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Are Killers Actually Punished for Camping



  • Member Posts: 2,752
    edited December 2021

    Added 10 more games as promised. Not sure how much more of this I can take. I'm definitely running into a lot of survivors that should be kicking my butt. Amazing Dead-Head into Borrowed-Timed saves. Amazing flashlight saves. Lots of teams just pushing generators.

    What is especially amazing is how many survivors don't actually commit suicide when a Bubba facecamps. Props off to them.

    I'm up to 85% kill ratio and 3.4 kills on average a match (Which is a slight improvement to what I began as which was 82.5% and 3.2 kills on average). Amazingly enough, I'm progressing in my Grades. It's kind of funny seeing a Bronze IV Bubba going against Red 1 survivors. I'm counting hatch escapes as escapes now instead of as kills, even though I've only had 2 so far. Anyway, here you go, more data.

    I think if you tie my data in with @KayTwoAyy data, that he has on face-camping Bubba, you start getting an idea that Facecamping is rewarding the Killer not punishing them, in the least.

    I'll try and do a couple more nights if I can take it.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Well lucky for you, face camping was removed with the introduction of swivel hooks. Problem solved!

    Oh and on regard on the "survivors would waste to much time" thingy. Right now survivors HAVE to waste time in order to get a decent match for everyone. If survivors play as efficient as possible, then the match ends in less than 5 minutes and survivors escape with 11k bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I´ll try to stop camping for kills. Especially since i´m obviously the survivor on those screenshots.

    Apparently your mmr is low enough to have killers get more hooks per gen. If you want any tipps on how to escape and raise your mmr, just message me in a new thread about getting better.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    The issue is, that they can´t "fix" this without making survivors lives extremely easier/killers lives extremely harder.

    Old BT also protected the unhooking survivor, which made hook bombing something completely risk free. Punishing every killer along the way. Not just the campers.

  • Member Posts: 454

    I'm conflicted about this thread, as much as I love data and actual numbers behind the opinions we see every day here, I don't know if this is helping the cause at all. Whether it is for a good or a bad cause you are intentionally ruining the experience to at least 10 survivors per day.

    Feelings aside, the other thing that's a little worrying is that if the numbers keep showing that face camping is actually efficient, we get more people salty about it every day, we pile up complaints, yeah I don't know how this helps bubba. I'd rather focus on a rework on his mechanics so that IF his face camping ever gets nerfed, he still stands a chance in the low & mid MMRs.

  • Member Posts: 70

    I'm a casual I main killer got 355 hours 100+ on xbox and ps5 if a team pops 3 gens before my first hook i camp for that sweet 1 kill and take that L. If a team pops 2 gens and rescue, there teammate within 10sec of me hooking him i tunnel and camp for that sweet 1 kill cuz that game is an L as well. Big maps are face camp on sight small maps are go but wile wack survivors on sight if the put boon totems up is face camp time. DO I WANT TO CAMP NO I DONT IS CAMPING FUN NO BUT IT BETTER THEN NO KILLS

  • Member Posts: 1,723

    Nemesis Camp Test

    KILL RATE: 100% | AvG KIlls: 3.6 | HATCH ESCAPES: 4 | AVG Gens: 2.4 | Total D/c's: 2 | AvG Trial Time: 9 minutes 6 Seconds

    Just wrapped up playing 10 games as Nemesis, who I've been saying for some time is one of the best campers in the game. His zombies are able to pressure gens while you proxy hook, and if Ruin is active (as it was through-out most of 6 games in this test) they will even help regress gen progress for you.

    I finished this experiment with a 100% kill rate--up 21.5% from my camp test with Bubba.

    According to lead game designer, Patrick, hatch escapes count as a null; therefore, kill rate is treated as if the hatch escapee never even existed in the trial. @Munqaxus I would advise adjusting your numbers to recognize that hatch escapes are a null, rather than an escape--because the game does not recognize it as an escape. So while this should negatively effect your average kills per trial, your kill rate is completely unchanged.

    I would dare to say d/c's should be negated from average kills for this same reason, but the numbers might become very misleading if we go down that path--especially if the d/c happens on the hook.

    Who was most effective at applying pressure?

    Survivors who worked on generators, then coordinated an unhook right before second stage were most effective at challenging me. Unhooking the survivor before they reached stage two bought survivors valuable seconds, and allowed them to extend the game beyond the 10 minute mark.

