Long leveling characters

In my opinion, leveling characters takes a lot of time in the game. It takes a lot of time to get all the old perks for new characters and new perks for old characters.
To avoid this, it may be worth reducing the cost of an elements in the bloodweb by 2-4 times.
Or increase the receipt of all blood points by 2-4 times by default.
The straightforward solution is to remove perk tiers. Not only are they outdated and limit perk design, they also are from a time with only a few killers and survivors to level up. You could even increase perk cost to 10k, removing tiers would still be a sensible change.
Unfortunately BHVR have directly addressed perk tiers and said they won't remove them. Honestly a shame. At least some BP cost reduction for prestiging would be nice.
But I don't think BHVR have any concrete plans on reducing the grind. Just make sure to play a lot during anniversary and stock up on cakes.
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Just make it possible to "sell" stuff in your inventory for bp. That alone would help with decluttering, would mitigate bad bloodweb rng and reduce the "actual points spent" - it would also offer an option to transfer the rewards for play time (in the form of bp) from one character to another.
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I think they rather need to make the bloodweb more interesting. They really need to clean up a bunch of stuff in the bloodweb.
Since perk tiers wont change maybe remove/rework all offerings. For example we don't need 30 offerings just for bloodpoints, and map offerings should also be removed.
I would say the same about addons but most of them are used. Although a lot of addons are similar to each other but another rarity, I just think one is enough.
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I once had an idea that removing perk tiers could be a benefit of prestiging.
P1 you get the current 3% boost to rarity.
P2 all perks start at Tier 2
P3 all perks start at Tier 3