I really hope the Legion buffs go through...



  • JetTheWaffleCat
    JetTheWaffleCat Member Posts: 284

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:
    Survivor has no skill cap. It's literally easy mode. Survivors aren't having fun unless they can loop 4 daz and teabag on their way out with their 4 escape. Just be honest.

    I have to disagree with that. Survivors actually do have a skill cap. Compare an immersed survivor who is extremely weak in chase to a survivor who is able to run the killer for awhile before getting downed. If you're having troubles going for the more skilled survivor you can always go for the weaker link in the group.

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,119


    @Gardenia said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:

    @ScottJund said:
    Would you like to get a group together and KYF with me being Frank's Mixtape Legion? I'd love to watch you counter me!

    Yup, because one setup match should determine the fate of a patch. Reasonable.

    What does that have to do with the patch? I'm just trying to find out a way to counter Legion and he seems to know how.

    Not just me, literally all high ranking Survivors.
    But you keep acting like I'm the only one who knows these things.

    If you don't know by now, then maybe you should stop whining about him and try to understand him.

    I'm not getting into a match with you because it's one match, and especially if it's one on one there's no chance.

    BECAUSE that doesn't simulate a real match at high rank. When you have multiple high rank survivors in red rank that know what they're doing, Legion gets destroyed. They've already learned to split in groups of two's and the other stuff I've listed.

    Also, just because he downs you doesn't mean it's the end of the match, you have to get hooked 2 maybe 3 times. That's not to include items you bring in such as insta heals.

    Take a chill pill dude.

    You are really, really missing the point. When you, individually, get chased by Legion, there is nothing you, individually, can do. Its a very bad feeling and does not belong in a multiplayer game. Saying "just split up and do gens" isn't a counter to Legion, its a counter to everything in the game.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @ScottJund said:

    @Gardenia said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:

    @ScottJund said:
    Would you like to get a group together and KYF with me being Frank's Mixtape Legion? I'd love to watch you counter me!

    Yup, because one setup match should determine the fate of a patch. Reasonable.

    What does that have to do with the patch? I'm just trying to find out a way to counter Legion and he seems to know how.

    Not just me, literally all high ranking Survivors.
    But you keep acting like I'm the only one who knows these things.

    If you don't know by now, then maybe you should stop whining about him and try to understand him.

    I'm not getting into a match with you because it's one match, and especially if it's one on one there's no chance.

    BECAUSE that doesn't simulate a real match at high rank. When you have multiple high rank survivors in red rank that know what they're doing, Legion gets destroyed. They've already learned to split in groups of two's and the other stuff I've listed.

    Also, just because he downs you doesn't mean it's the end of the match, you have to get hooked 2 maybe 3 times. That's not to include items you bring in such as insta heals.

    Take a chill pill dude.

    You are really, really missing the point. When you, individually, get chased by Legion, there is nothing you, individually, can do. Its a very bad feeling and does not belong in a multiplayer game. Saying "just split up and do gens" isn't a counter to Legion, its a counter to everything in the game.

    I didn't say to "Just split up and do gens". There are many factors to include. I've said before SB can counter and it's not far fetched considering it's meta, same as lithe.

    Individually there are still things you can do to survive. Did you know that legions stance changes when he goes into frenzy?

    Did you know you can time when he last used his power by that indicator.

    And again that's not including stealth and there are counters.

    It's just PROACTIVE, not reactive which people are used to. When you hear a terror radius, run. Try not to be seen as well.

    Also individually speaking, all survivors will get downed by a competent killer eventually.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    @ScottJund said:

    @Gardenia said:

    @ScottJund said:

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:

    @ScottJund said:
    Would you like to get a group together and KYF with me being Frank's Mixtape Legion? I'd love to watch you counter me!

    Yup, because one setup match should determine the fate of a patch. Reasonable.

    What does that have to do with the patch? I'm just trying to find out a way to counter Legion and he seems to know how.

    Not just me, literally all high ranking Survivors.
    But you keep acting like I'm the only one who knows these things.

    If you don't know by now, then maybe you should stop whining about him and try to understand him.

    I'm not getting into a match with you because it's one match, and especially if it's one on one there's no chance.

    BECAUSE that doesn't simulate a real match at high rank. When you have multiple high rank survivors in red rank that know what they're doing, Legion gets destroyed. They've already learned to split in groups of two's and the other stuff I've listed.

