decisive strike silent nerf

How is it fair that "the artset" can down multiable survivals with 1/2 power hits
But it's not fair to bless a totem while having decisive Strike
The time requires after beings un hooked to reach/look for a totem and spend over 20 sec to bless it , by that time decisive strike is already out
+ after blessing a totem , no one would bless it and leave it there , they would heal which is going to disable DS already
I get it Cleansing a totem while have DS might remove killer ruin/etc...
But blessing a hex would take out half of the DS and the other half is already out by the time to reach the hex + after blessing healing will disable DS
Make blessing not disable DS , you killing the game, it doesn't make any sense
The problem is the game allow the killer to camp tunnle and whoever the victim is receive -1 pip
But it's not allow for survival to have a perk That stop tunnling
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Just to be clear, that wasn't a nerf, not even a shadow nerf or "silent nerf" as you called it, it was literally a bug fix mentioned in the patch notes:
You can find the notes here:
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It's not tunneling if you have time to stop and bless a totem...
Survivors should really learn what tunneling means. Just because you were on hook before and killer look to your direction, it's not tunneling.
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If you've got time to bless a totem, you're not being tunnelled first of all...secondly, any action that progresses the game, which blessing a totem does as it's allowing yourself and others to heal, can and should disable DS purely because if you can do these things then you're not being tunnelled by the killer.
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I can understand your frustration about the changes but, please, don't mix how blessing a totem and DS works together against power of just one of 26 killers.
Also, when we talk about blessing a totem after being unhooked, there's not much time spent to find the totem as you should know where at least one of them is located and where aren't any. Since you already was found, was in chase, was hooked and escaped. To make things easier - look around.
About "Killing the game" - there is nothing "kills game" faster than SWF all 4 running with Dead Hard, Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike and Circle of Healing. That's not a healthy gameplay.
And since changes to DS behaviour with blessing, you may try other perks that exist in game, not just "meta-shmeta".
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I disagree. The amount of times in solo queue I have blessed a totem to try and save myself whilst being chased by a killer who already hooked me. Very definition of tunnel the killer ignores every other player but you and not the obsession.
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Sorry to hear it, I know how bad can be constant camping and tunneling.
But on the other side. There's opinion that currently Boons are broken, completely off balance when compared to other totem mechanics we all know as the Hex. Since killer can't snuff them permanently and impact of CoH is too great... killers got logical idea to eliminate players that can bless totems ASAP.
I'm sorry, but if you use boons and got caught doing so by the killer, all the hate about boon state can fall on you. To the point of killer is throwing the game just to tunnel and camp.
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Blessing a totem can turn the killer's grudge on you. The click of a flashlight, bringing a key, my sweet dwelf - the reasons for tunneling are many. XD
But the fact is, if a survivor has the time to seek out a totem, bless it, and heal himself, he won't be tunneled.
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I think the whole point there is, you've found a totem, stopped to bless it - if you're being chased and tunnelled why would you do this?
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Tunneling Is reason why I don't play Mikaela after getting her to 50. Killers can have the strangest grudges as I get tunneled on Yun all the time too as if they expect me to loop them.
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Well it's better than Alt+F4.
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Not gonna lie. I knew totems would be OP and cause you to lose the war of attrition. Until the perks got spread out, I tunneled every Witch I came across. Now I don't do it on sight, because some people play her for the model and without boons. But if I know someone has boons, I tunnel them out immediately.
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Its not a strange grudge, for the most part killers are pissed (and very rightfully) at boons. I already said it some time ago, but with how ridiculously strong boon totems are right now (specifically circle of healing and shadow step) it was a given that all the mikaekals and any boon totem user was going to get tunneled and harased to oblibion. Boon totems courently are just to strong, killers "need" to take out boon totem users as fast as posible as they make many tactics irelevant. M1 killers are guted thanks to CoH striping them of virtually any preasure they can put on survivors, it also destroys the potential of sluging and slowing down the game (thanks to the ridiculous speed at wich survivors can heal), in all honesty dont blame killers, blame the BHVR for overtunning the boons and puting a target on the back on all boon users
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Some killers do have strange grudges. Do you tunnel new characters irrespective of whether they have boons? Do you make a mental justification that "the game is broken so I will punish anyone by tunneling anyone who spends money on it"?
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it would be better to solve the issue with camping in the game
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Some players have weird grudges? most likely yes, but the same could be said about survivors, clickers humpers and the like. Whats there to mental justify, going back to the mikaela example, after the PTB people knew just how broken the boons where, most killers took the tactical descicion to tunnel them out of games to prevent being completly overwhelmed by CoH, you might not like it, but its still a valid situation to take people out of the game as fast as posible to ease down the preasure on the killer. Even today many killers the moment they take notice of a boon user they try to take them out of the game as soon as posible, it might suck for the player, but its a tactical desicion, im going to repeat it, dont blame the players for tryng to play as eficiently as posible, blame BHVR for overtunning the boon power wich in turn put a target on their backs
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I don't get it, your argumentation is that survivors won't get to use DS anyways when they bless a totem before. So why exactly then is it bad that it deactivates when you bless a totem? Because following your logic, DS never gets used anways after blessing a totem.