New way to o have fun as killer!



  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    I crap worthier than you!i don’t care what you think.I didn’t start off serious but people like you have made me serious.So take your “worthy “ head and shove it back where it normally stays up your ass.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    How’s that year if college psych working out for ya?

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354
    edited January 2022

    I am neighter. I play killer and survivor. I know the struggles of both roles.

    I like discussing topics and I like to hear how others rate and interpret the same issue. But from what I understand from your posts is that you don't look for the same. You want to spread your anger and hatred at anyone that disagrees and you're trying to invalidate arguments.

    Therefore there is no base to keep this going. If one "side" has no arguments, a discussion isn't possible or needed.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Well go on with your smug ,righteous awesome self!We should all be honored to be in the presence of your greatness.That you bothered to even speAk to someone as lowly as I proves your a deity among men.I will never forget this moment.Thank you your kindness your excellency!!I am curryworking on a shrine in your honor,after I wipe it will be complete!

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    You do realize that the same is true for you (us needing your post, caring what you think, knowing anything apart from your statements and reactions about you). Just like you (and anyone else for that matter) I do have the right to state my opinion. I don't think crap is worthier than me and that isn't really a constructive critique just a try to hurt me through an insult. You are the one that is responsible for your thoughts, for what you say and your actions- just like everyone else is for theirs. You can't shift the blame for what you say or how you behave on anyone else. You know all feelings and emotions are good and worthy, even anger just shows that we are in a situation that isn't good for us and that "anger" is suppose to give us a hint and the drive to act on on changing our situation constructively. Maybe you should give that a thought as it seems that even with your current solution (the way you play killer now) doesn't seem to change how angry you feel. I don't think that you knowing if or if not I have a psychological degree would change anything for you.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Ok Sigmund,are you going to ask me about my mom next?Just to let you know,I don’t need psycho analysis.I have full on anger issues.I embrace it.I also have a couple of other issues,notgivafukus and I tend to cause soreness in other peoples gluteus maximum.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    And I’m pretty positive you don’t have any psych degree.I talk to my psychologist and psychiatrist all the time lol.I get some pretty good meds.

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    Survivors,word of advice,never tbag a deathslinger with starstruck at the exit gate lol.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    They showed it during their Q&A two or three months ago.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294

    That is just what most players I have talked and myself think.

    How do I see it?

    Low MMR -> killer-sided (there is high chance for multiple weak links)

    Average MMR -> I would say balanced for most killers

    High MMR -> survivor-sided, unless you play some of the top tier killers

    Tournament level -> you are just screwed unless you have Nurse, or Blight.

    Yeah, I have seen Otz video. He has more hours than most of those teams combined. He was trying to win with camping / tunneling against survivors that just weren't ready for that. He basically played like a tournament level against random players, what do you think is going to happen?

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    2 more kills because dumb butts want to tbag at exit gate lol

  • Tdbrown50
    Tdbrown50 Member Posts: 87

    And I’m not saying anyone on here has done anything like that.And I can admit I got carried away with some name calling earlier.I wasn’t being serious but I’m a smart ass by nature so.Doesn’t make it right so I apologize.The toxic state of this game is sad.It could be such a fun game but like everything else in this world PEOPLE ruin it.Nobody can be nice to each other in this game or anywhere else.I am truly sorry for some of the things I said.I don’t want to be part of the problem.With that said,I still like playing the hide and seek lol.It’s my passive aggressive way at fighting survivor toxicity lol.And to the survivors that are trying to play with class,good for you.With all sincerity,everybody have a good night.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    So it is basically just your opinion (we tend to surround ourselves with people that share the same opinion. Unless you provide representive data you should mark you opinion as your opinion.

    He was giving them a 30 sec advantage. I doubt anyone in a tournament would do that. I have to met a survivor yet that hasn't come across tunneling or camping so I highly doubt anyone playing survivor isn't ready for that. I'd say it is unlikely to go 5 games without someone getting tunneled or camped in at least 1 of those games. What is "he basically played like a tournament level" supposed to mean? What kind of playsyle or other factors are you implying with that?

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    So it is basically just your opinion (we tend to surround ourselves with people that share the same opinion).

    Not really, it's something what I see on forum, so I really wouldn't count that as surrounding myself... and I can back up what I say only for that high level, mainly by tournament games, where survivors are highly limited and destroy most killers anyway. Only killers that are doing well overall are Blight and Nurse.

    Unless BHVR show us kill rates + pick rates based on MMR, everything is just an opinion. Otz got several 4ks? That's nice, but we don't know what MMR he played against. I don't doubt his MMR, I doubt SBMM. Not sure how it matters when you also have survivor streamers escaping a lot, we had soloQ players on forum escaping over 60%, soloQ... Everything here is just a personal experience that doesn't mean much. For me only thing valid are tournaments, because there are people of equal skill (that's expected at least) and data from BHVR.

    you should mark you opinion as your opinion.

    The hell you think means: "How do I see it?"

    He was giving them a 30 sec advantage. I doubt anyone in a tournament would do that.

    Maybe because those players would never be in tournaments. There were few good players, but most of them were not.

    I have to met a survivor yet that hasn't come across tunneling or camping so I highly doubt anyone playing survivor isn't ready for that.

    Interesting, then why is it so effective in most games? Maybe it's because it's hard to deal with when you have soloQ players in your team? Even most SWF has weak links you can take advantage off. It's just super rare to play against real dead squad that would manage Otz, there are stream snipers that do it. Why do you think Otz is hiding his lobby?

    I'd say it is unlikely to go 5 games without someone getting tunneled or camped in at least 1 of those games.

    So your personal experience and opinion is valid, huh? Interesting...

    What is "he basically played like a tournament level" supposed to mean? 

    Highly skiller player (Otz) using anything he can to win and most groups are just ready for anything like that. You are not comparing equal skill nor approach here.

    If you take Oracle team and send them against random killers, how do you think that is going to end? Would it prove that game is survivor-sided? Hell no, it's just nowhere near equal game at that point. We have seen Oracle destroy Dowsey and True with 1-2 hooks per whole game. That's what would happen.

    Lucky for random killers, tournament players don't do this and they play KYF instead to actually practice.