Do people want Adrenaline Vial nerfed?
In the video mentioned earlier, the killer is using Adrenaline Vile and the yellow cooldown add on. So 6 rushes times 0.66 seconds/rush.
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Blight is uncounterable for solo teams. His mobility is so good. His addons are so good. He has good map pressure.. And some of his strong addons like Adrenaline Vial do deserve a nerf. And the funniest part is that people actually think he is hard to play lmao. I got used to him and strated to get 3-4ks every match after playing him for 5-6 matches. The only way to counter his ability is hiding behind objects and using dead hard (and dead hard might not even work because you need good timing) So yeah, he must get nerfed.
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People want killers like Blight nerfed because they are the type of killers that were designed without considering the solo survivor aspect of the game.
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So because they're solo, they individually play worse than they would in a SWF?
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I hope you know, you've proven my point exactly.
Also I've escaped plenty of blight as solo survivor.
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i think crow/speed in general is fine but compound 33 and ring are dumb and should be replaced with some new effect
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No, I want BHVR to give power to other killers and their addons instead of nerfing stuff.
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compound 33 is way over hyped. It's good on bad blights but pretty mediocre on a blight that is actually a threat. If anything I feel that it's a good training wheel perk on an otherwise hard killer. Again, add-ons aren't the problem with blight, he's just basekit too strong. Which is why I suggested nerfing his movement speed. This doesn't touch his ability which I think is extremely well designed. If he needs to be nerfed further, which he might, then increase the cooldown after using his power and have it scale with how many tokens are used. (nothing crazy though just a bit more)
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I escaped just the other night against an Adrenaline Vial/Compound 33 Blight. You know, that killer and those add-ons these people are saying are an auto win?
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I guess if you're arguing specifically that they're not auto-win, which they're not, but I can make the same argument for skill replacer dead hard and circle of busted and be just as wrong. I genuinely do N O T care for either C33 or Vial to be nerfed, but I just don't think that's a good argument.
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i mean id only be in favor of making blight 4.4 so people would actually use his power more, but idk how i feel about it balance-wise.
also when it comes to compound i just think its dumb and bad design. it doesnt actually make the power more interesting, it's literally just "tap m2 on this pallet to break it in 1.5 seconds." there's no requirement for you to already be rushing, you just have a 400% stronger brutal strength in your pocket even if you play as a 4.6 killer the entire game.
i do think its still really good on a blight that's a threat tho. that 100% boost to breaking pallets + slight hindering makes distance-making twice as difficult against a killer who's already extremely good at catching up after pallet breaks.
but like i said in my last comment i literally do not care for it to be nerfed, I'm just calling out what i see as terrible design.
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Why? So killers can get ez 4ks every match? Lmao. Do you want survivors to leave the game? Because it looks like you killer mains wont be satisfied until survivors start the trial on hooks.. Just accept that some killers deserve nerfs. Killer role os not as weak as you think.
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More killer nerfs is literally the last thing this game needs right now.
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I got my compounds mixed up, I thought you meant the aura one. Yeah, I agree that's stupid.
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Killers can already EZ 4K every match by face camping at 5gens, of course its not that hard. But thats going to drive survivors away faster than being able to face strong, interactive killers. Its hard to interact with bubba's chainsaw on the hook. People complain about blight all day every day, but I bet if the only killer survivors saw at high MMR was bubba and face camping then the game would die.
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You said Compound 33 was dumb.
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You can't 4k every time by doing that. The survivors you face eventually learn.
Just don't go for a save if they're camping, or save at the last second. If it's Leatherface, do the former. It gives you a huge gen lead on the killer.
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according to your logic, you haven't played blight or nurse against good survivors so you should stop crying in the first place.
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we all know how strong survivors are. That only means survivors need nerfs. Blight as well
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yes i think its dumb design. i explained my standpoint in one of my previous comments.
i just personally do not give that much of a ######### for it to be nerfed because i rarely see it/face super good blights. all i see is nemmy and huntress.