    While Bubba handled unsafe unhooks like a champ, M1 killers are at the mercy of hook trading and hook grab standoffs.

    I haven't been keeping track of how many times I hook survivors in these experiments, but I can say with certainty that the number of hooks per trial went up with Nemesis. I wasn't able to prevent unsafe unhooks, so ultimately I needed to hook survivors multiple times--an issue I did not have with Bubba.

    Which perk offered the least value?

    No Way Out went from incredibly valuable on Bubba to virtually useless.

    No Way Out is still an effective perk, but seeing as survivors never finished 5 gens in my 10 trials I had zero need for the perk in the first place.

    Ruin's value surprised me, and it was sorely missed when survivors broke Ruin before my first hook. For that reason, I would consider replacing No Way Out with Undying (or possibly even Haunted Ground).

    If not Undying, I would consider bringing Save the Best for Last to help against hook trading.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I agree this is in no way a scientific study, I'm not going to cure cancer with this data, lol. However, I think this data is important because currently, the commonly held belief is that facecamping does not reward the killer and we can see from this data that it actually greatly rewards the killer. I did choose a killer who is famous for facecamping but if you look at @KayTwoAyy data a couple of posts above this one, you will see he was able to produce the same results with a Killer not-known for camping, with a 100% kill rate in the 10 games he played.

    However, there is a reason I'm sticking with the same killer. It's because to get more accurate data, I have to get a lot of data points using the same setup. And for that, I have to play the same killer. I don't want to screw up my MMR on the killers I like to play, so I picked a Killer I'm not really fond of playing and haven't played in a long time.

    I guess I should mention that I always play with 2 brown add ons, Vegetable Oil and Spark Plug. I also only use bloodpoint offerings.

    I think the take-away here is that there is absolutely no data on facecamping up until now. Now players can see actual data on facecamping. I would be more than happy if other players tried the same thing with other killers, like @KayTwoAyy is doing, because there's just no way I can do 50ish games with each killer, facecamping the entire time. It's just too much for anyone to do.

    I think @KayTwoAyy data with Nemesis is actually more telling than mine with Leatherface, since he's able to pull out a 100% win rate, facecamping with basically a M1 Killer and no way to stop unsafe saves.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Proof that survivors care more about fun in this game than killers do in all honesty, some survivors are willing to throw an entire game so one person doesn't spend theirs on a hook.

  • Member Posts: 7,525
    edited December 2021

    Not a lot of bloodpoints - It's the killers choice

    Camping is boring - again, it's the killers choice

    These 'counter points' are absolutely hilarious.

    and as for your paragraph...

    Yes, sure, survivors "rush gens" but they HAVE to actively move to another gen to win, survivors can't stay on the same gen the entire game and earn anything from it, a killer can camp a survivors until they're dead and then they've won against that survivor, the dead survivors does not matter anymore to the rest of the game, and the other 3 escaping isn't suddenly a win for that dead survivor because they got camped.

    Post edited by Seanzu on
  • Member Posts: 1,838

    You are ignoring that facecamping itself does not reward the Killer, the skill of the Survivors does.

    Seriously. I don't get this BS narrative that facecamping somehow magically gives the Killer more kills, as if it forces Survivors onto hooks. The numbers don't lie:

    Facecamping for 2 hook states takes 120 seconds. Add onto that around 50 seconds for a chase (Not counting insta-down Killers), probably more, but this gives us a round number. That's 3 minutes.

    In 3 minutes; 3 Survivors soloing gens can pop all 3, with 100 seconds left over. IE: 1 minute, 40 Seconds left over. That means the Survivor on the hook is not even dead yet.

    That's also enough time to find and complete THREE MORE GENS solo, each. But since you only need 2 more; you will have Survivors group up on one, lowering it from 80 seconds to 47 seconds. Meaning that, unless it took you 60 seconds to FIND the gen, you are completing it before the Survivor dies.

    That's, at minimum, without skillchecks or toolkits, 4 gens done in 1 chase.

    But sure 'Facecamping rewards (magically) the Killer'.

    And you're going to stick with a Killer that ignores the chases and is great at facecamping in order to prove that facecamping is OP?

    That just shows your method is flawed and your data is useless. 'I'm going to prove <thing we don't like> is broken by using one of two Killers made to do <thing we don't like> and ignore literally the other 90% of the roster that can't do it as well!'

