The Nurse Hate
I know what the devs are aware of, I have almost 6 years of experience in that.
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Base kit Nurse is fine. People should stop acting like they VS every good nurse player in this game. Playing againts one trick / master Nurse is more rare than see 3 Twins games in row.
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She is bad performing than any other killers, stats showing that good freddy is like 40% more "absolutely destroying most teams".
I know where the nurse's fav maps, I'm asking where dev confirmed that this is a nurse problem
That doesn't really tell me anything, so If I had more years of experience in that it makes your argument invalid?
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You would surprise how much of them.
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You would surprise how much of survivors dealing just fine against "good nurse" too.
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Alright, I think we’re done here. Have a nice day.
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Yeah i heard that too. If i am not wrong, most them are strong SWF teams. But who cares solos right, damn them!
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So nothing to show this time I suppose, please let me see one if you found something.
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Solos are basically baby nurse of survivors.
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I am not baby Nurse or i am not baby survivor. But when i face with her, most of times it is lose. "Solo-q"
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Yeah your English is lacking now, so no need to continue this senseless talk.
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Doesn't matter, as long as you play solo q, you will match with non-competent players, and it will skew the data dramatically just like baby nurse.
good "team" can deal with good nurse just fine, it's just that you won't get good team in solo q, thus solo q is survivor counterpart of "baby nurse".
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playing vs a nurse is in general one of most boring things to do in this game, especially if you're soloQ and not coordinated like tryhard swf, most games I see people dc or suicide vs nurse, and I don't even blame them, I don't get how can people find it fun to play obviously broken killer, it feels super cheap and undeserved
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Because she is objectively not broken, even though it looks broken in the eye of most people.
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To be fair, you cant just go stealth in this game anymore. A lot of maps that been reworked had their stealth aspectes heavily nerfed, like the game, where you can even soo through some of the stairs now, and the upper part is mostly a big open space.
While you can break los, there is nowhere to go after that, so you are found again in an instant.
What steath technic do you suggest vs tinkerer? Not working on gens?
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Yeah let's nerf the only viable killer.
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Honestly, around the time she was disabled it was better as far as I'm concerned. The very fact that you knew you were not going to run into a slugging main nurse with Infectious fright was something peaceful. Especially in maps like Midwich. I prefer 100 times to go up against a Blight. And I speak as a main killer who also uses the Nurse.
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That's probably because you are main killer, which has less experience with survivors.
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I am a main killer but I play a lot of survivor also, with comms and without comms.
I think I have around 1300h of survivor gameplay.
I just think playing against the Nurse is not much fun.
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She's boring. 9/10 of my matches against nurse are just boring and waste of time no matter if I die or escape.
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fine then, fun is subjective I suppose.
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Imagine for one second blights rush attack was a regular attack. Could you imagine how insanely overpowered it would be if a killer with a strong chase power could insta down you with star struck or NOED. Wait a second, theres a killer with a STRONGER chase power where that does apply.
If absolutely nothing else I think her attack with her power at least shouldn't be a basic attack, and 3 blink /range addons need a nerf.
I wouldn't even mind if you buffed some of her other addons that are bad if you did that. Stuff like the blink "retracing" addon. That shouldn't use a blink charge to activate might make that addon somewhat useful and fun.
Campbell's last breath could instead be changed to press secondary power while charging a blink to instantly do a half charge blink, regardless of current charge. If you're full charge it does half charge. If you haven't charged at all does half charge, can be used on first blink too instead of just on second and you have control over when you use it.
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Are you really shocked you haven't seen a nurse get lightburned before? You gave up playing her before you got good enough to see anyone flashlight her and when you play against her you don't lightburn her.
Lightburning nurse must not exist.
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once player gets handy with nurse she cant be countered. you have to use dead hard to give team a little more time. no walls, pallets or anything can help you to loop her in any meaningful way.
this is why i always hang myself asap to get another match
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The only time you can realisticly burn a Nurse is when she is hard tunneling someone else and is going for a long blink on that person. You also have to start the burning right as she starts holding that blink. She can do a semi-short blink to counter the burn in this situation anyway and quickly get away from you.
In any other situation you're giving her a free hit. So it basically never happens.
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That's just wrong. The survivor being chased can attempt the lightburn on either blinks and, like you said, the nurse can choose to let go of her power and short blink - which effectively allows the survivor to gain some distance for the next set of blinks. Literally, that's the point of using lightburn against a nurse.
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To burn a Nurse she has to be holding her blink and you have to be a short range away with a flashlight. When you are actively being chased by the Nurse there is no way you can pull off a burn (as you suggest) because you are WELL within a short-blink distance. You can't get the burn before she gets her blink off.
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Still not true, dude. You don't have to be a short range, you have to be any range where the flashlight will effectively burn, and that can be quite long. Conversely, you are not within short-blink range just because you are within flashlight range.
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I wholeheartedly agree stealth has been heavily merged in DbD. Heck, they even nerfed Claudette’s outfits! I disagree with the atmospheric and map changes the devs have done. That doesn’t meant stealth has been erased though, and several new stealth perks have been introduced to the game.
There is nothing stealthy about Nurse. Every movement and attacks she makes comes with visual and audio cues, plus her slower movement base speed and standard terror radius. You should have a general idea well in advance if she is coming your way.
I don’t want to go off topic but to answer your question. Spine Chill hard counters Tinkerer. And I don’t agree with Tinkerer being balanced in its current form.
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She is a killer that people must invest a lot of time into to be actually good. Unless you're on console, then buy a PC. So, there is no great pandemic of nurses.
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They can delete nurse for all I care. I only play her for dailies and such.
if i would put on my tinfoil hat i would say the long killswitch also served as an experiment to see how the community reacts if the nurse would really get deleted. (She was the first/only killer killswitched for so long iirc?)