    Also, just because he downs you doesn't mean it's the end of the match, you have to get hooked 2 maybe 3 times. That's not to include items you bring in such as insta heals.

    Take a chill pill dude.

    You are really, really missing the point. When you, individually, get chased by Legion, there is nothing you, individually, can do. Its a very bad feeling and does not belong in a multiplayer game. Saying "just split up and do gens" isn't a counter to Legion, its a counter to everything in the game.

    So I'm genuinely curious, humor me for a second if you will. Should these changes to Legion go through, what do you plan to do? Sure, you could disconnect against every Legion, but that's a bannable offense if done too frequently (supposedly). I doubt you'll stop playing the game altogether, since there are no viable alternatives in the genre with as much content/variety as Dead by Daylight. Basically, until they have competition, they can do whatever they want and people will still play the game/buy their content. It's a sad reality.

    At the end of the day, it's been proven that BVHR takes constructive criticism from its highest level killers/survivors with a grain of salt, and they balance the game around whatever their 'vision' for it is, regardless of the input received from highly skilled players.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Looking forward to it, as it is to many teammates forget that stealth is a key tool and try running the killer. Legion has counterplay, its called stealth, denying the advantage of a chase. God forbid sb doesn't bail you out everytime.
  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143
    edited January 2019

    You Know I replied but it's giving me something saying wait until the comments been approved. So you'll see the response soon I'm sure. But in Short, SB, Lithe, Stealth, timing when his power can't be used again, looking at his stance change for an indication of frenzy.

    And also how the counters are proactive, not reactive. You'll see the full thing when its approved later.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Yas, those changes are amazing. Hope it will come to live <3

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited January 2019

    Legion with Frank's Mixtape can now 2 hit down in Frenzy an injured survivor. That's a bit ridiculous. To me it seems like all of Legion's issues can be solved by just changing this add-on. That's really what makes him broken in every case, is that he has to hit you 1 less time to down you. That just shouldn't ever be a thing.

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    "Just heal" a lot can happen in 40+ seconds (mending + healing).

    BTW @SenzuDuck this is what I was talking about earlier

    And the worse No Mither gets... lol. The one killer no mither actually wasn't bad and was almost a counter against now makes you a 2 second down if found... I don't know whats more of a joke, this legion buff or no mither. Its honestly a toss up at this point

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @mgs2020 said:
    And the worse No Mither gets... lol. The one killer no mither actually wasn't bad and was almost a counter against now makes you a 2 second down if found... I don't know whats more of a joke, this legion buff or no mither. Its honestly a toss up at this point

    I think the bigger joke is the people defending this #########. Seriously, no wonder the devs don't listen to feedback.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @mgs2020 said:
    And the worse No Mither gets... lol. The one killer no mither actually wasn't bad and was almost a counter against now makes you a 2 second down if found... I don't know whats more of a joke, this legion buff or no mither. Its honestly a toss up at this point

    I think the bigger joke is the people defending this #########. Seriously, no wonder the devs don't listen to feedback.

    Honestly, as much as I love Legion, there has gotta be a better way to change them. I think a longer Frenzy time would work along with a shorter cooldown for the power gauge. I knew that this buff would be negatively received overall because I know how annoying Legion is. They're not amazing but they're not underpowered either. At least on the live servers. I fear that if this change makes it through, it will completely unbalance the game and even though the killer should be the power role, survivors still need a fighting chance. There has got to be a better way to buff them.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Honestly, as much as I love Legion, there has gotta be a better way to change them. I think a longer Frenzy time would work along with a shorter cooldown for the power gauge. I knew that this buff would be negatively received overall because I know how annoying Legion is. They're not amazing but they're not underpowered either. At least on the live servers. I fear that if this change makes it through, it will completely unbalance the game and even though the killer should be the power role, survivors still need a fighting chance. There has got to be a better way to buff them.

    The only way to fix him is to rework him. The devs can't do ######### with his base power/add-ons since they'll either be under-powered or overpowered. He's completely flawed.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    Honestly, as much as I love Legion, there has gotta be a better way to change them. I think a longer Frenzy time would work along with a shorter cooldown for the power gauge. I knew that this buff would be negatively received overall because I know how annoying Legion is. They're not amazing but they're not underpowered either. At least on the live servers. I fear that if this change makes it through, it will completely unbalance the game and even though the killer should be the power role, survivors still need a fighting chance. There has got to be a better way to buff them.

