BHVR: Please Consider Killswitching Boil Over For The Duration Of This Event!

I'm astonished this went live as is - it should be called 'Grief On Ye Crazy Griefer Man'.
In my 5 games today, 2 of them have been people using either an Eyrie offering or a RPD offering and some sort of anti-slugging perks to essentially take the game hostage by refusing to finish the final gen and just sitting in the library/main structure.
With Boil Over as is, you are forced to fall to hook them (granting a huge amount of wiggle progress), which combined with the ridiculous new 'shoving', makes it literally impossible to hook them. And they can do this again and again and again. The only way to counter this is to basically wall them in and force them to bleed out.
The first game took almost 30 minutes until they eventually got bored and left (I ended up just going AFK). The game I just played I was finally able to bleed the two people doing this out, but it was a miserable experience.
The perk still isn't good by any means, and is only going to be used to ruin the experience of other players. The wriggle progress on falling thing needs to go, I'm afraid.
I’m intentionally playing only survivor for a couple days so I don’t have to deal with it.
Not to say that it won’t still be a problem in a few days, but I kinda expected it to happen a lot right away.
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What's especially grinding about this is that I really wanted to attempt a fun new challenge during the event, and I've already had to discard two matches because of the butt turkeys doing this.
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Yeah I read your post and was planning to do it too, just gonna delay it a bit.
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Yep, that perk ######### up the game balance witch only made the game insane toxic. Most of the killer take a brake or quit so now the few ones are lobby dodgin resulting in 30 or 40m seaeching for games.
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I'm now literally dodging any lobby where I smell a SWF because one or two more games like that and I'm done for the day.
It's bloody annoying and not in the spirit of my challenge, but it's that or just get griefed for the rest of my afternoon.
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I mean it sucks too because the perk needed a buff, but the way they chose to do it only really helps for abusing it and it’s still not much better if you’re just trying to play the game normally.
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This is only day one so let's see how often boil over for the next few weeks, it may die down like lucky break did.
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X2 and closing app if i see the RPD offering. Survivors are abusing the tham top with outhook and i ended camping in than map. Like lol what else i can do? Nothing.
I never camp but oh boy that perk make me a toxic killer.
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I mean die or not it's obviously game breaking, survivors forcing the killer to slug em is extremely strange and shouldn't happen.
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I guess so.. maybe boil over will get toned down.
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You can:
1) Play pyramid
2) Play with agitation or iron grasp or both, if BO is so frequent therefore is meta, then we should consider also the counters are meta
3) Focus on the other survivors then finishe the BO abuser slowly. You are not having fun and neither they. People will get bored and quickly stop using it.
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Ironic how a perk that many people said even Otz said was a dogshit perk and awful. Now it’s Mettle of man levels of strong. How the tables have turned
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The issue is that it still sucks. It's just annoying and pretty useless unless your goal is just to bully and frustrate the killer.
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It’s like if Legion became a perk
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Eh, nothing will come close to old MoM or DS power levels.
Boil Over is currently only overpowered on specific maps. And on most of these maps these could get fixed by adding a hook near a location of said drop.
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Personal, I am not a fan of it; but I also fan of Survivors abusing it and then complains about being slugged and bled to death; because I refuse to properly pick them hook up. Like as if I am going to bring Agitation all the time, or let them have a go at escaping so easily. They don't want me to have fun, we'll so will I.
This is the Devs fault for not compensate Killer's with anything, especially in Map Design; and they are not making it fun for both sides.
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It took BHVR years to fix spots on other maps where you simply couldn't pick people up.
I'm not holding my breath.
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Same but im also running the Boil Over build while I take the break; I am part of the problem.
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This mess of a perk in this current state should be an exhaustion perk with a cooldown of like 100-120 seconds. It would definitely root out the majority of toxic buttwipes abusing this perk. They should have thought about this after the PTB feedbacks, but noooooo... It just baffles my mind how disconnected the BHVR people are from this game... They make a decent freaking update last time, that receives positive feedback, and now they slap you in the face with this mid-chapter disgrace.
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The really annoying thing is that there is a lot about the mid chapter that I like.
The new audio is stellar.
Dead Man's Switch is almost viable on the right killer/build.
Amanda's Letter isn't complete garbage anymore. Boil Over is, on it's own, making me like this game less every time I see it. At best, it's annoying as hell. At worst, it allows a team to completely take a match hostage.
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True, can't deny they introduced a few good things too which I too like, so yeah a bit of an overkill from myself as well. But the Twins nerf? The Nemesis nerf? I think those were uncalled for. They nerf far too many killer things below the ground because they consider them encouragement for toxic plays, and think they are imbalanced yet introduce things like the current BO, which encourages toxic plays from survivors from the getgo and as a reaction from killers as well (bleed them out, facecamp etc).
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The issue with boil over is the same issue pre-nerf balanced landing had:
You have to design the game around the perk or else it breaks the game.
Maps literally aren't designed around falls giving wiggle progress(Let alone some double falls).
To give you an idea of how bad this is; in order for the current Boil Over to be fair they'd have to rework nearly every single map in the entire game around this perk not just the current offenders as new ones are being found hourly.
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Just camp anyone who uses the perk until they bleed out. They will have a very boring game, and maybe behavior will realize they have no idea what they are doing and revert it.