I'm a human and I'm trying to have fun too

Honestly, getting bullied with two boil overs making it virtually impossible to do anything as a killer that I'm just trying to have fun with makes me never want to play this game again. These guys were playing in such mean spirits and I just couldn't do it. Just remember guys that the killer is a person too.
Funny that you complained a few hours ago about all Survivors running the same Perks. And now they are running Boil Over and it is not correct either.
You cannot win with Killer players.
26 -
And you can't with survivors either I guess DBD is the game equivalent of "we can't have nice things"
37 -
If you want my advice, abandon the concept of playing nice, and just play to win. It's up to the devs to make the game fun in regards to balance, not the players.
4 -
Those losers actually typed out their laughter, who does that? Lulz.
4 -
Just play Bubba and camp the first survivor, NOED the second and camp them. Use CI. Congratulations you're now what the devs consider skilled.
8 -
Ah yes, because "the meta is stale and arguably too powerful" means "we should have busted perks that can make it literally impossible to do anything other than stalemate people to death if the players using them don't play normally and keep cheesing them."
These two issues are apples and oranges. One is that normal gameplay is dominated by a small set of very powerful multi-use perks, the other is that troll gameplay is currently way too easy and effective.
35 -
Two words: Thompson House
As for the original post, yeah new Boil Over sucks to go against.
8 -
It would be on Thompson House. The others, I can't imagine it's an issue.
3 -
You cant have both.
You cannot really complain about Survivors running the same Perks and complain that Survivors are running different Perks at the same time. This just boils down to "Survivors are not allowed to have anything else than useless Meme-Perks".
7 -
I"m not saying that boil over is not overtuned, but I am saying no one is complaining about the miserable experience with iron grasp, agitation guaranteed to get you camped in the basement from almost anywhere on most maps. But ...just do gens.
1 -
I absolutely can. That's no more hypocritical than saying something like "Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer on Blight/Nurse is too oppressive" and then saying "Basement Bubba is bad for the game and should be nerfed" even though Bubba isn't running Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, Nurse, or Blight.
No matter what people like to complain about with the big... 6? 7? survivor perks, and whether or not I agree with those complaints, they all lead to normal and interactive gameplay. Boil Over doesn't perpetuate dynamic gameplay, it perpetuates spamming map offerings and running to the same corners of the map as soon as you see the killer, and the killer getting all the fun game interactivity of banging their head against a brick wall.
There are so many good perks that aren't quite meta but are well worth running and fit just fine into DBD's gameplay. At no point have I ever made the hyperbolic claims you're ascribing to me. The closest I'll say is that a perk like Boil Over whose effect is to make it harder for the killer to hook you and opens up the possibility of wiggling off without sustained teammate intervention has to be either weak or limited in use, because being able to undo a chase is an extremely powerful thing and an unlimited activation condition being reliable at that is fairly disastrous. DS is a balanced example of how to do this, although I think it could be given a few buffs at this point (no skill check, maybe one use per hook.) Boil Over is not balanced. It's either trash or "the killer can't do anything other than bleed me out because I brought a perk," dependent on how scummy you're willing to play.
18 -
I promise you survivors do not care about you or your fun.
And vice versa. Killers do not care about survivor's fun.
That is just dbd in a nutshell.
4 -
You can read "You" as "Someone". Not you specifically.
And well, my empathy might be quite low for Killer players currently, because of the constant complaints and hypocrisy. (And use of unfun playstyles.)
You can just say - Boil Over is a strategy. How about that?
Boil Over might be the first Perk which actually hinders the Killer in a way that they cannot make BPs. Obviously, still more than a Survivor getting facecamped, but usually only Killer players are able to ruin the others experience by not letting them play. The worst thing Survivors were able to do is being annoying. But they cannot really hinder the Killer player to get points or to win.
But now with Boil Over there is a big outcry (which will go down soon, since not many players will run Boil Over anymore after it loses the "new"-feeling) - because suddenly a killer player might not be able to get Hooks. So maybe Killer Mains will stop parroting "It is a strategy" to highly unfun playstyles. Because it is equally a strategy to play Boil Over and spam Map Offerings which benefit the Perk.