    The only way to fix him is to rework him. The devs can't do ######### with his base power/add-ons since they'll either be under-powered or overpowered. He's completely flawed.

    I've gotta agree here. One of my favorite killers flawed again. Just like Freddy. Such a cool concept for the character ruined by ignoring basic gameplay mechanics. Heck even stealth doesn't really work against him.

  • GoldGalaxy29167
    GoldGalaxy29167 Member Posts: 20

    Legion needs a complete rework, because of right now they hurt the game the most. This buff will make the Legion a complete disaster.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    edited January 2019

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:
    "He needs a complete rework."

    The new survivor battlecry for when they want a weak killer to stay just as he is. We'll just wait 2 years for that rework and languish with garbage till then. Great idea.

    Right, lets just ignore that most killers agree that Legion needs to be changed.
    But they disagree with me, so they must be a survivor.

  • GoldGalaxy29167
    GoldGalaxy29167 Member Posts: 20

    Yes, they do need a complete rework. I don't want a weak killer ever, but I also don't want a killer that breaks the mechanics of the game. The devs never should've released Legion in their current state and should of just started over. It would've been better for the game as a whole.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:
    Yup, anyone that can down survivors need a rework. Nurse, Legion, Hillbilly. Why not? It's not like survivor isn't easy enough as it is. Entitled brats the lot of ya.

  • GoldGalaxy29167
    GoldGalaxy29167 Member Posts: 20

    @Severus_Swiggleton said:
    Yup, anyone that can down survivors need a rework. Nurse, Legion, Hillbilly. Why not? It's not like survivor isn't easy enough as it is. Entitled brats the lot of ya.

    Yep, we are definitely entitled. We are entitled to fun gameplay that has actual counter play and takes some skill. I want killers to be buffed. There were many improvements for killers in 2018, but with the release of the Legion, killers got more nerfs and survivors had to deal with a poorly designed killer. The Legion's release was a loss for everyone involved.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:
    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    You all keep throwing around skill to please some inflated ego because it was unpleasant for you. Idc, I love legion and I have fun as them.

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @Gardenia said:
    You all keep throwing around skill to please some inflated ego because it was unpleasant for you. Idc, I love legion and I have fun as them.

    Congratz, you're the exception, not the rule.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited January 2019

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol
  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Gardenia said:
    You all keep throwing around skill to please some inflated ego because it was unpleasant for you. Idc, I love legion and I have fun as them.

    Congratz, you're the exception, not the rule.

    And there are other people who like to play the legion as well. I'm not the only one.
    Legion is controversial similar to nurse back when she was released.

    But hey shrug

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Legion with Frank's Mixtape can now 2 hit down in Frenzy an injured survivor. That's a bit ridiculous. To me it seems like all of Legion's issues can be solved by just changing this add-on. That's really what makes him broken in every case, is that he has to hit you 1 less time to down you. That just shouldn't ever be a thing.

    The issue this buff will cause is tunneling off hook not giving the survivor a chance to heal because it makes an easy down. Legions build will now be sloppy, nurses, monitor n abuse, and another 4th perk of choosing. They already made a tunnel machine, this will just increase the tunneling I'm willing to bet.

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    @SadonicShadow said:
    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    @ScottJund said:
    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.
    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...
    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.
    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...
    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.
    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.
    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?
    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476
    edited January 2019

    As a Legion main: I think his power should be reworked, but not gutted. I play him like a mix between a stall Killer and a setup Killer, and by that I mean I use Frenzy to create a lot of Deep Wound, giving me more pressure and thus more time to force pallets, until enough are gone that being a 110 M1 Killer is no longer an issue.

