Killers are lazy nowadays

Nowadays killers just never leave their first hook, it’s like why even play killer if you’re not gonna chase anyone else and just babysit your hook? Not even that, instead of chasing the unhooker they chase the unhooked. Had a nurse tunnel me all game and it cost her a 4 escape. Why do killers play like this? When they play like this I have no sympathy or remorse for being a jerk to them at the gates
Because camping and tunneling the first survivor out of the game is a guarantee 4K.
Or that's what I hear anyway.
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I don't get killers who only want to secure kills. I personally don't have fun sitting by a hook all game so I rarely camp because I want a chase. I'd rather have a fun 2K than a repetitive boring 4K but to each their own.
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Nah. And you flexing your e-peen about a single game does not make the claim valid, either.
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Barring any Outliers like S-Tier Killers: Map Variation, Perk Design, Pallet Distribution, and Hit Validation have a high chance to be Survivor-sided. My success as Killer should not be dictated by Survivor mistakes, but the state of the game wills it to currently be that way. Survivors always want to focus on the most efficient pathway to victory, so, given the state of the game I just described, again barring any S-Tier Killers, why would I not also focus on being efficient?
3v1 is easier than 4v1.
Edited for clarity. 'S-tier killers' is the only outlier.
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What else are they supposed to do? By the time the killer gets 1 hook all the gens are done, the gates are open, the tally screen is shown, and they have already readied up and entered into their next game.
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It's not being lazy, it's efficient if done properly, which your baby Nurse didn't do
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Why are you lazy to break the chase and get away, insted wanting killer to just let you go ?
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Boon totems up. Everyone is fully healed up. I hooked someone. I saw one or two people hanging around the hook waiting for me to leave. I hit one, the other goes for a rescue. The person I hit gets a burst of speed to a tile and I hear a loud noise ping right behind me as someone goes for the rescue. I turn to hit the rescuer. Nah son BT face tank.
The rescuer T-Bags me trying to bait me into a chase. I don't know where the first person I hit went, but I see the one who just got unhooked. If I leave them their heal time will be about 4-8 seconds. Oh look the first one I hit is already fully healed. Am I supposed to just chase the fully healed rescuer now, knowing that both those hits would be wasted if I didn't capitalize on it?
Of course I'm going for the guy who is already one hit from death, before they have a chance to run to a boon and fully heal. I'm not a complete idiot.
Get to end game, 'BG killer tunneled and camped.'
Honestly the way I see it. If I try to go out of my way to avoid hitting the rescued, but the rescued deliberately moves to absorb a blow with BT. You lost your right to complain about being tunneled. I'm not trying to be the most skilled, the most meta, the bestest most fairest killer. I see the easiest path to kills, I take that path.
Make it unprofitable or prohibitive for me to play that way and I'll have to change up my methodology.
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Ignore those killers, escape and raise your MMR.
Then encounter killers who play different. Which will be unlikely.
They can play whatever they want. Even if it feels offensive or annoying.
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Thats low mmr for you
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The killer meta has made killers lazy. No need to be satisfied with a 2K, play in a sloppy manner and still get a 4K.
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"So pretty, so fair, so sad and alone... Come. Let us be a family!"
While i stare at you hanging from a hook
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It's basically true... I got tunnelled an entire game, got caught right at the end and my teammate died on their first hook trying to save me while the Killer camped. They got a 2k and 21k points with very little effort... pretty crazy.
Meanwhile, I died with 9k points (from getting chased the entire game). The most points earned on the team was 12k, since the Killer didn't interact with anyone but me the entire game.
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honestly depends on a lot of factors.
Doing that on the first hook is 95% chance of being bad though and you will lose badly odds are 0K or 1K. The only time I have ever done that is when I was playing Oni vs a team who pick RPD running four flashlights. They kept trying to bait near the library and just being toxic so I wanted the game over ASAP. Funnily enough, got 4K only due to them being silly.
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Because just downing one survivor, and then moving to the next chase and downing another survivor is NEVER going to win you the game against good survivors.
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Because going on a minute long chase results in 3 gens being done.
Simple as that.