8 -
IDK where "suddenly" is coming from. Bullies always try to block killer players from getting hooks -- now they have another tool to do it. The way that this particular perk can be abused is pretty concerning, IMO.
14 -
Just DC in loading if you see a map offering for an abusable map. There's no DC penalty for loading screen disconnects. There's no reason you should be forced to play a telegraphed bully game, especially when the devs knew this would happen.
6 -
Okay.. reading your comment makes me think you have played like 50 killer games tops. Most likely on lower or mid MMR.
The survivors are able to make any game for any killer miserable because the game is designed that way. Boil over is just an additional tool the survivors are getting to achieve this.
Facecamping? The funny thing about face camping is that it's incredibly boring and annoying to go up against, I agree, but in the end, you rush gens and the game ends pretty quickly. The worst thing that can happen is killer lets survivors bleed out, which is 4 minutes. Also annoying, but in my experience, if the survivors want to, they can do ANYTHING they want with most killers, and the better the survivors the more options they have. Check this example, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TJSvaDTrWA But I'm sure you can find a lot more. Let's be honest, killers can be terrible people, too. But when I play survivor, somehow I never really feel too affected. Again, worst case scenario I bleed out. Best, I give up on the hook. I'm a survivor, I have that options.
Let's be honest, Boil Over is somewhat of a tragedy. I believe PixelBush included it in a video as an example of a perk, that is well-designed, not fun, incredibly weak, and should stay that way because no one would like it buffed. This was, I believe around a month before they announced the buff. I admit that boil over is probably not the strongest of perks. But it's another tool for people who want to bully to use. The counterplay? Letting people bleed out on the ground. Is this something that we really needed? I think they could've buffed an aspect of the perk for a start. They buffed 2 and added another one. Why?
Circle of healing is somewhat similar, just much stronger. It motivates tunneling and camping. At least here you can argue that killers that wanted to win tunneled before CoH either way, but with Boil Over you are pretty much doomed because you cant hook the person. period. Some people argue that the problem is not the perk, but the map design (which sounds very reasonable), but I have a feeling it doesn't change much.
9 -
Second point to those outlined above, the Survivors are also using the usual meta perks for the most part. But also Boil Over. So now it's the usual, plus determined people in the right map can't be hooked.
2 -
I have almost 7k hours in this game and a quite a lot on Killer. Even if I would not play 50/50 (I think it should be around 50/50 currently), I probably have more hours on Killer than many players on total.
And can Survivors make the game miserable for Killers? Sure.
Can Survivors prevent the Killer from actually playing the game or even winning the game? Not really. Flashlight-clicking and teabagging does not prevent anything from that. And if the Survivors are better than the Killer, than the Killer-player got outskilled. Which can happen regardless if the Survivors want to make the experience for the Killer miserable or not.
I wont watch the video btw.
However, I just stick with my point - whenever Killers complain about Boil Over, I just say it is a strategy. Because this is the Killers response if they make the game extremely unfun for Survivors. And, unlike Survivors, Killers can actually prevent Survivors from playing the game. Play Bubba, take Agitation and Iron Grasp and you will have one Survivor dead. Nothing what the other Survivors can do.
Why is it bullying when Survivors use Boil Over and burn a RPD-Offering, but it is a strategy when a Killer brings Agitation + Iron Grasp and facecamps the first Survivor they found?
I am not saying it is great that Survivors are able to do that. But I stick to my point and say that it will not happen that much in a week and onwards, currently it is more, because the Perk just got buffed. After some time, you wont see it much. Probably the same rate as Sabo-Squads - extremely rare, but annoying when you get them once in a blue moon.
But MAYBE it can stop Killers from just parroting "It is a strategy" if they play in the most unfun way because Killers can actually prevent Survivors from playing the game.
10 -
Yup. I feel you.
Somewhere along the line, you've turned rather mean Aven.
Just because I tell you not to poop in my car doesn't mean I want you pooping in my shoes.
14 -
I thought the difference between bullying and a strategy was an obvious one. If you're bullying, then what you're doing has zero goal in being used to win. If it's a strategy, even if it's unpleasant, it IS a method of advancing the game and winning (or at least losing less).
