How does the hatch work now?

I don't see it spawning even when all gens are done.
Best Answer
It now only spawns when there is one Survivor remaining in the trial, regardless of if the generators are completed or not!
So this means keys are even MORE useless and a certain achievement is now impossible.
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Thankfully, they changed the achievement... it's now achieved by simply unlocking the hatch with a key. But yeah, keys are definitely worse now... hopefully they do something with them soon(™).
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You say thankfully, but I worked really hard to get it and now its worth nothing.
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It was never worth anything to begin with.
and you still have it unlocked even though it changed. So you could ‚prove‘ that you accomplished this before the change.
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it was a rare achievement, almost no one had it. In the circumstances I got it in, it was damn near impossible. All that work for nothing not even bragging rights.
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But as I said… you still can ‚brag‘ as you have it unlocked on a date where it was still the old achievement. Maybe don’t try to find something to cry about here?
the community asked for hatch changes for a very long time. It’s funny how almost no one actually acknowledges what the devs did here ne then there are people trying to talk it down…
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might at well brag about surviving a single map at this point. Garbage.
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You are the one wanting to brag about having an achievement unlocked (which wasn’t as hard to begin with…). 💁♂️
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I am constantly in red ranks, that was a achievement I worked hard for and got shafted. It means something to me.
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You still have it. Nothing was taken away. If it was a personal accomplishment: you still know you got it, you still have proof you got it when it was in the original state.
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the proof is not there, that's the point.
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It is there. That’s the point. The achievement got changed but you still have proof you unlocked it before the change.
you are making a drama out of nothing
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What are you even on?
i have escaped multiple times on Swamp and RPD via hatch..
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So you're telling me all 4 survivors escaped through hatch multiple times on rpd?
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no I never said that…
i said I escaped through hatch multiple times on rpd. As a response to the person that claimed the hatch doesn’t spawn there at all.
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Ah my bad, I got confused. You right, have a good one!