are not supposed to get a 4K every game. SoloQ is what really needs fixed. Its the weakest thing in the game.
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Run Unrelenting to counter dead hard validation hits. I know it is not meta but what can you lose trying it out? You can bait pallet drops and get sick grabs besides allowing you to get hits that they do not expect. You just have to be confident enough to give up a perk slot.
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confident that people are running dead hard? those are good odds.
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I don't think anyone is (seriously)complaining about not getting 4k's and its more along the lines of wanting to feel like you can actually be in a match for more than 5 mins because gens got done so fast. Despite what people keep saying I don't think soloq is all that bad.
If people aren't being hyper efficient on gens that's not a problem. They could be doing daily challenges, archive challenges, playing with friends, messing around, or new to the game wanting to scratch that horror experience itch.
The important thing to remember is that the game was designed around solo q. You can't look at all the advantages swf has since the idea of grouping with communication wasn't the initial premise. There's a such thing as too much coordination or synergy since somethings become broken when combined.
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See... for me it's perks and their attempt at balancing them
I won't get into it all cause I don't want to be typing forever but... yea
I would like to see more emphasis put on Maps
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The current balance seems to be aiming for 2k... but then that means having to try your hardest in order to get any outs. In a game that moves so fast that chases are almost automatically a bad thing to be caught in.
People say that chases and looping are the only fun interaction a survivor has, but from my point of view they're something to break off and avoid ASAP because I'm not going to redefine victory as a slasher villain to "spent a lot of time playing Tom and Jerry". This isn't a game of tag.
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The problem is. that max kills lately is stack to 2, unless I got really low skill survivors
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You can't really balance around high MMR. Most people aren't at that level.
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How? I'd be fine with changes that don't affect lower mmr players because most players aren't that good.
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Solo survivor is way less miserable and way more powerful than killer. We can't just balance off of bad teammates or being able to 1v1 the killer.
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I disagree with making pallets more risky, but I agree with shrinking some maps and fixing certain loops.
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I disagree with that a lot. Killer is more powerful than solo survivors.
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It's easy to think that way when you're talking about the best killers with the best add-ons. What about lower tier killers with brown add-ons or none at all? What if they have no gen slowdown? What can they do against a decent loopers who also know to push gens? There's nothing. Nothing at all. Solo's only weakness is bad teammates, because at the end of the day they're still survivor, which is the uncontested power role.
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I main Pig and Legion and I refuse to use addons and I do pretty good most of the time. It isn't needed in most games. @danielmaster87
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only at low mmr. solos at high mmr know every map, know how to loop and know routes of safe zones.
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Killers were used to 4k with old mmr. I expect all of these child killer abandon the game and new best and less cry killer players will arrive.
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That's a very naïve point of view, imo.
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Nah your just bad
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Best way to play killer atm is to not take it seriously. Clearly the devs don’t want you to
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Honestly, just fix this dogshit hit validation and I'd be 100x happier. Especially on killers like plague. I'm tired of watching my corrupt purge go straight through a survivor's body thinking they used dead hard, just to get hit with dead hard immediately after. Or hearing a survivor scream when I hit them with my vile purge just for them to not get infected.
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When you don't bring slowdown perks its like playing survivor without bt/ ds and dead hard. Don't expect to do exceptionally well consistently if you don't bring the best perks against people that does. And i don't understand anyone complaining about killers having to bring the same perks: contrary to survivors, killer's powers is what make the essence of your gameplay (it isn't your perks that differentiate your gameplay from one killer to another).
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I cannot disagree more. I’ve been playing for what must be two years off-meta and Survivor is disjointedly easy to play without Dead Hard. If you have a basic understanding of generic map tiles and the layouts of the main buildings, staying alive in chase is a walk in the park. You can run whatever perks you want and still win super easily, even if your teammates are all running nothing but No Mither.
…contrary to Killer where you have to manage possibly 4 people who all know how to chain tiles and waste your time, often denying you the very regression perks you rely on to even stand a chance (Pop, Surge, etc.). AND EVEN IF they don’t know how to loop, there’s still four of them who know how to hold M1 at any chance they get. Without regression perks, that damage can’t be undone. Your power can’t help you regress gens, and gens are what win Survivors the game.
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You cannot win easily as survivor solo q since your gameplay depends on the quality of your teammates... what you have no control on. I main killer and win most of my games even with mmr on. I enjoy more playing killer since my teammates are idiots who always get demolished no matter the killer's skill. At least, when i play killer... i mostly have control on my gameplay; and i get demolished only when survivors are really stronger than me.
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As a killer main I haven't really played since the last reset. The addition of boons really sapped away a lot of fun that was already feeling a bit scarce. This is supposed to be a game where the horror movie monster hunts down the hapless survivors, but when I think about it almost has a vibe more like two equally competent sides in their own right but with different sets of abilities. Like, not only does it feel that way mechanically, but boons almost make that feel like a canonical reality. It's like Buffy vs the monster of the week now, like I'm an intruder in the survivors' worlds destined to get my cheeks clapped.
There's something fittingly "scrappy" about a survivor with e.g. a toolbox or a flashlight or a medkit. Like, conceptually, those things aren't that much when you're being chased by a monster, but they help when used strategically. But now the survivors are using magic against me, to create special healing zones? Game needs to chill out with that.
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My only issue is the lag. I just d/cd from my first match in a LONG time with a great demo build, because 3 times in a row my hits missed because of lag. Such EASY hits too. followed by a t-bags, and idk whats wrong with me but my mentality can't handle it when survivors think they did better than me when in reality the game fked me over.
When I make a mistake its more than fine, but I'm so tired of the game robbing me of hits due to poor optimization.
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i love everything about what you said.
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Honestly I want to say queue incentives speak volumes about the state of the game.