Bringing an RCPD map offering and running to the library constantly so there is no way to get you to a hook in time, then proceeding to not do gens until you're bored, is not a strategy. The aim is not to do gens, it's just to be frustrating for the other side so they can't win and are wasting their time. Combine with Exponential or some other source of reusable Unbreakable, and the goal obviously isn't "do the gens and escape!", it's "get downed in the safe zone and use the perks to deny hooks".
Maybe the other three players aren't out to bully and will just use this as a distraction. Or maybe they're in a SWF or will otherwise get in on it, like that video a few weeks ago where Survivors didn't even try to touch the gen on the other side of the map for four minutes because they were all too busy flashlight stunning and locker hopping.
4 -
To be fair Boil Over can be pretty silly.
Solo queue, no drop-down boost and missing a bunch of great skill checks.
It’s pretty fun though…but as a killer main…######### this nonsense Xd
0 -
Yeah but they were clearly just trying to bully the dude. That’s not fun at all. The equivalent to the camping bubba games
12 -
Ok, so when are we nerfing DH?
0 -
I mean I played against a hillbilly and he couldn't hook anyone but me because I had to save my teammates with "break?"
The yui's perk with the bike
0 -
I played some pig today..shes so damn weak honest. They gave me map offerings with meta perks so i was like well im not feeding them bloodpoints im just going to afk until they are done.
Tired of some killers being so useless in this game. Id love to play pig but honest...shes bad
2 -
Idk how people with 5k hours still have fun exploiting or flashlighting, i really don't get it
2 -
Have you tried not being a human?
Humans are wired to hurt other humans. Try being a dog. Then you are less likely to be hurt
0 -
I get how you feel! It's pretty annoying. But we gotta move on and hope for a better next game. Just remember to be nice yourself also. :)
2 -
Honestly blame bhvr for putting it in the game after testing it then the survivors abusing it
4 -
I am capable of blaming both.
7 -
How dare you?! Being a human and demanding to have fun in this video game!?
having fun in DbD is reserved for us non-humans.
1 -
I played 6 games yesterday as killer, I thought that I will be matched with full Boil Over players but I encountered none, it's weird :/
0 -
i honestly expected more from you than trying to feed off that "us vs them" mentality.
7 -
No, see. This is wrong. Not every last killer OR survivor is like this. I'll quickly agree that yes, it's a lot... And it's sad. But I'm literally never playing to be mean or to try hard anymore. I want everyone to have a good time, and if I can tell you only want to sweat and not have fun - I just do whatever I want in my way. Everyone should.. It's a game after all. 🤷🏻♂️
0 -
Not commenting on the Boil Over perk here, just looking at the endgame chat and those survivors are jerks. I don't see Killers d/c very often, but when I have, I usually feel empathy because I know it was out of frustration. I think most of us have left a game out of annoyance at some point regardless of the side we play. Rubbing salt in the wounds is poor sportsmanship.
2 -
Hypocrisy like constantly complaining about killers running slowdown perks when you rock ruin/undying/tinkerer blight? Unless that was just someone else whose steam name is exactly the same as your forum name, underscore and all
I'd give you some advice on getting rush hits (generally you want to use m&k or at least controller, and not a plugged-in steering wheel or dance mat) but with those perks it's not the most important thing to learn tbh
4 -
I'll remember the killer is human too when I am being bled out on the ground for absolutely no reason.
1 -
I dont mind being criticized for unpopular opinions. I expect it.
But, please dont spread any lies. I used Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer when I prestiged Blight, which was when he was released. If you run into my Blight, you will see Corrupt, BBQ, Lethal Pursuer and Shadowborn.
I complain about stacking Slowdown, but I dont do it myself, unless I dont have anything else on said Killer.
Lying is not cool.
1 -
I would not really say that they tried to bully. Aside from the two Boil Overs, their build looks normal. Those are also not Sabo-Toolboxes. If you really want to bully with Boil Over, you would not burn a Map where you have a 1/5 chance to actually get a decent opportunity to force Drops. Because all other Coldwind-Maps only have drops due to RNG (aside from Basement) and on some of them (Hills) there is even a Hook.