    Great science there.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2021

    Face camping doesnt only mean "blocking the hook" which isnt doable anymore, it means camping the hook within a very small distance, lets not devolve into "technicality" arguments like "your exact words could mean something a tiny bit different of what my words mean so your whole argument is invalid from your first post", this forums is a mess but I think it deserves better.

    What kind of argument against punishing camping is "Survivors have to waste time looking for a match"? Do Survivors queue times affect gen times? Are gen times slashed by 40 seconds if they had to wait 5 minutes to get into a match? Do the guy who gets camped enjoy being camped after a long queue? one thing is the time you "waste" looking for a match from starting your computer, running the game, clicking search and waiting and another is the time you have inside a match to do what you have to do towards your objective, they dont relate on the slightest, dont derail.

    Please, give arguments that counter my exposition about "camping is way too effective against Solos and so the punishment is not as hard as it should" instead of trying to derail the discussion, recurring to cheap semantic arguments or "whataboutthism" because right now you have given none.

    Post edited by HectorBrando on
  • Member Posts: 709
    edited December 2021

    You are sticking to 1 killer, that is super known for facecamping and claim that is to create more accurate data. Yet you claim to want to see if it rewards killers in general, but all you are testing is whether it rewards Bubba? Then take out of consideration that your MMR is lower on that killer compared to others, meaning that your notion of being outclassed seems a little disingenuous or assumes that your general killer skill would not benefit you, while also lowering the overall rating of the opponents - yet accounting for this I will give you is not really in your control and without any numbers being displayed is hard to say; Yet you have brought it up multiple times that your opponents are better than you, without any true objective manner to determine this.

    10 games on 1 different killer is once again meaningless in the grand scheme of data getting a streak has little meaning, which by the person conducting the test once again picked them specifically for their characteristics to support this strategy. Additionally they are indicating that they aren't truly face camping, but proxy camping meaning they actually create a far bigger area that they control making it far easier to go for hook trades. If you look at their results, they indicate multiple games with DC's which skewers the data greatly in the killers favor, same applies to not counting hatch escapes as a negative on their kill rate (regardless of how MMR sees it, you didn't kill them). One game they even note a proxy camp within a 3 gen area, which rewards far more than just camping - as you are pressuring 3 gens alongside with it. Therefore this data is not actually clean when it comes to analyzing the reward of face camping - as now you are pressuring gens, there is less time on hook spent by survivors as they rage quit etc. The average time it took to end the game was over 9 mins according to their data, they were able to hook trade and yet all die: does that showcase the killer being rewarded for camping or the average survivors playing badly or their area control applying pressure to gens on top of pressuring the hook being rewarded?

    This is what I actually mean with confirmation bias setup, instead of using for instance the same build on multiple killers or picking a killer that literally has nothing meaningful that contributes to using the tactic of face camping. Not distinguishing between face camping and proxying in combination with a 3 gen and using all that data to create some type of argument: All Killers are rewarded by face camping instead of punished is simply untrue.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Almost all Killers can camp in extremely efficient ways, first of all Save the Best for Last is one of the best M1 camping perks, you can down people even before they unhook and then you have the not so obvious great campers.

    • Myers with 99% EW3.
    • Huntress.
    • Trickster, this one is a beast, his knive rapid fire guarantees you will down the saviour and probably the saved and he is so weak people underestimate how strong he is at camping so theyll try to unhook for sure.
    • Deathslinger.
    • Ghostface.
    • Pyramid Head can down both saviour and saved with punishment.
    • Doctor can zap you and stop an unhook.
    • Basement Trapper or any Trapper where you can trap the hook entrances, it funnels the saviour towards you or gives you a free down if they step on a trap.
    • Hag.
    • Twins (altough you wont be hooked but slugged).
    • And certain Killers with certain addons like Clown+Pinky

    Plus some other options I forgot or didnt think of.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    When survivors gen rush, they´ll leave with very little bloodpoints in comparison to a "normal" match. - survivor choice

    camping the killer - survivor choice

    I agree, your "counter points" are... hilarious.

    Btw, what happend to your nickname? Someone added a A, may i ask what the reason was?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    If a killer doesn't catch a survivor, due to lack of skill or the map being very poorly generated, what would you like the other survivors to do? They have no one to save and thus the only points they can actually get is from escaping, which 5K of that (usually a whole quarter) is from escaping

    Camping the killer? What is this, a new mechanic you've designed to argue against something that doesn't exist? Or do you mean when each survivor has to find out the killer is camping because yet again, people have to continue reiterating that not everyone SWF is a 4 man stack of comms players.

