Bubba needs a nerf really bad. He should NOT be able to turn so easily while swinging his chainsaw

This is really needed. I am tired of Bubba getting instadowns from the 1st minute of the game because his BASEKIT allows him to swing his chainsaw and STILL turn hard corners and chase anyone down.
Everytime someone complains about this, a lying poster will say "just turn corners to force him to hit a wall" but this never works. Bubba's can turn ANY hard corner and keep swinging and then instadown you from healthy to dying state.
He doesn't have to charge up anything, doesn't have to stalk you, or use an add-on. This is beyond stupid and toxic. This is UNFUN for Survivors. I get it, Bubba players love it. But if something is really unfun for one side, it needs balancing.
Survivors shouldn't be able to spin killers or moonwalk, but they do
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so you want him to turn like pyramid head when bubba he uses his chainsaw? thats dumb as hell lmao
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Is it the chase or the camping?
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Vault Windows
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Both are tied together because of how stupid OP his chainsaw is.
1) If Bubba could NOT turn so easily, then guess what? He would not be able to facecamp so well, because you could run him around the hook and bait a chainsaw miss.
The issue is Bubba can do whatever he wants. He can spam his chainsaw, he can turn while swinging it, etc.
It needs a nerf REALLY bad to fix these issues.
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If people don't like when Bubba facecamps, but also don't like when he actually uses the fun and engaging chase power he has, I'm not sure what's going to be left of poor Leatherface once he's been changed...
In all seriousness, turning corners with the chainsaw is what differentiates Bubba from Billy and it's a core part of his kit, you can't just nerf him to take it away or he'll be a genuinely terrible and useless killer. It's not impossible to play around it, you just have to not be super close to him when he starts the sweep- which, y'know, I think it's fair for a killer to have an edge if they're right on top of you.
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If the killer is literally close enough to slap your butt then i think its fair to be in danger
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I got enough LMAOs for today.
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Stop lying dude. This is why I am going to start recording gameplay, starting today, of every Bubba I play against, and create a youtube compilation for the community to see.
Being able to TURN HARD CORNERS and getting instadowns from the 1st minute of the match with NO Prerequisitie (stalking, or whatever), is broken.
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Watch some YT guides how to play against him.
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What am I lying about, man? The sweep lasts a limited amount of time and turning corners is less efficient, thus using up more of it. It isn't impossible to outplay- it's hard, but it requires Bubba be right on top of you so the counterplay is more about getting distance and utilising pallets + windows to eat up valuable sweep time.
Getting him to bump a corner is definitely the best outcome, though.
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No. Stop it - just... stop.
All this nerf bs here.
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Vault Windows, getting downed by Bubba is a pure skill issue with how many Windows maps have
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Translation you are terrible at facing a mediocre killer so you want them to become completely useless.
Bubba requires you not to loop like you normally would you need to constantly have safe space between Bubba and yourself which if you can't do thats something YOU need to learn... asking for a nerf is just unwarranted and unjust
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ur just salty you lost against bubba lmao
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He insta breaks pallets faster than normal killers, with his chainsaw. So the stalling with pallets doesn't work as well wither.
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Are we no longer bashing Pig?
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@SilentShepherd Ok, so if YOU were a bubba main, you don't face camp and play normally and these nerfs were implemented onto bubba, would he be viable enough at high mmr that you would still consistently play him?
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You need to learn how to loop with windows better.
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apparently using Bubba is toxic now
whole thing sounds like a skill issue tbh
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Look, it's obvious you want Bubba nerfed because you just don't like him, you don't think he's unbalanced or unfair, you straight up just don't like him. You've been presented and ignored "vault Windows" counterplay thrice by now. Next time you make a Bubba hate thread, atleast acknowledge you don't want him nerfed for any balance reason
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Me too
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just learn how to play around window better and always position yourself on a part of the map where there is a window or pallet in your path because at the end of the day bubba without bamboozle can be destroyed by any decent survivor around a strong loop you can even learn the timing for locker jukes or pallet stunning while hes in his chainsaw (kinda risky because of ping) but realistically bubba is fine apart from maybe his face camping potential but thats a different argument
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so when i load in as billy with double engravings and lethal and kill someone in 6 seconds should billy be nerfed?!?
