Hello,i will start saying the devs did the right thing decreasing engravings overheat. They need to take other similar steps with other addons to because he is one of the worst killers right now,devs need to delete the speed penalty for the purple charge time addon for example. They need to give him attention and stop destroying killers. Why he didn’t have the huntress treatment but they nerfed him to the ground ?
I agree with removing the speed penalty on charge addons. Mother's Helpers would also be ok without the condition tied to it.
Charge addons on Billy were what allowed him to compete against the stronger survivors, and were only too much when stacked, which can be solved by simply not allowing them to stack.
Also unpopular opinion: engravings should not affect charge time. Blight and Oni are better killers than Billy, and both have speed addons which do not have any downside.
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Hes far from the worst killer but BHVR HAS made him clunky to play and made his addons almost universally garbage. IMHO they need to make his addons FAR better again and get rid of the stupid over heat mechanic that literally noone asked for and everyone makes fun of them for
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Just remove the scream and I'll be happy.
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They need to revert him. Period.
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Even with instasaw? Old billy was great barring carburettor tuning guide and primer bulb
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That depends. Insta-Saw was devastating by itself, but depending on when you are, the game around it made it balanced.
Would you say it is currently needed?
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Not really. I’m fine with 1 charge time add on but stacking them became ridiculous.
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Then we can either remove the Charge Time effect from CTG or make it Charge Time gains impossible to stack.
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If they made them impossible to stack then I’m cool with that. Also keep his chase/menu theme
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Hillbilly could definitely do with some work. A hard addon overhaul that abandons the weird requirements that some addons have, and a tweak to Overheat to make it partially refund if you successfully hit someone so it can function as a limiter on less-skilled players, to encourage them to go for more intelligent plays.
Also, his stun after he bumps into something should be shortened, because that feels brutal right now.
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I really hate those two, but fair enough. A small price to pay.
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Having played him a bit recently add-on less, i don't find him that horrible to begin with. But yeah, a lot of his add-ons have too much down side or are just useless.