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Honestly, this are always the most satisfying wins. But sadly, for every game were I floor a toxic team, there are about three were its the other way around. Still, its very satisfying to see their aweful ways and toxic behaviour being repaid with bitter defeat.
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It's just a lazy way to get kills. That's all there is to it.
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That purely depends on who you verse and what do you except from a win in this game. Try playing vs actually good survivors without using hated tactics. You'll get 3 unfun chases per game until all gens are done in 5 minutes and everyone is out.
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It's just a viscous cycle
Killer starts game... plays 1-2 matches as fairly as possible... but the survivors Teabag and other things when the Gates are opened
Killer continues to play but starts to Camp and Tunnel
Survivor starts game... plays 1-2 matches as fairly as possible... but the match either ends with all escaping and not getting that much BP or they all die and not getting a lot of BP
Survivor continues to play but starts to try to get the Killers attention and trying to stop the Camping and Tunneling
I won't even mention endgame chat at this point (cause we all know what's said)
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Depends if you're a bad killer that just wants to make the game miserable for everyone then you're a piece of sheet, but if you're a great killer against 4 DS + Meta Perks in high mmr its justified.
As a Survivor, ever since the Epic Games release I've been seeing way too many weak killers who just camp on hook because they can't be bothered to use their brain in chases other than repeatedly pressing m1 when a survivor got too close to the hook.
Sadly as a Killer main its too damn predictable and boring to watch, I play Legion for fun even at High MMR and this guys can't even be bothered to press W far away from the hook, they're not even trying. They're just beating bad survivors cause they won't leave the hook and SoloQ newbies keeps unhooking.
Funny thing is I'VE HAD A WRAITH WHO TOLD ME GG EZ BAIT FOR CAMPING 2 HOOKS THE WHOLE GAME. and i just laughed thinking this guy doesn't even know how to play the game, and he thinks he's a good killer standing there playing guard duty simulator against SoloQ. lol
Post edited by Plsfix369 on1 -
Stop assuming that all matches are like this. That's not an excuse to tunnel every single match
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At high mmr most games end with all the gens done in under 5 mins, go watch not otz matches or dowseys matches or even jrms matches who someone never touches a gen ever but still they all get done very shocking isn't it
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They are not tunneling only in high MMR. Let's be honest, shall we?
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I never said anything about tunneling :/
I said most games at high mmr the gens are done in 5 mins and that's a fact there is no argument to be had here
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That can't be completely true. When I'm playing killer I also get matches that last 5 minutes with 1-3 hooks, but my MMR for killers can't be that high because I'm not that good. So that's not happening only in high MMR. Genrush or tunneling happens no matter how is your MMR. And tunneling can be a strategy, yes, but when there are situations like: 5 gens and 1 DC at first down and the killer will tunnel I'm sorry to say, but that's not a strategy, that only means the killer is that bad that he thinks he can't win against 3 persons with 5 gens without tunneling...
Edit: I don't care about streamers, especially that ozt
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I tunnel because it is almost always effective. I do not need to play how others want and I could care less if a survivor criticizes me for how I killed them in a PVP video game.
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So instead of blaming your teammate for d/cing and putting you in a losing situation, you blame the killer for playing to win.
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Yeah I'm not trying to be a dick but anyone that doesn't like otz I'm immediately put off by because he's probably the most reasonable streamer that argues for buffs and nerfs for both sides
Maybe you need to sit back and think about what a fair game is for a little bit maybe even awhile perhaps idk man
I'm not saying you have to like the guy but honestly he's a pretty agreeable guy so idk how anyone hates on him
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Where I did blamed someone? You play how you want I play how I want. I don't give a ######### about how others playstyle or if someone will DC. But you can't say tunneling means skill. An easy strategy to win a game doesn't mean skill no matter what you say.
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Now we are mad that I don't like that guy lol what a shame. Hate is a big word. Be careful with what are you saying.
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It doesn't really matter how you determine a killer to be "skilled". This whole idea that a killer has to play a certain way to be "skilled" is just a toxic mindset. And I don't see how losing to killers you find to be "lacking skill" makes you feel any better anyways.