To all the people in this thread argumenting that nurse would be a reason to hold back on perks, killers or maps for the devs. Get real. We all should know by this point that the devs won't buff the worst if they delete the best. They have never done that at any time.
People including me have arguments for SBMMR because it would create a fix point when both sides of equal skill would be pitted against each other. This could be used to balance individual killer against equal survivor.
The reality though is that the devs buckle and nearly deactivate the whole system like before when queue times go to long.
When they would delete the nurse, there wouldn't be a sudden wave of buffs for perks or weaker killers. That's just wishful and naive thinking at this point.
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Nurse is broken beyond repair. Thats common sense for years.
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I remember a time when players would actually learn counters instead of wanting to be spoon fed. As described above, there are counters..
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Nurse is one of the least played killer with the worst winrate. If anything, she deserves a buff.
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I like that you don't loop a nurse the same as the rest of the killer roster.
You counter nurse by losing los and being unpredictable with your movement.
Everyone likes to say that a top percent nurse makes no mistakes but that is not true. If you watch videos of the best nurse players you will see they have to abandon chases too.
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Even if nurse wasn't in the game I doubt they would buff perks like that. Remember we have perks like dragon's grip with very long cool downs.
They also buffed hex retribution to 15 seconds even though nurse is in the game. If the devs viewed nurse as a problem wouldn't they just rework her. I doubt nurse is what holds the devs back from buffing aura perks and exposed perks.
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Using lockers against nurse is the same as using lockers against a bubba. It's more of a last resort thing
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I don't think I've ever heard a quote from a dev saying that nurse prevents them from buffing perks and balancing maps.
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Survivors can't camp behind pallets and abuse broken loops against her.
That's why.
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@Pulsar has been a primary Killer-player for ever. If he's saying there's an issue there's an issue. In fact, I'm pretty sure everyone on this board knows that Nurse is seriously broken. Saying she isn't is just dishonest.
Survivors are consistently suiciding when they get nurses. I guess we can leave her as is and let everyone just suicide to her if that's what you want.
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The problem is once a player is good enough there is no way to play around her, she holds all the cards and she bypasses anything Survivors have on their arsenal. Also if a player is bad at her the game is just an easy stomp with 4 escapes in 5 minutes, which is also not very satisfying.
There is no way to fix her, Nurse is a relic from a time where the devs didnt really have a clear mindset about the gameplay and she remained the way she is, the only way is to remove her power and give her something else. She is also the one Killer I believe wouldnt make it into DBD2, at least not with this kind of power.
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They did have a clear mindset... She's designed to be a phase walking killer that warps into the spirit realm to manifest on the teleport location.
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Use your mind and eventually you will understand why.
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Nurse has counter play. Losing los and unpredictable movement is how you counter nurse.
I believe basic kit nurse is balanced. If a nurse makes the wrong read when a survivor uses a los blocker, the survivor makes distance on the nurse.
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If nurse never existed in this game you honestly think they would buff aura and exposed perks. People still complain on the forms about bbq having a 4 second aura reveal. They buffed hex retribution from 10secs to 15secs and didn't change nurse.
Nurse definitely isn't the reason stopping the devs from buffing perks and make map changes
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I mean on how the game was supposed to be played, at the begining there wasnt that much emphasis on loops and the game was more centered about stealth, then people discovered loops and how Killers had trouble navigating them because they had a bigger collision box, suddenly the game started to switch to less stealth and more loops, fog got reduced, darker clothes were made easier to see, tall grass shortened, darker maps had increased light, added a ton of detection perks etc... but Nurse, who was countered by stealth and demolished loops, remained the same.
The only real counter to Nurse is stealth which has been neutered to such a degree is almost non existant except the "a high wall blocks view" stealth approach.
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I've been playing since 2016, doesn't mean my opinions on the game are always right and I'm never wrong. People are also allowed to hold varying views on a video game without one side necessarily being right or wrong.
It's pretty weird people have a grievance against a killer whose primary power is chase, while camping Bubba and Hag exist in the game. Isn't that what people want, exciting chases and interaction with the killer? People seriously commenting on these forums 'I would rather face camping Bubba than Nurse'. Wow, such exhilarating trials!
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I'm genuinely of the opinion that if someone thinks Nurse is broken, they don't know how to play against Nurse. They fully believe they do, and that's fine, but in practice they're likely extremely predictable and easy to read for any good Nurse.
50% of the work is done before Nurse gets to your area. If the Nurse gets near your gen and sees you, you messed up about 10 seconds ago. You're greeding gens for no reason and making her more efficient.
Most survivors don't break LOS. Running around a corner on the first blink isn't an LOS break. You need to assume she's going to corner blink and pre-emptively break LOS again. Good survivors do this. Bad survivors pre-turn for a double back while I can still see them and then d/c because "Nurse has no counterplay". Most survivors are bad against Nurse.
It's not that Nurse has no counterplay. It's that survivors see a good Nurse every once in a while and get 10 minutes of practice against one every month. There's no overlap of chase skills with any other killer. Do enough 1v1s and you realize even a god Nurse is manageable to a point. But only a small percentage of a small percentage is ever going to seek out 1v1s. So I get the complaints from that perspective.
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Her counter has always been mind-gaming objects which break LoS or start to run up a floor on a multi-floor map and then backtracking as she casts her blink forcing her to go downstairs.
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I'd rather not have either because both are bad and both need to be reworked.
It would be in the benefit of both the Leatherface players and Nurse players to have both of them reworked because survivors are just going to default suicide when getting those 2 killers. So eventually both of those killers will be defunct just for the fact no one will play against them.