About repeatedly/overused escape techniques

As a killer, after some rank, you will inevitably meet some players constantly using the same evasion techniques over and over. The most annoying one by far being probably that constant loop/pallet dropping with/without lamp use.
I guess it is "alright", many will think, but what when it does just happen for like 20 minutes gameplay non stop, ad nauseam, same moves, same ways, almost same timing ? And Gosh, some knows how to do it relentlessly, to a point you feel the headache show, and really consider to rage quit the session.

Now, honestly, how come this can be "fine" to let such players do this, without any penalty for them at any moment ? (they could come up dizzy, or trip, or it would be as simple as to reduce their FOV ? 340° vision ? Are they aye-aye ?)

Please there should be some poll and/or reflection on that, for it has ruined me a few games already, and as far I found out, there is only the Doctor to put an end to this...


  • The_Trapper
    The_Trapper Member Posts: 186

    Hey Solstice,

    First of all, I am a killer main. 95% of my games are as killer, if I want a nice easy experience; I play survivor because it is boring and easy in my opinion.

    Pallet looping is very annoying at first, but it is a mind game. I will try explain it the best I can.

    • There are few pallets in the game which are not safe for the survivor, by this I mean the pallets where you can lunge and hit a survivor after baiting them to vault once or twice.
    • There are some pallets where your killer cannot be seen from every angle. E.g. large rocks or walls, when this happens I tend to moonwalk to hide my red stain, and then lunge. 7 times out of 10 I land a hit.
    • There is spirit fury and enduring, which counters this exact problem.
    • With a bit of experience, you can identify what loops are worth pursuing and which are not. For example, I let a survivor go on the Asylum building since it is riddled with pallets and loops.

    You say Doctor is the only counter to killers, this is not true in my opinion. Hag plants her traps on one side to sandwich a survivor, Trapper places traps around loop routes. The Spirit has her own mindgame of just standing to see how survivors react. Legion can vault and move faster, not to mention his frenzy charge. Wraith can body block while invisible and use his movement speed buff to lunge. Nurse, after learning her, has no decent counterplay. She is high skill for high reward. Clown has his toxin that slows Survivors. I could go on.

    Hope this helps.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SolsticeMorrigan said:
    As a killer, after some rank, you will inevitably meet some players constantly using the same evasion techniques over and over. The most annoying one by far being probably that constant loop/pallet dropping with/without lamp use.
    I guess it is "alright", many will think, but what when it does just happen for like 20 minutes gameplay non stop, ad nauseam, same moves, same ways, almost same timing ? And Gosh, some knows how to do it relentlessly, to a point you feel the headache show, and really consider to rage quit the session.

    Now, honestly, how come this can be "fine" to let such players do this, without any penalty for them at any moment ? (they could come up dizzy, or trip, or it would be as simple as to reduce their FOV ? 340° vision ? Are they aye-aye ?)

    Please there should be some poll and/or reflection on that, for it has ruined me a few games already, and as far I found out, there is only the Doctor to put an end to this...

    If you wanna do somethign against this, then you need to play nurse.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Master said:

    If you wanna do somethign against this, then you need to play nurse.

    You can also play Spirit and as @TheTrapper said Hag etc who also do well against pallets or use the perks and also map knowledge is key.

  • Causticwit75
    Causticwit75 Member Posts: 32

    You can also target switch and hope to catch 'the good runner" out in a worse position later. Being hard headed and chasing someone who wants to be chased can cost you the match.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    Yeah as @Causticwit75 said if you notice them running you around, switch off of them and come back to them later. Those kinds of things truly are a mind game, though. Also if you are respecting pallets (as in pausing or not going for a swing), don't! It keeps the pallets up much longer than they should be up.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Oh and there's nothing scarier than a speedy Myers with Infinite Evil III and Tombstone right behind you running Spirit Fury.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Causticwit75 said:
    You can also target switch and hope to catch 'the good runner" out in a worse position later. Being hard headed and chasing someone who wants to be chased can cost you the match.

    That only works if there is a noob in the team you can "tunnel"