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"Toxic mindset" lmao. I don't have idea why you are so bitter about my opinion but whatever lol
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Don't bother arguing with this guy after how he replied to my comment about otz I can already tell this guy can't be reasoned with or see any view point other then his own
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The game is already super balance so let's blame the killer for doing what he/she is supposed to do.
Or maybe he/she plays super nice and fair by not tunneling/camping and shall we tbag him/her at the exit gate because we "won" even if we got hooked twice each survivor.
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The game/chases are only boring if you make it boring. I personally learn and get better against good survivors and don't let certain chase actions ever upset me.
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Question, do you use really strong loops like haddonfield almost infinite? Or pre drop all pallets in gidgeon? If you do you might understand why killers play like that.
Remember, killers also see more BM than most players, most killers get tired of the constant ######### talk endgame and all the BM, so why work harder when you can play for the 2k or probably 3k if you have noed?
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Why not? If it is so easy to kill someone that I do not lift a finger, might as well take the free bloodpoints. Work smart, not hard, as the boomers say.
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I mean the role is called killer so they're living up to the name. Also mmr has just destroyed so many people's drive to actually try since everyone knows you take your first chase and 2-3 gens complete unless its that 1 in 10 chance where it doesn't. And people who say "just leave chase" are being ignorant by ignoring the fact that the survivor you were just chasing would also work on a gen then you would have to go chase a different healthy person. Like right now with map tile generation and how huge maps are healing isnt that much of a priority unless you have CoH where you just heal in 8 seconds with someone near you.
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'We all know', big yikes.
A 4k is a 4k, according to the MMR. How it is achieved does not matter, despite your attempts to sway the public discourse that the things you don't like are skilless.
In fact, I would say a killer that 4K's while camping must be doing something right, because I do not see survivors rolling over for that gameplay and freely give them kills. They bang out the gens and walk out the gates. And if they are rolling over, then maybe your issue is with survivors, not killers.
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Some people don't want to admit they made mistakes and just want something else to blame.
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Dunno I get bored with that playstyle, and I'm a Twins main they were built for that ######### lol. But it's um not fun to me since I don't really care about kills let alone 4k, I just wanna have fun
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No, you're wrong. You like to phrase things in absolutes like you know what you're talking about and it's old hat.
- Plenty solo's who have half a brain bring Detective's Hunch, bang out 2-3 totems, and memorize the last 2 in case that NoEd goes off
- Plenty solo's can pre drop pallets long enough that the last gens are already popping in the event they are camped
- Not all camps magically equal a pending NoEd, regardless. These are not mutually exclusive playstyles, although if you're facing camping NoEders often I'd be concerned about your quality of play. At that point it says more about you than the Killer
Even in solo queue you will find survivors mentally equipped to bang out gens and walk out the gate, it's not some unicorn. You know, unless you're really bad at this game and in the MMR basement.
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"You can’t do anything about it since you can’t tell your teammates that you are getting camped."
I remember back in the day that survivor-on-hook-gymnastics (animation spamming) were the universal sign for "the killer is camping". No idea what happened to that but i guess spamming anything but flashlights or Tbags was to tiring for survivors.
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They can't be bothered to play nice and go for many chases, since doing that often gives them worse results than just camping. Blame the survivor sided game for that, not the killer.
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@burt0r already explained why you're wrong on this one. Solo's have multiple communication tools for camping.
Do you just magically assume the first person starts on hook when the game launches? It's always weird how people start that example like there isn't possibly enough time to do anything but gens if the killer is camping. Feel free to pre-drop pallets, take a protection hit for the tunelee, run detectives hunch and remember the spawns of 3 totems in case there is a noed, and track the Killers perks to see if you can identify all 4.
It is bizarre how lazy your arguments are. You know, given the name of this thread.
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I'm just sitting here trying to figure out why he hasn't found Kindred yet. It's a free perk!
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Because it would take a spot away from the precious meta perks that are "essential and absolutely necessary".
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It's definitely lazy. You aren't learning to play the game properly and are relying on tactics you learned when you first started playing killer. Face-Camping and Proxy-Tunnel is something every killer learns before they even learn to use their power properly.