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Do you consider finishing a gen in a killers face "toxic"?



  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Not at all. If you can get it finished, it would be dumb not to. You're trying to win.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited May 2022

    Why would that make a difference? Whether it was op or another survivor who did the first bit of work, it's the team's success the rides on it being completed.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    No, it’s not toxic. It’s only “toxic” if you’re an overly fragile human being.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Yes, except my examples were things that happen regularly. You deliberately went for highly unlikely scenarios.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Not at all.

  • Member Posts: 698
  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I don't even see it as cocky, just a survivor willing to gamble a health state to get a gen done. If you haven't been hooked, it's not a terrible trade.

  • Member Posts: 130

    If someone else is working on it, it's not staying 99%.

    The point people are missing is intentionally waiting at the location for the killer to get there and then finishing or doing X (in this case, finishing the gen) is the part that is toxic. It's the exact same concept as players waiting on top of an open hatch before jumping out or closing it, or survivors waiting at the exit gate for the killer to get there before leaving. Nothing is stopping you from using the hatch or leaving other than the desire to be toxic to the opponent.

  • Member Posts: 156

    As a Killer Main I can say it's not toxic. How TF is it Toxic if it's your objective as a Survivor? I swear peeps make up rules to suit them.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Yeah just leave why hold game hostage. You won GGZ let's move on to our next game

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    It's not toxic, just extremely annoying.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Most of your examples are reasons that the opponent has no way to know about until after the match, IF someone is actually nice enough to clarify it. I also don't see how the killer is going to know to go to a gen that is at 99% without Tinkerer. Maybe it's just me, but if I'm on killer, it pops and I don't immediately head to it, it's usually safe to assume I have no chance of making to it in time anyway and it's better for me to keep doing what I was in the middle of doing.

    Again, the specific point where it is toxic is the waiting. Just like people wait at the hatch or at the exit gate. If you are being chased there, that's not toxic. If you are still working on it and the killer shows up, that's not toxic. Just finishing the gen itself is not toxic. It's the waiting.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    That's my point. You can't know why they were waiting. You're assuming they are being toxic with nothing backing that assumption.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Yes, because that's the default standard for this game.

    If the default behavior in the game was not being toxic, your point would have a lot more merit to me, and playing killer wouldn't be such a nightmare.

    Otherwise, your point requires an unrealistic suspension of disbelief given the typical behavior I see in game both on the survivor and killer side, especially after spectating matches for the last year if I get tunneled out first.

  • Member Posts: 318

    From my perspective of playing both sides frequently - I really respect it. A survivor that is willing to very likely be downed and hooked just to lock in that gen as done deserves massive respect.

    If you Google "taking one for the team" this should be the example they provide.

  • Member Posts: 308

    No it isn't toxic. It's stupid unless its the final generator or the Killer is terrible.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Did you teabag and rapid click flashlight after to rub it in the killers face? If yes then probably were being toxic. If no then you weren't toxic, you were just working on your objective and risking getting hit/grabbed to finish it. I see killers on here complaining all the time about survivors running away moment spine chill goes off or they see killer from a distance, you stay on the gen and still got a complaint. Can't win. 😂

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2022

    Smart to do, yes.

    However it's basically the same as tunneling a survivor out or forcing a second stage hook by camping someone. So while it's the smartest thing to do, if I'm the killer it tells me what kind of match you want to play and I'm gonna sweat just as hard, no more fair play. They tell me what kind of match they want to play.

    If I finish a gen in the killers face as survivor I don't blame him for camping or tunneling. I rushed gens so I expect him to rush hooks.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    The default standard isn't toxic because you think it is.

  • Member Posts: 513

    Killer who think that is toxic are overly sensitive and probably shouldn't be killers.

    Survivors do gens, that's what they do. Especially if they are close to finish and I have ruin or pop or it's the last gen, I expect them to finish.

    That said it's probably not smart giving a killer free hooks early in game for a gen that isn't highly strategic, like to prevent a three gen or the aforementioned last gen.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    No it's not toxic but obviously can be annoying for the killer. No reason to BM you like she did, just petty.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    everything is toxic, launching the game is toxic, shouldnt have played tbw.-

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited May 2022

    Nope, it's more like camping and tunneling a gen. It's only "toxic" if you tbag after doing this.

  • Member Posts: 302

    Not really. Victory requires sacrifice.