Obviously they were not the nicest people to burn Coldwind Farm and the way they acted in chat is not really neccessary. But I would not call that a Bully Attempt.
1 -
Bad bait. But hey it worked.
1 -
I will say to be fair even with other overused perks like dead hard that get complained about a lot. Boil over is just dumb with its buff. They upstairs of library on rpd? Literally you're just forced to slug and camp their corpse. Because what ya gonna do...hook em? There should rarely be a position where hooking is impossible (unless obviously with sabotages and if you hooked 2 survivors in the same area). This ignores that entirely and all 4 survivors can just say "nope no hooking for you...bleed us or let us go"
2 -
so true, they wanted to shake the meta up but you just can’t please them.
1 -
Do you honestly think the purpose of the boil over buff was so that survivors could “bully” killers?? Come on now.
0 -
i think the same when i play solo survivor and get mindlessly tunneled out even though my mates try to take a hit or something.
And honestly, Boil over is not that crazy as people make it out to be. It's very strong in a swf with Breakout, Saboteur and stuff, but alone it's not that OP (i tried it out myself). At least not against decent killers. If they run to spots where you have to fall down, just slug them. They only have Unbreakable once and it pressures them off the gens. I had a match where 2 guys were running to the upper floors of main building (Asylum) everytime and after i realized what's going on i just left them and tunneled the other 2 guys. Their team fell soon apart.
1 -
No wonder, any time survivors run something different it's only because its more broken than all their regular meta.
7 -
survivor don't like it but with this perk there going to be a lot more bleed outs.
3 -
I'm having flashbacks of old MoM.
0 -
Boil Over is a strategy akin to Basement Bubba as a strategy. They straight-up prevent other players from playing the game, the counterplay is about as enjoyable as watching paint dry, and while they're effective (and that fuels their continued prominence), the driving force behind their use is distressingly often sadism and malice towards the players on the other side.
I consider both equally terrible and think allowing either of them a foothold into the game promotes a breakdown of intended gameplay. Fighting bullshit with bullshit is not the solution.
Ultimately - the people you're railing against here definitely exist, I've seen enough of them around, but I'm the wrong person to direct this at. I've always advocated keeping everyone's fun, or at least avoiding total frustration, in mind and I try not to do things that can come across as meanspirited, even to my own detriment.
The only killer who can do that and then prevent someone from getting you out of the basement is Bubba, and last I checked, he spurs on a tsunami of complaints and heated debate every time he comes up.
Getting camped in the basement against any killer who isn't Bubba or Trapper isn't that big a deal if you have competent teammates with BT. You can win a game with hook trades if you time them right, or get everyone out safely with a coordinated bodyblock save. I don't think Agitation/Iron Grasp in and of themselves are problems, especially when they take half a build on their own.
I'm seeing plenty of survivors who are using Boil Over to win. They use map offerings and run to zones where the killer can't hook them, but otherwise they're on gens, and so are their teammates. This may be because I'm in solo queue, so obviously I'm not getting matched with 4-man SWFs, but everyone I've seen in action has been using it for a competitive advantage. The killers have either been slugging or facecamping (to force hook trades in lieu of chasing people) anyone they do catch in response.
It's a strategy, but it's a blatantly unfair one that prevents the other player from progressing the match as they should be able to.
0 -
Oh I didn't suggest it was recent, although you've gone and confirmed it now anyway, this wasn't some doppelgänger of yours then? A wicked killer main trying to frame you perhaps?
It may be an unpopular opinion but I agree r.e. stacked slowdowns. The difference is I
1) don't run them
2) rarely complain about other people running them
3) and I definitely don't do all of the above and then start accusing other people of being hypocrites while....running the meta while complaining about the meta...while complaining about people complaining about the other side's meta...before then admitting to the thing you've been accused of and calling said person a liar in the same breath- like you see how this comes across as a bit bizarre right?
Run what you want, learn to live with what other people run, the game is honestly more fun once you do
2 -
You mistake is playing killer. It's pretty common.
The devs themselves suggested to play survivor or another game.