BHVR: Please Consider Killswitching Boil Over For The Duration Of This Event!

StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
edited January 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm astonished this went live as is - it should be called 'Grief On Ye Crazy Griefer Man'.

In my 5 games today, 2 of them have been people using either an Eyrie offering or a RPD offering and some sort of anti-slugging perks to essentially take the game hostage by refusing to finish the final gen and just sitting in the library/main structure.

With Boil Over as is, you are forced to fall to hook them (granting a huge amount of wiggle progress), which combined with the ridiculous new 'shoving', makes it literally impossible to hook them. And they can do this again and again and again. The only way to counter this is to basically wall them in and force them to bleed out.

The first game took almost 30 minutes until they eventually got bored and left (I ended up just going AFK). The game I just played I was finally able to bleed the two people doing this out, but it was a miserable experience.

The perk still isn't good by any means, and is only going to be used to ruin the experience of other players. The wriggle progress on falling thing needs to go, I'm afraid.