    This is, right now, the most skill-based and interactive way to play Legion, since it gives Legion time to get ######### done without relying on Deep Wound bleedout exploitation while also making the experience as Survivor more than just "4 hit Frenzy tunnel". Problem is, because his power can't create pressure for jack, this playstyle is almost a guaranteed loss if the Survs know what "doing gens" is. The way I see it, an optimally reworked Legion will not have his power gutted and then remade, but rather changed heavily so that it becomes a pressure power and not a chase power, since as a chase power, it creates all the problems Legion has right now.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:
    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    @SadonicShadow said:
    @Bbbrian2013 said:
    @ScottJund said:
    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.
    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...
    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.
    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...
    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.
    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.
    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?
    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.
  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @Gardenia said:
    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

    Yes its fun for you as the killer maybe. Mindless fun though is the problem. Mindless fun is fine against AI. When there is other people playing on the other side of the mindless fun that is where the issue comes in.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Gardenia said:
    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

    Yes its fun for you as the killer maybe. Mindless fun though is the problem. Mindless fun is fine against AI. When there is other people playing on the other side of the mindless fun that is where the issue comes in.

    But aren't you the survivor, shouldn't you feel stressed trying to live? If it's not Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Hag or Huntress you all are the predator in this game (You as in reference to survivors) not the "killer".

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Gardenia said:
    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

    Yes its fun for you as the killer maybe. Mindless fun though is the problem. Mindless fun is fine against AI. When there is other people playing on the other side of the mindless fun that is where the issue comes in.

    But aren't you the survivor, shouldn't you feel stressed?

    If it's not Nurse, Billy, Hag, spirit or huntress. You all are the predators(you as in Survivor), not the "killer"

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited January 2019

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @SadonicShadow said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @ScottJund said: No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes. How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man... I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically. So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework... This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year. No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter. There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter? We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.
    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @Gardenia said:

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Gardenia said:
    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

    Yes its fun for you as the killer maybe. Mindless fun though is the problem. Mindless fun is fine against AI. When there is other people playing on the other side of the mindless fun that is where the issue comes in.

    But aren't you the survivor, shouldn't you feel stressed?

    If it's not Nurse, Billy, Hag, spirit or huntress. You all are the predators(you as in Survivor), not the "killer"

    Lol if this game was actually ment to stress a survivor out, there goes your player base, stress is not fun, fear can be but stress no.

    All those killers you mentioned have counter play, nurse with the least but its still there. Legion basically results in a pallet standoff, that's your counter play when found. We all know standoffs aren't fun =P

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @SadonicShadow said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @ScottJund said: No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes. How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man... I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically. So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework... This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year. No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter. There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter? We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.
    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

    You just said it. We press a button and all survivor escape tactics go out the door... That's throwing a quarter of the games design if not more out the window lol...

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @SadonicShadow said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @ScottJund said: No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes. How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man... I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically. So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework... This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year. No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter. There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter? We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.
    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

    You just said it. We press a button and all survivor escape tactics go out the door... That's throwing a quarter of the games design if not more out the window lol...

    Is it that big of a loss if that quarter has annoyed killers for years?...Definitely not for us killers it's fun for us we finally have what we wanted.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Gardenia said:

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Gardenia said:
    Sa> @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @ScottJund said:

    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.

    How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...

    I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.

    So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...

    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.

    No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.

    There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?

    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.

    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.

    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ and deal with weak killers.

    Same, why do they feel they have to dictate what's skillful or not when they important thing is to have fun. Not every killer should need thousands of hours to be very good. That's part of legions charm to me, he breaks down so many "rules" and expectations survivors have for a killer.

    He is honestly needed to shake things up in this game right now tbh.

    Yes its fun for you as the killer maybe. Mindless fun though is the problem. Mindless fun is fine against AI. When there is other people playing on the other side of the mindless fun that is where the issue comes in.

    But aren't you the survivor, shouldn't you feel stressed?

    If it's not Nurse, Billy, Hag, spirit or huntress. You all are the predators(you as in Survivor), not the "killer"

    Lol if this game was actually ment to stress a survivor out, there goes your player base, stress is not fun, fear can be but stress no.

    All those killers you mentioned have counter play, nurse with the least but its still there. Legion basically results in a pallet standoff, that's your counter play when found. We all know standoffs aren't fun =P

    So are you implying that a challenge for survivors or increase of difficulty means they will leave other than actually trying?

  • mgs2020
    mgs2020 Member Posts: 35

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @mgs2020 said:

    @Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @SadonicShadow said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @ScottJund said: No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes. How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man... I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically. So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework... This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year. No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter. There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter? We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.
    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

    You just said it. We press a button and all survivor escape tactics go out the door... That's throwing a quarter of the games design if not more out the window lol...

