How often do you run into cheaters? Please specify your region.

syain Member Posts: 440

I'm talking specifically about blatant cheaters like survivors and killers flying, doing weird animations, throwing hatchets, etc. Subtle cheaters are very hard to actually detect and say for sure. I've been in NA for a month now and, from the moment I started keeping track of it, I ran into blatant cheaters in 12% of my games. Which is a lot. This was not the case in Asia or South America, in these regions cheaters are actually quite rare from my experience.

How often do you run into cheaters? Please specify your region. 57 votes

Very often (Half of my games or more)
KaanaWampiritaScarBack 3 votes
Quite often (Half of my games or a little less)
[Deleted User]AurelleGuyGravyy 3 votes
Not that often
BlueberryCashelP14[Deleted User]musstang62TaigaShapedRoboMojoBenOfMilamslunderPSPGamerEzrataah[Deleted User]CMansoonCookie_Des_LysStroggzDogeDogeMan 17 votes
VolantConch1719F60_31pizzaduffyhp90oxygenMookstenoresaxEmeal[Deleted User]Scary_Punk_GhostYatolElcopolloKill_Yr_Idol83IlliterateGenocide_kostas_pap_207N8dogThatOneDemoPlayerBennett_They1ThemJeanCharpentierLynnthedoeCodeDB 29 votes
I've never met a cheater
SebaOutbreakGuiltii[Deleted User]Necronl0rdYuiMain 5 votes
