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New Wraithful Well Charm Unattainable

I bought the DLC on the 8th around 11pm and it has been "7 days" and I still have yet to get the video/to receive it.
For real.... all we know is that we need to watch the sencond intro but it doesnt make sense that it starts for a few people after the patch uupdate first thing and it doesnt for the rest of the people. if its RNG why would u make something that barely happens.
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Please BHVR acknowledge this. It is really annoying for all of us who bought the DLC and we just don't get the charm. :/
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I don't have it either... Please stop ignoring us and give us answers please
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WE just want specific Details on this to help clear something up..... is it suppsed to be during the week celebration and it'll happen on a random day? is it entirely random thought the entire chapter? LIKE WHAT IS IT
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I would like to know something!
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My swf teammate hasn't received the charm yet. We've done all the same stuff, only difference is he doesn't own the DLC BUT I've seen multiple players say they got it without owning the DLC.
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give us dam hint.
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It has to be bugged, or its truly random
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But "iT's A sEcReT."
At this point enough people have it that they should just confirm how it works so people know if it's bugged or they're doing something wrong.
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If there was something to trigger in the game, people would already know. It’s either pure RNG or it’s bugged.
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I bought the DLC on the 8th, and got the charm on the 16th when I logged into the game. It popped up before I was even in the main menu of the game, there was a weird video that played after opening the game, and once I clicked through that I got the charm, then the game initialized. Kind of weird, but okay.
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I have a friend who bought the chapter the day of release on PS4, he has played maybe 3 survivor games since then as Meg and that's it. I bought the chapter on release day on PS5, have played well over 100 games of both survivor and killer, playing both new characters. Even getting adept on Yoichi and Onryo. He got the charm. I did not. It is 100000% bugged for some people, I am part of some people. It's frustrating but we will eventually get it.
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I hope you’re right!
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Log in each day in a row, at the same time. That's how you get it.
If you miss a day, might have to start over or you don't get it at all? Not sure.
That's why they are having the 7 day login event.
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sadly no that’s not it. I know someone who got the charm and he only logged in three times since chapter release. I have logged in every day during this ringu BP/shards event. Got nothing
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I logged in 7 days in a row and played at least 1 game. Got the charm on the 7th when dailies reloaded. I can't speak for anyone else, just explaining how I and many others got the charm.
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I have personally played a killer and survivor game everyday besides one time due a super busy day at work since new chapter release. It has to be bugged but we can't get an answer because BHVR want to keep this a miserable secret
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There is a bug report function outside of the forums. They also have a chat feature on their website. I use the bug report system and always get a response back in a few days. Try that?
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That's not true. I didn't log in at all over the weekend between release and when players started getting the charm and I got the charm on the 15th.
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I bought the DLC on the 8th around 11pm and it has been "7 days" and I still have yet to get the video/to receive it.
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I play on a PS4 Pro btw, still nothing.
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Just sheerly out of curiosity, are the people who are having trouble with this the same people who have had trouble getting shards for the Leatherface masks?
Just seems like in general they struggle to make drops happen when they they have to detect if players owned a killer at a specific point in time.
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no i got my shards right away
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I got the Ringu DLC on day 1 on PS4. I haven't played a single match on the PS4 since getting the DLC, neither survivor nor killer. I unlocked the charm several days ago.
My friend got the Ringu DLC on the Switch a few days after it released. He played a couple matches as Sadako. He has not yet unlocked the charm.
We both logged in for the daily rewards for the past week. The only thing I did that he didn't is I put some BP into Sadako and left her as the chosen killer when I closed the game. I don't think he put any BP into her, and he always selects Spirit before closing out DbD. So, either one of those things has something to do with unlocking the charm, or it's complete and total RNG.
Or maybe not playing the game for a week+ is the trick, I dunno.
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I received my shards once they were put out, and nothing on this charm.
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My Sadako is p2 25 currently and I have left her as my main screen killer, yet I have not received the charm. Sigh
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If we don't hear anything on this from BHVR today I'll be worried. I have done everything I can think of and nothing😒
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I couldn't get it for a very long time, I got it for Sadako and got it after restarting the game
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Yeah, and sadly people are getting it who don’t own the chapter…and don’t play often. the people who did get the charm, don’t know what they did. So it’s really hard to guess what “triggers” this Easter egg…I think it’s random at this point or bugged.
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BHVR needs to say something now
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I got it on switch just now, I don’t own the chapter or characters on that platform. I never once even played public on it. Only login for rewards and codes. Got it for the exclusive trapper. So that’s funny, I play the game almost every day on my PS5. So what Easter egg is that?
Post edited by Kev19915 on0 -
Gave them a long description of what's going with the charm being bugged... How we know what the Easter egg is and the ppl who got it literally don't know how it triggered... And THIS is what I got
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I think they like they player based mad at them I mean why else would they do the thing they do.
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Is this charm related to the purchase of the Sadako DLC? Otherwise, I've been logged in for more than 7 days and now still haven't seen the 2nd trailer nor received the charm...
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People have logged in on their PC and Switch accounts after having not played those platforms in a long time and it has given them the charm for free.
Questions though: Do you play on PlayStation?
Have you purchased the DLC through getting character(s) by Auric Cell or your platforms Store?
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Yes I play on PlayStation, I purchased the chapter through the PlayStation store on the app. This was at noon on release day.
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After more than 2 months I waited, and finally, I sent the report to them, and they just sent AC Charm. Eh, but I want to ask does this Well Charm need to buy the Sadako DLC to get it?
Edit: I used platform Steam
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Judging from everyone getting the Cursed Tape intro and Wrathful Well charm for free on other platforms and only on PlayStation if you either didn't buy the Chapter or bought the character(s) using Auric Cells, I'd say something has went wrong in regards to how the charm gets distributed. Its very well bugged at this point at least for PlayStation users who purchased the Chapter on the PlayStation Store (unless someone can come forward and prove me wrong on it). I don't know how its happened honestly.
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Still no response on this. Hmmm
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I bought the chapter on ps5 on release and haven't gotten it either.
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Thanks everyone for the information on this. We are aware of an issue in which some players have not received the Sadako Well Charm and it's something that we are looking into. Thank you for your continued patience whilst we resolve this issue.
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Thank you so much Mandy! Happy to have a response on this situation
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They finally acknowledged there is a bug.
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Wait I didn't even buy the dlc and I have this charm
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Part of the problem.
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Thank you Mandy, can't wait to finally have the charm!
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Still no charm here Mandy.
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Yes, there's been no update to solve the issue yet. As soon as there is something, I will update.
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Thank you