    Is it that big of a loss if that quarter has annoyed killers for years?...Definitely not for us killers it's fun for us we finally have what we wanted.

    A game where you go around killing other players who have 0 outplay potential is the game you want?

    Just sit and imagine DBD had no windows or pallets, everything else the same, maps and everything, only thing is breaking line of sight. The second the killers on you, you have 10 seconds until you are down. The skill level of the game just about disappears. How many people would want to play survivor against that?That would make no sense.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    @JetTheWaffleCat said:

    @Dreamnomad said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @Dreamnomad said:
    There seems to be a lot of hyperbole in this thread. This isn't a very big buff. If you are walking around injured then you deserve to go down faster. That is just common sense.

    It's not common sense for a killer to ignore gameplay however.

    That doesn't really have anything to do with this change though. If you want to argue that the killer's ability is fundamentally broken that is one thing. But with the killer's ability as it currently stands it just makes sense that if they stab you while your are injured that you don't get the full deep wound timer. It should never be the optimal strategy for survivors to ignore being injured against any killer.

    The fact that staying injured is the most viable strategy is on of the reason why Legion is so poorly designed. The fact that they're using this horrid bandaid fix instead of gut reworking them is absolute asinine.

    BVHR: Releases a killer that is poorly designed and conceptually broken.
    Community: Expects BVHR to put time and effort into reworking said killer.
    BVHR: Changes nothing and buffs killer.

    This is so true i expect this is going to happen to freddy too had a whole year to rework him and there just going to buff him like the lazy devs they are
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    @mgs2020 said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Legion with Frank's Mixtape can now 2 hit down in Frenzy an injured survivor. That's a bit ridiculous. To me it seems like all of Legion's issues can be solved by just changing this add-on. That's really what makes him broken in every case, is that he has to hit you 1 less time to down you. That just shouldn't ever be a thing.

    The issue this buff will cause is tunneling off hook not giving the survivor a chance to heal because it makes an easy down. Legions build will now be sloppy, nurses, monitor n abuse, and another 4th perk of choosing. They already made a tunnel machine, this will just increase the tunneling I'm willing to bet.

    This is such a poor argument. If Legion wanted to tunnel, it would still be more effective to just use a normal attack to finish off the injured player instead of Frenzy stab, Frenzy stab, follow around until ability can be activated again and Frenzy stab again. The only time that would be the optimal play is if the Legion player knew for a fact that the survivor doing the unhooking was running borrowed time. The only thing this change really does is encourage survivors to actually heal. The Frank's Mixtape issue sounds like a bug to me.

  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @SadonicShadow said: @Bbbrian2013 said: @ScottJund said: No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes. How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man... I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically. So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework... This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year. No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter. There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter? We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not.
    Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me.
    Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol

    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

    I play killer a lot and Legion is 100% not what I want. Yeah, killers like trapper are weak, but at least you work for your kills and feels awesome to 4k. But with Legion I feel no satisfaction and I kinda regret it that I spend so much points into him (he's p3 since 2 weeks).
    Just watch damnnohtml, he breaks down why Legion is unhealthy for DbD.
    But glad that you admit that you want your 4ks without working for it.
  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:

    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    Bbbrian2013 said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said: Bbbrian2013 said:

    @SenzuDuck said:    @Bbbrian2013 said:    @SadonicShadow said:    @Bbbrian2013 said:    @ScottJund said:    No, almost nobody likes the proposed changes.        How would you make him strong then? He shouldn't need mix tape to be viable. Every killer should be useable man...        I dont think many people would argue against that. He should for sure be made viable and useable without addons as all killers should be. The problem with Legion is his power at its very core is the worst of both worlds. He is extremely unfair and has almost zero counterplay as survivor yet as killer he is trash tier and worse than freddy at securing kills. I agree when people say he needs to be reworked. He needs to be both fair and strong and right now he is neither. I dont have a solution but we cant simply buff and nerf our way out of this. He needs a fundamental rework. Legion is just poorly designed mechanically.        So you're saying we either get this buff or we wait a year or more for a rework...    This is Freddy all over again this buff HAS to go through then rework in a year. Don't let him be useless for a year.        No, not when you can insta down with ultra fast pallet and window jumps there's no counter.        There doesn't need to be a counter. What is Nurses counter?    We could finally have a second S tier killer. Survivors have always been strong why can't killers?

