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Using Gamepad + Mouse Input Destroys the Frame Rate.



  • DevonC97
    DevonC97 Member Posts: 16

    Yes they messed it up even worse this time. I now get about 7 fps whenever I try to play. Please fix this BHVR. I really want to play this game and have fun again but it's literally impossible for a lot of us :(

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    In 5 months they can not solve an error, and what is worse that they reported it as solved when it was not, and when they did not say anything it was solved, and then to break it again .. it is really illogical. And for more, if you send them a report, they answer you as they do not know anything about the problem, asking you for tests or videos over and over again.

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    Someone who has answered if they are going to solve the problem?

  • MikeHawk
    MikeHawk Member Posts: 4

    I've found a solution. Go to your Steam library, right click on Dead by Daylight, go to Manage>Controller configuration, at the bottom left click Browse Configs, click on Templates, switch from Gamepad to Keyboard (WASD) and mouse. You can rebind other buttons as you see fit.

  • MikeHawk
    MikeHawk Member Posts: 4

    You are quite wrong sir. It is just as easy to break a killer's ankles. You are spouting nonsense.

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    In fact Ryuk is right, you can never move the same by remapping a joystick, in this way you only move in 8 directions and with the joystick itself, your movement is in 16 directions, do you not notice it when you remap your keys by the joystick?

  • Ryuk_01
    Ryuk_01 Member Posts: 10

    Definitely a kid who doesn't know what he's talking about. Don't expect another answer from me. HFNG :)

  • KoperiDriko
    KoperiDriko Member Posts: 1

    Seems to be fixed now, working in Version 5.2.2 for me.

  • Helvete
    Helvete Member Posts: 2

    Insert the fps counter and you can see the issue persists. Yes, it got better. But it was not completely repaired. Half a year has passed, but the problem has not been solved. What a pity…

  • zomp
    zomp Member Posts: 18

    it was playable for awhile there, but the issue is now back for me making it unplayable again.

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    Incredible, just when you thought that some compatibility problem with joystick and mouse would never happen again, well here it is. Unplayable to play both at the same time since the new update

  • Ryuk_01
    Ryuk_01 Member Posts: 10

    Now is 100% unplayable for everyone who uses mouse and controller.

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    I really enjoyed playing with Nemesis, but now it's impossible, when you press M2 to charge his whip, 50% of the time it doesn't work.

    It is as if there is a conflict when you move with the joystick, if you are standing still it works, but when you walk it conflicts with the mouse. Very similar to the problem we had for more than a year until they solved it, which leads me to think that we will be another year without being able to play well.

    It's a sad day for me and all the players that use this.


  • Ryuk_01
    Ryuk_01 Member Posts: 10

    I think we should create a new thread explaining the problem, my english is not the best... can someone do it?

    We need everyone to send reports ingame too.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232

    I play the same way for killer only. For me the frame rate seems the same but certain interactions have been very laggy like the skill checks during the wiggle when the killer takes you to the hook. The need in the skill check gauge used to immediately bounce back every time you pressed the button/key during the skill check. Now it lingers before the bounce back and I even get 2 skill checks when I am hooked. I had a match as Dredge to do a daily I had where actions like kicking the gens, hooking, teleporting, and maybe some others were laggy. I had to press the button several times to perform the actions whereas before the 6.4.0 update, that was never an issue.

  • PinkP4ndi
    PinkP4ndi Member Posts: 25

    I think the problem is withe the M2 button and the button to use your secondary ability... Basically you can move well but any interaction or ability of the killer is slowed down having to press the key many times to make it respond

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2022

    It happened again. Yes I think you're right. It was horrible and almost impossible to play. Hooking, opening lockers, kicking gens, and sometimes I was even unable to move on the map and was stuck as if someone was body blocking, but there was nobody around. This game is seriously broken and they need to fix this ASAP. It's beyond just the M2 button. So far I hate everything about 6.4.0. None of this ever happened to me prior to this update.

  • AykDanroyd
    AykDanroyd Member Posts: 232
    edited November 2022

    Just to confirm, the framerate with controller & mouse is still fine for me, it's the interactions and the movement that's messed up on my end. I guess whatever they did has mixed results from player to player.

    On the survivor side the wiggle meter is completely lagged to the point where I get skill checks while placed on hook and I only play with the controller for survivor unless I use a flashlight (which I'm obviously not doing when trying to wiggle). The wiggle meter itself is very lagged and not like before with the instant bounceback and the lagged timing is throwing me off.