Playing Artist with a Controller
Is horrible, clunky. Did anyone try playing her attacks with a controller? It feels like no one did.
I cant do a flashlight with my Nintendo switch. Not at all. Not ever. So I assume this is the same issue. No way to aim like a mouse on a console.
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Aiming is similar to Pinhead, doable with practise I think. But disadvantage compared to KB/M players. But the hold left trigger - hold right trigger - left button is just driving me nuts.
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Yeah, that back and forth with holding one trigger and then the other and then the shoulder button feels very clunky. I do not like it. It's very distracting and gets in the way of trying to use her power at all.
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It didn't feel that bad, it was doable, and I feel like there isn't much of a difference between M&K and controller
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It feels clunky and cumbersome with a keyboard and mouse.
Its early days but right now I can't see myself playing her much kinda regret buying it.
Also bought on sale nemesis and he's much more fun from the get go.
Should have known better than to buy a new DLC on release day.
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I don’t see it. Usually I am the first to complain about controller being more clunky or having a disadvantage but in this case.. M&K have to use the same number of buttons and holding/tapping. This should just be something that you have to get used to.
now speaking of other stuff especially for killer play in general and for killers that need to aim like Huntress, there controllers have a BIG disadvantage compared to M&K.
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She feels fine. If you talk about clunky, clunky is what Twins are; she is nowhere near that level nor falls under that bracket at all.