    You mindgame nurse, double backs and running straight line around a corner to confuse her, after the stun (she looks at the ground) you can use it lose her. Also, playing nurse requires a lot of skill and practise, while Legion not. Yeah i don't see the issue with an S tier killer that is easy to use. This isn't an esports game. A killer that you can pick up and just stab things with not have to think and do well sounds good to me. Killer is stressful we need an easy fun one not told to go play civ

    Why do you play a PvP game in the first place then? Just play against bots lol
    I would if DbD had single player.

    So, just because it hasn't we all should bend around you so you can get ur "bot experience" but against real persons? Come on lad. I wouldn't mind the buff if Legion had counterplay. But the combination of no counterplay + recent buff + no skill needed is so stupid, that everyone who defends this is basically admitting that he has 0 game knowledge about DbD.

    My guy Legion has the potential to be what every killer main has been wanting for years. An easy solution to looping and toxic survivors. We press a button and ignore the bs parts of the game that have caused even top killers like Marth to quit.

    Killers could have fun again with this Legion. Killers are supposed to be op and scary power role vs 4 weak ones.

    I play killer a lot and Legion is 100% not what I want. Yeah, killers like trapper are weak, but at least you work for your kills and feels awesome to 4k. But with Legion I feel no satisfaction and I kinda regret it that I spend so much points into him (he's p3 since 2 weeks).
    Just watch damnnohtml, he breaks down why Legion is unhealthy for DbD.
    But glad that you admit that you want your 4ks without working for it.

    And yet his opinion is not the end all be all. There are many people who disagree.

    And if it was so clear that he was bad for this game, legion wouldn't exist.

    So clearly the devs are hinting at something to change with the introduction of this character, idk maybe a change in the way survivors play the game to escape, discouraging looping, bodyblocking and etc.

    The devs have purpose for their actions it's not always Willy nilly.

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311

    This thread is like a goldmine but instead of gold it's salt.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    In my humble opinion, Legion is really bad for the game.

    The devs somehow managed to create the most brain-dead and boring killer possible.

    I really think the design team should go back to the drawing board on Legion. Redesign his power to be more skill-oriented for both sides.

  • Mifian
    Mifian Member Posts: 18

    I have only recently gotten into higher ranks (as a survivor main) and in my experience Legion isn't too terribly difficult to deal with as long as you maintain some distance/pop SB when applicable and break line of sight. If you can be unpredictable and avoid his sight or mindgame around jungle gyms/buildings properly he really isn't too terribly difficult to avoid. Yeah of course you'll still go down but I don't think I've ever depipped in a match against legion in red ranks. Frank's mixtape is a little OP, but I don't really think that has anything to do with how Legion ACTUALLY plays, rather the addon may be a bit much.

    I only recently got into the game, so maybe I haven't been stuck working with strategies that have worked for me for 1k+ hours, but a little adaptation may be needed here. Try new things. Take a few losses til you figure out something that works. I wasn't here on the forums until tonight but a month ago every stream/video i watched on legion was lamenting that he'd be useless as a killer. Now he's viable and people are upset? Some killer players have adapted, some survivors didn't.

    Damn man, I pretty much only play survivor and I relish this change.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    See Injured Survivor.
    Have Frank's Mixtape Add-on.
    Hit Survivor twice in Feral Frenzy.
    Survivor Down.
    GG NO RE

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261

    Killer main:

    With changes he becomes stupid strong with M&A and nurses. He is completely broken with franks mixtape and the reduced wound timer addon. If someone is injured you can down them in 1 frenzy.

    I honestly don't know how they can balance him outside of tru3's suggestion of punishing missed frenzy hits ( instant power depletion ).

  • Digwiid
    Digwiid Member Posts: 311
    se05239 said:

    See Injured Survivor.
    Have Frank's Mixtape Add-on.
    Hit Survivor twice in Feral Frenzy.
    Survivor Down.
    GG NO RE

    You need Stab Wound Studies for that as well, 2 purples.
  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    @Dreamnomad said:
    There seems to be a lot of hyperbole in this thread. This isn't a very big buff. If you are walking around injured then you deserve to go down faster. That is just common sense.


  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    also everyone in this stupid thread thinks u can/have mixtape all the time. its an purple addon, get real for once survivor mains.