Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Please add a way for Survivors to Communicate.

The Killer Meta is changing recently the amount of camping and tunneling killers are just increasing, please give SoloQ survivors a way to Communicate with each other so that it gives us ease knowing that we're not just playing a Single player "Survival" game with Self Aware Bots, who couldn't sit on the gens for 5 seconds.

Also the game is getting stale at this point, SoloQ gameplay can never be called "competitive ranked" until a Decent Communication Tool have been introduced among SoloQ Survivors. We're grasping at straws here but we hope you understand our frustrations.

Thank you for your hardwork.

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  • Member Posts: 456

    yes, with balance focus high SWF from devs, it's getting harder and harder to have even reasonable matches in SoloQ.

    I had already made a similar suggestion, if you want to support:

  • Member Posts: 6,837

    Game voice chat

  • Member Posts: 566

    Thank you! that's a well thought out suggestion, I hope you get a lot support with your idea.

  • Member Posts: 6,837

    This should be the number one priority along with the grind.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Killers would benefit from this as well because they can load into a match and expect the same results regardless of whether it's swf or solo queue.

  • Member Posts: 328

    proximity voice chat maybe? make it just a taaaaad bit more difficult for survivors, too much communication would sway the game in the survivors side, that way the killer still has a bit of a chance.

  • Member Posts: 456

    The ideal would be a very complete ping system where survivors can interact and give relevant information about the match, not just basic stuff that would only be useful for beginners.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    I totally stand behind that even as a killer main because I know there is no chance for real good balance because if we get balanced to face swf solo would die

  • Member Posts: 3,746

    We still have the left and right button free on controller.

    Just add two more gestures.

  • Member Posts: 421

    I'm not so sure if they "will" add it or if it's really in the roadmap now. The parts of the post I would have underlined were "please keep in mind that it may change or even be scrapped entirely" (because that's what I expect to happen) and "this is a very early preview- so early that we’re still discussing this internally". Since they consider a "free" remaining totem counter that's not tied to a perk to be OP already, this would be even stronger than a totem counter.

    And I'm not even sure if that proposal would help with one of the main issues I have with my teammates these days: they work hard towards 3 gen situations, and they actively run the killer towards gens being made or towards/around hooks that someone is hooked on.

  • Member Posts: 176

    I think the biggest issue where swf is better is I can communicate “I’m being chased by the killer” so everyone else can work gens or “im being face camped”.

    if there was a way to convey this in solo q it would make things a lot less sweaty

  • Member Posts: 156

    proximity voice chat would be the most fun like in other games.

  • Member Posts: 119

    They've already talked about adding objective icons to the survivor portraits, so this is something that's on their radar. Just depends on if it will be officially roadmapped or not

  • Member Posts: 8,328

    The one thing they've floated as a possibility is a good sign here, at least- it means they understand what the problem is and won't do a half-baked lazy "fix" like adding in voice comms; rather, they're looking to make sure the information is conveyed properly to all players regardless of context, and that's a good sign.

    For my money, their action-portrait idea and being able to see your teammate's loadouts would do absolute wonders for improving the state of SoloQ.

    (Also, just wanted to mention this even though it's only a passing comment, but SoloQ will never be considered "competitive ranked" until the devs, like... add in a ranked mode, which the game doesn't currently have? Making it "competitive ranked" is very much not the goal here.)

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