    ALSO, what am I trying to counter? You just can't flat out admit you're wrong, ever. Survivors do gens because they have to ( it's literally how they escape ) killers camp because sometimes they have to (end game) and the majority of them camp at 3 - 5 gens because they want to.

    Because my name is Sean, Senzu is from a TV show I've never watched (me and my friends used to have similar names on Xbox, they liked DBZ so we all changed over to Senzu 'animal') after years of being asked about DBZ and what I liked about it, I decided to change it with something simple that removes me from being asked about DBZ but also incorporates my real name.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Was face camping unfair and unhealthy? Absolutely! Thats why the devs made unhooking from every angle possible. Strangely enough, they kept the tight hook angle for the killer, which still can be body blocked by the survivors.

    Now fearing a punishmend for playing a game in a intended way doesn´t really sound healthy to me.

    Hell, i´ve even seen a thread where someone proposed "punishing killers with the removal of their entire bloodpoint gains for the next 2 matches, IF the killer was still in the hooks proximity after 10 seconds". Why would anyone even consider playing killer, if something like this was in place? We all know why the hook timer doesn´t pause when the killer is nearby. Because survivors simply looped the killer around the hook, to abuse the mechanic. If there was any way of punishment in place, i guarantee you that survivors would go out of their way to force that punishment on the killer they dislike playing against.

    You brought up survivor queues. What do you think is the cause behind the growing survivor queues?

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    I'm not going to read all that but honestly I don't want killer punished for camping, and i haven't expressed that view at all, I just think that saying "Well it's boring for killers as well / killers don't get bp either" when it's their choice to play this way in most cases is just silly.

    Additionally, I don't think upgrading BBQ will do anything, most survivors don't care about being camped at one gen, it's the 3 / 4 / 5 gen campers people dislike, and if a killer has made THEIR choice to camp at this amount of gens then they obviously don't care about the amount of bloodpoints they earn as they've effectively chosen to give up on BBQ stack all-together playing this way.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Having a punishment for playing the game in a way doesnt sound unhealthy to me, after all a lot of strats have punishments by either side, rush gens on the outskirts? get 3gened, predrop pallets in an excessive way? create deadzones, attempt a mass slug? people get picked up by the others, split damage? people get mass healed, put all your apples on the Hex basket? everything gets cleansed in the first minute etc etc etc, obviusly nobody is advocating for bans most people are asking for ways to know when a facecamp is happening so they can push gens without requiring Kindred.

    Camping against Solos should have a stronger punishment by the Solos instead of what we have now, where camping is super effective against them.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Camping will never be changed because nothing better for a game than player rage, passionate involvement and endless discussions.

    Keeps you hooked.

    Like this study that hate comments and topics in (anti)social media generate the most clicks.

  • Member Posts: 70

    I know how fix face camping just increase gens from 5 to 7. when killer hooks his first survivor and 3 gens pops he will be cool still have 3 gens better go find the other survivors. But there is the whole what about the low level survivors ill repeat what toxic survivors say they can just get good at the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Absurd, once Killer hooks his first Survivor he will facecamp even harder because now he knows Survivors wont be able to fix the gens before the hooked one dies.

    Same thing "increase gen timers" doesnt solve facecamping but encourages it even more.

  • Member Posts: 70

    If your a steamer your getting hard camped by me as a killer because i know your friends will come save you and get off gens as for what you said above killers have been abused for some time and need time to cool off it would take half a year to cool off

  • Member Posts: 1,333

    qe can do the same for solos. If you play solo you gain 500% more bps. And if you play swf you only get 100%, as usual. This would incentívate play solo

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Thats not what some people mean with punishment. The proposals for punishment seem to go as far as limiting players from playing and/or preventing them from earning any bloodpoints.

    But instead we should reward killers that don´t camp with more bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Something like that could work, if it went both ways. Killers that earn a bonus for facing SWF. Even though the 500% bonus seems a bit to much.

    But thats a whole different thread.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Let's just get this out of the way since folks are going to argue this hard.

    This isn't even the first time they've said they have no plans. It's just one of the most recent.

    Circa 2017, them expressing what is not even reportable, camping.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2021

    And those proposals should be hastily ignored (and will be once they decide to act against facecamping).