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"I am tired of Bubba getting instadowns from the 1st minute of the game"
Sounds like a you problem. Bubba is one of the easiest killers to loop, windows destroy him. If someone is seriously getting downed that fast by bubba they actually need to get good.
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No. I like this game and want to see it improve and will help for free by spending my time on forums.
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I think Bubba's rework was a step in the wrong direction and firmly believe he could have been fixed by using a slightly different approach, but I don't think he really needs a nerf because of...turning.
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Demanding nerfs because you don't like a Killer does not improve the game for anyone but you.
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You've got to be kidding me. 🤦♀️
That's literally Bubba's power. His power would be useless if he couldn't turn.
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One bs thing about his power is multi-down. His power should stop after hitting someone like any other killer. Otherwise he is just gonna be used for hardcore camping.
I mean why killers should bother to go look for survivors when they can even surpass BT and down everyone with one sweep?
Post edited by antgnstea on0 -
Getting a down in first minute is unreasonable?
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And removing the multi-down turns him into Billy with less mobility.
Just. Don't. Group. Up. Why should Survivors get to swarm him like a pack of ants?
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Maybe just MAYBE... you're a bad survivor against a B tier killer? Oh, i await your reply
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The game would like a word with you, lol
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"And removing the multi-down turns him into Billy with less mobility."
Not really. He will be just like every killer. His chainsaw works different from Billy. He can turn easily, go back and fort in same sweep. So his mobility is still there.
"Just. Don't. Group. Up. Why should Survivors get to swarm him like a pack of ants?"
It is not about survivors grouping, it is about killer knowing he has the most advantage while camping. Camping is one of the most boring thing in game and since they can't prevent it they should reduce the tools that are used for it. Overriding Bt end any other defense system for every survivor is not a very good way to reduce camping.
Aside from less efficient camping skills, he still will be the same killer. In chases its 1v1 so nothing changes there and while camping he should choose one to go after and down. Insta-downing one survivor is still a big win. Just not game ruining.
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Survivors deserve bubba's chainsaw, so just take it or git gud.
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You do know its possible to pallet stun a bubba out of his chainsaw swings making him have to break it at the normal speed right?
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It's called knowing when to greed against a bubba or not. You can see multiple good survivors know when to greed the pallet or not and not just mindlessly insta throw. Also nothing in this game is inherently toxic. It only becomes toxic like something in post game where someone throws insults.
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bubba is a decently balanced killer he just requires you be smart in your pathing against him cuz a wrong move will get you downed.
the boring part of him is camping but if he's played as he's meant to be he offers more counterplay than most
use windows to force a basic hit use pallets to stall and go for a strong structure/window
use lockers if you're near one and he's on your back it just requires practice and not panicking.
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Ah yes, let's make Bubba a worse Hillbilly. Killer counterplay? Skill? Lol what's that
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2 very simple solutions against it.
1. Don't get caught in a deadzone.
2. Gid gut
And I'll throw in a 3rd for free.
3. Stop whining
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Hard agree. Ez mode pay to win killer. Nerf him into the ground bhvr
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Not every situation boils down to that one exact "thing" in every situation. What about saving? So you're saying it's OK for the multi downs in any and every situation? No one likes that aspect of this game except certain people I guess. Now I'm not gonna sit here and say sometimes survivors won't swarm you. I get that sometimes when I play ghostface and huntress. But having THAT kind of power at all times even to prevent saving is unhealthy for the game period in my humble opinion.
For whatever reason, I feel like more recently than even a couple of years ago, people are REALLY seeing the power of camping the first hook to 2nd or even just outright death. Now we gotta deal with DMS and PR hooks, like it's getting ridiculous lol. BT is starting to become less appealing as time goes on but yeah we get it. Altruism is the problem, but it's also obviously necessary in this game. When people say things like that it's almost like you'd rather just have people waiting in line to die. Survivors HAVE to save and just having one person going in on a dude who is camping the ever living balls off someone's first hook is not a one man job anymore.
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Imagine a world where Ghostface didn't need to fill his stalk meter to insta down you
or a Michael Myers who starts with EW3 for insta downs from the start of the match
thats what bubba is. doesn't have to stalk or do anything to start instadowning everyone.
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Imagine a world where Survivors did not omit information to falsify their requests to nerf perfectly fine Killers.
Bubba still needs to charge his chainsaw, so it's not the instant-down, kill everyone on the map all at once, OP power you are lying to make it sound like.