Stop nerfing dead hard
You literally made it so we cannot use this perk anymore after falling a distance, the slow/stun whatever mechanic from dropping distances now prevents the use of dead hard for the duration of that animation. As it does for windows and other animations... why
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It needs to be bonked again with the nerf bat
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Yeah, those are rookie nerfs. We need Deathslinger level nerfs.
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Should get a complete rework tbh
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What? To my knowledge, they "buffed" it. Go and play Killer yourself and then tell me how many times you "missed" your attack and heared "aaaaaah!" in the distance while that Survivor is just fine.
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Unless Im reading this wrong because Im sleep deprived, this has been a thing for a loooooong time
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It literally just got buffed with eating killer powers, lol.
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They actually buffed it which is ridiculous xD
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It actually got buffed, and that was a thing for a while
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We gotta go the way of the billy with this one and give it a useless mechanic that makes it worthless
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Its the most used perk in the game, its heavily overpowered often one dead hard decides the whole game. Its also not fun at all to play against.
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You survivors have so many chances after chances after chances.... and you are arguing for a little nerf on Dead Hard omg...
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Bill, you always say WHY
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I think the last time it was nerfed was back when you could propel yourself off buildings with it, which was removed