You should be able to carry your item with the box

You should be able to pick up the box against the cenobite without having to drop your item cause it’s annoying if he teleports you and you have to pick up your item they need to make it like the onyrō where you can pick it up with your item pls do this it would be a great add to the game
They would have to make a new bind for it I believe, this is also a direct nerf to the franks demise build with it
This would be a massive nerf to Pinhead basically
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I disagree with OP but massive nerf? Idk about that lol. I hardly ever even see Pinhead with Franklin's
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Its massive as it nerfs a section of add-ons with it, along with nerfing that build, limiting creativity on Pinhead which will actually drive people away from Pinhead, think of it like a butterfly effect
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No, the box should count as an Item, same with Nemesis' Vaccines.
I'm surprised Sadako's Tapes don't count as Items too, they should tbh
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While its ok with onyru with her tapes since you have to interact with a stage object in order to use it. Pinhead however doesnt quite work in that same fashion since the box has a held usage trigger and if your say holding a map how do you properly prioritize which item is used or even offer a way to hotswap. Its ultimately a cumbersome mechanic and i think it would cause more unintended issues then solve anything really.
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If survivors had 3 hands maybe but they only have 2.
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No thanks. I like knocking it out of their hands with Franklins.
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As one of the long-standing pinhead mains since he came out, Franklins actually is NOT great on him and can hinder pressure. Being able to get the box on a down means you reset Chain Hunt, get a hook, and then can usually figure out the next spawn.
If you hit a survivor with franklins who is holding the box, the chain hunt is actually disabled and reset for everyone, as if it had been respawned. That means you have to either let the survivor you hit escape from the chase to grab the box, meaning now you still have 4 people available to do survivor stuff or find the box; or you keep chasing the survivor who is now not affected by the personal chain hunt while other survivors go about their day not needing to worry about chain hunt for a while or they can go find the now dropped box.
Idk why people insist on using Franklins on Pinhead. While the interaction is definitely cool, it can actually put you in bad situations where survivors could possibly gain an advantage through it. Hoarders is a different story as that actually benefits Pinhead in every situation but it can also be figured out just by practice.
While I don't agree with the statement that the box should be separate, it forces survivors to make choices, it would not be a huge nerf to pinhead lol you shouldn't even be holding the box for any period of time. You need to grab and solve right away most of the time.
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It is because the tapes themselves don't have an action tied to them. Vaccines and The Box each have their own unique item that can be done at any point, but tapes are simply something to put into something (similar to plagues fountains) hence why other items can be held with the tapes, they don't need their own button all the time.
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It takes 2 hands to solve the box, so what is the Survivor sticking the med kit down their pants for the duration? I get that it's annoying to have to go back and pick up your item, but that tradeoff is literally part of the point behind the box. From a DbD lore, Hellraiser lore, and game mechanic viewpoint, it makes sense that you have to give something up in order to stop the Hell Priest's power.
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Where does it go when they vault? When there on a hook? HMMM, so yea it wouldn’t hurt for another
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Except that it actively would harm pinhead, which isn't a very high powered killer to begin with. Again, weakening his kit for no reason.
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It's probably because it would discourage players from grabbing the box even more than they already are.
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At the very least they should highlight your item for you when making the swap.
*Edit - Sorry! I didn't mean to double post!
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Its more for fun, not winning
it removes one part of his casual side for no reason, whilst nerfing his add-ons, which is really unnecessary
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I don't know how that increases his fun factor but it is subjective after all. While, again, I am in defense of the box not being changed, if it were it would not remove any part of him necessarily and it wouldn't be a nerf lol Everything that involves holding the box would still work, but people would still hold their items, that is it.