  • Member Posts: 576

    If you aren't cheating you aren't being toxic. For most people toxic means nothing more than "I'm so insecure that I take everything personally even when I'm playing a video game".

    I mean I can't stand killers that slug as their whole strategy, but that doesn't make it toxic. It just means I don't like it.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Probably because its 20% of the survivor objective vs 8% of the killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,759


    If you are a full on swf and everyone is on the gen in the killers face just to push the point that survivors are the power role thanks to trash tier balance and untrained staff. Then yeah, quite toxic and boring to play against really. Grabs have essentially been removed from the game and boon circle of healing says hi.

    If you are a solo player and just finishing a gen for the team then no.

  • Member Posts: 5,623
    edited May 2022

    Finishing a Generator is fair, doing it in the Killer's face isn't, as it's a lose-lose for the Killer.

    Hit the Survivor, lose the Generator, kick the Generator and let it regress slowly and lose the Survivor, only to lose the Generator a few moments later.

    PGTW is one of the few Perks that actually counters it, and is basically a bandaid fix

  • Member Posts: 8,077

    I mostly play killer, and no.

    It is bloody frustrating and feels a bit cheeky, but absent any teabagging or gloating - not at all.

    I've been playing both sides recently (haha, I'm a natural centrist) and yeah, it astonishes me just how unpleasant this community is and how that unpleasantness propagates outwards.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    It might be seen as a lack of respect for the killers powers.

    But as a killer main who considers clicking and bagging childish i wouldn't say doing your objective a bm play.

  • Member Posts: 6,030

    I mean we were never going to win anyways judging from my teammates

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    edited May 2022

    That's because the killer got to the gen too late. It's completely "fair." You can also kick a gen and still find a survivor. I don't think you're using the term fair correctly here.

    Post edited by brokedownpalace on
  • Member Posts: 5,623

    Kicking the Generator is worthless, especially when it can get tapped mid-chase for less than 1 seconds to stop the regression.

    The Killer can't do anything if they reach a Generator that's ~90%, Survivors don't have anything like that, unless they made a huge mistake prior into the match

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Tbh I'm not going to continue to argue with you. You think it's unfair that survivors can complete gens. It literally makes zero sense.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    Better a gen be finished in your face where you can immediately catch a survivor then across the map imo

  • Member Posts: 854

    No? W-why would this be considered toxic at all? I just do not understand. If the generator is almost done, staying on it to finish it at the last second is always the best choice.

  • Member Posts: 1,294

    Finishing a gen in front of the killer's face is like crayola crayons: completely non-toxic.

    The only instances where it can be considered 'toxic' is not from a killer's perspective, but teammates - if you throw the game to finish one generator and pay the price for that in hook time, you can put the safety of your team and the prospect of escape in jeopardy for all.

    If you know they have pop and so you stick the gen and take the hits, you're not being toxic - but there's no doubt that the killer is going to be a little ticked off, as it's understandably frustrating to lose a hotly contested objective by a matter of split seconds.

    There's a huge difference between being toxic and being good at the game - even if being good can be extremely frustrating to your opponent.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Disrespectful definitely but not toxic. That's the one of the few times you can grab someone.

  • Member Posts: 6,434


    I usually consider it bold, but not toxic.

    I wouldn't pay attention to them, some killers get so easily triggered they want to call everything toxic.

  • Member Posts: 52

    i mean, finishing the last gen is a priority for survivors. killers will most likely get the kill on them if they do commit to the gen which is a completly fair tradeoff, so how is it toxic again?

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    In some cases. If it's a blastmine and the gen gets done when I kick it and have a seizure, then yeah that's mad toxic. Mainly because blastmine is just a stupid perk.

  • Member Posts: 2,055

    Nothing wrong with committing to finish an objective, even braver if you are on last hook and injured to boot, at that point you are sacrificing yourself to let the rest escape. That's just respect in my book.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    No, just unfortunate for the killer that it was that close.

  • Member Posts: 1,210
    edited June 2022

    It's the equivalent of a killer making sure you go into another hook stage, or tunneling.

    Not toxic, but efficient and somehow needed in high MMR.

  • Member Posts: 47

    Pwrsonally i do consider it toxic

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    He should probably take break from killer and play some survivor. I always play killer first then go play survivor when I have had enough.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    No it's not toxic but a lot of killers think it is for some reason because I've popped many gens in many killers face and I'll get camped when the killer never camped previously. They can hold them L's tho.

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