    In any case limiting BPs wont make a dent on the issue, people who camp do it for 3 motives:

    • Trolling: being camped on hook is infuriating and a lot of people get a kick out of pissing off others, trolling is its own reward, they dont care about BPs.
    • Venting anger: people who got angry because someone looped them too much, clicked their flashlights too much or tbaged, they dont care about BPs, they just want revenge.
    • Securing a kill: otherwise they feel like they lost they care more about kills than BPs you could reduce the gains to 0 and still the importance of kills will override the 0 BPs, this is the only group who could care about BPs but then again, killing>bps.

    The only real way to punish camping and making it less of an issue is if Survivors have an easier way of knowing when its happening and they react accordingly by rushing the gens left so if someone camps, they get only 1 kill, plus the camped person has the solace the other 3 got out and is less likely to tilt, reducing the odds of the troll getting a reaction from the camped person.

  • Member Posts: 2,986
    edited December 2021

    Are they actually punished? Nope. That's why we see so much camping. I hope a fix comes soon.

  • Member Posts: 3,745

    Survs - just let you catch easier - die more often - don´t escape so much - don´t throw so much pallets - don´t blind.

    If killers get mor confident overall they will face camp less.

  • Member Posts: 149

    If devs eliminate camping, which is almost required to some degree for success at the highest levels, then I hope there will be a compensatory

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    I have seen this posted before and dismissed it at first, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. The idea is already in use and there isn't issues with it, so I would say push it out.

    Maybe just have the survivor teleported to random hook on the opposite side of the map when they are hooked. It's already been used with Pyramidhead cages without issues, why not just add it to hooks also. The developers already have the code in the game, just make a random hook appear, then disappear after an unhook just like a Pyramidhead cage.

    Killers aren't punished and survivors can't be effectively facecamped.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    No, Killers are punished if you do that. Generally, "far away from the Killer after they downed someone" is right next to a Survivor. It's hilarious to watch PH cages pop like 5s after you've even finished the animation. So, you can't maintain any pressure because a Survivor is temporarily removed from action, you can't apply pressure by chasing another Survivor and forcing one of the others to go for a save (because they don't even need to get off gens for 20s to do it), there's no chance to intercept someone moving in for a save and start another chase (or again force a third Survivor to do something about it) because now the Survivors are all closer to the hook than you are etc.

    That would completely destroy the game balance.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Well, you probably would've gotten less if the survivors weren't stupid to come back for the person (I can only assume this is how you got more than 1 kill)

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    As I said in your suggestion thread:

    Except for a few things:

    1. What if it's EGC? The Killer has nothing to do but camp, at that point. His objective is to kill, and his hook teleporting away basically means the Survivor will be freed. Basically; this idea screws Killers in the end game by handing free unhooks to Survivors.
    2. What if it teleports in front of an open door? Or a 99% door? Once again; the Survivors are given a gift-wrapped unhook when the Killer literally has 0 goals other than 'secure kills'. Once again; the Killer is screwed by free unhooks being given to Survivors.

    And as @RainehDaze said; if you teleport it away from the Killer's position, you will most likely teleport it next to a Survivor. They now got a free unhook within 5 seconds of the Killer hooking. It basically gives Survivors free unhooks without even causing them to lose time on gens.

    Not as flawless an idea as you've claimed.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    And also, what even becomes the point of the basement in such a scenario?

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Also, also: What about Killers like Trapper and Hag, who's powers can be used as a warning against Survivors brainlessly sprinting in? No more guarding the hook, because it teleported away!

    But I'm sure BHVR thought of all this, given how long PH's cages have been in the game. Heck, PH's cages may have been a trial run for the idea as a whole. ANd they never set it for normal hooks.

  • Member Posts: 960

    Camping is not going away and if somehow it does there better be a compromise since survivors will abuse it

  • Member Posts: 179

    Yes and no. It's on the survivors to punish them for it. If the survivor does they are but a lot of the time survivors will just play along then get mad when taking the worst course of action ends poorly.

  • Member Posts: 2,752

    It can be disabled after 5 gens are completed, Killers do need the ability to camp at that point.

    I think the Developers already have code in Pyramid Head's cages to adjust for distance from other survivors as well as from the Killer, because when I've seen the cages used, I always see them far away from survivors as well as Killers. It's rare that the cages appear right next to survivors that I've noticed. But is that any different than when another survivor is close by and is able to unhook someone after the Killer walks away? It's not game breaking, obviously, since Killers still use Pyramid Head and still use his cages.

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